255 research outputs found

    Near Sheltered and Loyal storage Space Navigating in Cloud

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    Abstract: -Cloud Computing moves the application software and databases to the large data centers, where the management of the data and services may not be fully trustworthy. Though the benefits are clear, such a service is also relinquishing users' physical possession of their outsourced data, which inevitably poses new security risks towards the correctness of the data in cloud. Prior work has addressed this problem using either public key cryptography or requiring the client to outsource its data in encrypted form. The auditing result not only ensures strong cloud storage correctness guarantee, but also simultaneously achieves fast data error localization, i.e., the identification of misbehaving server. In this paper we introduce a technique called auditing, which is done by a person called third party auditor (TPA)

    Improvement of Voltage Profile through the Optimal Placement of FACTS Using L-Index Method

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    In this paper an IEEE standard test system is considered and it is tested using Newton-Raphson method with the help of MATLAB. The voltage magnitudes of each bus are examined and the corresponding weak bus is incorporated with FACTS such as SVC and TCSC. The optimal placement of FACTS can be identified using L-Index method. The value of L-index which approach unity implies that it reaches to instability. From this instability point the system stability is improved during steady state and Fault conditions. The disturbance is created in the system by changing the Load Reactive Power at a particular Bus.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i2.513

    Interaction of picolinic acid N-oxide and its derivatives with cobalt(II) involving some selected ligands in aqueous medium

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    792-794The formation constants of 1:1 binary chelates (ML of Co(II) with (L) picolinic acid N-oxide (Pico) and its derivatives 4-aminopicolinic acid N-oxide (4-NH2 Pico), 4-chloropicolinic acid N-oxide (4-Cl Pico) and 4-hydroxypicolinic acid N-oxide (4-OH Pico) and the corresponding 1:1:1 ternary chelates (MAL or MLA) involving (A) glycine, proline (N, O- donors); ethylenediamine, 1,10-phenanthroline (N,N donors); catechol, salicylic acid (O-,O- donors) and thioglycolic acid (S, O- donor) have been determined from pHmetric measurements at 30°C and 0.1 M (KNO3) ionic strength in aqueous medium. The stabilities of the binary chelates (ML) follow the order: 4-Cl Pico 2 Pica, while those of ternary complexes show a quite reverse trend. The relative stabilities of the ternary complexes are quantitatively expressed in terms of the statistical parameter, D log K. The results are discussed in the light of statistical and different astatistical factors. The thermodynmic parameters determined for the binary systems are found to be favourable for chelation

    Fault Diagnosis In Batch Process Monitoring

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    Every process plant nowadays highly complex to produce high-quality products and to satisfy de- mands in time. Other than that, plant safety is also crucial event had to be taken care to increase plant e�ciency. Due to poor monitoring strategies leads to huge loss of income and valuable time to regain its normal behavior. So, when there is any fault occurs in the plant it should be detected and need to take supervisory action before propagating it to new locations and new equipment failure leads to plant halt. Therefore process monitoring is very crucial event had to be done e�ectively. In Chapter 1 Importance of fault detection and diagnosis(FDD) in plant monitoring, what are the typical situations will leads to fault and their causes of fault is discussed. How data will be transformed in di�erent stages in diagnostic system before certain action, desirable characteristics for good diagnostic systems are discussed brie y. And in �nal part of this chapter what are the basic classi�cations of FDD methods are discussed. Principle component analysis is multivariate statistical technique helps to extract major information with few dimensions. Dimensionality of reduced space is very low compared to original dimension of data set. Number of principle component(PC) selection depends on variability or information required in lower dimensional space. So PCA is e�ective dimensionality reduction technique. But for process monitoring both PC and residual space are important. In chapter 2 mainly discussed about PCA and its theory. Batch Process Monitoring is relatively not easy to monitor compared to Continuous process be- cause of their dynamic nature and non-linearity in the data. So there are methods like MPCA(multi- way Principle component analysis), MCA(multi-way correspondence analysis) and Kernal PCA, Dis- similarity Index based(DISSIM) etc., are there to monitor batch process. Kernal based methods need to choose right kernal based on the non-linearity in the data. Dissimilarity Index based methods well suits for continuous process monitoring since it can able to detect the changes in distribution of data. Extension of DISSIM method to batch process monitoring is EDISSIM, which is discussed in chapter 3. And also MPCA is very traditional method which can able to detect abnormal sample but these cannot be able to detect small mean deviations in measurements. Multi Way PCA is applied after unfolding the data. Batch data Unfolding discussed in section 3.2 and selection of control lim- its discussed in 3.2.3. Apart from these methods there is another strategy called Pattern matching method introduced by Johannesmeyer. This method will helps to quickly locate the similar patterns in historical database. In Process industries we frequently collect the data so that there will be lot of data available. But there will be less information containing in it, used PCA to extract main information. In pattern matching strategy to detect the similar patterns in historical data base we need to provide some quantitative measure of similarity between two data sets those are similarity factors. So by using PCA method we are extracting high informative data in lower dimensional space. So Using PCA method similarity factors are calculated. Di�erent similarity factors and their calculation is shown in chapter 4. On-line monitoring of Acetone Butanol batch process discussed using pattern matching strategy. Acetone Butanol fermentation process mathematical model will be simulated to di�erent nominal values with di�erent operating conditions to develop historical database. In this case study there will be 500 batches with �ve operations conditions like one NOC and 4 di�erent faulty operation batches. In each batch there will be 100 batches. After calculation of similarity factors instead of going for candidate pool selection directly we are trying to detect the batches which are similar to snapshot data. Performance of On-line monitoring using pattern matching strategy is discussed. On-line monitoring strategy will change the way we are anticipating iv the un�lled data. Here we are trying to �ll with reference batch data. Reference data will be average of NOC batches. The performance of this method veri�ed in MATLAB as shown in section 4.3. In Chapter 5 described average PC's(Principle components) model. This method will helps to decrease the e�orts in candidate pool selection and evaluation to �nd snapshot data in historical database. And also Incremental average model building and model updating will improves the quality of model ultimately.In incremental average model building If any of the snapshot data classi�ed as any of the already existed operating condition data set it will be used in building average model. If not existed in any of the operating condition data set utilized to update average model. This method applied on Acetone Butanol fermentation process data and veri�ed. Because of the fact that batch data highly non linear in nature So PCA not able to handle non-linear correlations. And pattern matching approach using PCA average model not give good discrimination. For better discrimination ability and self aggregation can be possible using Corresponding Analysis because of non-linear scaling. In chapter 6 pattern matching approach using corresponding analysis has been discussed brie y. Results obtained using CA based similarity factor displayed for Acetone Butanol fermentation process case study

    The Investigation of Machinability and Surface Properties of Aluminium Alloy Matrix Composites

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    Aluminum matrix composites (AMCs) are crucial to the progress of composite application areas due to their remarkable mechanical properties. Their usage has expanded into different fields such as the aerospace, automobile, and defense industries. The present study used wrought Al alloy AA6061 as the matrix, while ilmenite (FeTiO3) particles were used as reinforcement at different weight percentages to prepare metal matrix composites. One of the most economical and simple casting routes among the several available fabrication techniques for the preparation of composites is the stir casting method, which was applied in the present investigation to prepare the AMCs. The machinability of the fabricated composites and the surface roughness property after machining were studied to understand the effect of speed and feed during machining. The results showed that an increase in speed decreased the cutting forces and the surface roughness. Meanwhile, an increase in surface roughness was observed with an increase in feed


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    Objective: The methanolic leaf extract of Ventilago maderaspatana (MEVML, 200 mg/kg body weight [b.w.]) was investigate to hepatoprotective activity under streptozotocin-induced (45 mg/kg b.w.) diabetic (Di) rats. Methods: In the present study, we determined the blood glucose levels, b.w., insulin, creatinine, and bilirubin levels in normal, Di, Di treated with MEVML and positive control rats. Results: The Di rats shown adverse changes in blood glucose levels, b.w., insulin, creatinine, and bilirubin levels when compared to other group rats. Reverse the adverse changes in the above parameters when treated the Di rats with MEVML Conclusion: The MEVML shown anti-diabetic activity and reverse the adverse changes in the above parameters in liver so that the MEVML supported the traditional claim of the hepatoprotective activity under Di condition

    An Approach for Mining Top-k High Utility Item Sets (HUI)

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    Itemsets have been extracted by utilising high utility item (HUI) mining, which provides more benefits to the consumer. This could be one of the significant domains in data mining and be resourceful for several real-time implementations. Even though modern HUI mining algorithms may identify item sets that meet the minimum utility threshold, However, fixing the minimum threshold utility value has not been a simple task, and often it is intricate for the consumers when we keep the minimum utility value low. It might generate a massive amount of itemsets, and when the value is at its maximum, it might provide a smaller amount of itemsets. To avoid these issues, top-k HUI mining, where k represents the number of HUIs to be identified, has been proposed. Further, in this manuscript, the authors projected an algorithm called the top-k exact utility (TKEU) algorithm, which works without computing and comparing transaction weighted utilisation (TWU) values and deliberates the individual utility item values for deriving the top-k HUI. The datasets are pre-processed by the proposed algorithm to lessen the system memory space and to provide optimal outcomes for condensed datasets


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    Objective: The aim of the present work was to prepare and examine drug release of the oral controlled release microbeads using different curing agents by emulsification internal ionic gelation technique. Methods: Cross-linked alginate microbeads were prepared with different cross linking agents by using mucoadhesive properties. The formation and compatibility of microbeads were confirmed by compatibility studies. Prepared microbeads evaluated for encapsulated efficiency, micromeritic properties, drug loading, in vitro wash off studies, in vitro dissolution studies, drug release kinetics and stability studies Results: The in vitro drug release was influenced by both type of curing agents and type of polymers and no significant changes in characterization parameters was observed after 3 mo stability studies. The sustained release profile of optimized batch was found to be 99.66±0.18% in comparison to pure drug profile of 28.64±0.02% at 12 h release study. Results of both wash-off and in vitro studies suggests that batch (SF2) prepared with aluminium chloride has shown better mucoadhesive property. Drug release of optimized batch follows zero order with non fickian mechanism according to Korsmeyer-Peppas equation. Conclusion: The data suggest the use of simvastatin mucoadhesive cross linked microbeads to offer the potential for oral controlled drug delivery with improved gastric retention and capable to provide sustained drug release by using cross linking agents