2,279 research outputs found

    A statistical model to estimate refractivity turbulence structure constant C sub n sup 2 in the free atmosphere

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    A computer program has been tested and documented (Warnock and VanZandt, 1985) that estimates mean values of the refractivity turbulence structure constant in the stable free atmosphere from standard National Weather Service balloon data or an equivalent data set. The program is based on the statistical model for the occurrence of turbulence developed by VanZandt et al. (1981). Height profiles of the estimated refractivity turbulence structure constant agree well with profiles measured by the Sunset radar with a height resolution of about 1 km. The program also estimates the energy dissipation rate (epsilon), but because of the lack of suitable observations of epsilon, the model for epsilon has not yet been evaluated sufficiently to be used in routine applications. Vertical profiles of the refractivity turbulence structure constant were compared with profiles measured by both radar and optical remote sensors and good agreement was found. However, at times the scintillometer measurements were less than both the radar and model values

    Testing and optimizing MST coaxial collinear arrays, part 6.4A

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    Many clear-air VHF wind profiles use coaxial collinear (COCO) arrays for their antenna. A COCO array is composed of long lines of half-wave dipoles spaced one-half wavelength apart. An inexpensive method of checking a COCO array is described and its performance is optimized by measuring and then correcting the relative rf phase among its lines at their feed point. This method also gives an estimate of the rf current amplitude among the lines. The strength and location of the sidelobes in the H-plane of the array can be estimated

    Determination of U, V, and W from single station Doppler radar radial velocities

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    The ST/MST (stratosphere troposphere/mesosphere stratosphere troposphere) clear air Doppler radar, or wind profiler, is an important tool in observational meteorology because of its capability to remote observe dynamic parameters of the atmosphere. There are difficulties in transforming the observed radial velocities into meteorological wind components. How this problem has been treated in the past is reviewed, and some of the analysis is recast to a form more suited to the high diagnostic abilities of a number of fixed beam configurations with reference to a linear wind field. The results, in conjunction with other works which treats problems such as the effects of finite sample volumes in the presence of nonhomogeneous atmospheric reflectivity, have implications important to the design of both individual MST/ST radars and MST/ST radar networks. The key parameters to uncoupling terms in the scaling equations are w sub x and w sub y. Whenever the stratiform condition, which states that these two parameters are negligible, is satisfied, a five beam ST radar may determine unbiased values of u, v, and w for sample volumes directly above the radar. The divergence and partial deformation of the flow may also be determined. Three beam systems can determine w and w sub z, but are unable to obtain u and v wind components uncontaminated by vertical sheer terms, even when the stratiform condition is satisfied

    Recent results at the Sunset radar

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    The Sunset radar is a VHF, pulsed Doppler radar located in a narrow canyon near the Sunset townsite 15 km west of Boulder, CO. This facility is operated by the Aeronomy Laboratory, ERL, NOAA, exclusively for meteorological research and the development of the mesosphere-stratosphere-troposphere (MST) and stratosphere-troposphere (ST) radar technique. Recent results include a measurement of all three components of wind velocity for the Federal Administration

    Financial globalization, governance, and the evolution of the home bias

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    Standard portfolio theories of the home bias are disconnected from corporate finance theories of insider ownership. We merge the two into what we call the optimal ownership theory of the home bias. The theory has the following components. In countries with poor governance, it is optimal for insiders to own large stakes in corporations and for large shareholders to monitor insiders. Foreign portfolio investors will exhibit a large home bias against such countries because their investment is limited by the shares held by insiders (the "direct effect" of poor governance) and domestic monitoring shareholders ("the indirect effect").> ; Foreigners can also enter as foreign direct investors; if they are from countries with good governance, they have a comparative advantage as insider monitors in countries with poor governance, so that the relative importance of foreign direct investment in total foreign equity investment is negatively related to the quality of governance. Using two datasets, we find strong evidence that the theory can help explain the evolution of the home bias. Using country-level U.S. data, we find that on average the home bias of U.S. investors towards the 46 countries with the largest equity markets did not fall over the past decade, but it decreased the most towards countries in which the ownership by corporate insiders decreased, and the importance of foreign direct investment fell in countries in which ownership by corporate insiders fell. Using firm-level data for Korea, we find evidence of the additional indirect effect of poor governance on portfolio equity investment by foreign investors.Investments, Foreign ; Globalization

    A comparison of vertical velocities measured from specular and nonspecular echoes by a VHF radar

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    For a number of years, there have been doubts about the accuracy of vertical wind velocities measured with quasi-specular reflections from mesosphere-stratosphere-troposphere (MST) radar. The concern has been that the layers producing the quasi-specular reflection process this hypothetical tilt. Because of the quasi-specular reflection process, this hypothetical tilt would control the effective zenith angle of the radar antenna beam so that a small component of the horizontal velocity would be included in what was assumed to be a truly vertical beam. The purpose here is to test the hypothesis that there is an effect on the wind velocities measured on a vertical antenna beam due to a long-term tilting of the stable atmospheric layers that cause quasi-specular reflection. Gravity waves have been observed to cause short-term tilting of turbulent layers and specularly reflecting layers. In both cases, the effect was a wave-like deformation atmospheric layers with a period of a few minutes. This geometry is shown. Because of this influence of gravity waves, it was expected that there would be short-term variations in the vertical velocity

    Processed Chili Peppers for Export Markets: A Capital Budgeting Study on the AgroFood Company

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    The AgroFood Company, which currently exports fresh chili peppers to European clients, desires to expand the product mix offered. The company, as it expands its production of fresh peppers for export, has an increasing supply of grade 2 peppers that are unmarketable in Egypt. However, an attractive market for processed frozen chili peppers exists in Europe. To expand their client base, capitalize on a value added product, and minimize product waste, the AgroFood Company desires to develop processing practices for chili peppers produced in Egypt. The AgroFood Company would like to identify its options in the processed pepper market. An analysis of the company, competition, consumer, market channel, and conditions, provides insight into possible solutions to the challenges faced by the farm management. Designed for undergraduate classroom use, this case will provide students with an opportunity to evaluate the merits of business expansion into a high capacity, automated mechanical processing facility for grade 2 vegetables.Decision case, horticulture, agriculture economics, chili pepper production, protected vegetable production, Crop Production/Industries, Food Security and Poverty, Production Economics,

    Finite Density QCD in the Chiral Limit

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    We present the first results of an exact simulation of full QCD at finite density in the chiral limit. We have used a MFA (Microcanonical Fermionic Average) inspired approach for the reconstruction of the Grand Canonical Partition Function of the theory; using the fugacity expansion of the fermionic determinant we are able to move continuously in the (β−μ\beta -\mu) plane with m=0m=0.Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures, uses espcrc2.sty, psfig. Talk presented by A. Galante at Lattice 97. Correction of some reference

    Study of an advanced transport airplane design concept known as Flatbed

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    The design concept and configuration of the Flatbed transport aircraft are presented. The Flatbed configuration combines into one frame, the ability to haul cargo, virtually unrestrained by cross sectional dimensions of the fuselage. The feasibility and capability of the Flatbed is discussed in depth

    Creating the ‘ethics industry': Mary Warnock, in vitro fertilization and the history of bioethics in Britain

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    Recent decades have seen a shift in the management and discussion of biomedicine. Issues once considered by doctors and scientists are now handled by a diverse array of participants, including philosophers, lawyers, theologians and lay representatives. This new approach, known as ‘bioethics', has become the norm in regulatory committees and public debate. In this article, I argue that bioethics emerged as a valued enterprise in Britain during the 1980s because it fulfilled, and linked, the concerns of several groups. My analysis centres on the moral philosopher Mary Warnock, who chaired a government inquiry into human fertilization and embryology between 1982 and 1984, and became a strong advocate of bioethics. I detail how Warnock's promotion of bioethics tallied with the Conservative government's desire for increased surveillance of hitherto autonomous professions – while fulfilling her own belief that philosophers should engage in public affairs. And I also show that Warnock simultaneously promoted bioethics to doctors and scientists as an essential safeguard against declining political and public trust. This stance, I argue, framed bioethics as a vital intermediary between politics, the public, and biomedicine, and explains the growth and endurance of what the Guardian identified as an ethics industry
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