18 research outputs found

    Tanaka Theorem for Inelastic Maxwell Models

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    We show that the Euclidean Wasserstein distance is contractive for inelastic homogeneous Boltzmann kinetic equations in the Maxwellian approximation and its associated Kac-like caricature. This property is as a generalization of the Tanaka theorem to inelastic interactions. Consequences are drawn on the asymptotic behavior of solutions in terms only of the Euclidean Wasserstein distance

    Probabilistic study of the speed of approach to equilibrium for an inelastic Kac model

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    This paper deals with a one--dimensional model for granular materials, which boils down to an inelastic version of the Kac kinetic equation, with inelasticity parameter p>0p>0. In particular, the paper provides bounds for certain distances -- such as specific weighted χ\chi--distances and the Kolmogorov distance -- between the solution of that equation and the limit. It is assumed that the even part of the initial datum (which determines the asymptotic properties of the solution) belongs to the domain of normal attraction of a symmetric stable distribution with characteristic exponent \a=2/(1+p). With such initial data, it turns out that the limit exists and is just the aforementioned stable distribution. A necessary condition for the relaxation to equilibrium is also proved. Some bounds are obtained without introducing any extra--condition. Sharper bounds, of an exponential type, are exhibited in the presence of additional assumptions concerning either the behaviour, near to the origin, of the initial characteristic function, or the behaviour, at infinity, of the initial probability distribution function

    Monte Carlo Method for Calculating the Electrostatic Energy of a Molecule

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    The problem of computing the electrostatic energy of a large molecule is considered. It is reduced to solving the Poisson equation inside and the linear Poisson-Boltzmann equation in the exterior, coupled by boundary conditions. A Monte Carlo estimate for the potential point values, their derivatives, and the energy is constructed. The estimate is based on the walk on spheres and Green's function first passage algorithms; the walk in subdomains technique; and finite-difference approximations of the boundary condition. Results of some illustrative calculations are presented