19 research outputs found

    Large deviations and gradient flows

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    In recent work we uncovered intriguing connections between Otto’s characterization of diffusion as an entropic gradient flow on the one hand and large-deviation principles describing the microscopic picture (Brownian motion) on the other. In this paper, we sketch this connection, show how it generalizes to a wider class of systems and comment on consequences and implications. Specifically, we connect macroscopic gradient flows with large-deviation principles, and point out the potential of a bigger picture emerging: we indicate that, in some non-equilibrium situations, entropies and thermodynamic free energies can be derived via large-deviation principles. The approach advocated here is different from the established hydrodynamic limit passage but extends a link that is well known in the equilibrium situation. Keywords: large-deviation theory, non-equilibrium system, Wasserstein gradient flo

    Estudo da influência da época de coleta dos ramos, no enraizamento de etacas caulinares de café (Coffea arabica L. cv Mundo Novo)

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    Na propagação vegetativa através de estacas caulinares, a época de retirada dos ramos, que serão utilizados na confecção das estacas, tem grande influência sobre seu enraizamento. Outro fator de grande relevância é o tratamento auxínico, realizado nas estacas, que promove a formação de raízes. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo, verificar a ação das auxinas e do boro e a influência da época de coleta dos ramos de cafeeiro, sobre o enraizamento de ramos ortotrópicos semi-lenhosos de café (Coffea arabica L. cv Mundo Novo). Para tal, o experimento foi montado mensalmente, realizando-se as seguintes medidas , mediante coleta das estacas, após 90 dias do plantio: número de estacas enraizadas e número total de raízes formadas. À partir dos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que, a melhor época de coleta dos ramos é na estação chuvosa. Além disso, tratamentos com NAA à 200 ppm mais boro, também promovem uma alta porcentagem de enraizamento.Timing of stem cuttings has large influence on rooting and on vegetative propagation of coffee seedlings. Auxin treatments on cuttings also promote root formation. The present research evaluated auxins and boron actions and the influence time of coffee-tree branch havest time, over rooting of orthotropous semi-hardwood branches of coffee (Coffea arabica L. cv . Mundo Novo) stem cuttings. The trial was performed monthly, observing the cuttings 90 days after planting: number of rooted cuttings and total root number. It was concluded that the best branch harvesting time is in the rainy season, whem cuttings show satisfatory results. Treatments with NAA 200 ppm plus boric acid, promoted higher rooting percentage