1,298 research outputs found

    Current induced switching of magnetic domains to a perpendicular configuration

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    In a ferromagnet--normal-metal--ferromagnet trilayer, a current flowing perpendicularly to the layers creates a torque on the magnetic moments of the ferromagnets. When one of the contacts is superconducting, the torque not only favors parallel or antiparallel alignment of the magnetic moments, as is the case for two normal contacts, but can also favor a configuration where the two moments are perpendicular. In addition, whereas the conductance for parallel and antiparallel magnetic moments is the same, signalling the absence of giant magnetoresistance in the usual sense, the conductance is greater in the perpendicular configuration. Thus, a negative magnetoconductance is predicted, in contrast with the usual giant magnetoresistance.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, major rewriting of the technical par

    Modelling the escape of Chondrostereum purpureum spores from a larch forest with biological control of Prunus serotina.

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    Risico-analyse van gebeurtenissen die leiden tot infectie van non-target planten. Middels een theoretische benadering in de vorm van gesimuleerde spore-verspreiding binnen en buiten het bos, wordt de sporefractie berekend die zou kunnen ontsnappen uit het bo

    Acoustic Characterization of a Vessel-on-a-Chip Microfluidic System for Ultrasound-Mediated Drug Delivery

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    Ultrasound in the presence of gas-filled microbubbles can be used to enhance local uptake of drugs and genes. To study the drug delivery potential and its underlying physical and biological mechanisms, an in vitro vessel model should ideally include 3D cell culture, perfusion flow, and membranefree soft boundaries. Here, we propose an organ-on-a-chip microfluidic platform to study ultrasound-mediated drug delivery: the OrganoPlate. The acoustic propagation into the OrganoPlate was determined to assess the feasibility of controlled microbubble actuation, which is required to study the microbubble-cell interaction for drug delivery. The pressure field in the OrganoPlate was characterized non-invasively by studying experimentally the well-known response of microbubbles and by simulating the acoustic wave propagation in the system. Microbubble dynamics in the OrganoPlate were recorded with the Brandaris 128 ultrahigh speed camera (17 Mfps) and a control experiment was performed in an OptiCell, an in vitro monolayer cell culture chamber that is conventionally used to study ultrasound-mediated d
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