7 research outputs found

    Perceptions Of Dental Fluorosis And Evaluation Of Agreement Between Parents And Children: Validation Of A Questionnaire [percepção Da Fluorose Dentária E Avaliação Da Concordância Entre Pais E Filhos: Validação De Um Instrumento]

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    This study aimed to validate the Child's and Parent's Questionnaire about Teeth Appearance and to evaluate concerns relative to fluorosis among 213 pairs of parents and 12-year-old children from two regions of Brazil. Reliability was assessed by Cronbach's alpha and intraclass correlation coefficient, and construct and criterion validity by Spearman's correlations. Student t-test was used to compare the two regions and to assess parent/child agreement. Internal consistency was acceptable, and test-retest reliability was moderate to excellent. Perception of moderate to severe fluorosis and clinical data were significantly correlated, as were perception of fluorosis and subjects' concerns. Although parents from Rafael Arruda, Ceará State, showed a higher perception of fluorosis, parental concern was greater in Piracicaba, São Paulo State. Parents were more worried and dissatisfied with their children's dental appearance than the children themselves. This version of the questionnaire proved to be valid and reliable for assessing children's and parents' perceptions of dental fluorosis.28814931505Alkhatib, M., Holt, R., Bedi, R., Aesthetically objection able fluorosis in the United Kingdom (2004) Br Dent J, 197, pp. 325-328Do, L.G., Spencer, A., Oral health-related quality of life of children by dental caries and fluorosis experience (2007) J Public Health Dent, 67, pp. 132-139Clark, D.C., Hann, H.J., Williamzson, M.F., Berkowitz, J., Aesthetic concerns of children and parents in relation to different classifications of the Tooth Surface Index of Fluorosis (1993) Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 21, pp. 360-364Clark, D.C., Evaluation of Aesthetics For the Differbem-estar Dos Portadores E Responsabilidade Leent Classifications of the Tooth Surface Index of Gal, 23, pp. 80-83. , [Tese de Doutorado]. Piracicaba: Faculdade de Fluorosis. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1995Odontologia de Piracicaba, Universidade EstadualMartínez-Mier, E.A., Maupomé, G., Soto-Rojas, A.E., Ureña-Cirett, J.L., Katz, B.P., Stookey, G.K., Development of a questionnaire to measure perceptions of, and concerns derived from, dental fluorosis (2004) Community Dent Health, 21, pp. 299-305Peres, K.G., Latorre, M.R.D.O., Peres, M.A., Traebert, J., Panizzi, M., Impacto da cárie e da fluorose dentária na satisfação com a aparência e com a mastigação de crianças de 12 anos de idade (2003) Cad Saúde Pública, 19, pp. 323-330Moysés, S.J., Moysés, S.T., Allegretti, A.C.V., Argenta, M., Werneck, R., Fluorose dental: Ficção epidemiológica? (2002) Rev Panam Salud Pública, 12, pp. 339-346Lawson, J., Warren, J.J., Levy, S.M., Broffitt, B., Bishara, S.E., Relative esthetic importance of orthodontic and color abnormalities (2008) Angle Orthod, 78, pp. 889-894Michel-Crosato, E., Biazevic, M.G.H., Crosato, E., Relationship between dental fluorosis and quality of life: A population based study (2005) Braz Oral Res, 19, pp. 150-155Furtado, G.E.S., Sousa, M.L.R., Martínez-Mier, E.A., Silva, D.D., Deschamps, N., Almeida, M.E.L., Tradução e adaptação cultural para o Brasil de um instrument para verificar percepção da estética dentária (2010) Rev Bras Promoç Saúde (Impr.), 23, pp. 316-324Dean, H.T., Arnold, F.A., Endemic dental fluorosis or mottled teeth (1943) J Am Dent Assoc, 30, pp. 1278-1283Griep, R.H., Chor, D., Faerstein, E., Lopes, C., Confiabilidade teste-reteste de aspectos da rede social no Estudo Pró-Saúde (2003) Rev Saúde Pública, 37, pp. 379-385Cronbach, L.J., Coefficient alpha and internal structure of tests (1951) Psychometrika, 16, pp. 297-334Bland, J.M., Altman, D.G., Statistics notes: Cronbach's alpha (1997) BMJ, 314, p. 572Macedo-Soares, T.D.L.V.A., Santos, J.A.N., Implementação de estratégias orientadas para o cliente nos hospitais do Brasil: Um instrumento para avaliar sua eficácia (2000) Rev Adm Pública, 34, pp. 165-208Bartko, J.J., The Intraclass correlation coefficient as a measure of reliability (1966) Psychol Rep, 19, pp. 3-11Kramer, M.S., Feinstein, A.R., The biostatistics of concordance (1981) Clin Pharmacol Ther, 29, pp. 111-123Cypriano, S., Sousa, M.L.R., Rihs, L.B., Wada, R.S., Prevalência e severidade da fluorose dentária em Piracicaba, SP, Brasil (2004) RPG Rev Pos-Grad, 11, pp. 67-73Cortês, D.F., Ellwood, R.P., O'Mullane, D.M., Bastos, J.R., Drinking water fluoride levels, dental fluorosis and caries experience in Brazil (1996) J Public Health Dent, 56, pp. 226-228Morais, I.R., (1999) Fluorose Dentária: Um Estudo Epidemiológico Em Escolares De 10 a 14 Anos Numa Comunidade Rural Com Altos Teores Naturais De Flúor Na Água De Consumo, Sobral-CE, , [Dissertação de Mestrado]. Fortaleza: Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal do CearáMenezes, L.M.B., (2001) Autopercepção Da Fluorose Dental, Bem-estar Dos Portadores E Responsabilidade Legal, , [Tese de Doutorado]. Piracicaba: Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba, Universidade Estadual de CampinasReichenheim, M.E., Moraes, C.L., Operacionalização de adaptação transcultural de instrumentos de aferição usados em epidemiologia (2007) Rev Saúde Pública, 41, pp. 665-673Berhane, Y., Demissie, B., Zerihun, L., Makonnen, E., Eshete, B., Preventing dental fluorosis (2002) Ethiop J Health Dev, 16, pp. 225-226Stephen, K.W., Fluoride prospects for the new millennium - community and individual patient aspects (1999) Acta Odontol Scand, 57, pp. 352-355Bhagyajyothi, C.S., Pushpanjali, K., Perceptions and concerns about dental fluorosis as assessed by Tooth Surface Index of Fluorosis among high school children in an area of endemic fluorosis - Kaiwara (2009) Oral Health Prev Dent, 7, pp. 33-38Edwards, M., Macpherson, L.M.D., Simmons, D.R., Harper, G.W., Stephen, K.W., An assessment of teenagers' perceptions of dental fluorosis using digital simulation and web-based testing (2005) Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 33, pp. 298-306Parsons, S.K., Barlow, S.E., Levy, S.L., Supran, S.E., Kaplan, S.H., Health-related quality of life in pediatric bone marrow transplant survivors: According to whom? (1999) Int J Cancer, 12, pp. 46-51Assumpção, F.B., Kuczynski, E., Sprovieri, M.H., Aranha, E.M.G., Escala de avaliação de qualidade de vida: (AUQEI - Autoquestionnaire Qualité de Vie Enfant Imagé) validade e confiabilidade de uma escala para qualidade de vida em crianças de 4 a 12 anos (2000) Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 58, pp. 119-127Johal, A., Cheung, M.Y., Marcene, W., The impact of two different malocclusion traits on quality of life (2007) Br Dent J, 202, pp. 1-4Wilson-Genderson, M., Broder, H.L., Phillips, C., Concordance between caregiver and child reports of children's oral health-related quality of life (2007) Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 35, pp. 32-40Zhang, M., McGrath, C., Hägg, U., Who knows more about the impact of malocclusion on children's quality of life, mothers or fathers? (2007) Eur J Orthod, 29, pp. 180-185Jokovic, A., Locker, D., Stephens, M., Guyatt, G., Agreement between mothers and children aged 11-14 years in rating child oral health-related quality of life (2003) Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 31, pp. 335-343Jokovic, A., Locker, D., Guyatt, G., How well do parents know their children? Implications for proxy reporting of child health-related quality of life (2004) Qual Life Res, 13, pp. 1297-1307Sawyer, M., Antoniou, G., Toogood, I., Rice, M., A comparison of parent and adolescent reports describing the health-related quality of life of adolescents treated for cancer (1999) Int J Cancer, 12, pp. 39-45Wallander, J.L., Schmitt, M., Koot, H.M., Quality of life measurement in children and adolescents: Issues, instruments, and applications (2001) J Clin Psychol, 57, pp. 571-585Eiser, C., Morse, R., Can parents rate their child ́s health-related quality of life? Results of a systematic review (2001) Qual Life Res, 10, pp. 347-357van Palenstein, H.W.H., Mkasabuni, E., Impact of dental fluorosis on the perception of wellbeing in an endemic fluorosis area in Tanzania (1993) Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 21, pp. 243-244Barbosa, T.S., Gavião, M.B.D., Oral health-related quality of life - part III: Is there agreement between parents in rating their children's oral health-related quality of life? (2008) A systematic review Int J Dent Hyg, 6, pp. 108-113Erhart, M., Ellert, U., Kurth, B.M., Ravens-Sieberer, U., Measuring adolescents HRQoL via self reports and parent proxy reports: An evaluation of psychometric properties of both versions of the KINDL-R instrument (2009) Health Qual Life Outcomes, 7, pp. 77-8

    Evaluation Of The Neonatal Outcomes Of The Kangaroo Mother Method In Brazil [avaliação Dos Resultados Neonatais Do Método Canguru No Brasil]

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    Objective: To evaluate the results of the kangaroo mother method in Brazil. Methods: A prospective cohort study comparing 16 units that have or do not have the second phase of the kangaroo mother method: eight were national centers of excellence for the kangaroo mother method (study group) and eight were part of the Brazilian Neonatal Research Network (control group). A total of 985 newborn infants with birth weights of 500 to 1,749 g were enrolled. Multivariate analyses employedmultiple linear regression and Poisson regression with robust adjustment. Results: The adjusted analysis (controlled for birth weight, gestational age, Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology Perinatal Extension II, Neonatal Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System, and maternal age and educational level) demonstrated that mean length of hospital stay (p = 0.14) and intercurrent clinical conditions in the intermediate or kangaroo unit were equal for both groups. Weight (p = 0.012), length (p = 0.039) and head circumference (p = 0.006) at 36 weeks' corrected gestational age were all lower at the kangaroo units. The kangaroo units exhibited superior performance in relation to exclusive breastfeeding at discharge (69.2 vs. 23.8%, p=0.022). Conclusions: The evidence suggests that the humanization strategy adopted by the Brazilian Ministry of Health is a safe alternative to conventional treatment and a good strategy for promoting breastfeeding. Copyright © 2008 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.845428435Mathelin, C., (1999) Osorriso da Gioconda: Clínica psicanalí ticacombebês prematuros, , Rio de Janeiro: Companhia de Freud;Lamy, Z.C., (2000) Unidade neonatal: Um espaço de conflitos e negociações [Tese], , Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Fundação Oswaldo Cruz;Walsh-Sukys M, Reitenbach A, Hudson-Barr D, DePompei P. Reducing light and sound in the neonatal intensive care unit: an evaluation of patient safety, staff satisfaction, and costs. 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Mãe canguru para reduzir morbidade e mortalidade em recém-nascidos com baixo peso ao nascer (Cochrane Review). In: Resumos de Revisões Sistemáticas em Português, Issue 2, 2007. Oxford: Update SoftwareFeldman, R., Weller, A., Sirota, L., Eidelman, A.I., Skin-to-Skin contact (Kangaroo care) promotes self-regulation in premature infants: Sleep-wake cyclicity, arousal modulation, and sustained exploration (2002) Dev Psychol, 38, pp. 194-207Kirsten, G.F., Bergman, N.J., Hann, K.M., Kangaroo mother care in the nursery (2001) Pediatr Clin North Am, 48, pp. 443-452Ramanathan, K., Paul, V.K., Deorari, A., Taneja, U., George, G., Kangaroo Mother Care in very low birth weight infants (2001) Indian J Pediatr, 68, pp. 1019-1023Ludington-Hoe, S.M., Johnson, M.W., Morgan, K., Lewis, T., Gutman, J., Wilson, P.D., Neurophysiologic assessment of neonatal sleep organization: Preliminary results of a randomized, controlled trial of skin contact with preterm infants (2006) Pediatrics, 117, pp. e909-e923Gray, L., Watt, L., Blass, E.M., Skin-to-skin contact is analgesic in healthy newborns (2000) Pediatrics, 105, pp. e14Charpak, N., Ruiz-Pelaez, J.G., Figueroa de, C.Z., Charpak, Y., A randomized, controlled trial of kangaroo mother care: Results of follow-up at 1 year of corrected age (2001) Pediatrics, 108, pp. 1072-1079Penalva, O., Schwartzman, J.S., Descriptive study of the clinical and nutritional profile and follow-up of premature babies in a Kangaroo Mother Care Program (2006) J Pediatr (Rio J), 82, pp. 33-39Charpak, N., Ruiz-Pelaez, J.G., Figueroa de, C.Z., Charpak, Y., Kangaroo mother versus traditional care for newborn infants >/= 2,000 grams: A randomized, controlled trial (1997) Pediatrics, 100, pp. 682-688Ruiz-Peláez, J.G., Charpak, N., Cuervo, L.G., Kangaroo Mother Care, an example to follow from developing countries (2004) BMJ, 329, pp. 1179-1181Venancio, S.I., Almeida, H., Método Mãe Canguru: Aplicação no Brasil, evidências científicas e impacto sobre o aleitamento materno. 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    Períodos de interferência de plantas daninhas na cultura da cenoura em função do espaçamento entre fileiras Periods of weed interference in carrot in function of spacing between rows

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar os períodos de interferência das plantas daninhas na cultura da cenoura (Daucus carota), cultivada em dois espaçamentos. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, no esquema fatorial 2 x 14, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram na combinação de dois espaçamentos (15 x 6 cm e 20 x 6 cm) e sete períodos iniciais de controle ou convivência da cultura com as plantas daninhas (0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 e 72 dias após a emergência). Os períodos críticos de prevenção à interferência (PCPI) foram de 19 a 36 e 18 a 42 dias após emergência da cultura, respectivamente para os espaçamentos de 15 x 6 cm e 20 x 6 cm entre fileiras. O menor espaçamento entre fileiras resultou na redução do período crítico de prevenção à interferência das plantas daninhas em sete dias. A interferência das plantas daninhas durante todo o ciclo reduziu a produtividade de cenoura em até 96%.<br>This work aimed to determine the periods of weed interference in carrot (Daucus carota) cultivated in two spacings (15 x 6 cm and 20 x 6 cm). The experimental design was arranged in a randomized block in a 2 x 14 factorial scheme, with two repetitions. The treatments consisted in the combination of the two spacings and seven initial periods of control or coexistence of the culture with the weeds( 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, and 72 days after emergence). The critical periods of weed interference prevention (CPWIP) were from 19 to 36 and 18 to 42 days after crop emergence, respectively, for spacing rows from 15 x 6 cm to 20 x 6 cm. The shortest spacing between the rows resulted in the reduction of the critical period of weed interference prevention in carrot in seven days. Weed interference throughout the crop cycle reduced crop yield up to 96%