133 research outputs found

    Pfaffian Expressions for Random Matrix Correlation Functions

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    It is well known that Pfaffian formulas for eigenvalue correlations are useful in the analysis of real and quaternion random matrices. Moreover the parametric correlations in the crossover to complex random matrices are evaluated in the forms of Pfaffians. In this article, we review the formulations and applications of Pfaffian formulas. For that purpose, we first present the general Pfaffian expressions in terms of the corresponding skew orthogonal polynomials. Then we clarify the relation to Eynard and Mehta's determinant formula for hermitian matrix models and explain how the evaluation is simplified in the cases related to the classical orthogonal polynomials. Applications of Pfaffian formulas to random matrix theory and other fields are also mentioned.Comment: 28 page

    Symmetrized models of last passage percolation and non-intersecting lattice paths

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    It has been shown that the last passage time in certain symmetrized models of directed percolation can be written in terms of averages over random matrices from the classical groups U(l)U(l), Sp(2l)Sp(2l) and O(l)O(l). We present a theory of such results based on non-intersecting lattice paths, and integration techniques familiar from the theory of random matrices. Detailed derivations of probabilities relating to two further symmetrizations are also given.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    A generalized plasma and interpolation between classical random matrix ensembles

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    The eigenvalue probability density functions of the classical random matrix ensembles have a well known analogy with the one component log-gas at the special couplings \beta = 1,2 and 4. It has been known for some time that there is an exactly solvable two-component log-potential plasma which interpolates between the \beta =1 and 4 circular ensemble, and an exactly solvable two-component generalized plasma which interpolates between \beta = 2 and 4 circular ensemble. We extend known exact results relating to the latter --- for the free energy and one and two-point correlations --- by giving the general (k_1+k_2)-point correlation function in a Pfaffian form. Crucial to our working is an identity which expresses the Vandermonde determinant in terms of a Pfaffian. The exact evaluation of the general correlation is used to exhibit a perfect screening sum rule.Comment: 21 page

    Two-dimensional one-component plasma on a Flamm's paraboloid

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    We study the classical non-relativistic two-dimensional one-component plasma at Coulomb coupling Gamma=2 on the Riemannian surface known as Flamm's paraboloid which is obtained from the spatial part of the Schwarzschild metric. At this special value of the coupling constant, the statistical mechanics of the system are exactly solvable analytically. The Helmholtz free energy asymptotic expansion for the large system has been found. The density of the plasma, in the thermodynamic limit, has been carefully studied in various situations

    A method to calculate correlation functions for β=1\beta=1 random matrices of odd size

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    The calculation of correlation functions for β=1\beta=1 random matrix ensembles, which can be carried out using Pfaffians, has the peculiar feature of requiring a separate calculation depending on the parity of the matrix size N. This same complication is present in the calculation of the correlations for the Ginibre Orthogonal Ensemble of real Gaussian matrices. In fact the methods used to compute the β=1\beta=1, N odd, correlations break down in the case of N odd real Ginibre matrices, necessitating a new approach to both problems. The new approach taken in this work is to deduce the β=1\beta=1, N odd correlations as limiting cases of their N even counterparts, when one of the particles is removed towards infinity. This method is shown to yield the correlations for N odd real Gaussian matrices.Comment: 20 pages, corrected typo

    Moments of vicious walkers and M\"obius graph expansions

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    A system of Brownian motions in one-dimension all started from the origin and conditioned never to collide with each other in a given finite time-interval (0,T](0, T] is studied. The spatial distribution of such vicious walkers can be described by using the repulsive eigenvalue-statistics of random Hermitian matrices and it was shown that the present vicious walker model exhibits a transition from the Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) statistics to the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE) statistics as the time tt is going on from 0 to TT. In the present paper, we characterize this GUE-to-GOE transition by presenting the graphical expansion formula for the moments of positions of vicious walkers. In the GUE limit t→0t \to 0, only the ribbon graphs contribute and the problem is reduced to the classification of orientable surfaces by genus. Following the time evolution of the vicious walkers, however, the graphs with twisted ribbons, called M\"obius graphs, increase their contribution to our expansion formula, and we have to deal with the topology of non-orientable surfaces. Application of the recent exact result of dynamical correlation functions yields closed expressions for the coefficients in the M\"obius expansion using the Stirling numbers of the first kind.Comment: REVTeX4, 11 pages, 1 figure. v.2: calculations of the Green function and references added. v.3: minor additions and corrections made for publication in Phys.Rev.

    A real quaternion spherical ensemble of random matrices

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    One can identify a tripartite classification of random matrix ensembles into geometrical universality classes corresponding to the plane, the sphere and the anti-sphere. The plane is identified with Ginibre-type (iid) matrices and the anti-sphere with truncations of unitary matrices. This paper focusses on an ensemble corresponding to the sphere: matrices of the form \bY= \bA^{-1} \bB, where \bA and \bB are independent N×NN\times N matrices with iid standard Gaussian real quaternion entries. By applying techniques similar to those used for the analogous complex and real spherical ensembles, the eigenvalue jpdf and correlation functions are calculated. This completes the exploration of spherical matrices using the traditional Dyson indices β=1,2,4\beta=1,2,4. We find that the eigenvalue density (after stereographic projection onto the sphere) has a depletion of eigenvalues along a ring corresponding to the real axis, with reflective symmetry about this ring. However, in the limit of large matrix dimension, this eigenvalue density approaches that of the corresponding complex ensemble, a density which is uniform on the sphere. This result is in keeping with the spherical law (analogous to the circular law for iid matrices), which states that for matrices having the spherical structure \bY= \bA^{-1} \bB, where \bA and \bB are independent, iid matrices the (stereographically projected) eigenvalue density tends to uniformity on the sphere.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures. Added another citation in version

    Level-Spacing Distributions and the Bessel Kernel

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    The level spacing distributions which arise when one rescales the Laguerre or Jacobi ensembles of hermitian matrices is studied. These distributions are expressible in terms of a Fredholm determinant of an integral operator whose kernel is expressible in terms of Bessel functions of order α\alpha. We derive a system of partial differential equations associated with the logarithmic derivative of this Fredholm determinant when the underlying domain is a union of intervals. In the case of a single interval this Fredholm determinant is a Painleve tau function.Comment: 18 pages, resubmitted to make postscript compatible, no changes to manuscript conten

    Correlation Functions for \beta=1 Ensembles of Matrices of Odd Size

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    Using the method of Tracy and Widom we rederive the correlation functions for \beta=1 Hermitian and real asymmetric ensembles of N x N matrices with N odd.Comment: 15 page

    On Eigenvalues of the sum of two random projections

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    We study the behavior of eigenvalues of matrix P_N + Q_N where P_N and Q_N are two N -by-N random orthogonal projections. We relate the joint eigenvalue distribution of this matrix to the Jacobi matrix ensemble and establish the universal behavior of eigenvalues for large N. The limiting local behavior of eigenvalues is governed by the sine kernel in the bulk and by either the Bessel or the Airy kernel at the edge depending on parameters. We also study an exceptional case when the local behavior of eigenvalues of P_N + Q_N is not universal in the usual sense.Comment: 14 page
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