257 research outputs found

    Finding lumbar vertebrae by evidence gathering

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    Low back pain is a very common problem and lumbar segmental instability is one of the causes. It is essential to investigate lumbar spine movement in order to understand instability better and as an aid to diagnosis. Digital videofluoroscopy (DVF) provides a method of quantifying the motion of individual vertebra. In this paper, we apply a new version of the Hough transform (HT) to locate the lumbar vertebra automatically in DVF image sequences. At present, this algorithm has been applied to a calibration model and to the vertebra L3 in DVF images, and has shown to provide satisfactory results. Further work will concentrate on reducing the computational time for realtime application, on developing a spatiotemporal sequences method and on determining the spinal kinematics based on the extracted parameters

    Measurement of the kinematics of the lumbar spine in vivo

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    The ear as a biometric

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    It is more than 10 years since the first tentative experiments in ear biometrics were conducted and it has now reached the “adolescence” of its development towards a mature biometric. Here we present a timely retrospective of the ensuing research since those early days. Whilst its detailed structure may not be as complex as the iris, we show that the ear has unique security advantages over other biometrics. It is most unusual, even unique, in that it supports not only visual and forensic recognition, but also acoustic recognition at the same time. This, together with its deep three-dimensional structure and its robust resistance to change with age will make it very difficult to counterfeit thus ensuring that the ear will occupy a special place in situations requiring a high degree of protection

    Increasing the spatial resolution of agricultural land cover maps using a Hopfield neural network

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    Land cover class composition of remotely sensed image pixels can be estimated using soft classification techniques increasingly available in many GIS packages. However, their output provides no indication of how such classes are distributed spatially within the instantaneous field of view represented by the pixel. Techniques that attempt to provide an improved spatial representation of land cover have been developed, but not tested on the difficult task of mapping from real satellite imagery. The authors investigated the use of a Hopfield neural network technique to map the spatial distributions of classes reliably using information of pixel composition determined from soft classification previously. The approach involved designing the energy function to produce a ‘best guess’ prediction of the spatial distribution of class components in each pixel. In previous studies, the authors described the application of the technique to target identification, pattern prediction and land cover mapping at the sub-pixel scale, but only for simulated imagery.We now show how the approach can be applied to Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) agriculture imagery to derive accurate estimates of land cover and reduce the uncertainty inherent in such imagery. The technique was applied to Landsat TM imagery of small-scale agriculture in Greece and largescale agriculture near Leicester, UK. The resultant maps provided an accurate and improved representation of the land covers studied, with RMS errors for the Landsat imagery of the order of 0.1 in the new fine resolution map recorded. The results showed that the neural network represents a simple efficient tool formapping land cover from operational satellite sensor imagery and can deliver requisite results and improvements over traditional techniques for the GIS analysis of practical remotely sensed imagery at the sub pixel scale

    Gait-based carried object detection using persistent homology

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    There are surveillance scenarios where it is important to emit an alarm when a person carrying an object is detected. In order to detect when a person is carrying an object, we build models of naturally-walking and object-carrying persons using topological features. First, a stack of human silhouettes, extracted by background subtraction and thresholding, are glued through their gravity centers, forming a 3D digital image I. Second, different filters (i.e. orderings of the cells) are applied on ∂ K(I) (cubical complex obtained from I) which capture relations among the parts of the human body when walking. Finally, a topological signature is extracted from the persistence diagrams according to each filter. We build some clusters of persons walking naturally, without carrying object and some clusters of persons carrying bags. We obtain vector prototypes for each cluster. Simple distances to the means are calculated for detecting the presence of carrying object. The measure cosine is used to give a similarity value between topological signatures. The accuracies obtained are 95.7% and 95.9% for naturally-walking and object-carrying respectively

    Comparing Different Template Features for Recognizing People by Their Gait

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    To recognize people by their gait from a sequence of images, we have proposed a statistical approach which combined eigenspace transformation (EST) with canonical space transformation (CST) for feature transformation of spatial templates. This approach is used to reduce data dimensionality and to optimize the class separability of different gait sequences simultaneously. Good recognition rates have been achieved. Here, we incorporate temporal information from optical flows into three kinds of temporal templates and use them as features for gait recognition in addition to the spatial templates. The recognition performance for four kinds of template features has been evaluated in this paper. Experimental results show that spatial templates, horizontal-flow templates and the combined horizontal-flow and vertical-flow templates are better than vertical-flow templates for gait recognition

    Gait Recognition: Databases, Representations, and Applications

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    There has been considerable progress in automatic recognition of people by the way they walk since its inception almost 20 years ago: there is now a plethora of technique and data which continue to show that a person’s walking is indeed unique. Gait recognition is a behavioural biometric which is available even at a distance from a camera when other biometrics may be occluded, obscured or suffering from insufficient image resolution (e.g. a blurred face image or a face image occluded by mask). Since gait recognition does not require subject cooperation due to its non-invasive capturing process, it is expected to be applied for criminal investigation from CCTV footages in public and private spaces. This article introduces current progress, a research background, and basic approaches for gait recognition in the first three sections, and two important aspects of gait recognition, the gait databases and gait feature representations are described in the following sections.Publicly available gait databases are essential for benchmarking individual approaches, and such databases should contain a sufficient number of subjects as well as covariate factors to realize statistically reliable performance evaluation and also robust gait recognition. Gait recognition researchers have therefore built such useful gait databases which incorporate subject diversities and/or rich covariate factors.Gait feature representation is also an important aspect for effective and efficient gait recognition. We describe the two main approaches to representation: model-free (appearance-based) approaches and model-based approaches. In particular, silhouette-based model-free approaches predominate in recent studies and many have been proposed and are described in detail.Performance evaluation results of such recent gait feature representations on two of the publicly available gait databases are reported: USF Human ID with rich covariate factors such as views, surface, bag, shoes, time elapse; and OU-ISIR LP with more than 4,000 subjects. Since gait recognition is suitable for criminal investigation applications of the gait recognition to forensics are addressed with real criminal cases in the application section. Finally, several open problems of the gait recognition are discussed to show future research avenues of the gait recognition