2,291 research outputs found

    Effect of the North Equatorial Counter Current on the generation and propagation of internal solitary waves off the Amazon shelf (SAR observations)

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    Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery from the Amazon shelf break region in the tropical west Atlantic reveals for the first time the two-dimensional horizontal structure of an intense Internal Solitary Wave (ISW) field, whose first surface manifestations are detected several hundred kilometres away from the nearest forcing bathymetry. Composite maps and an energy budget analysis (provided from the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model - HYCOM) help to identify two major ISW pathways emanating from the steep slopes of a small promontory (or headland) near 44 degrees W and 0 degrees N, which are seen to extend for over 500 km into the open ocean. Further analysis in the SAR reveals propagation speeds above 3 ms(-1), which are amongst the fastest ever recorded. The main characteristics of the ISWs are further discussed based on a statistical analysis, and seasonal variability is found for one of the ISW sources. This seasonal variability is discussed in light of the North Equatorial Counter Current. The remote appearance of the ISW sea surface manifestations is explained by a late disintegration of the internal tide (IT), which is further investigated based on the SAR data and climatological monthly means (for stratification and currents). Acknowledging the possibility of a late disintegration of the IT may help explain the remote-sensing views of other ISWs in the world's oceans

    Evaluating The Effects Of Different Vegetation Types On Necrophagous Fly Communities (diptera: Calliphoridae; Sarcophagidae): Implications For Conservation

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    The present study was conducted in five different phytogeographic zones of the Brazilian state of Maranhão, three of which (the Amazon Forest, Cerrado, and Palm Groves) are more heterogeneous, whereas the other two (Marshlands and Mangroves) are more homogeneous. In each zone, nine sites were visited for the collection of necrophagous flies using bait traps in 2010, 2011, and 2012. The calliphorid and sarcophagid communities observed at each site were compared in terms of species richness, composition, and abundance. The more heterogeneous zones had higher species richness, except in the case of the sarcophagids in the forest habitats. The calliphorids Chloroprocta idioidea (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830), Mesembrinella bicolor (Fabricius, 1805), Hemilucilia semi-diaphana (Rondani, 1850) and Lucilia eximia (Wiedemann, 1819) were more closely associated with the Cerrado, Palm Grove and Amazon Forest zones, and Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 194) with the Mangrove. In the sarcophagids, Peckia (Euboettcheria) subducta (Lopes, 1935) and P. (Pattonella) palidipilosa (Curran & Walley, 1934) were associated with the Amazon Forest, and P. (Sarcodexia) lambens (Wiede-mann, 1830) and Tricharaea (Sarcophagula) occidua (Fabricius, 1794) with the Palm Grove and Cerrado zones. In the calliphorids, the greatest dissimilarity was recorded between the Amazon Forest and the Mangrove and Lowland grassland zones. In the sar-cophagids, by contrast, the greatest dissimilarities were recorded between the Amazon Forest and all the other four zones. In general, then, the phytogeographic zones with the highest environmental heterogeneity were characterized by the greatest species richness and abundance of necrophagous flies. © 2016 Pereira de Sousa et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.111

    Aceitabilidade de bebidas preparadas a partir de diferentes extratos hidrossolúveis de soja .

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a aceitabiliade de bebidas obtidas de extrato de soja em pó, produzido a partir de cultivar desprovida de enzimas lipoxigenases, e de dois extratos em pó comerciais. Duas bebidas do extrato da cultivar desprovida de lipoxigenases foram preparadas pela diluição em água mineral a 5 e 10%. Os extratos comerciais foram diluídos a 10%. Duzentos consumidores das cidades do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, e Londrina, PR, avaliaram a aceitação das bebidas, pela escala hedônica de sete pontos; a consistência e doçura por meio da escala do ideal de sete pontos; e a intenção de compra pela escala de três pontos. A bebida do extrato de soja da cultivar desprovida de lipoxigenases preparada a 10% obteve as maiores notas de aceitação (4,2 a 4,5), apresentou consistência próxima do valor ideal (4) e recebeu a maior porcentagem de repostas "sim" para a intenção de compras, enquanto as demais apresentaram notas inferiores nos atributos avaliados

    Ocupar E Resistir: A Insurreição Dos Estudantes Paulistas

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    This paper intended to suggest routes in order to understand the youth occupations in São Paulo state schools in 2015. As it was a recent event, the study was based on secondary sources such as newspapers and magazines, social networks and academic publications. It was verified that a series of changes in the São Paulo state educational system resulted in a greater presence of teenagers and young students, as well as the tensions and disagreements between the school institution and the youth became evident. Finally, there was an analysis of the student occupations as a form of collective action that questions the educational policies and school culture from new strategies and languages, distinct from the traditional mechanisms of representative democracy. © 2016, Centro de Estudos Educacao e Sociedade - CEDES. All rights reserved.371371159117
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