312 research outputs found

    Feature extraction of human sleep EEG signals using Wavelet Transform and Fourier Transform

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    Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a complex signal resulting from postsynaptic potentials of cortical pyramidal cells and an important brain state indicator with specific state dependent features. Modern brain research is intimately linked to the feasibility to record the EEG and to its quantitative analysis. EEG spectral analysis is an important method to investigate the hidden properties and hence the brain activities. Spectral analysis of sleep EEG signal provides acute insight into the features of different stages of sleep which can be utilized to differentiate between normal and pathological conditions. This paper describes the process of extracting features of human sleep EEG signals through the use of multi resolution Discrete Wavelet Transform and Fast Fourier Transform. Discrete Wavelet Transform offers representations of the signals in the time-frequency plane giving information regarding the time localization of the spectral components at different stages of sleep in human beings and Fast Fourier Transform provides the spectral information. This paper also discusses the clinical correlation associated with sleep EEG signals in brief

    Changes in soil organic matter, plant nutrients and system productivity under conservation agricultural practices in the rice-jute cropping system

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    Soil organic matter (SOM) is central to soil quality and nutrient cycling. In Bangladesh, depletion of soil fertility is a serious threat to sustainability of agricultural production due to high cropping intensity and agriculture practices based on conventional tillage and residue removal (Rijpma and Jahiruddin, 2004). In this situation, CA practices (minimum tillage, crop residue retention and diverse crop rotations) could be a good option for the improvement of soil quality and crop productivity in Bangladesh. However, CA practices are poorly developed for intensive rice-based cropping system and their effect on SOM, plant nutrients and system productivity have not yet been properly addressed. Hence, the present study was undertaken to monitor the changes in SOM and other plant nutrients with system productivity under CA practices in the rice-jute cropping system in the Low Ganges River Floodplain of Bangladesh

    Type 2 diabetes and its correlates among adults in Bangladesh: a population based stud

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    Type 2 diabetes is one of the most prevalent non-communicable diseases in Bangladesh. However, the correlates of type 2 diabetes among adults in Bangladesh remain unknown. We aimed to investigate the correlates of type 2 diabetes among the adults in Bangladesh. Methods : We conducted a cross-sectional study using data from the nationally representative 2011 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey. A random sample of 7,543 (3,823 women and 3,720 men) adults of age 35 years and older from both urban and rural areas, who participated in the survey was included. Diabetes was defined as having a fasting plasma blood glucose level of ≥ 7 mm/L or taking diabetes medication during the survey. Hypothesized factors, e.g., age, sex, education, place of residence, social status, body mass index, and hypertension were considered in the analyses. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to identify the important correlates of type 2 diabetes. Results : Among the respondents, the overall prevalence of diabetes was 11 %, and the prevalence was slightly higher in women (11.2 %) than men (10.6 %). Respondents with the age group of 55–59 years had higher odds of having diabetes (odds ratios (OR) = 2.37, 95 % confidence interval (CI): 1.76–3.21) than the age group of 35–39 years. Moreover, respondents who had higher educational attainment (OR = 1.67, 95 % CI: 1.18–2.36) and higher social status (OR = 2.01, 95 % CI: 1.50–2.70) had higher odds of having diabetes than the respondents with no education and lower social status, respectively. We also found socioeconomic status, place of residence (rural or urban), regions of residence (different divisions), overweight and obesity, and hypertension as significant correlates of type 2 diabetes in Bangladesh. Conclusions: Our study shows that older age, higher socioeconomic status, higher educational attainment, hypertension, and obesity were found to be significant correlates of type 2 diabetes. Need-based policy program strategies including early diagnosis, awareness via mass media, and health education programs for changing lifestyles should be initiated for older age, wealthy, and/or higher educated individuals in Bangladesh. Moreover, area-specific longitudinal research is necessary to find out the underlying causes of regional variations

    Duration of low temperature changes physiological and biochemical attributes of rice seedling

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    Received: June 2nd, 2022 ; Accepted: August 4th, 2022 ; Published: August 18th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] low temperature (LT) is detrimental to growth of rice seedling during boro season in Bangladesh. An experiment was conducted in growth chamber during June to October, 2021 using BRRI dhan29 as planting material. The aim of this experiment was to determine the effect of variable duration of LT on growth, physiological and biochemical traits of rice seedling and to determine the age of seedling that can tolerate cold effect. In this experiment 5, 10, 15 and 20 days old seedling (DOS) were exposed to 6 °C for 1, 2, 3 and 4 days. Seedlings were also grown under room temperature (25 °C, RT) which consider as control treatment. Seedlings were grown in plastic trays filled with mixture of soil and cowdung. The experiment was conducted following completely randomized design with 3 replications. Data on shoot length and weight, root length and weight, chlorophyll (Chl), carotenoids, malondialdehyde (MDA) and proline contain were determined after 5 days of temperature sock. The results revealed that the LT was injurious to younger rice seedling when they were exposed to LT for 1 to 2 days. The shoot and root length as well as their dry weight were reduced under low temperature. Further, the Chl and carotenoid content of younger rice seedlings degraded within 2 days of LT exposure. On the contrary, the proline and MDA content of rice seedlings increased to reduce the harmful effect of under LT. It could be concluded that the rice seedlings could tolerate the detrimental effect of LT when they attain at least 15 days

    Strip planting decreases nitrogen fertilizer requirements while retention of more residue increases them in a rice - wheat - mungbean sequence on a subtropical floodplain soil

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    Conservation agriculture (CA) has not been well developed for intensively cultivated (2-3 crops yr-1) rice- based cropping systems which produce large amounts of crop residues annually. Thus, we examined the effects of two crop establishment systems (minimum soil disturbance by strip planting (SP) or conventional tillage (CT)), two residue retention levels (low and high) and five N rates (60, 80, 100, 120 & 140% of the recommended N fertilizer doses (RFD) on nine consecutive crops on an Aeric Haplaquept under rice-wheat- mungbean sequence. Rice yields were comparable between the crop establishment types but system yields were significantly higher with SP in two out of three years compare to CT. Increased residue retention did not significantly influence rice yield but positively influenced system yields. No substantial differences in optimum N rate was estimated between CT and SP for 90% of maximum yield goal (MYG) for all the three years but substantially decreased in SP compared to CT in two out of three years for 95 and 99% of MYG. The N fertilizer requirement was 6-22% higher with high residue retention compared to low residue retention plots for all the three yield goal levels. High residue retention also increased soil organic carbon (SOC) at 0- 6 cm depth in both tillage treatments. In conclusion, introducing CA did not alter the N fertilizer requirements of rice for 90% of MYG but reduced the requirement for 95 and 99% of MYG compared to CT. However, there was evidence that the retained crop residue immobilized N and increased the fertilizer N requirement

    Characterization and nutritional content of Terminalia catappa kernel and its oil from Sabah, Malaysia

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    This study was aimed to evaluate the nutritional quality of Terminalia catappa kernel oil (TCKO) and its characterization as well as total phenolic content cultivated in two different locations in Sabah, Malaysia. TCK contained 6.87 to 6.92% moisture, 4.54 to 4.77% ash, 21.98 to 22.44% protein, 5.13 to 5.36% total fibre, 6.88 to 7.01% carbohydrate, and 49.45 to 54.47% oil. The iodine value (IV), free fatty acid (FFA), peroxide value (PV), refractive index (RI), and total phenolic content (TPC) were found to be comparable to that of edible oils. The FFA, IV, PV, color, and TPC values showed significant differences. These results also revealed that the oil from Kota Kinabalu TCK contain more unsaturated fatty acids and display lower oxidative stability as compared to oil extracted from Keningau TCK. From the nutritional point of view, TCK oil had interesting fatty acid composition, displaying the lowest atherogenicity and thrombogenicity indices, highest polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acids and hypocholesterolemic/hypocholesterolemic ratios, respectively. This is suggested that TCK oil have potential to become a new source of healthy edible oil

    Functional and nutritional properties of rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seed and its industrial application: A review

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    Background Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) is an important commercial fruit in southeast Asia and is gaining more attention in recent years because it is juicy and sweet and has a refreshing flavour and an exotic appearance. It is commercialized for fresh consumption and is industrially processed as canned fruit, juices, jams, jellies, marmalades, and spreads. The seed is a major co-product of this industry and is worthy of attention for industrial applications and their feasibility. Scope and approach This review describes the composition of the rambutan seed, which is examined from a critical interpretation regarding the suitable use of this co-product. This review also compares the total yield, physicochemical and thermal properties of its fat for the purpose of evaluating the potential of this fruit co-product as a source of natural edible fat with potential industrial uses. Key findings and conclusions Rambutan seed is a major co-product of the industry that has high premium-grade fat, protein, carbohydrate, fibre, antioxidants, and phenolic content and that can be used in several segments of the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. Rambutan seed powders are also used as local medicine (they contain antidiabetic compounds) in Malaysia. To determine the effectiveness of raw rambutan seeds in treating diseases, in vivo and human clinical studies should be performed. Research should also continue to determine if rambutan seed fat can be fractionated, chemical and enzymatic interesterified, and blended with other fats to make cocoa butter alternatives. Comprehensive studies are needed on rambutan seed to explore more potential industrial applications

    Functional and nutritional properties of rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) seed and its industrial application: A review

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    Background Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) is an important commercial fruit in southeast Asia and is gaining more attention in recent years because it is juicy and sweet and has a refreshing flavour and an exotic appearance. It is commercialized for fresh consumption and is industrially processed as canned fruit, juices, jams, jellies, marmalades, and spreads. The seed is a major co-product of this industry and is worthy of attention for industrial applications and their feasibility. Scope and approach This review describes the composition of the rambutan seed, which is examined from a critical interpretation regarding the suitable use of this co-product. This review also compares the total yield, physicochemical and thermal properties of its fat for the purpose of evaluating the potential of this fruit co-product as a source of natural edible fat with potential industrial uses. Key findings and conclusions Rambutan seed is a major co-product of the industry that has high premium-grade fat, protein, carbohydrate, fibre, antioxidants, and phenolic content and that can be used in several segments of the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. Rambutan seed powders are also used as local medicine (they contain antidiabetic compounds) in Malaysia. To determine the effectiveness of raw rambutan seeds in treating diseases, in vivo and human clinical studies should be performed. Research should also continue to determine if rambutan seed fat can be fractionated, chemical and enzymatic interesterified, and blended with other fats to make cocoa butter alternatives. Comprehensive studies are needed on rambutan seed to explore more potential industrial applications

    Long - term conservation agriculture increases nitrogen use efficiency by crops, land equivalent ratio and soil carbon stock in a subtropical rice - based cropping system

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    Conservation Agriculture (CA) is still a relatively new approach for intensively cultivated (3 crops yr-1) rice-based cropping systems that produce high crop yield and amounts of residues annually. With the recent development of transplanting of rice into tilled strips on non-puddled soil, CA could become feasible for rice-based cropping patterns. However, the effect of increased retention of crop residues on crop response to nitrogen (N) fertilization rate in strip tilled systems with the transplanted rice and other crops grown in the annual rotation is yet to be determined. For nine years, we have examined the effects of soil disturbance levels - strip tillage (ST) and conventional tillage (CT), two residue retention levels –15% residue by height (low residue, LR) and 30% residue (high residue, HR) and five N rates (60%, 80%, 100%, 120%, and 140% of the recommended N fertilizer doses (RFD)) for a rice-wheat-mungbean cropping sequence. The 100% RFD was 75, 100 and 20 kg N ha-1for rice, wheat, and mungbean, respectively. Rice yields were comparable between the two tillage systems for up to year-6, wheat for up to year-3 but mungbean yield markedly increased in ST from year-1; however, the land equivalent ratio increased from year-1, principally because of higher mungbean yield. Introduction of ST increased land equivalent ratio by 26% relative to CT, N use efficiency and partial factor productivity. Nitrogen fertilizer demand for maximum yield in ST was increased by about 10% for rice and 5% for mungbean but decreased by 5% for wheat. Although fertilizer N demand had increased in ST system due to higher yield than CT, the N requirement declined by50–90% when the same yield goal is considered for ST as for CT. The soil organic carbon stock (0–15 cm) after 8 years increased from 21.5 to 30.5 t ha-1 due to the effect of ST plus high crop residue retention. Annual gross margin increased by 57% in ST over CT practice and 26% in HR over LR retention. In conclusion, after 9 years practicing CA with increased residue retention under strip tillage, the crops had higher N use efficiency, grain yield, land equivalent ratio and annual gross margin in the rice-wheat-mungbean cropping system while the N fertilizer requirement increased minimally

    Improvement of melting and crystallization properties of rambutan seed fat as cocoa butter improver by two-stage fractionation technique

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    The search for hard fats is increasing by the day due to their demand for industrial purposes. Rambutan seed fat (RSF) was fractionated prior to investigate the melting and crystallisation behaviours, triacylglycerols (TAGs), and morphology using different chromatographic and thermal techniques. The increasing trends were observed for high‐melting symmetrical monounsaturated TAGs such as 1,3‐distearoyl‐2‐oleoyl‐glycerol and 1‐palmitoyl‐3‐stearoyl‐2‐oleoyl‐glycerol in both solid fractions upon fractionation. The solid fractions (F1‐S) and (F2‐S) exhibited small peaks towards low melting area and big peaks towards high melting area with the offset temperatures of 35.29–48.75 °C and 43.58–52.70 °C with significantly higher enthalpies (93.49 and 105.13 J g−1) upon fractionation. F2‐S showed the densely packed microstructure compared to that of crude RSF and F1‐S. Based on the thermal behaviours as well as morphology of RSF fractions, cocoa butter improver could be prepared that has the potential to be utilised in chocolate manufacturing in tropical countries