1,801 research outputs found

    Optimal quantum teleportation with an arbitrary pure state

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    We derive the maximum fidelity attainable for teleportation using a shared pair of d-level systems in an arbitrary pure state. This derivation provides a complete set of necessary and sufficient conditions for optimal teleportation protocols. We also discuss the information on the teleported particle which is revealed in course of the protocol using a non-maximally entangled state.Comment: 10 pages, REVTe

    Multi-output programmable quantum processor

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    By combining telecloning and programmable quantum gate array presented by Nielsen and Chuang [Phys.Rev.Lett. 79 :321(1997)], we propose a programmable quantum processor which can be programmed to implement restricted set of operations with several identical data outputs. The outputs are approximately-transformed versions of input data. The processor successes with certain probability.Comment: 5 pages and 2 PDF figure

    Protocols for entanglement transformations of bipartite pure states

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    We present a general theoretical framework for both deterministic and probabilistic entanglement transformations of bipartite pure states achieved via local operations and classical communication. This framework unifies and greatly simplifies previous works. A necessary condition for ``pure contraction'' transformations is given. Finally, constructive protocols to achieve both probabilistic and deterministic entanglement transformations are presented.Comment: 7 pages, no figures. Version slightly modified on Physical Review A reques

    Optimal estimation of quantum dynamics

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    We construct the optimal strategy for the estimation of an unknown unitary transformation U∈SU(d)U\in SU(d). This includes, in addition to a convenient measurement on a probe system, finding which is the best initial state on which UU is to act. When U∈SU(2)U\in SU(2), such an optimal strategy can be applied to estimate simultaneously both the direction and the strength of a magnetic field, and shows how to use a spin 1/2 particle to transmit information about a whole coordinate system instead of only a direction in space.Comment: 4 pages, REVTE

    Local transformation of mixed states of two qubits to Bell diagonal states

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    The optimal entanglement manipulation for a single copy of mixed states of two qubits is to transform it to a Bell diagonal state. In this paper we derive an explicit form of the local operation that can realize such a transformation. The result obtained is universal for arbitrary entangled two-qubit states and it discloses that the corresponding local filter is not unique for density matrices with rank n=2n=2 and can be exclusively determined for that with n=3n=3 and 4. As illustrations, a four-parameters family of mixed states are explored, the local filter as well as the transformation probability are given explicitly, which verify the validity of the general result.Comment: 5 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Reversible transformations from pure to mixed states, and the unique measure of information

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    Transformations from pure to mixed states are usually associated with information loss and irreversibility. Here, a protocol is demonstrated allowing one to make these transformations reversible. The pure states are diluted with a random noise source. Using this protocol one can study optimal transformations between states, and from this derive the unique measure of information. This is compared to irreversible transformations where one does not have access to noise. The ideas presented here shed some light on attempts to understand entanglement manipulations and the inevitable irreversibility encountered there where one finds that mixed states can contain "bound entanglement".Comment: 10 pages, no figures, revtex4, table added, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    MicroRNA Profiling and Bioinformatics Target Analysis in Dorsal Hippocampus of Chronically Stressed Rats: Relevance to Depression Pathophysiology

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    IndexaciĂłn: Scopus.1Laboratory of Neuroplasticity and Neurogenetics, Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 2National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, Durham, NC, United States, 3Centro de GenĂłmica y BioinformĂĄtica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Mayor, Santiago, Chile, 4Millennium Institute for Integrative Biology (iBio), FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation, Departamento de GenĂ©tica Molecular y MicrobiologĂ­a, Pontificia Universidad CatĂłlica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 5Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad CatĂłlica del Maule, Talca, Chile, 6Escuela de QuĂ­mica y Farmacia, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile.This study was supported by the following grants: FONDECYT 1120528 (JLF), Fondo Central de InvestigaciĂłn, Universidad de Chile ENL025/16 (JLF), ES090079 (JAC). Research in RG and EV laboratories is funded by Instituto Milenio iBio – Iniciativa CientĂ­fica Milenio MINECON.Studies conducted in rodents subjected to chronic stress and some observations in humans after psychosocial stress, have allowed to establish a link between stress and the susceptibility to many complex diseases, including mood disorders. The studies in rodents have revealed that chronic exposure to stress negatively affects synaptic plasticity by triggering changes in the production of trophic factors, subunit levels of glutamate ionotropic receptors, neuron morphology, and neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus. These modifications may account for the impairment in learning and memory processes observed in chronically stressed animals. It is plausible then, that stress modifies the interplay between signal transduction cascades and gene expression regulation in the hippocampus, therefore leading to altered neuroplasticity and functioning of neural circuits. Considering that miRNAs play an important role in post-transcriptional-regulation of gene expression and participate in several hippocampus-dependent functions; we evaluated the consequences of chronic stress on the expression of miRNAs in dorsal (anterior) portion of the hippocampus, which participates in memory formation in rodents. Here, we show that male rats exposed to daily restraint stress (2.5 h/day) during 7 and 14 days display a differential profile of miRNA levels in dorsal hippocampus and remarkably, we found that some of these miRNAs belong to the miR-379-410 cluster. We confirmed a rise in miR-92a and miR-485 levels after 14 days of stress by qPCR, an effect that was not mimicked by chronic administration of corticosterone (14 days). Our in silico study identified the top-10 biological functions influenced by miR-92a, nine of which were shared with miR-485: Nervous system development and function, Tissue development, Behavior, Embryonic development, Organ development, Organismal development, Organismal survival, Tissue morphology, and Organ morphology. Furthermore, our in silico study provided a landscape of potential miRNA-92a and miR-485 targets, along with relevant canonical pathways related to axonal guidance signaling and cAMP signaling, which may influence the functioning of several neuroplastic substrates in dorsal hippocampus. Additionally, the combined effect of miR-92a and miR-485 on transcription factors, along with histone-modifying enzymes, may have a functional relevance by producing changes in gene regulatory networks that modify the neuroplastic capacity of the adult dorsal hippocampus under stress. © 2018 Muñoz-Llanos, GarcĂ­a-PĂ©rez, Xu, Tejos-Bravo, Vidal, Moyano, GutiĂ©rrez, Aguayo, Pacheco, GarcĂ­a-Rojo, Aliaga, Rojas, Cidlowski and Fiedler.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnmol.2018.00251/ful

    An entanglement monotone derived from Grover's algorithm

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    This paper demonstrates that how well a state performs as an input to Grover's search algorithm depends critically upon the entanglement present in that state; the more entanglement, the less well the algorithm performs. More precisely, suppose we take a pure state input, and prior to running the algorithm apply local unitary operations to each qubit in order to maximize the probability P_max that the search algorithm succeeds. We prove that, for pure states, P_max is an entanglement monotone, in the sense that P_max can never be decreased by local operations and classical communication.Comment: 7 page

    Unitary Gate Synthesis for Continuous Variable Systems

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    We investigate the synthesis of continuous-variable two-mode unitary gates in the setting where two modes A and B are coupled by a fixed quadratic Hamiltonian H. The gate synthesis consists of a sequence of evolutions governed by Hamiltonian H interspaced by local phase shifts applied to A and B. We concentrate on protocols that require the minimum necessary number of steps and we show how to implement the beam splitter and the two-mode squeezer in just three steps. Particular attention is paid to the Hamiltonian x_A p_B that describes the effective off-resonant interaction of light with the collective atomic spin.Comment: 7 pages, minor text modifications, references adde


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    We show that entanglement-assisted transformations of bipartite entangled states can be more efficient than catalysis [D. Jonathan and M. B. Plenio, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3566 (1999)}, i.e., given two incomparable bipartite states not only can the transformation be enabled by performing collective operations with an auxiliary entangled state, but the entanglement of the auxiliary state itself can be enhanced. We refer to this phenomenon as supercatalysis. We provide results on the properties of supercatalysis and its relationship with catalysis. In particular, we obtain a useful necessary and sufficient condition for catalysis, provide several sufficient conditions for supercatalysis and study the extent to which entanglement of the auxiliary state can be enhanced via supercatalysis.Comment: Latex, 5 page
