267 research outputs found

    Weak localization of Dirac fermions in graphene beyond the diffusion regime

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    We develop a microscopic theory of the weak localization of two-dimensional massless Dirac fermions which is valid in the whole range of classically weak magnetic fields. The theory is applied to calculate magnetoresistance caused by the weak localization in graphene and conducting surfaces of bulk topological insulators.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    The telomerase reverse transcriptase is limiting and necessary for telomerase function in vivo

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    Mammalian telomerase is essential for the maintenance of telomere length [1–5]. Its catalytic core comprises a reverse transcriptase component (TERT) and an RNA component. While the biochemical role of mammalian TERT is well established [6–11], it is unknown whether it is sufficient for telomere-length maintenance, chromosome stability or other cellular processes. Cells from mice in which the mTert gene had been disrupted showed progressive loss of telomere DNA, a phenotype similar to cells in which the gene encoding the telomerase RNA component (mTR) has been disrupted [1,12]. On prolonged growth, mTert-deficient embryonic stem (ES) cells exhibited genomic instability, aneuploidy and telomeric fusions. ES cells heterozygous for the mTert disruption also showed telomere attrition, a phenotype that differs from heterozygous mTR cells [12]. Thus, telomere maintenance in mammals is carried out by a single, limiting TERT

    Arsenic occurrence in Malawi groundwater

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    Despite an estimated 90,000 groundwater points, mostly hand-pumped boreholes, being used for drinking-water supply in Malawi, evaluation of groundwater arsenic has been limited. Here we review the literature and collate archive data on groundwater arsenic occurrence in Malawi; add to these data, by surveying occurrence in handpumped boreholes in susceptible aquifers; and, conclude on risks to water supply. Published literature is sparse with two of the three studies reporting arsenic data in passing, with concentrations below detection limits. The third study of 25 alluvial aquifer boreholes found arsenic mostly at 1-10 μg/l concentration, but with four sites above the World Health Organisation (WHO) 10 μg/l drinking-water guideline, up to 15 μg/l; the study also discerned hydrochemical controls. Archive data from non-governmental organisation (NGO) borehole testing (two datasets) exhibited below detection results. Our surveys in 2014-18 of hand-pumped supplies in alluvial and bedrock aquifers tested 310 groundwater sites (78% alluvial, 22% bedrock) and found below test-kit detection (<10 μg/l) arsenic throughout, except possible traces at two boreholes containing geothermal-groundwater contributions. Our subsequent survey of 15 geothermal groundwater boreholes/springs found four sites with arsenic detected at 4-12 μg/l concentration. These sites displayed the highest temperatures, supporting increased arsenic being related to a geothermal groundwater influence. Our 919 sample dataset overall indicates arsenic in Malawian groundwater appears low, and well within Malawi’s drinking-water standard of 50 μg/l (MS733:2005). Still, however, troublesome concentrations above the WHO drinking-water guideline occur. Continued research is needed to confirm that human-health risks are low; including, increased monitoring of the great many hand-pumped supplies, and assessing hydro-biogeochemical controls on the higher arsenic concentrations found.Keywords: Arsenic; Groundwater quality; Malawi; Drinking wate

    Exploring the role of seasonal variation in livestock feed composition on diet quality and methane emissions in Kenyan livestock

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    Livestock contribute significantly to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mainly through enteric fermentation and manure management. Feed composition plays a crucial role in both livestock diet quality and emissions. However, feed availability varies seasonally particularly in tropical environments such as Kenya with long dry periods. This study investigated the influence of seasonal feed variations and relative availability of feed types in Kenya on livestock diet quality and enteric methane (CH4) emissions. Geographical information systems and data sources including crop distribution data, land use information, and nutritive value data were employed to generate livestock diet composition maps. Data from field measurements were used to validate these maps. Livestock diets varied across the country, with coarse-stemmed cereals and legume crops dominant in mixed rainfed temperate systems, diverse feed resources including cultivated forages in mixed rainfed humid systems, and pasture in mixed rainfed arid and livestock-only systems. Livestock diet quality measured as dry matter digestibility (DMD), was approximately 581 g/kg DM. This value was greater than the default digestibility value of 550 g/kg DM set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for livestock production systems in the region. Monte carlo simulation revealed a range of possible outcomes of DMD depending on the livestock production system and the composition of livestock diet. Estimated minimum and maximum DMD differed within and between livestock production systems (513.2 - 664.5 g/kg DM), thus exhibiting uncertainty and potential spatial and temporal variability. Methane emissions varied between and within livestock production systems (36.6 – 67.5 kg CH4/head/yr for adult female cows; p < 0.05). Variability in methane emissions can be attributed to factors such as changes in feed availability and management practices. These results provide evidence that livestock diet quality and methane emissions are influenced by inter- and intra-season variations in feed composition. Consequently, season and location-specific strategies and interventions are necessary to improve livestock feeding practices as part of efforts to reduce methane emissions from livestock

    A framework for evaluating qualitative changes in learners’ experience and engagement: Developing communicative English teaching and learning in Bangladesh

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    This article presents the context and framework for evaluation studies of educational transformations associated with the English in Action Project, Bangladesh (EIA) as it progresses over a 9-year period. EIA was launched in May 2008 with the intention of developing communicative English language learning and teaching in Bangladesh. Through a range of interventions involving school students, teachers and young adults, EIA aims to achieve measurable changes in the way that English in taught and learned in Bangladesh, such that useful communicative competence results. Before the interventions were launched, baseline research was undertaken to examine the environment and contexts within which the project would operate. The baseline studies not only provide information and data that will enable subsequent comparisons to be made to assess the impact and effects of the project, they also make evidence available to inform the development of project activities. Innovative approaches to language and teacher development are being employed in order to address the challenges and legacy issues identified. Evaluation of the anticipated qualitative changes over the life of EIA requires a broad programme of studies focusing on the various target beneficiaries

    Journeying through Dementia: the story of a 14 year design-led research enquiry

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    Consider a linear ordering equipped with a finite sequence of monadic predicates. If the ordering contains an interval of order type \omega or -\omega, and the monadic second-order theory of the combined structure is decidable, there exists a non-trivial expansion by a further monadic predicate that is still decidable.Comment: 18 page

    Stress corrosion cracking in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu aluminum alloys in saline environments

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    Copyright 2013 ASM International. This paper was published in Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 44A(3), 1230 - 1253, and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of ASM International. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic or multiple reproduction, distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means, duplications of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of this paper are prohibited.Stress corrosion cracking of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu (AA7xxx) aluminum alloys exposed to saline environments at temperatures ranging from 293 K to 353 K (20 °C to 80 °C) has been reviewed with particular attention to the influences of alloy composition and temper, and bulk and local environmental conditions. Stress corrosion crack (SCC) growth rates at room temperature for peak- and over-aged tempers in saline environments are minimized for Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys containing less than ~8 wt pct Zn when Zn/Mg ratios are ranging from 2 to 3, excess magnesium levels are less than 1 wt pct, and copper content is either less than ~0.2 wt pct or ranging from 1.3 to 2 wt pct. A minimum chloride ion concentration of ~0.01 M is required for crack growth rates to exceed those in distilled water, which insures that the local solution pH in crack-tip regions can be maintained at less than 4. Crack growth rates in saline solution without other additions gradually increase with bulk chloride ion concentrations up to around 0.6 M NaCl, whereas in solutions with sufficiently low dichromate (or chromate), inhibitor additions are insensitive to the bulk chloride concentration and are typically at least double those observed without the additions. DCB specimens, fatigue pre-cracked in air before immersion in a saline environment, show an initial period with no detectible crack growth, followed by crack growth at the distilled water rate, and then transition to a higher crack growth rate typical of region 2 crack growth in the saline environment. Time spent in each stage depends on the type of pre-crack (“pop-in” vs fatigue), applied stress intensity factor, alloy chemistry, bulk environment, and, if applied, the external polarization. Apparent activation energies (E a) for SCC growth in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys exposed to 0.6 M NaCl over the temperatures ranging from 293 K to 353 K (20 °C to 80 °C) for under-, peak-, and over-aged low-copper-containing alloys (~0.8 wt pct), they are typically ranging from 20 to 40 kJ/mol for under- and peak-aged alloys, and based on limited data, around 85 kJ/mol for over-aged tempers. This means that crack propagation in saline environments is most likely to occur by a hydrogen-related process for low-copper-containing Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys in under-, peak- and over-aged tempers, and for high-copper alloys in under- and peak-aged tempers. For over-aged high-copper-containing alloys, cracking is most probably under anodic dissolution control. Future stress corrosion studies should focus on understanding the factors that control crack initiation, and insuring that the next generation of higher performance Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys has similar longer crack initiation times and crack propagation rates to those of the incumbent alloys in an over-aged condition where crack rates are less than 1 mm/month at a high stress intensity factor