829 research outputs found

    Nucleic Acid Lateral Flow Immunoassay for the Detection of Pathogenic Bacteria from Food

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    Nucleic acid lateral flow immunoassay (NALFIA) is a method combining molecular biological principle of detection with immunochemical principle of visualisation. Following isolation of DNA from the sample, a duplex PCR with two primer sets, of which one was labelled with biotin and the other with digoxigenin or fluorescein, respectively, was performed. The PCR solution and carbon particles conjugated with avidin are directly added to the nitrocellulose membrane with two test lines of immobilised antibodies specific for digoxigenin and fluorescein. The appearance of a black line indicates the presence of specific amplicon. We would like to present the NALFIA for the simultaneous detection of L. monocytogenes in particular and the genus Listeria in general, in food. Bacteria from the genus Listeria frequently contaminate a large variety of foods. Occurrence of Listeria strains in food may indicate errors in good hygienic and manufacturing practice, only L. monocytogenes is a significant human and animal pathogen responsible for the serious illness listeriosis. Conventional microbiological methods for L. monocytogenes detection are laborious and take several days to achieve a confirmed identification

    Participation and compliance in a 6-month daily diary study among individuals at risk for mental health problems.

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    Intensive longitudinal (IL)measurement,which involves prolonged self-monitoring, may have important clinical applications but is also burdening. This raises the question who takes part in and successfully completes IL measurements. This preregistered study investigated which demographic, personality, economic, social, psychological, or physical participant characteristics are associated with participation and compliance in an IL study conducted in young adults at enhanced risk for psychopathology. Dutch young adults enrolled in the clinical cohort of the TRacking Adolescents’ Individual Lives Survey (TRAILS) were invited to a 6-month daily diary study. Participant characteristics came from five earlier TRAILS assessment waves collected from Age 11 onwards. To evaluate participation, we compared diary study participants (N =134) to nonparticipants (N =309) and a sex-matched subsample (N = 1926) of individuals from the general population cohort of TRAILS. To evaluate compliance, we analyzed which characteristics were related to the proportion of completed diary entries. We found that participants (23.6 ± 0.7 years old; 57% male) were largely similar to nonparticipants. In addition, compared to the general population, participants reported more negative scores on nearly all characteristics. Internalizing problems predicted higher compliance. Externalizing problems, antisocial behavior, and daily smoking predicted lower compliance. Thus, in at-risk young adults, who scored lower on nearly every positive characteristic and higher on every negative characteristic relative to the general population, participation in a diary study is unbiased. Small biases in compliance occur, of which researchers should be aware. IL measurement is thus suitable in at-risk populations, which is a requirement for its usefulness in clinical practice.</p

    Towards LLOD-based language contact studies: a case study in interoperability

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    We describe a methodological and technical framework for conducting qualitative and quantitative studies of linguistic research questions over diverse and heterogeneous data sources such as corpora and elicitations. We demonstrate how LLOD formalisms can be employed to develop extraction pipelines for features and linguistic examples from corpora and collections of interlinear glossed text, and furthermore, how SPARQL UPDATE can be employed (1) to normalize diverse data against a reference data model (here, POWLA), (2) to harmonize annotation vocabularies by reference to terminology repositories (here, OLiA), (3) to extract examples from these normalized data structures regardless of their origin, and (4) to implement this extraction routine in a tool-independent manner for different languages with different annotation schemes. We demonstrate our approach for language contact studies for genetically unrelated, but neighboring languages from the Caucasus area, Eastern Armenian and Georgian

    A Narrative Review of Network Studies in Depression:What Different Methodological Approaches Tell Us About Depression

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    The network theory of psychopathology proposes that mental disorders arise from direct interactions between symptoms. This theory provides a promising framework to understand the development and maintenance of mental disorders such as depression. In this narrative review, we summarize the literature on network studies in the field of depression. Four methodological network approaches are distinguished: (i) studies focusing on symptoms at the macro-level vs. (ii) on momentary states at the micro-level, and (iii) studies based on cross-sectional vs. (iv) time-series (dynamic) data. Fifty-six studies were identified. We found that different methodological approaches to network theory yielded largely inconsistent findings on depression. Centrality is a notable exception: the majority of studies identified either positive affect or anhedonia as central nodes. To aid future research in this field, we outline a novel complementary network theory, the momentary affect dynamics (MAD) network theory, to understand the development of depression. Furthermore, we provide directions for future research and discuss if and how networks might be used in clinical practice. We conclude that more empirical network studies are needed to determine whether the network theory of psychopathology can indeed enhance our understanding of the underlying structure of depression and advance clinical treatment

    Cross-instrument feasibility, validity, and reproducibility of wireless heart rate monitors:Novel opportunities for extended daily life monitoring

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    Wired ambulatory monitoring of the electrocardiogram (ECG) is an established method used by researchers and clinicians. Recently, a new generation of wireless, compact, and relatively inexpensive heart rate monitors have become available. However, before these monitors can be used in scientific research and clinical practice, their feasibility, validity, and reproducibility characteristics have to be investigated. Therefore, we tested how two wireless heart rate monitors (i.e., the Ithlete photoplethysmography (PPG) finger sensor and the Cortrium C3 ECG monitor perform against an established wired reference method (the VU-AMS ambulatory ECG monitor). Monitors were tested on cross-instrument and test-retest reproducibility in a controlled laboratory setting, while feasibility was evaluated in protocolled ambulatory settings at home. We found that the Cortrium and the Ithlete monitors showed acceptable agreement with the VU-AMS reference in laboratory setting. In ambulatory settings, assessments were feasible with both wireless devices although more valid data were obtained with the Cortrium than with the Ithlete. We conclude that both monitors have their merits under controlled laboratory settings where motion artefacts are minimized and stationarity of the ECG signal is optimized by design. These findings are promising for long-term ambulatory ECG measurements, although more research is needed to test whether the wireless devices' feasibility, validity, and reproducibility characteristics also hold in unprotocolled daily life settings with natural variations in posture and activities

    Overnight affective dynamics and sleep characteristics as predictors of depression and its development

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    INTRODUCTION: Greater affective inertia during the day (higher carry-over effects of prior affect to the current moment) is associated with depression and its development. However, the role of overnight affective inertia (from evening to morning) in depression, and the role of sleep therein, has been scarcely studied. OBJECTIVES: We examined i) the difference in overnight inertia for positive (PA) and negative affect (NA) between individuals with past depression, current depression, and no depression; ii) how sleep duration and quality influence overnight affective inertia in these groups, and iii) whether overnight affective inertia predicts depression development. METHODS: We used data of 579 women from the East-Flanders Prospective Twin Survey. First, individuals with past (n=82), current (n=26), and no depression (n=471) at baseline were examined, and then individuals who did (n=58) and did not (n=319) develop depression at 12-months follow-up. Affect was assessed 10 times a day for 5 days. Sleep was assessed with sleep diaries. Affective inertia was operationalized as the influence of affect(t-1) on affect(t). Linear mixed-effect models were used to test the hypotheses. RESULTS: Overnight affective inertia was not associated with depression, neither was it differently associated with sleep characteristics in the depression groups. However, sleep characteristics were more negatively associated with morning NA in both depression groups compared to the non-depressed group. Overnight affective inertia did not predict the development of depression at follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Depression and sleep characteristics might be more related to mean affect levels rather than to more complex emotion dynamics measures. Replication of these findings with longer time-series is needed

    A qualitative approach to guide choices for designing a diary study

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    Background: Electronic diaries are increasingly used in diverse disciplines to collect momentary data on experienced feelings, cognitions, behavior and social context in real life situations. Choices to be made for an effective and feasible design are however a challenge. Careful and detailed documentation of argumentation of choosing a particular design, as well as general guidelines on how to design such studies are largely lacking in scientific papers. This qualitative study provides a systematic overview of arguments for choosing a specific diary study design (e.g. time frame) in order to optimize future design decisions. Methods: During the first data assessment round, 47 researchers experienced in diary research from twelve different countries participated. They gave a description of and arguments for choosing their diary design (i.e., study duration, measurement frequency, random or fixed assessment, momentary or retrospective assessment, allowed delay to respond to the beep). During the second round, 38 participants (81%) rated the importance of the different themes identified during the first assessment round for the different diary design topics. Results: The rationales for diary design choices reported during the first round were mostly strongly related to the research question. The rationales were categorized into four overarching themes: nature of the variables, reliability, feasibility, and statistics. During the second round, all overarching themes were considered important for all diary design topics. Conclusions: We conclude that no golden standard for the optimal design of a diary study exists since the design depends heavily upon the research question of the study. The findings of the current study are helpful to explicate and guide the specific choices that have to be made when designing a diary study

    Insights of Patients and Clinicians on the Promise of the Experience Sampling Method for Psychiatric Care

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    OBJECTIVE: This qualitative study aimed to map the relevance of the experience sampling method (ESM) for psychiatric practice and identify barriers and facilitators for implementation, as perceived by patients and clinicians. METHODS: Participants were 22 patients with various diagnoses and 21 clinicians (e.g., psychiatrists, psychologists) who participated in interviews or focus groups. Using Atlas.TI, the authors conducted qualitative thematic analysis to analyze the transcripts, resulting in four themes: applications, advantages, undesirable effects, and requirements for implementation of ESM in care. RESULTS: Clinicians and patients believed ESM could be relevant in every phase of care to increase patients' awareness, insight, and self-management; personalize interventions; and alert patients to rising symptoms. Further, ESM was expected to improve the patient-clinician relationship; lead to objective, personalized, reliable and visual data; and increase efficiency of care. However, participants warned against high assessment burden and potential symptom worsening. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides first evidence that the potential of ESM is recognized by both patients and clinicians. Key recommendations for optimal implementation of ESM in psychiatric care include flexible application of ESM, collaboration between patient and clinician, regular evaluation, awareness of negative reactivity, availability to patients with different psychiatric syndromes, and implementation by an interdisciplinary team of patients, clinicians, researchers, and information technology specialists

    Exploring the emotional dynamics of subclinically depressed individuals with and without anhedonia:An experience sampling study

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    Background: Anhedonia has been linked to worse prognosis of depression. The present study aimed to construct personalized models to elucidate the emotional dynamics of subclinically depressed individuals with versus without symptoms of anhedonia. Methods: Matched subclinically depressed individuals with and without symptoms of anhedonia (N = 40) of the HowNutsAreTheDutch sample completed three experience sampling methodology assessments per day for 30 days. For each individual, the impact of physical activity, stress experience, and high/low arousal PA/NA on each other was estimated through automated impulse response function analysis (IRF). These individual IRF associations were combined to compare anhedonic versus non-anhedonic individuals. Results: Physical activity had low impact on affect in both groups. In non-anhedonic individuals, stress experience increased NA and decreased PA and physical activity more strongly. In anhedonic individuals, PA high arousal showed a diminished favorable impact on affect (increasing NA/stress experience, decreasing PA/physical activity). Finally, large heterogeneity in the personalized models of emotional dynamics were found. Limitations: Stress experience was measured indirectly by assessing level of distress; the timeframe in between measurements was relatively long with 6 h; and only information on one of the two hallmarks of anhedonia, loss of interest, was gathered. Conclusions: Our results suggest different pathways of emotional dynamics underlie depressive symptomatology. Subclinically depressed individuals with anhedonic complaints are more strongly characterized by diminished favorable impact of PA high arousal and heightened NA reactivity, whereas subclinically depressed individuals without these anhedonic complaints seem more characterized by heightened stress reactivity. The automatically generated personalized models may offer patient-specific insights in emotional dynamics, which may show clinical relevance
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