836 research outputs found

    Where the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann cell model fails: (I) spurious phase separation in charged colloidal suspensions

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    We perform a linearization of the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) density functional for spherical Wigner-Seitz cells that yields Debye-H\"uckel-like equations agreeing asymptotically with the PB results in the weak-coupling (high-temperature) limit. Both the canonical (fixed number of microions) as well as the semi-grand-canonical (in contact with an infinite salt reservoir) cases are considered and discussed in a unified linearized framework. In the canonical case, for sufficiently large colloidal charges the linearized theory predicts the occurrence of a thermodynamical instability with an associated phase separation of the homogeneous suspension into dilute (gas) and dense (liquid) phases. In the semi-grand-canonical case it is predicted that the isothermal compressibility and the osmotic-pressure difference between the colloidal suspension and the salt reservoir become negative in the low-temperature, high-surface charge or infinite-dilution (of polyions) limits. As already pointed out in the literature for the latter case, these features are in disagreement with the exact nonlinear PB solution inside a Wigner-Seitz cell and are thus artifacts of the linearization. By using explicitly gauge-invariant forms of the electrostatic potential we show that these artifacts, although thermodynamically consistent with quadratic expansions of the nonlinear functional and osmotic pressure, may be traced back to the non-fulfillment of the underlying assumptions of the linearization.Comment: 32 pages, 3 PostScript figures, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Electrophoretic Properties of Highly Charged Colloids: A Hybrid MD/LB Simulation Study

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    Using computer simulations, the electrophoretic motion of a positively charged colloid (macroion) in an electrolyte solution is studied in the framework of the primitive model. Hydrodynamic interactions are fully taken into account by applying a hybrid simulation scheme, where the charged ions (i.e. macroion and electrolyte), propagated via molecular dynamics (MD), are coupled to a Lattice Boltzmann (LB) fluid. In a recent experiment it was shown that, for multivalent salt ions, the mobility μ\mu initially increases with charge density σ\sigma, reaches a maximum and then decreases with further increase of σ\sigma. The aim of the present work is to elucidate the behaviour of μ\mu at high values of σ\sigma. Even for the case of monovalent microions, we find a decrease of μ\mu with σ\sigma. A dynamic Stern layer is defined that includes all the counterions that move with the macroion while subject to an external electrical field. The number of counterions in the Stern layer, q0q_0, is a crucial parameter for the behavior of μ\mu at high values of σ\sigma. In this case, the mobility μ\mu depends primarily on the ratio q0/Qq_0/Q (with QQ the valency of the macroion). The previous contention that the increase in the distortion of the electric double layer (EDL) with increasing σ\sigma leads to the lowering of μ\mu does not hold for high σ\sigma. In fact, we show that the deformation of the EDL decreases with increase of σ\sigma. The role of hydrodynamic interactions is inferred from direct comparisons to Langevin simulations where the coupling to the LB fluid is switched off. Moreover, systems with divalent counterions are considered. In this case, at high values of σ\sigma the phenomenon of charge inversion is found.Comment: accepted in J. Chem Phys., 10 pages, 9 figure

    Numerical electrokinetics

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    A new lattice method is presented in order to efficiently solve the electrokinetic equations, which describe the structure and dynamics of the charge cloud and the flow field surrounding a single charged colloidal sphere, or a fixed array of such objects. We focus on calculating the electrophoretic mobility in the limit of small driving field, and systematically linearise the equations with respect to the latter. This gives rise to several subproblems, each of which is solved by a specialised numerical algorithm. For the total problem we combine these solvers in an iterative procedure. Applying this method, we study the effect of the screening mechanism (salt screening vs. counterion screening) on the electrophoretic mobility, and find a weak non-trivial dependence, as expected from scaling theory. Furthermore, we find that the orientation of the charge cloud (i. e. its dipole moment) depends on the value of the colloid charge, as a result of a competition between electrostatic and hydrodynamic effects.Comment: accepted for publication in Journal of Physics Condensed Matter (proceedings of the 2012 CODEF conference

    Impact of EMA regulatory label changes on systemic diclofenac initiation, discontinuation, and switching to other pain medicines in Scotland, England, Denmark, and The Netherlands

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    Purpose: In June 2013 a European Medicines Agency referral procedure concluded that diclofenac was associated with an elevated risk of acute cardiovascular events and contraindications, warnings, and changes to the product information were implemented across the European Union. This study measured the impact of the regulatory action on the prescribing of systemic diclofenac in Denmark, The Netherlands, England, and Scotland. Methods: Quarterly time series analyses measuring diclofenac prescription initiation, discontinuation and switching to other systemic nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs), topical NSAIDs, paracetamol, opioids, and other chronic pain medication in those who discontinued diclofenac. Absolute effects were estimated using interrupted time series regression. Results: Overall, diclofenac prescription initiations fell during the observation periods of all countries. Compared with Denmark where there appeared to be amore limited effect, the regulatory action was associated with significant immediate reductions in diclofenac initiation in The Netherlands (−0.42%, 95% CI, −0.66% to −0.18%), England (−0.09%, 95% CI, −0.11% to −0.08%), and Scotland (−0.67%, 95% CI, −0.79% to −0.55%); and falling trends in diclofenac initiation in the Netherlands (−0.03%, 95% CI, −0.06% to −0.01% per quarter) and Scotland (−0.04%, 95% CI, −0.05% to −0.02% per quarter). There was no significant impact on diclofenac discontinuation in any country. The regulatory action was associated with modest differences in switching to other pain medicines following diclofenac discontinuation. Conclusions: The regulatory action was associated with significant reductions in overall diclofenac initiation which varied by country and type of exposure. There was no impact on discontinuation and variable impact on switching

    High-level characteristics of or-and independent and-parallelism in prolog

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    Although studies of a number of parallel implementations of logic programming languages are now available, their results are difficult to interpret due to the multiplicity of factors involved, the effect of each of which is difficult to sepárate. In this paper we present the results of a high-level simulation study of or- and independent and-parallelism with a wide selection of Prolog programs that aims to determine the intrinsic amount of parallelism, independently of implementation factors, thus facilitating this separation. We expect this study will be instrumental in better understanding and comparing results from actual implementations, as shown by some examples provided in the paper. In addition, the paper examines some of the issues and tradeoffs associated with the combination of and- and or-parallelism and proposes reasonable solutions based on the simulation data obtained

    Diffuse-Charge Dynamics in Electrochemical Systems

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    The response of a model micro-electrochemical system to a time-dependent applied voltage is analyzed. The article begins with a fresh historical review including electrochemistry, colloidal science, and microfluidics. The model problem consists of a symmetric binary electrolyte between parallel-plate, blocking electrodes which suddenly apply a voltage. Compact Stern layers on the electrodes are also taken into account. The Nernst-Planck-Poisson equations are first linearized and solved by Laplace transforms for small voltages, and numerical solutions are obtained for large voltages. The ``weakly nonlinear'' limit of thin double layers is then analyzed by matched asymptotic expansions in the small parameter ϵ=λD/L\epsilon = \lambda_D/L, where λD\lambda_D is the screening length and LL the electrode separation. At leading order, the system initially behaves like an RC circuit with a response time of λDL/D\lambda_D L / D (not λD2/D\lambda_D^2/D), where DD is the ionic diffusivity, but nonlinearity violates this common picture and introduce multiple time scales. The charging process slows down, and neutral-salt adsorption by the diffuse part of the double layer couples to bulk diffusion at the time scale, L2/DL^2/D. In the ``strongly nonlinear'' regime (controlled by a dimensionless parameter resembling the Dukhin number), this effect produces bulk concentration gradients, and, at very large voltages, transient space charge. The article concludes with an overview of more general situations involving surface conduction, multi-component electrolytes, and Faradaic processes.Comment: 10 figs, 26 pages (double-column), 141 reference

    Complex networks theory for analyzing metabolic networks

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    One of the main tasks of post-genomic informatics is to systematically investigate all molecules and their interactions within a living cell so as to understand how these molecules and the interactions between them relate to the function of the organism, while networks are appropriate abstract description of all kinds of interactions. In the past few years, great achievement has been made in developing theory of complex networks for revealing the organizing principles that govern the formation and evolution of various complex biological, technological and social networks. This paper reviews the accomplishments in constructing genome-based metabolic networks and describes how the theory of complex networks is applied to analyze metabolic networks.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    The osmotic pressure of charged colloidal suspensions: A unified approach to linearized Poisson-Boltzmann theory

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    We study theoretically the osmotic pressure of a suspension of charged objects (e.g., colloids, polyelectrolytes, clay platelets, etc.) dialyzed against an electrolyte solution using the cell model and linear Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) theory. From the volume derivative of the grand potential functional of linear theory we obtain two novel expressions for the osmotic pressure in terms of the potential- or ion-profiles, neither of which coincides with the expression known from nonlinear PB theory, namely, the density of microions at the cell boundary. We show that the range of validity of linearization depends strongly on the linearization point and proof that expansion about the selfconsistently determined average potential is optimal in several respects. For instance, screening inside the suspension is automatically described by the actual ionic strength, resulting in the correct asymptotics at high colloid concentration. Together with the analytical solution of the linear PB equation for cell models of arbitrary dimension and electrolyte composition explicit and very general formulas for the osmotic pressure ensue. A comparison with nonlinear PB theory is provided. Our analysis also shows that whether or not linear theory predicts a phase separation depends crucially on the precise definition of the pressure, showing that an improper choice could predict an artificial phase separation in systems as important as DNA in physiological salt solution.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, REVTeX4 styl

    Septicemia Caused by Tick-borne Bacterial Pathogen Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis

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    We have repeatedly detected Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis, a bacterium first described in Rattus norvegicus rats and Ixodes ovatus ticks in Japan in 2004 in the blood of a 61-year-old man with signs of septicemia by 16S rRNA and groEL gene PCR. After 6 weeks of therapy with doxycycline and rifampin, the patient recovered

    Anaerobic Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase Diversity in the Homoacetogenic Hindgut Microbial Communities of Lower Termites and the Wood Roach

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    Anaerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (CODH) is a key enzyme in the Wood-Ljungdahl (acetyl-CoA) pathway for acetogenesis performed by homoacetogenic bacteria. Acetate generated by gut bacteria via the acetyl-CoA pathway provides considerable nutrition to wood-feeding dictyopteran insects making CODH important to the obligate mutualism occurring between termites and their hindgut microbiota. To investigate CODH diversity in insect gut communities, we developed the first degenerate primers designed to amplify cooS genes, which encode the catalytic (β) subunit of anaerobic CODH enzyme complexes. These primers target over 68 million combinations of potential forward and reverse cooS primer-binding sequences. We used the primers to identify cooS genes in bacterial isolates from the hindgut of a phylogenetically lower termite and to sample cooS diversity present in a variety of insect hindgut microbial communities including those of three phylogenetically-lower termites, Zootermopsis nevadensis, Reticulitermes hesperus, and Incisitermes minor, a wood-feeding cockroach, Cryptocercus punctulatus, and an omnivorous cockroach, Periplaneta americana. In total, we sequenced and analyzed 151 different cooS genes. These genes encode proteins that group within one of three highly divergent CODH phylogenetic clades. Each insect gut community contained CODH variants from all three of these clades. The patterns of CODH diversity in these communities likely reflect differences in enzyme or physiological function, and suggest that a diversity of microbial species participate in homoacetogenesis in these communities