29 research outputs found

    Identification of MarvelD3 as a tight junction-associated transmembrane protein of the occludin family

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    Background: Tight junctions are an intercellular adhesion complex of epithelial and endothelial cells, and form a paracellular barrier that restricts the diffusion of solutes on the basis of size and charge. Tight junctions are formed by multiprotein complexes containing cytosolic and transmembrane proteins. How these components work together to form functional tight junctions is still not well understood and will require a complete understanding of the molecular composition of the junction. Results: Here we identify a new transmembrane component of tight junctions: MarvelD3, a four-span transmembrane protein. Its predicted transmembrane helices form a Marvel (MAL and related proteins for vesicle traffic and membrane link) domain, a structural motif originally discovered in proteins involved in membrane apposition and fusion events, such as the tight junction proteins occludin and tricellulin. In mammals, MarvelD3 is expressed as two alternatively spliced isoforms. Both isoforms exhibit a broad tissue distribution and are expressed by different types of epithelial as well as endothelial cells. MarvelD3 co-localises with occludin at tight junctions in intestinal and corneal epithelial cells. RNA interference experiments in Caco-2 cells indicate that normal MarvelD3 expression is not required for the formation of functional tight junctions but depletion results in monolayers with increased transepithelial electrical resistance. Conclusions: Our data indicate that MarvelD3 is a third member of the tight junction-associated occludin family of transmembrane proteins. Similar to occludin, normal expression of MarvelD3 is not essential for the formation of functional tight junctions. However, MarvelD3 functions as a determinant of epithelial paracellular permeability properties

    The Y-box factor ZONAB/DbpA associates with GEF-H1/Lfc and mediates Rho-stimulated transcription

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    Epithelial tight junctions recruit different types of signalling proteins that regulate cell proliferation and differentiation. Little is known about how such proteins interact functionally and biochemically with each other. Here, we focus on the Y-box transcription factor ZONAB (zonula occludens 1-associated nucleic-acid-binding protein)/DbpA (DNA-binding protein A) and the Rho GTPase activator guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF)-H1/Lbc's first cousin, which are two tight-junction-associated signalling proteins that regulate proliferation. Our data show that the two proteins interact and that ZONAB activity is Rho-dependent. Overexpression of GEF-H1 induces accumulation of ZONAB in the nucleus and activates transcription. Microtubule-affinity regulating kinase/partition-defective-1, another type of GEF-H1-associated signalling protein, remains in the cytoplasm and partially co-localizes with the exchange factor. GEF-H1 and ZONAB are required for expression of endogenous cyclin D1, a crucial RhoA signalling target gene, and GEF-H1-stimulated cyclin D1 promoter activity requires ZONAB. Our data thus indicate that GEF-H1 and ZONAB form a signalling module that mediates Rho-regulated cyclin D1 promoter activation and expression

    Dbl3 drives Cdc42 signaling at the apical margin to regulate junction position and apical differentiation

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    Epithelial cells develop morphologically characteristic apical domains that are bordered by tight junctions, the apical–lateral border. Cdc42 and its effector complex Par6–atypical protein kinase c (aPKC) regulate multiple steps during epithelial differentiation, but the mechanisms that mediate process-specific activation of Cdc42 to drive apical morphogenesis and activate the transition from junction formation to apical differentiation are poorly understood. Using a small interfering RNA screen, we identify Dbl3 as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor that is recruited by ezrin to the apical membrane, that is enriched at a marginal zone apical to tight junctions, and that drives spatially restricted Cdc42 activation, promoting apical differentiation. Dbl3 depletion did not affect junction formation but did affect epithelial morphogenesis and brush border formation. Conversely, expression of active Dbl3 drove process-specific activation of the Par6–aPKC pathway, stimulating the transition from junction formation to apical differentiation and domain expansion, as well as the positioning of tight junctions. Thus, Dbl3 drives Cdc42 signaling at the apical margin to regulate morphogenesis, apical–lateral border positioning, and apical differentiation

    Carica papaya mRNA for pectin esterase and gene for polygalacturonase

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    EMBL data submissions Y07899 & Y0790

    ZONAB Promotes Proliferation and Represses Differentiation of Proximal Tubule Epithelial Cells

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    Epithelial polarization modulates gene expression. The transcription factor zonula occludens 1 (ZO-1)–associated nucleic acid binding protein (ZONAB) can shuttle between tight junctions and nuclei, promoting cell proliferation and expression of cyclin D1 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), but whether it also represses epithelial differentiation is unknown. Here, during mouse kidney ontogeny and polarization of proximal tubular cells (OK cells), ZONAB and PCNA levels decreased in parallel and inversely correlated with increasing apical differentiation, reflected by expression of megalin/cubilin, maturation of the brush border, and extension of the primary cilium. Conversely, ZONAB reexpression and loss of apical differentiation markers provided a signature for renal clear cell carcinoma. In confluent OK cells, ZONAB overexpression increased proliferation and PCNA while repressing megalin/cubilin expression and impairing differentiation of the brush border and primary cilium. Reporter and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays demonstrated that megalin and cubilin are ZONAB target genes. Sparsely plated OK cells formed small islands composed of distinct populations: Cells on the periphery, which lacked external tight junctions, strongly expressed nuclear ZONAB, proliferated, and failed to differentiate; central cells, surrounded by continuous junctions, lost nuclear ZONAB, stopped proliferating, and engaged in apical differentiation. Taken together, these data suggest that ZONAB is an important component of the mechanisms that sense epithelial density and participates in the complex transcriptional networks that regulate the switch between proliferation and differentiation