5,477 research outputs found

    Socioeconomic Factors and the Consumption of Wine in Tenerife

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    In this paper we measure the impact of an individual's socioeconomic conditions on the decision to consume wine in a traditionally wine-producing area. Based on the data obtained in an exhaustive survey on wine consumption and through discrete choice models, we assess the changes which come about in the decisions to consume the different types of wine under consideration, and we obtain the most relevant distinctive and differentiated characteristics for each one of them.wine consumption, socioeconomic characteristics, discrete choice models, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Design of THz Antennas for a continuous-wave interdigitated electrode photomixer

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    The design of a dual-slot antenna integrated with an interdigitated electrode (IDE) LT GaAs photomixer together with choke filters and a dielectric lens, optimized for high output power at an operating frequency of 1 THz is proposed. An equivalent-circuit model for determination of coplanar waveguide (CPW) IDE capacitance is suggested, in order to tune it out using a dual-slot antenna. The initial design based on a Smith chart approach has been validated by carrying out exhaustive simulations in CST MicroWave Studio software. The radiation efficiency, incase of a dual-slot antenna integrated with a lumped capacitor element is found to be 81% with a directivity value of 11.47 dBi. The effect of choke filters on different antenna radiation parameters is also investigated. A 3-fan CPW radial stub gives a radiation efficiency of 62% with a directivity of 10.5 dBi and has a potential of providing better performa

    Sub-wavelength lithography over extended areas

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    We demonstrate a systematic approach to sub-wavelength resolution lithographic image formation on films covering areas larger than a wavelength squared. For example, it is possible to make a lithographic pattern with a feature size resolution of λ/[2(N+1)]\lambda/[2(N+1)] by using a particular 2M2 M-photon, multi-mode entangled state, where N<MN < M, and banks of birefringent plates. By preparing a statistically mixed such a state one can form any pixel pattern on a (N+1)2M−N×(N+1)2M−N(N+1) 2^{M-N} \times (N+1) 2^{M-N} pixel grid occupying a square with a side of L=2M−N−1L=2^{M-N-1} wavelengths. Hence, there is a trade-off between the exposed area, the minimum lithographic feature size resolution, and the number of photons used for the exposure. We also show that the proposed method will work even under non-ideal conditions, albeit with somewhat poorer performance.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. Written in RevTe

    GEM operation in double-phase xenon

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    Variación del contenido en esporas de Alternaria, Cladosporium y Fusarium en la atmófera de la ciudad de Ourense (años 1993-1994)

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    Bandlimited approximations to the truncated Gaussian and applications

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    In this paper we extend the theory of optimal approximations of functions f:R→Rf: \R \to \R in the L1(R)L^1(\R)-metric by entire functions of prescribed exponential type (bandlimited functions). We solve this problem for the truncated and the odd Gaussians using explicit integral representations and fine properties of truncated theta functions obtained via the maximum principle for the heat operator. As applications, we recover most of the previously known examples in the literature and further extend the class of truncated and odd functions for which this extremal problem can be solved, by integration on the free parameter and the use of tempered distribution arguments. This is the counterpart of the work \cite{CLV}, where the case of even functions is treated.Comment: to appear in Const. Appro

    Fragmentation of very high energy heavy ions

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    A stack of CR39 (C12H18O7)n nuclear track detectors with a Cu target was exposed to a 158 A GeV lead ion beam at the CERN-SPS, in order to study the fragmentation properties of lead nuclei. Measurements of the total, break-up and pick-up charge-changing cross sections of ultrarelativistic Pb ions on Cu and CR39 targets are presented and discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 EPS figures included with epsf, uses article.sty Talk presented by M. Giorgini at the Int. Conf. on Structure of the Nucleus at the Dawn of the Century, Bologna (Italy), May 29-June 3, 200

    Low-temperature spin relaxation in n-type GaAs

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    Low-temperature electron spin relaxation is studied by the optical orientation method in bulk n-GaAs with donor concentrations from 10^14 cm^{-3} to 5x10^17 cm^{-3}. A peculiarity related to the metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) is observed in the dependence of the spin lifetime on doping near n_D = 2x10^16 cm^{-3}. In the metallic phase, spin relaxation is governed by the Dyakonov-Perel mechanism, while in the insulator phase it is due to anisotropic exchange interaction and hyperfine interactio

    Shot noise of Coulomb drag current

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    We work out a theory of shot noise in a special case. This is a noise of the Coulomb drag current excited under the ballistic transport regime in a one-dimensional nanowire by a ballistic non-Ohmic current in a nearby parallel nanowire. We predict sharp oscillation of the noise power as a function of gate voltage or the chemical potential of electrons. We also study dependence of the noise on the voltage V across the driving wire. For relatively large values of V the noise power is proportional to V^2.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Effects of electrojet turbulence on a magnetosphere-ionosphere simulation of a geomagnetic storm

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    Ionospheric conductance plays an important role in regulating the response of the magnetosphere‐ionosphere system to solar wind driving. Typically, models of magnetosphere‐ionosphere coupling include changes to ionospheric conductance driven by extreme ultraviolet ionization and electron precipitation. This paper shows that effects driven by the Farley‐Buneman instability can also create significant enhancements in the ionospheric conductance, with substantial impacts on geospace. We have implemented a method of including electrojet turbulence (ET) effects into the ionospheric conductance model utilized within geospace simulations. Our particular implementation is tested with simulations of the Lyon‐Fedder‐Mobarry global magnetosphere model coupled with the Rice Convection Model of the inner magnetosphere. We examine the impact of including ET‐modified conductances in a case study of the geomagnetic storm of 17 March 2013. Simulations with ET show a 13% reduction in the cross polar cap potential at the beginning of the storm and up to 20% increases in the Pedersen and Hall conductance. These simulation results show better agreement with Defense Meteorological Satellite Program observations, including capturing features of subauroral polarization streams. The field‐aligned current (FAC) patterns show little differences during the peak of storm and agree well with Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment (AMPERE) reconstructions. Typically, the simulated FAC densities are stronger and at slightly higher latitudes than shown by AMPERE. The inner magnetospheric pressures derived from Tsyganenko‐Sitnov empirical magnetic field model show that the inclusion of the ET effects increases the peak pressure and brings the results into better agreement with the empirical model.This material is based upon work supported by NASA grants NNX14AI13G, NNX13AF92G, and NNX16AB80G. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation. This work used the XSEDE and TACC computational facilities, supported by National Science Foundation grant ACI-1053575. We would like to acknowledge high-performance computing support from Yellowstone (ark:/85065/d7wd3xhc) provided by NCAR's Computational and Information Systems Laboratory, sponsored by the National Science Foundation. We thank the AMPERE team and the AMPERE Science Center for providing the Iridium derived data products. All model output, simulation codes, and analysis routines are being preserved on the NCAR High-Performance Storage System and will be made available upon written request to the lead author of this publication. (NNX14AI13G - NASA; NNX13AF92G - NASA; NNX16AB80G - NASA; National Science Foundation; ACI-1053575 - National Science Foundation
