8 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of the concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines and glycosylated ferritin in patients with idiopathic recurrent pericarditis and adult-onset Still's disease

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    Idiopathic recurrent pericarditis (IRP) and adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD) are polygenic autoinflammatory diseases, in the pathogenesis of which pro-inflammatory cytokines from the interleukin-1 superfamily play a central role.Aim. To compare serum concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines and glycosylated ferritin (GF) in patients with IRP and AOSD during an exacerbation.Material and methods. The study included 15 patients with AOSD, 15 — IRP. The diagnosis of AOSD was established using the Yamaguchi criteria (1992). IRP was diagnosed in accordance with the 2015 European Society of Cardiology on the diagnosis and management of pericardial diseases. Blood sampling from all patients was carried out during the recurrence period prior to the anti-inflammatory therapy initiation. The serum levels of interleukin-1β (IL-1β), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-18 (IL-18), procalcitonin, total ferritin and GF was assessed. The results obtained were compared with levels of biochemical parameters, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP), as well as with white blood cell (WBC) and neutrophil counts.Results. The median age in the AOSD group was 28 years, and the IRP — 55 years. An increase WBC count >10*109/L was detected in 10 and 9 patients in the AOSD and IRP groups, respectively. The concentration of CRP was increased in all patients and did not differ in the study groups (p=0,836).The highest values of ferritin and GF levels were found in the AOSD group (1416 ng/ml vs 408 ng/ml, p=0,008) and (12% vs 33,9%, p=0,067), respectively. In both groups, increased concentrations of IL-6 and IL-18 were determined. In the AOSD group, the concentration of IL-18 was higher than in the IRP group (2114 pg/ml vs 161,5 pg/ml, p<0,001). IL-6 concentrations in the study groups did not differ (33,9 pg/ml vs 24,9 pg/ml, p=0,4). IL-1β serum concentration in all subjects corresponded to normal values.Correlation analysis in the AOSD group revealed a direct relationship between the IL-18 and ferritin concentrations (rs=0,73, p=0,03).Conclusion. The study established a similar pattern of changes in inflammatory biomarkers in patients with AOSD and IRI. The most informative marker of inflammation was IL-18

    Влияние дексаметазона и лидокаина на цитокиновый профиль и кровоточивость при эндоскопических риносинусохирургических вмешательствах

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    The objective: to evaluate the feasibility of using dexamethasone and lidocaine to potentiate the effect of anesthesia in patients with chronic polypous rhinosinusitis during functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) interventions.Subjects and Methods. Clinical data, blood serum samples were collected prospectively from 52 patients who underwent FESS intervention. The patients were divided into 3 groups: Control Group ‒ C (n = 26), anti-inflammatory drugs were not administered; Dexamethasone Group ‒ D (n = 13), dexamethasone was administered (0.10‒0.15 mg/kg); and Lidocaine Group ‒ L (n = 13), a 1% solution of lidocaine was administered intravenously. The following parameters were studied: IL-6, IL-10, IL-18, alpha1-antitrypsin, and ferritin.Results. An increase of IL-6, IL-6/IL-10 was observed in Group C. An increase of IL-10 and a decrease of IL-6, IL-6/IL-10 were noted in Group D. In Group L, IL-6, IL-6/IL-10 did not change significantly. The intensity of bleeding was lower in Groups L (p < 0.001) and D (p < 0.05) versus Group C. Relative changes in the concentration of biomarkers within the normal range were detected in all groups.Conclusions. Changes in the cytokine profile are insignificant in patients with chronic polyposis rhinosinusitis during FESS performed under combined anesthesia.No convincing data on the need for intraoperative use of dexamethasone or intravenous lidocaine have been received.Цель: оценить целесообразность использования дексаметазона и лидокаина для потенцирования эффекта анестезии у больных хроническим полипозным риносинуситом при эндоскопических риносинусохирургических (ЭРСХ) вмешательствах.Материалы и методы. Клинические данные, образцы сыворотки крови были собраны проспективно у 52 больных, перенесших ЭРСХ-вмешательства. Сформировано три группы: контрольная (К, n = 26), в которой больным не вводили дексаметазон и лидокаин; группа Д (n =13), в которой использовали дексаметазон (0,10‒0,15 мг/кг), и группа Л (n = 13), где во время анестезии внутривенно вводили 1%-ный раствор лидокаина. Исследуемые показатели: ИЛ-6, ИЛ-10, ИЛ-18, альфа1-антитрипсин и ферритин.Результаты. Прирост ИЛ-6, ИЛ-6/ИЛ-10 наблюдался в группе К. В группе Д концентрация ИЛ-6 и соотношение ИЛ-6/ИЛ-10 снижались, а уровень ИЛ-10 нарастал. В группе Л ИЛ-6, ИЛ-6/ИЛ-10 значимо не изменились. Проявления кровоточивости в группах Л (p < 0,001) и Д (p < 0,05) были ниже, чем в группе К. Изменения концентрации других изученных биомаркеров не выходили за пределы нормы.Выводы. Изменения цитокинового профиля у больных с хроническим полипозным риносинуситом при ЭРСХ-вмешательствах, выполняемых в условиях сочетанной анестезии, являются незначительными. Убедительных данных о необходимости интраоперационного применения дексаметазона или внутривенного лидокаина не получено

    Роль эндотелиальной дисфункции в развитии нарушений микроциркуляции и легочно-сердечной гемодинамики у больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких с различными фенотипами α1-антитрипсина

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    The aim of this study was to investigate structural and functional changes of pulmonary vessels and cardiopulmonary blood flow in COPD patients with different alpha-1-antitrypsin (A1AT) phenotypes and endothelial dysfunction. Methods. Patients with COPD stage 2 to 3 (n = 113) with different A1AT phenotypes underwent clinical and radiological examination; endothelial dysfunction markers were measured. Results. More severe COPD was associated with more severe pulmonary microcirculation disorders and more significant perfusion defects. Patients with ZZ phenotype had worse pulmonary blood flow abnormalities compared to patients with MM phenotype. Pulmonary blood flow abnormalities were closely related to endothelial dysfunction (r = 0.75) and were more significant than structural abnormalities diagnosed on multi spiral computed tomography. Severe disorders of pulmonary blood flow were not accompanied by severe pulmonary hypertension. Conclusions: Blood levels of main endothelial dysfunction markers were directly related to COPD severity. Angiotensin-converting enzyme concentration was significantly below the normal level and was related to pulmonary artery pressure. The pulmonary blood flow differed in patients with different A1AT phenotypes and COPD stage 3 or higher. Perfusion defects were more severe in patients with ZZ phenotype.Нарушению эндотелиальной функции сосудов малого круга кровообращения в развитии и прогрессировании хронической обструктивной болезни легких (ХОБЛ) в настоящее время уделяется особое внимание. Эндотелиоциты участвуют также в трансцитозе α1-антитрипсина (α1-АТ) из легочной микроциркуляции в эпителиальные клетки легких и альвеолы. Снижение концентрации α1-АТ в крови приводит к деструкции эластических волокон легких и развитию эмфиземы, т. к. α1-АТ является основным ингибитором эластаз, выделяемых альвеолярными макрофагами и полиморфноядерными лейкоцитами, обеспечивая 90 % антиэластазной активности. Однако данные о взаимосвязи эндотелиальной дисфункции (ЭД) с дисциркуляторными изменениями в легочном микрососудистом русле и состоянием легочно-сердечной гемодинамики у больных ХОБЛ с разными фенотипами α1-АТ практически отсутствуют. Цель. Оценка структурно-функциональных, сосудистых изменений в легких и состояния легочно-сердечной гемодинамики в зависимости от степени выраженности ЭД у больных ХОБЛ с разными фенотипами α1-АТ. Материалы и методы. Проанализированы результаты комплексного клинико-рентгенорадиологического исследования и показателей маркеров ЭД у пациентов (n = 113) с ХОБЛ II–III стадии с разными фенотипами α1-АТ. Результаты. По мере нарастания степени тяжести ХОБЛ увеличиваются нарушения микроциркуляции в легких, нарастает дефицит перфузии, причем у больных с патологическим ZZ-фенотипом изменения легочного кровотока были более значимыми, чем у пациентов c нормальным (ММ) фенотипом. Изменения кровообращения в легких коррелировали в высокой степени (r = 0,75) с ЭД. Нарушения легочной микроциркуляции всегда были более выраженными по сравнению со структурными изменениями, полученными при выполнении мультиспиральной компьютерной томографии. Значительное нарушение кровообращения в легких не сопровождалось столь же выраженным повышением давления в системе малого круга кровообращения. Заключение. По мере нарастания степени тяжести ХОБЛ уровень основных белков-маркеров ЭД увеличивается. Продемонстрировано достоверное снижение нормальных показателей ангиотензинпревращающего фермента в обеих группах и их зависимость от повышения давления в легочной артерии. Установлено, что изменения в легочном микрососудистом русле у больных ХОБЛ с разными фенотипами α1-АТ различаются, начиная с III стадии заболевания, а дефицит перфузии более выражен у больных с ZZ-фенотипом α1-АТ

    Клиническая эффективность и безопасность применения ингаляционного простациклина у больных с инфекцией, вызванной SARS-CoV-2 (проспективное сравнительное исследование)

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    Aim. In this study we evaluated clinical effectiveness and safety of nebulized prostacyclin in patients with Novel Coronavirus Disease (SARS-CoV-2). Materials and methods: We have included 44 male patients with moderate PCR confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in this study. Control group consisted of 23 patients treated with nebulized prostacyclin (PGI2). besides standard therapy. We compared intensiveness and duration of infectious intoxication syndrome, duration of fever, cough as well as SpO2 level, complete blood count and chemokine status values. Results: Statistically significant difference in duration of fever, cough, intensiveness and duration of infectious intoxication syndrome were observed. Lymphocyte and platelet counts were significantly higher in control group We have also noticed significantly lower level of proinflammatory mediators and C4-complement component in control group. Only 1 adverse effect associated with inhaled prostacyclin was reported. Conclusion. Nebulized prostacyclin showed therapeutic efficacy and good safety profile in adults with moderate COVID-19.Цель: оценка клинической эффективности и безопасность ингаляционного простациклина у пациентов с новой коронавирусной инфекцией (SARS-CoV-2). Материалы и методы: в исследование были включены 44 пациента мужского пола с подтвержденной новой коронавирусной инфекцией среднетяжелого течения. Опытную группу составили 23 пациента, которым, помимо стандартной терапии, был назначен ингаляционный простациклин (PGI2). Клиническая эффективность илопроста была оценена по длительности и выраженности общеинфекционных синдромов (интоксикации, лихорадки), длительности кашля, уровню насыщения крови кислородом, значениям параметров общеклинического анализа крови, показателю иммунологического статуса пациентов. Результаты: получено статистически значимое снижение длительности лихорадки, продолжительности кашля, выраженности и длительности синдрома общей инфекционной интоксикации в опытной группе. Также отмечено, что у этих пациентов средние значения количества лимфоцитов, тромбоцитов достоверно увеличивалось, а значение СОЭ снижалось. Средние значения провоспалительных цитокинов, хемокинов, а также С4-компонента комплемента были статистически значимо ниже, чем у больных COVID-19 в группе сравнения. Нежелательные реакции, связанные с инга ляционной терапией простациклином, были отмечены в 1 наблюдении. Заключение: показана терапевтическая эффективность и хороший профиль безопасности ингаляционного простациклина у пациентов с COVID-19 средней степени тяжести


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    Alpha-1-antitrypsin (A1AT) exerts a wide spectrum of protective effects, being focused on reduction of secondary injury in inflammation. Moreover, A1AT inhibits some serine proteases, and down-regulates production of proinflammatory cytokines. A number of known A1AT phenotypes is accompanied by affection of cytokine profile in inflammatory processes, thus increasing the risk of disorders associated with A1AT deficiency.The aim of our study was to evaluate cytokine profiles in the patients with different A1AT phenotypes. Were collected eighty-six blood sera from the persons with suspected A1AT deficiency. The A1AT phenotypes and concentrations were determined in these samples. The patients were divided into four groups, depending on their A1AT variants, i.e., PiMM, PiZZ, PiMZ and rare A1AT phenotypes. The serum levels of IFNγ, TNFα, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-17 were measured in these groups by means of ELISA technique.The mean levels of IL-6 comprised 73.52±4.363 pg/ml in the patients with PiZZ phenotype, being higher than in cases of PiMM phenotype (45.61±8.01 pg/ml, p < 0.05). The IL-17 levels were also found to be increased in the groups with PiZZ and PiMZ phenotypes, as compared with PiMM phenotype (p < 0.001). The mean IL-17 values in the samples with PiZZ, PiMZ, and PiMM phenotypes were 80.13±13.56 pg/ml, 106.7±26.28 pg/ml and 42.73±18.52 pg/ml, respectively. Meanwhile, there were no significant differences in IL-8, IFNγ and TNFα levels among different A1AT phenotypes. The results of this study let us conclude that the cytokine imbalance may be crucial to onset of diseases associated with A1AT deficiency


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    α1-Antitrypsin (α1-AT) deficiency is a common genetic disorder characterized by low serum α1-AT levels and a clinical manifestation of pulmonary emphysema and liver disease. In addition to its classical manifestations, α1-AT deficiency frequently accompanies granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA); in this case the role of α1-AT deficiency in the clinical course of GPA has not been defined. Objective: to estimate the prevalence of pathological α1-AT phenotypes in GPA and other systemic vasculitides (SV) and to determinate their impact on the clinical course of GPA. Subjects and methods. The investigation enrolled 86 patients with SV, including GPA (n=47), microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) (n=16), eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) (n=12), and polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) (n=11). A control group included 46 healthy donors. Isoelectric focusing was used to phenotype α1-AT in blood samples and its concentrations were determined. The phenotypes of α1-AT were compared with the overall SV activity index using the Birmingham Vasculitis Activity Score (BVAS), the vasculitis damage index (VDI), the nature of an organ lesion, and the markers of immune inflammation (proteinase 3-antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, total IgG, and C3 and C4 fractions of the complement system). Results and discussion. Pathological α1-AT phenotypes were detected in 17% (8/47) of the patients with GPA, 6.25% (1/16) of those with MPA and absent in EGPA and PAN. Patients with GPA had PiZZ (n=1), PiMZ (n=4), PiMF (n=2), and PiMS (n=1) phenotypes; those with MPA had a PiMS-phenotype. The detection of a pathological α1-AT phenotype in patients with GPA was characterized by the high values of BVAS and VDI (p<0.05) and the elevated levels of serum creatinine (p><0.01), anti-proteinase 3 antibodies, IgG, C3 and C4 fractions of the complement system (p><0.05). Conclusion. Pathological α1-AT phenotypes are more frequently detected in patients with GPA, which is accompanied by an enhanced immunological activity of the disease and high activity and damage indices. Key words: α1-antitrypsin; α1-antitrypsin deficiency; phenotyping; granulomatosis with polyangiitis; systemic vasculitis.><0.05) and the elevated levels of serum creatinine (p<0.01), anti-proteinase 3 antibodies, IgG, C3 and C4 fractions of the complement system (p<0.05). Conclusion. Pathological α1-AT phenotypes are more frequently detected in patients with GPA, which is accompanied by an enhanced immunological activity of the disease and high activity and damage indices

    Clinical efficacy and safety of nebulized prostacyclin in patients with sARs-CoV-2 (prospective comparative study)

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    Aim. In this study we evaluated clinical effectiveness and safety of nebulized prostacyclin in patients with Novel Coronavirus Disease (SARS-CoV-2). Materials and methods: We have included 44 male patients with moderate PCR confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in this study. Control group consisted of 23 patients treated with nebulized prostacyclin (PGI2). besides standard therapy. We compared intensiveness and duration of infectious intoxication syndrome, duration of fever, cough as well as SpO2 level, complete blood count and chemokine status values. Results: Statistically significant difference in duration of fever, cough, intensiveness and duration of infectious intoxication syndrome were observed. Lymphocyte and platelet counts were significantly higher in control group We have also noticed significantly lower level of proinflammatory mediators and C4-complement component in control group. Only 1 adverse effect associated with inhaled prostacyclin was reported. Conclusion. Nebulized prostacyclin showed therapeutic efficacy and good safety profile in adults with moderate COVID-19

    Secondary hemophagocytic syndrome in adult patients. Study of 91 patients

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    Background. Secondary hemophagocytic lymphohystiocytosis (sHLH) is a hyperinflammatory reaction provoked by some trigger (cancer, autoimmune or infection). The majority of affected patients are at high risk of fatal multiple organ failure without getting immunsupressive treatment.Objective. Clinical and laboratory profile of sHLH patients.Materials and methods. Retrospective study included clinical, instrumental and lab data from the 91 patients followed between June 2009 and June 2019. Diagnosis sHLH had been based on HLH-2004 and H-Score criteria. The analyzed parameters had been fever chart, liver and spleen enlargement, changes in the bone marrow; values levels of glutamic pyruvic transaminase, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, triglycerides, total ferritin with percentage of glycosylation. All patients with rheumatic disorders or malignancies had received either immunosuppressive or cytotoxic therapy. Febrile patients received anti-infective treatment according to the local routine protocols.Results. The data from 91 patients (41 male and 50 female) had been analyzed. Median age was 58 (2–90) years. The sHLH trigger-diseases spectrum included leukemia/lymphoma (n = 52), infection diseases (n = 11), autoimmune disorders (n = 5), allogenic bone marrow transplantation (n = 13), unidentified (n = 10). A fever with an unknown origin and refractory to antibacterial treatment had been observed in 87 (96 %) patients. Morphological hemophagocytic evidences in the bone marrow had been found in 83 %. Breath shortening, liver failure, neurologic disturbances, systemic effusions, rash, heart failure had been registered in 83 % patients. Detected splenomegaly presented in 56 %. Laboratory changes, median were as following: serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (alanine aminotransferase, SGPT) – 92 (39.2–1060.8) IU/L; serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (aspartate aminotransferase, SGOT) – 105 (40–4177) IU/L; alkaline phosphatase – 225 (120.9–989) IU/L; bilirubin – 50.5 (22–559) µmol/L; triglycerides – 3.2 (1.95–8.6) mmol/L; total ferritin – 10000 (597–255000) ng/mL with glycosylation percentage – 20.45 (0–37.8) %. 71 patients received various of HLH-directed therapy courses. The overall survival rate was 27 %, median follow-up – 540 days.Conclusion. The main clinical and instrumental findings in sHLH are fever, refractory to anti-infective treatment, elevation of transaminases, serum alkaline phosphatase, triglycerides, total ferritine with low glycosylated fraction. Early diagnosing and immunesupression are the main factors of survival