118 research outputs found

    Permian 40Ar/39Ar ages for post-Variscan minor intrusions in the Iberian Range and Spanish Central System

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    40Ar/39Ar dating of biotite from a calc-alkaline gabbro stock NW of Loscos in the Iberian Range yielded a slightly disturbed gas release spectrum. It has an early Permian, 288.5 ± 1.4 Ma total gas age, interpreted as the minimum emplacement age. The 40Ar/39Ar apparent age of the gabbro agrees with the Autunian stratigraphic age of related volcanic rocks. 40Ar/39Ar step-heating dating of amphibole phenocrysts from an alkaline camptonite dyke ca. 4 km SE of El Hoyo de Pinares in the Sierra Guadarrama sector of the Spanish Central System yielded a mid-Permian 264 ± 3 Ma plateau age, interpreted as the emplacement age. The age is indistinguishable from published 40Ar/39Ar amphibole ages for N-S trending camptonite dykes from the western, Sierra de Gredos segment of the Central System. This suggests that the camptonite dykes from both sectors belong to the same generation

    Investigating the validity of the DN4 in a consecutive population of patients with chronic pain

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    Neuropathic pain is clinically described as pain caused by a lesion or disease of the somatosensory nervous system. The aim of this study was to assess the validity of the Dutch version of the DN4, in a cross-sectional multicentre design, as a screening tool for detecting a neuropathic pain component in a large consecutive, not pre-stratified on basis of the target outcome, population of patients with chronic pain. Patients’ pain was classified by two independent (pain-)physicians as the gold standard. The analysis was initially performed on the outcomes of those patients (n = 228 out of 291) in whom both physicians agreed in their pain classification. Compared to the gold standard the DN4 had a sensitivity of 75% and specificity of 76%. The DN4-symptoms (seven interview items) solely resulted in a sensitivity of 70% and a specificity of 67%. For the DN4-signs (three examination items) it was respectively 75% and 75%. In conclusion, because it seems that the DN4 helps to identify a neuropathic pain component in a consecutive population of patients with chronic pain in a moderate way, a comprehensive (physical-) examination by the physician is still obligate

    Primeros datos del magmatismo pérmico medio-superior del SE de la Cordillera Ibérica: caracterización y comparación con magmatismos contemporáneos del Tethys occidental

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    A multiple basic to intermediate sill is reported for the first time in the south-eastern Iberian Ranges. It is composed of several tabular to irregular levels intercalated within the fluvial sediments of the Alcotas Formation (Middle-Upper Permian). The sill could represent the youngest Paleozoic subvolcanic intrusion in the Iberian Ranges. The igneous rocks are classified as basaltic andesites. They show a subophitic microstructure constituted by plagioclase (An62 – An6), augite (En48Wo44Fs7 –En46Wo39Fs15), pseudomorphosed olivine, minor amounts of oxides (magnetite and ilmenite) and accessory F-apatite. According to the mineralogy and whole-rock composition, their geochemical affinity is transitional from subalkaline to alkaline. Radiometric dating of the sill is not feasible due to its significant alteration. Field criteria, however, suggest an emplacement coeval to the deposition of the Alcotas Formation (Middle-Upper Permian). This hypothesis is supported by the transitional affinity of these rocks, similar to other Middle-Upper Permian magmatisms in the western Tethys, e.g., from the Pyrenees. Taking into account their isotopic signature (εSr: -6.8 to -9.2; εNd: +1.7 to +8.3), an enriched mantle source with the involvement of a HIMU component has been identified. This interpretation is supported by the trace element contents. Some of these HIMU characteristics have been recognised in the Middle-Upper Permian magmatisms of the Central Pyrenees (Anayet Basin) and the High Atlas (Argana Basin). However, none of these source features are shared with other Middle-Upper Permian magmatisms of the western Tethys (Catalonian Coastal Ranges, Corsica-Sardinia and southern France), nor with the Lower Permian magmatism of the Iberian Ranges. These differences support the presence of a heterogeneous mantle in the western Tethys during the Permian.Se describe por primera vez en el sudeste de la Cordillera Ibérica un sill múltiple de carácter básico a intermedio. Está compuesto por varios cuerpos tabulares a irregulares intercalados entre los sedimentos de origen fluvial de la Formación Alcotas (Pérmico Medio-Superior). El sill podría representar la intrusión subvolcánica paleozoica más reciente en la Cordillera Ibérica. Estas rocas subvolcánicas se clasifican como andesitas basálticas. Muestran una textura subofítica constituida por plagioclasa (An62 – An6), augita (En48Wo44Fs7 –En46Wo39Fs15), pseudomorfos de olivino, minerales opacos (magnetita e ilmenita) y F-apatito accesorio. De acuerdo con su composición mineral y de roca total, su afinidad geoquímica es transicional entre subalcalina y alcalina. La datación radiométrica del sill no es posible debido a su elevado grado de alteración. No obstante, los criterios de campo sugieren un emplazamiento contemporáneo con el depósito de la Formación Alcotas (Pérmico Medio-Superior). Esta hipótesis está apoyada por la afinidad transicional de estas rocas, similar a otros episodios magmáticos del Pérmico Medio-Superior en el Tethys occidental, como los que afloran en los Pirineos. Teniendo en cuenta su signatura isotópica (εSr: -6.8 a -9.2; εNd: +1.7 a +8.3), se propone un origen a partir de un manto enriquecido, con la participación de un componente de tipo HIMU. Esta interpretación está apoyada por sus contenidos en elementos traza. Algunas de estas características del protolito han sido reconocidas en los magmatismos del Pérmico Medio-Superior del Pirineo (cuenca del Anayet) y del Alto Atlas (cuenca de Argana), pero no son habituales en otros magmatismos de edad Pérmico Medio-Superior del Tethys occidental (Cadenas Costero Catalanas, Córcega-Cerdeña y Sur de Francia), ni en el magmatismo Pérmico Inferior de la Cordillera Ibérica. Estas diferencias apoyan la presencia de un manto heterogéneo en el Tethys occidental durante el Pérmico

    The long-term costs and effects of tubal flushing with oil-based versus water-based contrast during hysterosalpingography

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    Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank all the participating women, the hospitals and their staff, the research nurses and the staff of the Nationwide Consortium for Women's Health Research (NVOG Consortium; www.zorgevaluatienederland.nl ) for logistical support. Thanks also go to the H2Oil study group collaborators: Nan van Geloven, Jos W. R. Twisk, Peter M. van de Ven and Peter G. A. Hompes for their contributions to this study. The original H2Oil RCT was an investigator-initiated study that was funded by the two academic institutions (AMC and VUmc) of the Amsterdam UMC. The long-term follow-up study and economic analysis, both investigator-initiated studies, were funded by a research grant from Guerbet, France. The funders had no role in study design or collection, analysis or interpretation of the data. Declaration of interest: C.T.P. has received consultancy fees for external work from Guerbet, France. K.D. reports receiving travel and speakers fee from Guerbet. H.R.V. reports receiving consultancy fees from Ferring. M.G. works at the Department of Reproductive Medicine of the Amsterdam UMC (location AMC and location VUmc). Location VUmc has received several research and educational grants from Guerbet, Merck and Ferring. C.B.L. reports speakers fee from Ferring in the past, and his department receives research grants from Ferring, Merck and Guerbet. V.M. reports receiving travel and speakers fees as well as research grants from Guerbet. B.W.J.M. is supported by a NHMRC Investigator grant (GNT1176437). B.W.J.M. has received research grants from Merck and Guerbet. The other authors report no financial or commercial conflicts of interest.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The epidemiology of adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV: A cross-region global cohort analysis

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    Background: Globally, the population of adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV (APHs) continues to expand. In this study, we pooled data from observational pediatric HIV cohorts and cohort networks, allowing comparisons of adolescents with perinatally acquired HIV in "real-life" settings across multiple regions. We describe the geographic and temporal characteristics and mortality outcomes of APHs across multiple regions, including South America and the Caribbean, North America, Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, and South and Southeast Asia. Methods and findings: Through the Collaborative Initiative for Paediatric HIV Education and Research (CIPHER), individual retrospective longitudinal data from 12 cohort networks were pooled. All children infected with HIV who entered care before age 10 years, were not known to have horizontally acquired HIV, and were followed up beyond age 10 years were included in this analysis conducted from May 2016 to January 2017. Our primary analysis describes patient and treatment characteristics of APHs at key time points, including first HIV-associated clinic visit, antiretroviral therapy (ART) start, age 10 years, and last visit, and compares these characteristics by geographic region, country income group (CIG), and birth period. Our secondary analysis describes mortality, transfer out, and lost to follow-up (LTFU) as outcomes at age 15 years, using competing risk analysis. Among the 38,187 APHs included, 51% were female, 79% were from sub-Saharan Africa and 65% lived in low-income countries. APHs from 51 countries were included (Europe: 14 countries and 3,054 APHs; North America: 1 country and 1,032 APHs; South America and the Caribbean: 4 countries and 903 APHs; South and Southeast Asia: 7 countries and 2,902 APHs; sub-Saharan Africa, 25 countries and 30,296 APHs). Observation started as early as 1982 in Europe and 1996 in sub-Saharan Africa, and continued until at least 2014 in all regions. The median (interquartile range [IQR]) duration of adolescent follow-up was 3.1 (1.5-5.2) years for the total cohort and 6.4 (3.6-8.0) years in Europe, 3.7 (2.0-5.4) years in North America, 2.5 (1.2-4.4) years in South and Southeast Asia, 5.0 (2.7-7.5) years in South America and the Caribbean, and 2.1 (0.9-3.8) years in sub-Saharan Africa. Median (IQR) age at first visit differed substantially by region, ranging from 0.7 (0.3-2.1) years in North America to 7.1 (5.3-8.6) years in sub-Saharan Africa. The median age at ART start varied from 0.9 (0.4-2.6) years in North America to 7.9 (6.0-9.3) years in sub-Saharan Africa. The cumulative incidence estimates (95% confidence interval [CI]) at age 15 years for mortality, transfers out, and LTFU for all APHs were 2.6% (2.4%-2.8%), 15.6% (15.1%-16.0%), and 11.3% (10.9%-11.8%), respectively. Mortality was lowest in Europe (0.8% [0.5%-1.1%]) and highest in South America and the Caribbean (4.4% [3.1%-6.1%]). However, LTFU was lowest in South America and the Caribbean (4.8% [3.4%-6.7%]) and highest in sub-Saharan Africa (13.2% [12.6%-13.7%]). Study limitations include the high LTFU rate in sub-Saharan Africa, which could have affected the comparison of mortality across regions; inclusion of data only for APHs receiving ART from some countries; and unavailability of data from high-burden countries such as Nigeria. Conclusion: To our knowledge, our study represents the largest multiregional epidemiological analysis of APHs. Despite probable under-ascertained mortality, mortality in APHs remains substantially higher in sub-Saharan Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and South America and the Caribbean than in Europe. Collaborations such as CIPHER enable us to monitor current global temporal trends in outcomes over time to inform appropriate policy responses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evidence of the proto-Iceland plume in northwestern Ireland at 42 Ma from helium isotopes

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    Combined K-Ar and Ar-Ar dating of a xenolith-bearing alkaline dyke, previously considered to be of late Palaeozoic age, suggest a mid-Eocene age of c. 43 Ma, indicating that it is part of extensive rift-related Tertiary intrusive activity. Hig