3,895 research outputs found
On the particle spectrum and the conformal window
We study the SU(3) gauge theory with twelve flavours of fermions in the
fundamental representation as a prototype of non-Abelian gauge theories inside
the conformal window. Guided by the pattern of underlying symmetries, chiral
and conformal, we analyze the two-point functions theoretically and on the
lattice, and determine the finite size scaling and the infinite volume fermion
mass dependence of the would-be hadron masses. We show that the spectrum in the
Coulomb phase of the system can be described in the context of a universal
scaling analysis and we provide the nonperturbative determination of the
fermion mass anomalous dimension gamma*=0.235(46) at the infrared fixed point.
We comment on the agreement with the four-loop perturbative prediction for this
quantity and we provide a unified description of all existing lattice results
for the spectrum of this system, them being in the Coulomb phase or the
asymptotically free phase. Our results corroborate the view that the fixed
point we are studying is not associated to a physical singularity along the
bare coupling line and estimates of physical observables can be attempted on
either side of the fixed point. Finally, we observe the restoration of the U(1)
axial symmetry in the two-point functions.Comment: 40 pages, 22 figure
One,Two,Zero: Scales of Strong Interactions
We discuss our results on QCD with a number of fundamental fermions ranging
from zero to sixteen. These theories exhibit a wide array of fascinating
phenomena which have been under close scrutiny, especially in recent years,
first and foremost is the approach to conformality. To keep this review
focused, we have chosen scale generation, or lack thereof as a guiding theme,
however the discussion will be set in the general framework of the analysis of
the phases and phase transitions of strong interactions at zero and nonzero
temperature.Comment: 15 pages, prepared for IJMPA Special Issue 'Recent Nonperturbative
Developments in QCD-like Theories
Chiral symmetry restoration in QCD with many flavours
We discuss the phases of QCD in the parameter space spanned by the number of
light flavours and the temperature with respect to the realisation of chiral
and conformal symmetries. The intriguing interplay of these symmetries is best
studied by means of lattice simulations, and some selected results from our
recent work are presented here.Comment: 10 pages, proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Critical
Point and Onset of Deconfinement, 17-21 November, 2014, ZiF, Bielefeld,
Potencial forrageiro da Brachiaria humidicola cv. Llanero (ex. B. dictyoneura) para a recria de equinos.
Reduction of Jacobi manifolds via Dirac structures theory
We first recall some basic definitions and facts about Jacobi manifolds,
generalized Lie bialgebroids, generalized Courant algebroids and Dirac
structures. We establish an one-one correspondence between reducible Dirac
structures of the generalized Lie bialgebroid of a Jacobi manifold
for which 1 is an admissible function and Jacobi quotient
manifolds of . We study Jacobi reductions from the point of view of Dirac
structures theory and we present some examples and applications.Comment: 18 page
Non-hexagonal-ring defects and structures induced by strain in graphene and in functionalized graphene
We perform {\textit ab initio} calculations for the strain-induced formation
of non-hexagonal-ring defects in graphene, graphane (planar CH), and graphenol
(planar COH). We find that the simplest of such topological defects, the
Stone-Wales defect, acts as a seed for strain-induced dissociation and
multiplication of topological defects. Through the application of inhomogeneous
deformations to graphene, graphane and graphenol with initially small
concentrations of pentagonal and heptagonal rings, we obtain several novel
stable structures that possess, at the same time, large concentrations of
non-hexagonal rings (from fourfold to elevenfold) and small formation energies
Aplicação do algoritmo LEGAL/SPRING na cobertura florestal do município de Ivorá/RS nos anos de 2011 e 2012.
Neste trabalho, foram utilizadas técnicas de sensoriamento remoto a fim de analisar a distribuição dos recursos florestais do Município de Ivorá, RS, enfocando sua evolução, para, com isso, manejar a área do município visando a sustentabilidades de suas atividades. A área de estudo é caracterizada pelos biomas Mata Atlântica e Pampa, característicos do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, e tem sua economia fortemente baseada na pecuária e agricultura. Para a realização do trabalho, foram utilizados dados temporais do satélite RapidEye, sensor Reis, datados de 2011 e 2012. Foi criado um banco de dados, que foi usado para: testar variadas composições e contrastes; definir as legendas das categorias de uso e cobertura da terra; realizar testes de segmentação, classificação das imagens e elaborar uma programação em Linguagem Espacial para Geoprocessamento Algébrico (LEGAL) (CÂMARA, 1995); e elaborar os mapas temáticos. A classificação supervisionada das imagens revelou que a classe de uso do solo ?Floresta? foi predominante no município em 2011 e 2012, quando representou um quarto da sua área total. Conclui-se que, por meio da análise LEGAL, houve aumento da expansão florestal em detrimento do desmatamento, o que evidencia a importância da análise de uso do solo para a adequação e o planejamento ambiental do município
Avaliacao de gramineas forrageiras para equinos.
Nefrite tubulointersticial e uveíte com granulomas não caseosos na biópsia óssea
Copyright © Ordem dos Médicos 2014The Tubulointerstitial Nephritis and Uveitis syndrome is a very rare condition, probably under-diagnosed in clinical practice. It is characterized by the combination of an interstitial nephritis and uveitis, and is an exclusion diagnosis. Tissue non caseating granuloma can be rarely present, with only 6 cases reported on bone marrow. We present a case of a 55 year old female with a 3-month history of asthenia and weight loss. Blood tests showed anemia and renal insufficiency. Renal biopsy revealed interstitial nephritis and the bone marrow biopsy showed caseating granuloma. One month later anterior uveitis of the left eye appeared. An extensive exclusion of all possible causes allowed a diagnosis of Tubulointerstitial Nephritis and Uveitis syndrome with caseating granuloma in bone marrow. As ocular and renal manifestations may not occur simultaneously, Tubulointerstitial Nephritis and Uveitis Syndrome should be systematically considered in cases of interstitial nephritis and/or uveitis, and tissue granulomas can be part of this rare syndrome.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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