79 research outputs found

    Application of artificial intelligence in the branch and bound method on the example of various applied problems

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    The article describes the possible approaches to the use of artificial intelligence to improve the work of the branch and bound method in various applied problems. Various developments obtained by the authors earlier in the study of the branch and bound method are used, as well as new solutions to the problems are considered

    Heavy quark mass determination from the quarkonium ground state energy: a pole mass approach

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    The heavy quark pole mass in perturbation theory suffers from a renormalon caused, inherent uncertainty of O(ΛQCD)O(\Lambda_{\rm QCD}). This fundamental difficulty of determining the pole mass to an accuracy better than the inherent uncertainty can be overcome by direct resummation of the first infrared renormalon. We show how a properly defined pole mass as well as the MSˉ\bar {\rm MS} mass for the top and bottom quarks can be determined accurately from the O(mαs5)O(m\alpha_s^5) quarkonium ground state energy.Comment: 16 pages; published versio

    Pores with Longitudinal Irregularities Distinguish Objects by Shape

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    The resistive-pulse technique has been used to detect and size objects which pass through a single pore. The amplitude of the ion current change observed when a particle is in the pore is correlated with the particle volume. Up to date, however, the resistive-pulse approach has not been able to distinguish between objects of similar volume but different shapes. In this manuscript, we propose using pores with longitudinal irregularities as a sensitive tool capable of distinguishing spherical and rod-shaped particles with different lengths. The ion current modulations within resulting resistive pulses carry information on the length of passing objects. The performed experiments also indicate the rods rotate while translocating, and displace an effective volume that is larger than their geometrical volume, and which also depends on the pore diameter

    The QCD heavy-quark potential to order v^2: one loop matching conditions

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    The one-loop QCD heavy quark potential is computed to order v^2 in the color singlet and octet channels. Several errors in the previous literature are corrected. To be consistent with the velocity power counting, the full dependence on |p' + p|/|p' - p| is kept. The matching conditions for the NRQCD one-loop potential are computed by comparing the QCD calculation with that in the effective theory. The graphs in the effective theory are also compared to terms from the hard, soft, potential, and ultrasoft regimes in the threshold expansion. The issue of off-shell versus on-shell matching and gauge dependence is discussed in detail for the 1/(m k) term in the potential. Matching on-shell gives a 1/(m k) potential that is gauge independent and does not vanish for QED.Comment: 28 pages, References added and minor changes to section III, results unchange

    Calculations of binding energies and masses of heavy quarkonia using renormalon cancellation

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    We use various methods of Borel integration to calculate the binding ground energies and masses of b-bbar and t-tbar quarkonia. The methods take into account the leading infrared renormalon structure of the hard+soft part of the binding energies E(s), and of the corresponding quark pole masses m_q, where the contributions of these singularities in M(s) = 2 m_q + E(s) cancel. Beforehand, we carry out the separation of the binding energy into its hard+soft and ultrasoft parts. The resummation formalisms are applied to expansions of m_q and E(s) in terms of quantities which do not involve renormalon ambiguity, such as MSbar quark mass, and alpha_s. The renormalization scales are different in calculations of m_q, E(s) and E(us). The MSbar mass of b quark is extracted, and the binding energies of t-tbar and the peak (resonance) energies for (t+tbar) production are obtained.Comment: 23 pages, 8 double figures, revtex4; the version to appear in Phys.Rev.D; extended discussion between Eqs.(25) and (26); the paragraph between Eqs.(32) and (33) is new and explains the numerical dependence of the residue parameter on the factorization scale; several new references were added; acknowledgments were modified; the numerical results are unchange

    Supersymmetric Dark Matter and Yukawa Unification

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    An analysis of supersymmetric dark matter under the Yukawa unification constraint is given. The analysis utilizes the recently discovered region of the parameter space of models with gaugino mass nonuniversalities where large negative supersymmetric corrections to the b quark mass appear to allow bτb-\tau unification for a positive μ\mu sign consistent with the bs+γb\to s+\gamma and gμ2g_{\mu}-2 constraints. In the present analysis we use the revised theoretical determination of aμSMa_{\mu}^{SM} (aμ=(gμ2)/2a_{\mu}= (g_{\mu}-2)/2) in computing the difference aμexpaμSMa_{\mu}^{exp}-a_{\mu}^{SM} which takes account of a reevaluation of the light by light contribution which has a positive sign. The analysis shows that the region of the parameter space with nonuniversalities of the gaugino masses which allows for unification of Yukawa couplings also contains regions which allow satisfaction of the relic density constraint. Specifically we find that the lightest neutralino mass consistent with the relic density constraint, bτb\tau unification for SU(5) and btτb-t-\tau unification for SO(10) in addition to other constraints lies in the region below 80 GeV. An analysis of the maximum and the minimum neutralino-proton scalar cross section for the allowed parameter space including the effect of a new determination of the pion-nucleon sigma term is also given. It is found that the full parameter space for this class of models can be explored in the next generation of proposed dark matter detectors.Comment: 28 pages,nLatex including 5 fig

    What if Supersymmetry Breaking Unifies beyond the GUT Scale?

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    We study models in which soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters of the MSSM become universal at some unification scale, MinM_{in}, above the GUT scale, \mgut. We assume that the scalar masses and gaugino masses have common values, m0m_0 and m1/2m_{1/2} respectively, at MinM_{in}. We use the renormalization-group equations of the minimal supersymmetric SU(5) GUT to evaluate their evolutions down to \mgut, studying their dependences on the unknown parameters of the SU(5) superpotential. After displaying some generic examples of the evolutions of the soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters, we discuss the effects on physical sparticle masses in some specific examples. We note, for example, that near-degeneracy between the lightest neutralino and the lighter stau is progressively disfavoured as MinM_{in} increases. This has the consequence, as we show in (m1/2,m0)(m_{1/2}, m_0) planes for several different values of tanβ\tan \beta, that the stau coannihilation region shrinks as MinM_{in} increases, and we delineate the regions of the (Min,tanβ)(M_{in}, \tan \beta) plane where it is absent altogether. Moreover, as MinM_{in} increases, the focus-point region recedes to larger values of m0m_0 for any fixed tanβ\tan \beta and m1/2m_{1/2}. We conclude that the regions of the (m1/2,m0)(m_{1/2}, m_0) plane that are commonly favoured in phenomenological analyses tend to disappear at large MinM_{in}.Comment: 24 pages with 11 eps figures; references added, some figures corrected, discussion extended and figure added; version to appear in EPJ

    Colliders and Cosmology

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    Dark matter in variations of constrained minimal supersymmetric standard models will be discussed. Particular attention will be given to the comparison between accelerator and direct detection constraints.Comment: Submitted for the SUSY07 proceedings, 15 pages, LaTex, 26 eps figure

    Heavy Quarks and Heavy Quarkonia as Tests of Thermalization

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    We present here a brief summary of new results on heavy quarks and heavy quarkonia from the PHENIX experiment as presented at the "Quark Gluon Plasma Thermalization" Workshop in Vienna, Austria in August 2005, directly following the International Quark Matter Conference in Hungary.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Quark Gluon Plasma Thermalization Workshop (Vienna August 2005) Proceeding

    Single Electrons from Heavy Flavor Decays in p+p Collisions at sqrt(s) = 200 GeV

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    The invariant differential cross section for inclusive electron production in p+p collisions at sqrt(s) = 200 GeV has been measured by the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider over the transverse momentum range $0.4 <= p_T <= 5.0 GeV/c at midrapidity (eta <= 0.35). The contribution to the inclusive electron spectrum from semileptonic decays of hadrons carrying heavy flavor, i.e. charm quarks or, at high p_T, bottom quarks, is determined via three independent methods. The resulting electron spectrum from heavy flavor decays is compared to recent leading and next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations. The total cross section of charm quark-antiquark pair production is determined as sigma_(c c^bar) = 0.92 +/- 0.15 (stat.) +- 0.54 (sys.) mb.Comment: 329 authors, 6 pages text, 3 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are (or will be) publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/papers.htm