18,414 research outputs found

    Stochastic Resonance of a Flexible Chain Crossing over a Barrier

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    We study the stochastic resonance (SR) of a flexible polymer surmounting a bistable-potential barrier. Due to the flexibility that can enhance crossing rate and change chain conformations at the barrier, the SR behaviors manifest many features of an entropic SR of a new kind, such as the power amplification peaks at optimal chain lengths and elastic constants as well as the optimal noise strengths. The pronounced peaks that emerge depending on the chain lengths and conformation states suggest novel means of manipulating biopolymers, such as efficient separation methods, within undulating channels.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Automated knowledge capture in 2D and 3D design environments

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    In Life Cycle Engineering, it is vital that the engineering knowledge for the product is captured throughout its life cycle in a formal and structured manner. This will allow the information to be referred to in the future by engineers who did not work on the original design but are wanting to understand the reasons that certain design decisions were made. In the past, attempts were made to try to capture this knowledge by having the engineer record the knowledge manually during a design session. However, this is not only time-consuming but is also disruptive to the creative process. Therefore, the research presented in this paper is concerned with capturing design knowledge automatically using a traditional 2D design environment and also an immersive 3D design environment. The design knowledge is captured by continuously and non-intrusively logging the user during a design session and then storing this output in a structured eXtensible Markup Language (XML) format. Next, the XML data is analysed and the design processes that are involved can be visualised by the automatic generation of IDEF0 diagrams. Using this captured knowledge, it forms the basis of an interactive online assistance system to aid future users who are carrying out a similar design task

    Epidemiology and potential preventative measures for viral infections in children with malignancy and those undergoing hematopoietic cell transplantation.

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    In pediatric patients with malignancy and those receiving hematopoietic stem cell transplants, bacterial and fungal infections have been the focus of fever and neutropenia episodes for decades. However, improved diagnostic capabilities have revealed viral pathogens as a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Because of limited effective antiviral therapies, prevention of viral infections is paramount. Pre-exposure and post-exposure prophylaxis and antiviral suppressive therapeutic approaches are reviewed. Additionally, infection control practices specific to this patient population are discussed. A comprehensive approach utilizing each of these can be effective at reducing the negative impact of viral infections

    U(1)' solution to the mu-problem and the proton decay problem in supersymmetry without R-parity

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    The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) is plagued by two major fine-tuning problems: the mu-problem and the proton decay problem. We present a simultaneous solution to both problems within the framework of a U(1)'-extended MSSM (UMSSM), without requiring R-parity conservation. We identify several classes of phenomenologically viable models and provide specific examples of U(1)' charge assignments. Our models generically contain either lepton number violating or baryon number violating renormalizable interactions, whose coexistence is nevertheless automatically forbidden by the new U(1)' gauge symmetry. The U(1)' symmetry also prohibits the potentially dangerous and often ignored higher-dimensional proton decay operators such as QQQL and UUDE which are still allowed by R-parity. Thus, under minimal assumptions, we show that once the mu-problem is solved, the proton is sufficiently stable, even in the presence of a minimum set of exotics fields, as required for anomaly cancellation. Our models provide impetus for pursuing the collider phenomenology of R-parity violation within the UMSSM framework.Comment: Version published in Phys. Rev.

    Programming DNA Tube Circumferences

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    Synthesizing molecular tubes with monodisperse, programmable circumferences is an important goal shared by nanotechnology, materials science, and supermolecular chemistry. We program molecular tube circumferences by specifying the complementarity relationships between modular domains in a 42-base single-stranded DNA motif. Single-step annealing results in the self-assembly of long tubes displaying monodisperse circumferences of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, or 20 DNA helices

    Analysis of Oil Production Behavior for the Fractured Basement Reservoir Using Hybrid Discrete Fractured Network Approach

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    Unlike naturally fractured reservoir, fractured basement reservoir (FBR) has almost non-permeable matrix and flow is strongly dependent upon fracture network. This might cause the rapid changing behavior on oil production whether fracture near wellbore is saturated with either oil or water. In this aspect, realistic representation of fracture network is essential in FBR. Therefore the simulation of FBR is generally applied by dual-porosity (DP) continuum approach because discrete fractured network (DFN) simulator with multiphase flow is not commercially available except in-house model. In this paper, hybrid DFN approach is applied, which is continuum model coupled with local grid refinement (LGR). LGR is adapted at the cells which are passing through fractures, in order to represent fracture width less than 0.1 ft. Up to now, LGR is mostly used for well block rather than the fracture. In this approach, well control volume can not be described by LGR cell, thus, four-leg horizontal well concept substitutes the vertical well with the use of equivalent wellbore radius for overcoming the numerical convergence problem. The application of hybrid DFN approach for FBR is discussed about investigation of the possibility for drastic change on oil production. Based on the results, in fractured reservoir using hybrid DFN approach, oil production is not found to be proportional to the magnitude of matrix permeability, not as in porous system with dual-porosity approach. Also, we realized that oil production is once dropped it can not be recovered back to previous level in FBR. This is because oil-saturated fracture near well is once changed to water-saturated, then, there was not anymore changes occurred within the same fracture.Key words: Dual-porosity; Hybrid DFN; Fractured basement reservoir; Local grid refinemen

    Exact solutions of charged wormhole

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    In this paper, the backreaction to the traversable Lorentzian wormhole spacetime by the scalar field or electric charge is considered to find the exact solutions. The charges play the role of the additional matter to the static wormhole which is already constructed by the exotic matter. The stability conditions for the wormhole with scalar field and electric charge are found from the positiveness and flareness for the wormhole shape function.Comment: 9 pages, Revtex, no figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. D(2001

    Fragmented and Single Condensate Ground States of Spin-1 Bose Gas

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    We show that the ground state of a spin-1 Bose gas with an antiferro- magnetic interaction is a fragmented condensate in uniform magnetic fields. The number fluctuations in each spin component change rapidly from being enormous (order NN) to exceedingly small (order 1) as the magnetization of the system increases. A fragmented condensate can be turned into a single condensate state by magnetic field gradients. The conditions for existence and the method of detecting fragmented states are presented.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    UBVI Surface Photometry of the Spiral Galaxy NGC 300 in the Sculptor Group

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    We present UBVI surface photometry for 20.'5 X 20.'5 area of a late-type spiral galaxy NGC 300. In order to understand the morphological properties and luminosity distribution characteristics of NGC 300, we have derived isophotal maps, surface brightness profiles, ellipticity profiles, position angle profiles, and color profiles. By merging the I-band data of our surface brightness measurements with those of Boeker et al. (2002) based on Hubble Space Telescope observations, we have made combined I-band surface brightness profiles for the region of 0."02 < r < 500" and decomposed the profiles into three components: a nucleus, a bulge, and an exponential disk.Comment: 16 pages(cjaa209.sty), Accepted by the Chinese J. Astron. Astrophys., Fig 2 and 8 are degraded to reduce spac