59 research outputs found

    Lenvatinib Therapy in Patients with Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Real Clinical Practice

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    Aim. To determine lenvatinib treatment outcomes in patients with advanced unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (uHCC) in real clinical practice.Patients and methods. A multicenter retrospective observational study included 58 patients with a confirmed uHCC diagnosis receiving lenvatinib. At baseline, ECOG, Child-Pugh and BCLC scores were assessed. The objective response rate (ORR), disease control rate (DCR), median overall survival (OS) and median progression-free survival (PFS) rates were assessed. In addition, adverse effects (AE) during treatment were monitored.Results. The median OS and PFS comprised 14.6 (95 % CI 10.6–18.6) and 11.1 months (95 % CI 8.31–13.8), respectively. The ORR amounted to 32.8 %, while DCR reached the level of 79.3 %. The levels of ORR and DCR were not statistically significantly different between the patients with stages B and C according to the BCLC staging system, with grades 0 and 1 according to ECOG, with classes A and B according to the Child-Pugh score, with viral and non-viral HCC etiology, with and without extrahepatic spread, and with and without portal vein invasion. Patients with alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) blood levels <200 ng/mL showed significantly higher ORR and DCR compared to those with AFP levels >200 ng/mL (44.4 % vs. 13.6 %, p = 0.015; and 88.9 % vs. 63.6 %, p = 0.021, respectively). The uHCC stage according to BCLC, ECOG functional status, Child-Pugh class, presence or absence of extrahepatic spread and viral etiology had no effect on the OS and PFS median levels. Patients with macroscopic portal vein invasion had a significantly lower PFS compared with those lacking this complication: 3.97 (0.00-8.07) vs. 11.1 (8.46-13.7), p = 0.053. AFP levels ≥200 ng/mL adversely affected survival rates: median OS comprised 12.0 (5.95-18.9) months in the group of patients with AFP ≥200 ng/mL vs. 16.1 (8.73-23.5) months in the group of patients having AFP <200 ng/mL, p = 0.020. AEs were registered in 81.0% (n = 47) of patients. Among the most common AEs were arterial hypertension (32.8 %), weakness (24.1 %), weight loss (12.1 %) and appetite loss (10.3 %). Due to AEs, Lenvatinib was withdrawn in 5 (8.6 %) patients.Conclusion. Lenvatinib confirmed its efficacy and safety in patients with uHCC in real clinical practice. The treatment outcome might be affected by AFP levels and the presence of macroscopic portal vein invasion. Further comparative studies into treatment regimens applied in real clinical practice are required

    Inclusive Team Building Technologies in Education: Implementation Experience

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    Статья содержит анализ понятий инклюзивного взаимодействия и тимбилдинаг и роль командообразующих практик в организации работы инклюзивных команд. Представлен план и сценарий инклюзивного тимбилдинга, внедренного в деятельность Инклюзивного хакатона, мероприятия в рамках которого инклюзивные команды участников решают кейсы и разрабатывают проекты.The article contains an analysis of the concept of Inclusive interaction and team building and the role of team-building practices in organizing the work of inclusive teams. A plan and scenario for inclusive team building, introduced into the activities of the Inclusive Hackathon, is presented, an event in which inclusive teams of participants solve cases and develop projects

    Неоперабельный гепатоцеллюлярный рак — перспективы лекарственной терапии ленватинибом

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    There is a number of unresolved issues regarding the systemic therapy administration for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Their solution is facilitated by accumulating real‑world study results. Lenvatinib therapy is a recognized drug with a good efficacy and safety profile for the treatment of HCC. Subanalyses of the REFLECT study showed that the absence of stratification by baseline AFP and baseline liver function, as well as the lack of options for subsequent drug therapy after lenvatinib, also affects the outcomes. Once these factors are taken into account, the hypothesis of superiority of lenvatinib to sorafenib and other drugs can be tested. Real‑world clinical studies have demonstrated positive results of lenvatinib therapy in patients with Child‑Pugh class B liver function, provided recommendations on the sequence of systemic therapy after lenvatinib and on the use of lenvatinib in patients with BCLC stage B, along with considering the possibility of lenvatinib monotherapy and the prospects for its use in patients with nHCC. Further real‑world studies of lenvatinib for HCC in the Russian population are required.В подходах к назначению лекарственной терапии гепатоцеллюлярного рака (ГЦР) есть ряд еще нерешенных вопросов. Их решению способствует накопление результатов исследований в реальной клинической практике. Методом медикаментозной терапии ГЦР с хорошим профилем эффективности и безопасности признана терапия ленватинибом. В субанализах исследования REFLECT показано, что отсутствие стратификации по исходному уровню альфа-фетопротеина и оценке исходной функции печени, а также дефицит опций последующей после назначения ленватиниба медикаментозной терапии оказывают влияние на результаты. Учет этих факторов даст возможность проверить гипотезу превосходства терапии ленватинибом в сравнении с сорафенибом и другими препаратами. В исследованиях реальной клинической практики продемонстрированы положительные результаты применения ленватиниба у пациентов с нарушением функции печени класса B по шкале Чайлд-Пью, даны рекомендации по последовательности системной терапии после ленватиниба, применению ленватиниба у пациентов стадии BCLC B, а также рассмотрены возможности монотерапии ленватинибом и перспективы его применения у пациентов с нГЦК. Необходимы дальнейшие исследования ленватиниба при ГЦР в реальной клинической практике на российской популяции

    La reconstitution du patriarcat en Russie. Mgr Tykhon, patriarche de Moscou et de toute la Russie

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    Volkonsky P.-M. La reconstitution du patriarcat en Russie. Mgr Tykhon, patriarche de Moscou et de toute la Russie. In: Échos d'Orient, tome 20, n°122, 1921. pp. 195-219

    Osservazioni sulla Biologia dell' Anacridium Aegyptium

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