5 research outputs found

    Quality of cherry ‘Sweetheart’ from different regions of Portugal and Spain (Cova da Beira, Portalegre and Valle del Jerte).

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    Sweet cherries (Prunus avium L.) ‘Sweetheart’ were harvested at different production regions from Portugal (Cova da Beira and Portalegre) and Spain (Valle de Jerte). Cherries were harvested at their commercial maturation according to the empirical knowledge of external color corresponding to good quality. Fruits were stored and evaluated in order to study their quality on the harvest day and during a period of 21 days, at cold storage (1 ºC, 95% RH). The sweet cherry ‘Sweetheart’ is a well known variety and a highly appreciated one but fruits present a short shelf life. On the other hand the effect of different “terroir” on cherry characteristics should be known and clarified. Fruits from day 0, considered without storage, were kept at 20ºC and analyzed. Every weak, 3 replicas were randomly picked up and 10 fruits from each one were submitted to several analyses after fruit temperature stabilized at 20ºC. Several quality parameters were evaluated: external color (L*, a*, b*), texture, soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA) and the ratio between soluble solid contents (SSC) and tritratable acidity (TA). Fruits from different orchards and locations were significantly different according to these parameters. Fruits from Cova da Beira were less firm comparing with other two regions, Valle de Jerte and Portalegre, which may indicate a higher maturation rate at harvest in those fruits. This is in accordance with SSC/titratable acidity rate suggesting a late harvest in Cova da Beira comparing with other two orchards, however fruits from Cova da Beira exhibit a poor color at harvest. These results clearly showed a lower correlation between SSC and firmness considering fruits origin

    Efecto de la zona de producción sobre la calidad y funcionalidad de cerezas ‘Sweetheart’

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    La cereza es una fruta de gran calidad, muy valorada por sus características nutricionales y organolépticas. Su composición química y nutritiva está influenciada no sólo por el cultivar sino también por las condiciones edafoclimáticas y prácticas agronómicas de cada zona. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la influencia de la zona de producción sobre la calidad físico-química y funcional de cerezas del cultivar ‘Sweetheart’. Las cerezas fueron recolectadas en madurez comercial y seleccionadas por color y calibre en tres regiones diferentes, Casar de Palomero (España), Portalegre (Portugal) y Cova da Beira (Portugal). Los parámetros analizados fueron firmeza, color de piel, sólidos solubles totales (SST), acidez titulable, antocianos totales, polifenoles totales y actividad antioxidante total (AAT). La firmeza y el color de los frutos fue muy similar en las tres regiones, presentando una firmeza media de 2,6 N y una relación a*/b* de 4,4 en el momento de la recolección. La zona de producción afectó de forma significativa a los SST y acidez de los frutos, presentando las cerezas de Casar de Palomero el menor contenido de azúcares (17,4ºBrix) y las de Cova da Beira la mayor acidez (1,15 % ácido málico). Por otro lado, el contenido de compuestos bioactivos mostró diferencias significativas entre las tres regiones estudiadas. En general, las cerezas producidas en España presentaron un mayor contenido de antocianos y de polifenoles totales y, por tanto, de AAT. En conclusión, la zona productora y las prácticas agronómicas pueden dar lugar a frutos con diferentes características gustativas y bioactivas, aun presentando el mismo estado de maduración. Esta información podría ser útil para la promoción y comercialización diferenciada de cerezas acogidas a indicaciones geográficas protegidas

    Qualidade pós-colheita de cerejas cv. Ambrunés utilizando coberturas comestíveis Post harvest quality of cherry cv. Ambrunés using edible coatings

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    Objetivou-se, com o presente trabalho, avaliar a qualidade de cerejas cv. Ambrunés ("picotas"), cobertas com películas comestíveis à base de zeína e cera de carnaúba, aplicadas na forma de imersão e pulverização, e armazenadas em ambiente controlado a 5 ºC &plusmn; 0,5 ºC e umidade relativa de 90 - 95 %. Os parâmetros usados para avaliar a qualidade dos frutos foram: sólidos solúveis totais (SST), acidez total titulável (ATT), perda de peso, relação SST/ATT e deterioração fúngica. Os frutos foram avaliados até o 52º dia de conservação. A emulsão de cera de carnaúba mostrou-se superior em todos os parâmetros, quando comparados com os frutos-testemunha e os cobertos com zeína. A cobertura à base de zeína provocou a aceleração da maturação dos frutos e apresentou deterioração fúngica a partir do 24º dia de armazenamento. Foi observado que a forma de comercialização das cerejas sem o pedúnculo ("picotas") representa maior possibilidade de contaminação fúngica através da área lesionada. A emulsão de cera de carnaúba aplicada na forma de imersão retardou a podridão até o 45º dia de conservação, apresentando-se como o melhor tratamento.<br>The objective of this study was evaluate the quality of cherries cv Ambrunés (cherries perforated) covered with edible coatings based on zeina and carnaúba wax emulsion, appliied in the form of immersion and pulverization and storage in controlled environment with temperature 5 ºC &plusmn; 0,5 ºC and humidity 90 - 95 %. The parameters used to evaluate the quality of the fruits were: soluble solid, titratable acidity, loss of weight, soluble solid relation / titratable total acidity and fungal deterioration. The fruits were evaluated until the 52nd day of conservation. The treatment that used the emulsion carnaúba wax was superior in all of the parameters when compared with the control fruits and the fruits coatings with zeina. The coating based on zeína provoked an acceleration in the ripening of the fruits and presented fungal deterioration since the 24th day storage. It was also noticed that this form of cherries without the peduncle (cherries perforated) commercialization, represents a bigger possibility of fungal contamination trought the injured area. The emulsion of carnaúba wax retarded the deterioration until the 45th day of conservation, showed while the better treatment