6,496 research outputs found

    Polar foliations and isoparametric maps

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    A singular Riemannian foliation FF on a complete Riemannian manifold MM is called a polar foliation if, for each regular point pp, there is an immersed submanifold Σ\Sigma, called section, that passes through pp and that meets all the leaves and always perpendicularly. A typical example of a polar foliation is the partition of MM into the orbits of a polar action, i.e., an isometric action with sections. In this work we prove that the leaves of FF coincide with the level sets of a smooth map H:M→ΣH: M\to \Sigma if MM is simply connected. In particular, we have that the orbits of a polar action on a simply connected space are level sets of an isoparametric map. This result extends previous results due to the author and Gorodski, Heintze, Liu and Olmos, Carter and West, and Terng.Comment: 9 pages; The final publication is available at springerlink.com http://www.springerlink.com/content/c72g4q5350g513n1

    Transition from Mott insulator to superconductor in GaNb4_{4}Se8_{8} and GaTa4_{4}Se8_{8} under high pressure

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    Electronic conduction in GaM4_{4}Se8_{8} (M=Nb;Ta) compounds with the fcc GaMo4_{4}S8_{8}-type structure originates from hopping of localized unpaired electrons (S=1/2) among widely separated tetrahedral M4_{4} metal clusters. We show that under pressure these systems transform from Mott insulators to a metallic and superconducting state with TC_{C}=2.9 and 5.8K at 13 and 11.5GPa for GaNb4_{4}Se8_{8} and GaTa4_{4}Se8_{8}, respectively. The occurrence of superconductivity is shown to be connected with a pressure-induced decrease of the MSe6_{6} octahedral distortion and simultaneous softening of the phonon associated with MSe-bonds.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Climate warming, euxinia and carbon isotope perturbations during the Carnian (Triassic) Crisis in South China

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    The Carnian Humid Episode (CHE), also known as the Carnian Pluvial Event, and associated biotic changes are major enigmas of the Mesozoic record in western Tethys. We show that the CHE also occurred in eastern Tethys (South China), suggestive of a much more widespread and probably global climate perturbation. Oxygen isotope records from conodont apatite indicate a double-pulse warming event. The CHE coincided with an initial warming of 4 °C. This was followed by a transient cooling period and then a prolonged ~7 °C warming in the later Carnian (Tuvalian 2). Carbon isotope perturbations associated with the CHE of western Tethys occurred contemporaneously in South China, and mark the start of a prolonged period of carbon cycle instability that persisted until the late Carnian. The dry-wet transition during the CHE coincides with the negative carbon isotope excursion and the temperature rise, pointing to an intensification of hydrologic cycle activities due to climatic warming. While carbonate platform shutdown in western Tethys is associated with an influx of siliciclastic sediment, the eastern Tethyan carbonate platforms are overlain by deep-water anoxic facies. The transition from oxygenated to euxinic facies was via a condensed, manganiferous carbonate (MnO content up to 15.1 wt%), that records an intense Mn shuttle operating in the basin. Significant siliciclastic influx in South China only occurred after the CHE climatic changes and was probably due to foreland basin development at the onset of the Indosinian Orogeny. The mid-Carnian biotic crisis thus coincided with several phenomena associated with major extinction events: a carbonate production crisis, climate warming, δ 13 C oscillations, marine anoxia, biotic turnover and flood basalt eruptions (of the Wrangellia Large Igneous Province)

    Assess the effect of different degrees of urbanization on land surface temperature using remote sensing images

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    AbstractUrbanization is a human-dominated process and has greatly impacted biodiversity, ecosystem processes, and regional climate. In this study we assess the effect of different degrees of urbanization on land surface temperature using remote sensing images. Landsat TM images were used for land surface temperature retrieval using the algorithm proposed by Artis and Carnahan. ALOS multispectral images were used for landcover classification using classification trees in three study areas, namely Xicheng district(A), Haidian district(B), Shijingshan district(C), of different degrees of urbanization in Beijing. Landcover-specific surface temperatures were estimated through an inversion alorithm. At the different degrees of urbanization, reducing the within-pixel coverage ratio of vegetations will result in an land surface temperature rise. Quantitative assessment of the relationship between different degrees of urbanization and land surface temperature was simulated by an urbanization index which integrates the coverage ratio of built-up landcover type and the cell-average NDVI. Urbanization indices of the Xicheng district, Haidian district, Shijingshan district were calculated to be 0.91, 0.72, and, 0.55 respectively. Such results are consistent with the trend of evaluation using quantitative estimation land surface temperature

    p-Type semiconducting properties in lithium-doped MgO single crystals

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    The phenomenally large enhancement in conductivity observed when Li-doped MgO crystals are oxidized at elevated temperatures was investigated by dc and ac electrical measurements in the temperature interval 250-673 K. The concentration of ([Li]^{0}) centers (Li^{+} ions each with a trapped hole) resulting from oxidation was monitored by optical absorption measurements. Both dc and ac experiments provide consistent values for the bulk resistance. The electricalconductivity of oxidized MgO:Li crystals increases linearly with the concentration of ([Li]^{0}) centers. The conductivity is thermally activated with an activation energy of (0.70 +/- 0.01) eV, which is independent of the ([Li]^{0}) content. The \textit{standard semiconducting} mechanism satisfactorily explains these results. Free holes are the main contribution to band conduction as they are trapped at or released from the ([Li]^{0})-acceptor centers. In as-grown MgO:Li crystals, electrical current increases dramatically with time due to the formation of ([Li]^{0}) centers. The activation energy values between 1.3 and 0.7 eV are likely a combination of the activation energy for the creation of ([Li]^{0}) centers and the activation energy of ionization of these centers. Destruction of ([Li]^{0}) centers can be induced in oxidized crystals by application of an electric field due to Joule heating up to temperatures at which ([Li]^{0}) centers are not stable.Comment: LaTeX, 20 pages, 9 Encapsulated Postscript Format Figures, use the version 4.0 of REVTEX 4 macro packag

    Travelling solitons in the parametrically driven nonlinear Schroedinger equation

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    We show that the parametrically driven nonlinear Schroedinger equation has wide classes of travelling soliton solutions, some of which are stable. For small driving strengths nonpropogating and moving solitons co-exist while strongly forced solitons can only be stably when moving sufficiently fast.Comment: The paper is available as the JINR preprint E17-2000-147(Dubna, Russia) and the preprint of the Max-Planck Institute for the Complex Systems mpipks/0009011, Dresden, Germany. It was submitted to Physical Review

    A double-blind comparison of the effect of the antipsychotics haloperidol and olanzapine on sleep in mania

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    The effects of haloperidol and olanzapine on polysomnographic measures made in bipolar patients during manic episodes were compared. Twelve DSM-IV mania patients were randomly assigned to receive either haloperidol (mean ± SD final dosage: 5.8 ± 3.8 mg) or olanzapine (mean ± SD final dosage: 13.6 ± 6.9 mg) in a 6-week, double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial. One-night polysomnographic evaluation was performed before and after the haloperidol or olanzapine treatment. Psychopathology and illness severity were rated respectively with the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) and the Clinical Global Impressions - Bipolar version (CGI-BP). There was a significant improvement in the YMRS and CGI-BP scores at the end of the study for both groups. Mixed ANOVA used to compare the polysomnographic measures of both drugs demonstrated significant improvement in sleep measures with olanzapine. In the olanzapine group, statistically significant time-drug interaction effects on sleep continuity measures were observed: sleep efficiency (mean ± SEM pre-treatment value: 6.7 ± 20.3%; after-treatment: 85.7 ± 10.9%), total wake time (pre-treatment: 140.0 ± 92.5 min; after-treatment: 55.2 ± 44.2 min), and wake time after sleep onset (pre-treatment: 109.7 ± 70.8 min; after-treatment: 32.2 ± 20.7 min). Conversely, improvement of polysomnographic measures was not observed for the haloperidol group (P > 0.05). These results suggest that olanzapine is more effective than haloperidol in terms of sleep-promoting effects, although olanzapine is comparatively as effective as haloperidol in treating mania. Polysomnography records should provide useful information on how manic states can be affected by psychopharmacological agents

    Generalized uncertainty principle and correction value to the black hole entropy

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    Recently, there has been much attention devoted to resolving the quantum corrections to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the black hole. In particular, many researchers have expressed a vested interest in the coefficient of the logarithmic term of the black hole entropy correction term. In this paper, we calculate the correction value of the black hole entropy by utilizing the generalized uncertainty principle and obtain the correction term caused by the generalized uncertainty principle. Because in our calculation we think that the Bekenstein-Hawking area theorem is still valid after considering the generalized uncertainty principle, we derive that the coefficient of the logarithmic term of the black hole entropy correction term is negative. This result is different from the known result at present. Our method is valid not only for single horizon spacetime but also for double horizons spacetime. In the whole process, the physics idea is clear and calculation is simple. It offers a new way for studying the condition that Bekenstein-Hawking area theorem is valid

    Rotational and Vibrational Dynamics of Interstitial Molecular Hydrogen

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    The calculation of the hindered roton-phonon energy levels of a hydrogen molecule in a confining potential with different symmetries is systematized for the case when the rotational angular momentum JJ is a good quantum number. One goal of this program is to interpret the energy-resolved neutron time of flight spectrum previously obtained for H2_{2}C60_{60}. This spectrum gives direct information on the energy level spectrum of H2_2 molecules confined to the octahedral interstitial sites of solid C60_{60}. We treat this problem of coupled translational and orientational degrees of freedom a) by construction of an effective Hamiltonian to describe the splitting of the manifold of states characterized by a given value of JJ and having a fixed total number of phonon excitations, b) by numerical solutions of the coupled translation-rotation problem on a discrete mesh of points in position space, and c) by a group theoretical symmetry analysis. Results obtained from these three different approaches are mutually consistent. The results of our calculations explain several hitherto uninterpreted aspects of the experimental observations, but show that a truly satisfactory orientational potential for the interaction of an H2_2 molecule with a surrounding array of C atoms has not yet been developed.Comment: 53 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev B (in press). Phys. Rev. B (in press
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