11 research outputs found

    Work fluctuation theorem for coloured noise driven open systems

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    We have studied work fluctuation behaviour in the presence of internal thermal noise as well as external coloured noise. The external coloured noise may have both Gaussian or non-Gaussian characteristics. We have investigated the dependence of position and work fluctuations on the properties of both the environments. For thermal noise driven systems, there is a maximum in the variation of mean square fluctuation of work (MSFW) as a function of damping strength at intermediate times, while at asymptotic long times MSFW monotonically increases in the same damping regime. But for external noise, MSFW monotonically decreases as a function of damping strength at intermediate times, whereas at long times it becomes almost independent of damping strength.Another interesting observation is that for the external noise driven systems, noise correlation time and damping strength have similar roles in the dynamics

    Clinical profile of viral hepatitis in a tertiary health care centre of eastern India

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    Background: Viral hepatitis is epidemic to developing country like India. Infection with Hepatitis A virus, Hepatitis B virus and Hepatitis C virus is much more important so far as the disease severity, selection of treatment option and adverse outcome associated with the therapy is concerned. This study was undertaken to assess the clinical and laboratory profile of viral hepatitis with co-infection at a tertiary care centre. Material and Methods: Patients admitted in the hospital with presenting signs and symptoms of viral hepatitis were included. The clinical and haematological profiles were observed and entered in a pre-designed format. Data were extracted and analysed by one-way-analysis-of-variance (ANOVA) and p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The mean age of the patients was 32.86±13.3 years (range, 18-60 years). Eleven patients were positive for hepatitis-E where as 6 patients were co-infected with both hepatitis-A and hepatitis-E. The commonest presenting symptom was yellowness of eyes and urine that accounts in 19 patients followed by fever in 8 patients, abdominal pain in 5 patients and vomiting in 3 patients. The incidence of dengue and leptospirosis was found in one patient each. Two patients had died. Conclusion: Large cohort of patients with different hepatitis virus infections is necessary for better understanding of pathophysiology, clinical profile that will enable treatment regimen tools for the patients for single as well as different co-infection

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    Not AvailableRice root knot nematode, Meloidogyne graminicola is one of the important constraints in the major rice growing areas of Asia especially in India. In the present study, resistance / susceptibility of NRRI released rice varieties/hybrids against M. graminicola were assessed through root gall index scoring. Development of nematodes inside the galls in the resistant and susceptible varieties were also assessed. Among the 115 NRRI varieties screened against rice root knot nematode, 20 varieties were reported to exhibit high susceptibility (gall index - 5), 68 varieties recorded susceptible reaction (gall index - 4) and 27 varieties registered moderately resistant reaction (gall index - 3) when evaluated under pot conditions. Examination of the moderately resistant varieties revealed less number of nematode penetration and female development in it with longer period of life cycle compared to susceptible varieties. Assured varieties recorded in the present study might be useful for breeding of hybrid rice for the nematode managementNot Availabl

    Lifetime of the incoherent state of coupled phase oscillators

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    In this paper we have studied the relaxation of the incoherent state to the coherent state of coupled phase oscillators with time delay in terms of lifetime of the incoherent state both in the presence and absence of noise. To make the present study general we have considered both Gaussian and non Gaussian noises. Our investigation shows that the mean lifetime (MLT) decreases exponentially as the coupling strength among the oscillators grows. It also shows that MLT changes non monotonically with an increase in time delay. Another observation is that the mean lifetime increases exponentially as a function of noise strength for white noise. However, for colour noise, it grows linearly with an increase in noise strength. Enhancement of the correlation time of the coloured noise suppresses MLT. The rate of suppression is faster for non-Gaussian noise compared to the Gaussian case. Finally, we have observed that the mean lifetime increases exponentially as the noise behaviour deviates more from the Gaussian characteristics

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    Not AvailableSixty one rice land races were evaluated for Brown Plant Hopper (BPH) and White Backed Plant Hopper (WBPH) in net house of NRRI, Cuttack during kharif 2020. TN-1 and PTB 33 are used as susceptible and resistant check in this experiment respectively. None of the land races showed resistant and moderate resistant with SES Score 1, 3 in both BPH and WBPH. Six varieties namely Kalachampa, Kalisaru, Kalajeera, Dubraj, Baikani, Govind showed moderate susceptible reaction to BPH with Score 5. Similarly eleven varieties namely Velari, Mahulkuchii, Seulpani, TikiMahsuri, Kalama, Lajkulibad, Dubraj, Bansapatri Jatia, Magura, Surjakanta. showed moderate susceptible reaction to WBPH. Other varieties showed susceptible and highly susceptible reaction to both BPH and WBPH. Only the genotype Dubraj showed moderately susceptible to BPH and WBPH.Not Availabl