44 research outputs found

    The Feasibility of Development of Social Capital-Based Ecotourism in West Lombok

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the tourism feasibilty of West Lombok for the development of social capital based ecotourism, which include: the development of tourism; identification of possible conflicts; Stakeholders' perspective on ecotourism; the involvement of local community; identification of market segments; and relevant social capital of West Lombok for the development of ecotourism. Feasibility studies conducted through surveys in Sekotong District involving all tourism stakeholders who were selected purposily. Data were collected using guided interview, focus group discussions, observation, and documents review. The data were then analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that tourism in Sekotong District is not well developed due to unclear government programs. This is also caused by the lack of synergy between government and the community or local residents. Additionally, there has not been any positive response of tourists regarding the tourism atmosphere in the region, due to the safety factor, the environment, and attitudes and behavior of some people towards Travelers. Economic impact of tourism on the local community is still limited due to the fact that they are not fully involved in tourism development. The result of FGD emphasizes on the importance of paying attention on principles of sustainable development, such as social capital-based development by involving local communities

    The Feasibility of Development of Social Capital-Based Ecotourism in West Lombok

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the tourism feasibilty of West Lombok for the development of social capital based ecotourism, which include: the development of tourism; identification of possible conflicts; Stakeholders' perspective on ecotourism; the involvement of local community; identification of market segments; and relevant social capital of West Lombok for the development of ecotourism. Feasibility studies conducted through surveys in Sekotong District involving all tourism stakeholders who were selected purposily. Data were collected using guided interview, focus group discussions, observation, and documents review. The data were then analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that tourism in Sekotong District is not well developed due to unclear government programs. This is also caused by the lack of synergy between government and the community or local residents. Additionally, there has not been any positive response of tourists regarding the tourism atmosphere in the region, due to the safety factor, the environment, and attitudes and behavior of some people towards Travelers. Economic impact of tourism on the local community is still limited due to the fact that they are not fully involved in tourism development. The result of FGD emphasizes on the importance of paying attention on principles of sustainable development, such as social capital-based development by involving local communities

    Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Larutan Asam Basa Berbasis Pendekatan Mms (Makroskopik Mikroskopik Simbolik) Dan Implementasinya Dalam Pembelajaran

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    : The research aims were to develop learning modules and learning packages Acid-Base Solvent based on to MMS (Macroscopic, Microscopic, Symbolic) approach and test its effectiveness in learning. Research was conducted in two phases, that is the development of teaching materials in the form of modules and the implementation of modules in the learning activities in classrooms. Developing learning modules and devices using the Dick and Carey model as used by Tucker [1]. The implementation of the development carried out through the design of experimental studies with post-test only non equivalent control group design by taking two classes intact homogenousgroup of five classes available. The results the the development consist of teaching materials in the form of modules, learning tools including syllabi, lesson plans, and assessment instruments. The results of the expert validation of teaching materials in the form of modules, syllabi, lesson plans,and assessment instruments categorized as very good and valid for use. As individuals towards student assessment results of modules categorized as very good, and a group of well categorized. The implementation Acid-base learning module based on the MMS approach has resulted in students\u27 cognitive achievement was significantly better than students in the class with the conventional approach

    Penilaian Kinerja (Performance Assessment) Dalam Pembelajaran Kimia

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    . The problem solving with scientific approach grow and develop along of the chemistry learning development. One of the development is the appearance of new perspective in the assessment system of chemistry learning. Performance assessment is assessment system to evaluate knowledge and skills in a real task. There are three activities to development performance assessment, i.e: (1) defining the purpose; (2) choosing the activity; (3) developing the scoring criteria

    Pengorganisasian Pkbm Sari Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru

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    Abstarct: The purpose of this study was to determine the organizing principle of CLC Sari Tassel Coastal District of the city of Pekanbaru, namely: (i) the purpose of the organization, (ii) organizing the division of labor, (iii) the responsibility of the organizing authority, (iv) coordination, focus of the study include aspects where (place), actors (actor), and activity (activity) performed by CLC Sari Tassel Coastal District of the city of Pekanbaru.This study used a qualitative research method of this type of ethnography, ethnography is to describe culture as such or seek buadaya theme.Informants in this study is the leaders of the CLC Sari as an informant core, administrative staff as informants control, and tutors as key informants. As for how to collect the data is by using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation.Collecting and analyzing data using Spradley models are: (1) the domain analysis, (2) analysis of taxonomy, (3) analysis komponensial and (4) analysis of the cultural theme. In accordance with the appropriate discussion and research purposes, it can be concluded: 1). The aim is to explore the potential of community organizing in learning needs, foster interest in learning to the learners as well as take advantage of the potential that exists within themselves wrga learning. 2). The division of labor is the organizing institution leaders CLC Sari divide the work in accordance with their expertise and their functions. 3). Responsibility in organizing authority is the leader of the institution determines that the program will be held in accordance with the needs of the learners. 4). Coordination is a leader in organizing CLC Sari organize and plan all the programs on the CLC and assisted by the members. 5). Responsibilities in the organization are administrative staff and tutors are given the task of taking care of correspondence and teaching. 6). Labor discipline in the organization are the actors who have been given the task of carrying out their duties properly. 7). Motivation in the organization are the actors provide motivation among fellow members and residents to learn

    Perbandingan Metode Steam Distillation Dan Steam-Hydro Distillation Dengan Microwave Terhadap Jumlah Rendemen Serta Mutu Minyak Daun Cengkeh (Syzygium Aromaticum)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari dan membandingkan proses pengambilan minyak dari daun cengkeh kering dengan menggunakan metode steam distillation dan steam-hydro distillation dengan pemanfaatan gelombang mikro (microwave). Beberapa faktor seperti pengaruh waktu operasi, perlakuan bahan (dicacah ±0.5–1 cm dan utuh), dan massa bahan juda dipelajari untuk mendapatkan rendemen dan mutu minyak cengkeh yang sesuai standar SNI. Metode yang digunakan adalah steam distillation dan steam-hydro distillation dengan microwave. Pada metode steam-hydro distillation dengan microwave ditambahkan solvent berupa air pada daun cengkeh untuk melarutkan minyak yang ada di dalamnya. Kondisi operasi untuk kedua metode ini adalah tekanan atmosferik (1 atm) dan suhu steam 108oC. Variabel massa yang digunakan adalah pada massa 50, 75, 100, dan 125 gram. Secara prinsip, steam yang dihasilkan mengangkat minyak dalam destiler kemudian steam dan uap minyak dikondensasi. Distilat yang berupa campuran minyak dipisahkan dari air sehingga didapatkan minyak cengkeh murni. Dari pernelitian yang dilakukan, pengambilan minyak cengkeh menggunakan metode steam-hydro distillation dengan microwave menghasilkan rendemen lebih banyak 0.07% sampai 1.77% untuk daun utuh dan untuk 0.03% sampai 1.96% daun cacah jika dibandingkan dengan metode steam distillation. Waktu optimum untuk metode steam distillation adalah 6 jam sedangkan untuk steam-hydro distillation dengan microwave adalah 2.5 jam. Setelah waktu optimum, rendemen minyak cengkeh yang dihasilkan cenderung konstan. Pencacahan bahan meningkatkan jumlah rendemen minyak cengkeh yang dihasilkan sebesar 0.05% sampai 0.36% untuk metode steam distillation dan 0.19% sampai 0.6%. untuk metode steam-hydro distillation dengan microwave. Rendemen minyak optimum untuk metode steam distillation pada 75 gram sedangkan untuk steam-hydro distillation dengan microwave pada 125 gram

    Pengendalian Suhu Ultrasonikasi pada Pelapisan Nanopartikel Magnet (Fe3O4) dengan Kitosan

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    Telah dilakukan pelapisan nanopartikel magnetik Fe3O4 dengan proses ultrasonikasi terkendali. Pengendalian ultrasonikasi dilakukan dengan menambahkan fasilitas pendingin baik menggunakan air maupun es serta dengan pengaturan suhu pembatas pada fasilitas ultrasonikasi untuk memastikan suhu sampel maksimal 50 oC selama proses pelapisan kitosan. Nanopartikel hasil pelapisan dianalisis sifat magnetik dan distribusi ukuran partikelnya masing-masing menggunakan VSM (Vibrating Sample Magnetometer) serta PSA (Particle Size Analyzer). Hasil sintesis menunjukkan bahwa penambahan sistem pendingin cukup efektif dalam mengendalikan suhu dan menurunkan waktu total proses pelapisan serta ukuran nanopartikel terlapis kitosan. Namun pola Perubahan ukuran yang terjadi tidak mengikuti sepenuhnya kaidah standar karena adanya proses re-aglomerasi nanopartikel magnetik akibat interaksi magnetik antar nanopartikel yang cukup kuat. Diperoleh hasil pelapisan optimum dengan ukuran nanopartikel magnetik terlapis kitosan sebesar ~ 36,5 nm dan nilai magnetisasi 45 emu/gram pada proses dengan sistem pendingin air. Kondisi ini dicapai dengan waktu total proses pelapisan 60 menit untuk waktu efektif proses ultrasonikasi 10 menit