10 research outputs found

    Cooper pair delocalization in disordered media

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    We discuss the effect of disorder on the coherent propagation of the bound state of two attracting particles. It is shown that a result analogous to the Anderson theorem for dirty superconductors is also valid for the Cooper problem, namely, that the pair wave function is extended beyond the single-particle localization length if the latter is large. A physical justification is given in terms of the Thouless block-scaling picture of localization. These arguments are supplemented by numerical simulations. With increasing disorder we find a transition from a regime in which the interaction delocalizes the pair to a regime in which the interaction enhances localization.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex with 2 figures include

    Determinação de elementos essenciais e não essenciais em palmito de pupunheira Determination of essential and non-essential elements in palm heart of peach palm

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    Considerando-se a atual situação epidemiológica do Brasil em que a obesidade e as doenças crônico-degenerativas (doenças cardiovasculares, diabetes mellitus e câncer) passam a ser destaque em saúde pública, parece prudente a preocupação quanto à caracterização química dos alimentos regionais com potencial econômico e nutricional, em especial os de baixo teor calórico, como o palmito. Sendo assim, determinou-se a composição centesimal, fitato e elementos minerais (macro e micro) no palmito de pupunheira in natura e cozido. O palmito de pupunheira utilizado foi o da raça Pampa Hermosa, da Estação Experimental de Fruticultura da Coordenação de Pesquisas em Ciências Agronômicas (CPCA) do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), em Manaus (AM), coletado no período chuvoso, em janeiro de 1995. Tomou-se aleatoriamente 3,5 kg de palmito de 110 progênies de pupunha inerme, com 2 anos de idade, por ocasião do primeiro corte. As palmeiras foram cultivadas em Latossolo Amarelo, isento de adubação. As análises químicas foram efetuadas no Laboratório de Nutrição e Físico-Química dos Alimentos do INPA e IPEN-CNEN. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, verificou-se que o palmito, in natura e cozido, apresentou em 100g da parte comestível respectivamente, alto teor de umidade, em torno de 90%; 1,5 g de proteínas; baixo teor de lipídio (0,3 e 0,2 g) e; concentrações importantes de fibra alimentar (3,8 e 2,2 g). Em relação aos elementos minerais nutricionalmente importantes sobressairam, também em 100g da parte comestível, K (194,0 mg; 128,0 mg); Ca (42,4 mg ; 42,9 mg); Mg (3,4 mg; 2,2 mg); Fe (237,7 µg; 265,2 µg), Se (2,1 µg; 2,8 µg), respectivamente no palmito in natura e cozido. Dos elementos minerais não essenciais na alimentação, destacaram-se o bromo (830,4 ±5,8 µg%; 434±5,8 µg%) e o rubídio (315,2±3,2 µg%; 433,5±34,0 µg%) respectivamente para palmito in natura e cozido. A concentração de fitato (hexafosfato de mioinositol) foi de 554,7 mg% para o palmito in natura e 379,1 mg%, para o palmito cozido. Apesar do palmito ser um alimento dietético sob o ponto de vista nutricional, devido à baixa concentração em calorias e à presença de fibra, o mesmo pode contribuir no aporte de minerais essenciais na alimentação da população Amazônica.<br>In recent years, there has been a steady increase in the ocurrence of obesity and chronic or degenerative diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes mellitus, cancer) in Brazil. Therefore, studies on the nutritional composition of regional foodstuffs, especially those with low calorific content and high commercial value, are highly justified. The aim of this study was to evaluate the centesimal phytate and mineral micro or macroelement composition of in natura or cooked palm heart of peach palm (Pampa Hermosa race), collected in January 1995 (rainy season) in the fruit experimental station of the Coordenação de Pesquisas em Ciências Agronômicas (CPCA), Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), in Manaus, Brazil. Chemical analyses were conducted on a total of 3.5 kg of plant heart samples, taken at random from 110 spineless progeny from Yurimáguas, Peru, which were grown on non-fertilized soil. Analyses were conducted in the Nutrition and Food Physico-Chemical laboratory of INPA and IPEN-CNEN. Each 100 g of the edible part of in natura or cooked palm heart provided low concentrations of lipids (0.3 and 0.2 g, respectively) and high concentrations of fibre (3.8 and 2.2, respectively). Both type of palm heart contained (in 100 g): 90% humidity and 1.5 g protein. The results for nutritionally important minerals were as follows (in 100 g of in natura or cooked palm heart, respectively): K (194.0 mg; 128.0 mg), Ca (42.4 mg; 42.9 mg), Mg (3.4 mg; 2.2 mg), Fe (237.7 µg; 265.2 µg), and Se (2.1 µg: 2.8 µg). The concentrations of non essential elements minerals in in natura and cooked palm heart were, respectively, as follows: bromine (830.4±5.8 µg%; 434.0±5.8 µg%) and rubidium (315.2±3.2 µg%; 433.5±34.0 µg%). The concentration of phytate in 100 g of palm heart, was as follows: 554.7 mg (in natura) 379.1 mg (cooked). Although palm heart can be considered a dietetic foodstuff, being rich in fibre and low in calories, it can be recommended as a good source of minerals for the Amazonian populations

    Physicians&apos; guideline adherence is associated with long-term heart failure mortality in outpatients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: the QUALIFY international registry

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    Background: Physicians&apos; adherence to guideline-recommended therapy is associated with short-term clinical outcomes in heart failure (HF) with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). However, its impact on longer-term outcomes is poorly documented. Here, we present results from the 18-month follow-up of the QUALIFY registry. Methods and results: Data at 18 months were available for 6118 ambulatory HFrEF patients from this international prospective observational survey. Adherence was measured as a continuous variable, ranging from 0 to 1, and was assessed for five classes of recommended HF medications and dosages. Most deaths were cardiovascular (CV) (228/394) and HF-related (191/394) and the same was true for unplanned hospitalizations (1175 CV and 861 HF-related hospitalizations, out of a total of 1541). According to univariable analysis, CV and HF deaths were significantly associated with physician adherence to guidelines. In multivariable analysis, HF death was associated with adherence level [subdistribution hazard ratio (SHR) 0.93, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.87–0.99 per 0.1 unit adherence level increase; P = 0.034] as was composite of HF hospitalization or CV death (SHR 0.97, 95% CI 0.94–0.99 per 0.1 unit adherence level increase; P = 0.043), whereas unplanned all-cause, CV or HF hospitalizations were not (all-cause: SHR 0.99, 95% CI 0.9–1.02; CV: SHR 0.98, 95% CI 0.96–1.01; and HF: SHR 0.99, 95% CI 0.96–1.02 per 0.1 unit change in adherence score; P = 0.52, P = 0.2, and P = 0.4, respectively). Conclusion: These results suggest that physicians&apos; adherence to guideline-recommended HF therapies is associated with improved outcomes in HFrEF. Practical strategies should be established to improve physicians&apos; adherence to guidelines. © 2019 The Authors. European Journal of Heart Failure © 2019 European Society of Cardiolog