106 research outputs found

    Caracterización preliminar de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (CH4 y CO2) procedentes de volcanes de fango del Golfo de Cádiz

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    Mud volcanism represents an important migration pathway for methane and other gases from deeper reservoirs to the surface; however most submarine sources remain poor quantified. During SUBVENT2 cruise, water column over several mud volcanoes were surveyed for gas seepage characterization. Water samples of ROV Niskin and Rosette-CTD Niskin bottles were recovered above the Bonjardim, El Cid, Las Negras, Mercator, Algacel, Mvseis, Madrid and Yuma mud volcanoes, and at three newly discovered, mud volcano like structures, to quantify overall gases release fluxes from seabed. CO2 and CH4 concentrations were measured by potentiometric titration and using a gas chromatograph, respectively, in order to understand the relationship between physicochemical and geological processes. Gases concentrations decreased from shallower to deeper mud volcanoes. Values varied widely within 50 to 200 nM for CH4 and between 400 to 1500 μatm for fCO2. Greenhouse gases variations were large influenced by water column depth, temperature, salinity and possibly by anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM). Our observations suggest that the emission of methane and carbon dioxide from the mud volcanoes structures studied here may be relevant at the present as a part of the carbon global cycle.Versión del edito

    Morphological characterization of contourite and mass-wasting recent processes at the Guadalquivir Bank Margin uplift, Gulf of Cádiz

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    The Gulf of Cadiz records the interplay of a variety of sedimentary processes related to the circulation of water masses. The most important one is the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) that exits the Mediterranean Sea, but other water masses also affect the seafloor, with complex variations along time and space. This work studies the interplay between oceanographic and gravitational sedimentary processes on the Guadalquivir Ridge, based on bathymetry and high-resolution seismic profiles. A series of morphological features including flat terraces, circular/elliptical depressions, semicircular scarps and valley-shaped features are analysed in order to better understand the interaction between water masses circulation and mass-wasting processes of the Gulf of Cadiz.Versión del edito

    Seismic architecture of mud volcano systems in the Ceuta

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    Analysis of a new dataset of high-resolution seismic and swath bathymetry data acquired during the CONTOURIBER-1 cruise in the Ceuta Contourite Depositional System (Western Alborán Sea), reveals the detailed architecture of several mud volcanoes systems that comprises both surface and buried constructional edifices as well as their subsurface feeder complex which pierces the contourite deposits. Seismic characterization, distribution and interpretation of structural elements associated to the mud volcano system promotes a more comprehensive understanding of the processes involved in their genesis and evolution.El análisis de los datos batimétricos y de sísmica de alta resolución durante la campaña CONTOURIBER-1 en el Sistema Deposicional Contornítico de Ceuta (Mar de Alborán occidental) muestran la arquitectura en detalle de varios sistemas de volcanes de fango que comprenden edificios en el fondo marino y edificios enterrados, así como sus complejos de alimentación a través de los depósitos contorníticos. La caracterización sísmica, distribución e interpretación de estos elementos estructurales que componen el sistema de volcán de fango constituyen una importante ayuda para un mejor y mayor conocimiento de su génesis y evolución.Publicado

    Evidencias de actividad tectónica contemporánea en el sector oriental de la plataforma continental y talud superior del Golfo de Cádiz (SO de la Península Ibérica)

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    La interpretación de una serie de registros de sísmica de muy alta resolución con ecosonda paramétrica TOPAS obtenidos en las campañas CADHYS0713, INDEMARES/CHICA1011 y ARSA 0313 en el sector oriental de la plataforma continental y talud superior del Golfo de Cádiz entre los 50 y los 400 m de profundidad, ha permitido identificar una serie de estructuras tectónicas que deforman tanto los depósitos de edad Holoceno y Pleistoceno Superior, como la superficie del fondo . Estas unidades estratigráficas se han identificado sobre la Superficie Transgresiva Posglacial, datada en 18 ka. Las principales estructuras identificadas son fallas normales y fallas inversas, cuya actividad se ha relacionado con fases de elevación de estructuras diapíricas de naturaleza salina que se extienden desde zonas emergidas hasta zonas distales del margen continental del Golfo de Cádiz.Very high resolution parametric echosounder (TOPAS) data interpretation obtained during CADHYS0713, INDEMARES/CHICA1011 and ARSA0313 cruises along the middle, external shelf and upper slope of the eastern Gulf of Cadiz between 50 and 400 m depth has allowed us the identification of several active tectonic structures acting since the Holocene. To date this activiy, it have been identified along the study area three postglacial discontinuities, Postglacial Trangressive Surface (TS) of 18 ky BP; the maximum flooding surface (MFS) of 6.5 ky; and the 3.5 ky Mid highstand deposits surface (MHS). Active normal and reverse faults have been identified whose recent activity is closely linked to the uplift episodes of salt diapirs structures from onshore to distal areas of the continental margin.Versión del edito

    Los montes submarinos en los márgenes continentales de Iberia

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    Seamounts are first-order morphological elements on continental margins and in oceanic domains, which have been extensively researched over recent decades in all branches of oceanography. These features favour the development of several geological processes, and their study gives us a better understanding of their geological and morphological domains. The seamounts around Iberia are numerous and provide excellent examples of the geodiversity of these morphological elements. Here we present a compilation of 15 seamounts around the Iberian Peninsula. These seamounts have different origins related to the geodynamic evolution (volcanism, extensional or compressive tectonics, and diapirism) of the domains where they are located. The current configuration of their relief has been influenced by Neogene-Quaternary tectonics. Their positioning controls the current morpho-sedimentary processes in the basins and on the margins, and highlights the fact that downslope processes on seamount flanks (mass flows, turbidite flows, and landslides) and processes parallel to seamounts (contouritic currents) correspond to the major geological features they are associated with them. Biogenic structures commonly develop on the tops of seamounts where occasionally isolated shelves form that have carbonate-dominated sedimentation.Los montes submarinos son rasgos morfológicos singulares, cuyo estudio tiene gran relevancia desde el punto de vista de las distintas ramas de la oceanografía. Su presencia favorece el desarrollo de diferentes procesos geológicos y proporciona un mejor conocimiento de los dominios geológicos y morfológicos en los que se encuentran. En el entorno de Iberia, los montes submarinos tienen una amplia representación y tipología. En este trabajo, se presenta una recopilación geológica de 15 montes submarinos (ocho en el Mar Mediterráneo y siete en el Océano Atlántico) de los márgenes continentales de Iberia y en el dominio Oceánico Atlántico, utilizándose levantamientos batimétricos y geofísicos. El origen de estos montes es muy diferente y está relacionado con la evolución geodinámica del dominio geológico en el que aparecen (volcanismo, tectónica extensional o compresional y diapirismo). La configuración actual del relieve ha sido controlada por la actividad tectónica en el Neógeno-Cuaternario. Su presencia controla el desarrollo de los procesos morfosedimentarios recientes de márgenes y cuencas. Los principales procesos sedimentarios asociados a estos montes se relacionan con procesos longitudinales (flujos en masa, flujos turbidíticos, deslizamientos) y transversales a dichos montes (corrientes de contorno). Además es frecuente en ellos el desarrollo de cuerpos biogénicos sobre sus cimas e incluso de plataformas con sedimentación carbonatada. Los montes submarinos de Iberia muestran una gran geodiversidad y constituyen un elemento morfológico de primer orden para comprender los procesos geológicos que tienen lugar en sus márgenes continentales y dominios oceánicos adyacentes.Versión del editor0,000

    Characterization of submarine slides in the upper and middle slope of the Gulf of Cádiz (SW Iberian Peninsula)

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    The identification and characterization of a series of complex landslides have been carried out using Topographic Parametric Sounder (TOPAS) very high resolution profiles, obtained during the INDEMARES/CHICA1011 and ARSA0313 cruises, along the upper and middle slope of the eastern Gulf of Cádiz continental margin. These landslides constitute a large area of the Upper Quaternary sedimentary deposits in these physiographic domains and are related to active tectonic and diapiric structures along the Upper Quaternary as well as sea-level fall events. The identification of the stratigraphic units has allowed us to obtain the relative age of these gravitational landslides emplacement during the Upper Quaternary.Versión del edito

    Tectónica superficial del talud continental medio del margen continental del Golfo de Cádiz nororiental (SO de Iberia)

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    The northeastern sector of the Gulf of Cadiz continental margin has been deeply studied the last two decades. The seafloor is characterized by the Gulf of Cadiz Contourite Depositional System, strong diapirism and seepage related to the mobility of the frontal units of the Gibraltar Arc. Since 2010 high resolution bathymetric data and high and very high resolution seismic reflection and parametric echosounder profiles have improved the resolution of the previous collected data set. These data allow to analyze the middle continental slope morphology and its shallow structure with the aim to know the active tectonic processes on the seafloor. Two types of structures have been considered: (a) anticline domes and (b) normal faults which produce linear scarps and tectonic depressions. The shallow tectonics in this region is mainly related to the high mobility of geological formations in the subsoil and their ductile mechanical behaviour.Versión del edito

    Seafloor geomorphology of the Passage of Lanzarote (West Africa Margin): Influences of the oceanographic processes

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    The seafloor morphology of the Passage of Lanzarote has been analysed with the aim to know the active processes on the bottom surface related to the oceanographic context. Multibeam bathymetric data and high and very high resolution seismic profiles obtained in the SUBVENT2 cruise have been used. Five main morphological groups have been analysed: (a) Volcanic or diapiric submarine hills; (b) Tectonic features on the continental slope (linear scarps and a rhombohedral depression) related to normal faults; (c) Submarine venting at top of diapirs initially triggered circular depressions; (d) Sedimentary instabilities (gullies, canyons, mass transport deposits) are present specially on the Fuerteventura-Lanzarote ridge; and (e) Contouritic bottom features both erosive (central valley, marginal valleys) and depositional (plastered drifts) are on the central part of the passage, and are generated by the interaction of MW and the interface MW-AAIW with seafloor.Versión del edito

    Seafloor deformation related to Quaternary tectonics in the Majorca Channel, Balearic Promontory (Western Mediterranean)

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    El análisis morfotectónico del sector central del Promontorio Balear, entre las islas de Ibiza y Mallorca, mediante batimetría multihaz y perfiles sísmicos de muy alta resolución ha permitido diferenciar varios rasgos morfológicos relacionados con la tectónica a dos escalas. Los elementos de gran escala, de dirección NE-SO, son: i) el escarpe Émile Baudot; ii) el monte submarino Émile Baudot, y iii) la alineación de montes submarinos Ausiàs March y Ses Olives. Los elementos de pequeña escala son: i) dos elevaciones longitudinales (ENE-OSO); ii) escarpes rectilíneos (NO-SE a NE-SO); iii) depresiones tectónicas (NNE SSO a NE-SO); y iv) alineaciones rectilíneas de pockmarks (NO-SE a NNE-SSO). Los elementos de mayor tamaño responden a la configuración estructural neógeno-cuaternaria. El escarpe Émile Baudot limita el Promontorio Balear y la cuenca oceánica del Mediterráneo Occidental. La alineación de montes submarinos Ausiàs March y Ses Olives está generada por una fase extensional, y el monte submarino Émile Baudot forma parte de una alineación volcánica NO-SE asociada a la Zona de Fractura de Ibiza. Los elementos de pequeña escala están relacionados con estructuras tectónicas activas que deforman las unidades sedimentarias del Cuaternario y el fondo marino. Las elevaciones longitudinales están generadas por pliegues anticlinales, mientras que el resto de estructuras están asociadas a la actividad de fallas normales de buzamiento alto.A morphotectonic analysis has been carried out between the islands of Ibiza and Majorca in the central sector of the Balearic Promontory using multibeam bathymetry and very high-resolution seismic profiles. Several morphological features related to tectonics at two different scales have been differentiated. The large-scale features have a NE-SW direction, they are: i) the Émile Baudot Escarpment; ii) the Émile Baudot seamount, and iii) the Ausiàs March and Ses Olives seamounts alignment. The differentiated small-scale elements are i) two longitudinal elevations (ENE-WSW); ii) rectilinear scarps (NW-SE to NE-SW); iii) tectonic depressions limited by one or two scarps (NNE-SSW to NE-SW), and iv) rectilinear pockmarks alignments (NW-SE to NNE-SSW). The largest elements respond to the Neogene-Quaternary structural configuration. The Émile Baudot escarpment is the limit between the Balearic Promontory and the Western Mediterranean oceanic basin. The alignment of the Ausiàs March and Ses Olives seamounts respond to the last extensional phase, and the Émile Baudot seamount forms part of a NW-SE volcanic alignment that could be associated with the Ibiza Fracture Zone. The smaller elements are related to active tectonic structures that deform Quaternary sedimentary units and the seafloor. The longitudinal elevations correspond to anticlinal folds, while the rest of the structures are associated to the activity of near vertical normal faults.En prens