126 research outputs found
Associative field of a lingo-cultural type “lamer” in contemporary informational sphere
The characteristic feature of the existence of the type “lamer” in the internet sphere is that this image gave rise to many interpretations and is surrounded by a full of content field of associations (ex. Neznajka, Ivan the Fool). These associations encourage Internet users to literary creativity. It is stupidity of a lamer that is more often ridiculed, famous poems are used for this purpose. Sometimes we may come across different arguments in the Internet that justify the existence of this image and underline its importance.Главной особенностью бытования типажа ламера в интернет-пространстве является то, что этот образ стал источником многочисленных толкований и существует в насыщенном смыслами поле ассоциаций (например, Незнайка, Иван-дурак). Эти ассоциации стимулируют пользователей Интернета к литературному творчеству. В основном всячески обыгрывается глупость ламера, при этом используются нередко известные стихотворения. Иногда встречаются в Интернете суждения, оправдывающие этот образ, подчеркивающие необходимость его существования
Agrarian Policy of the Region in Terms of Economic Development Innovation
One of actual problems of regional economies is the problem of the transition of inter-regional divergence and problematic regions to the model of “catching up” development, definition of the newest competitive domestic and world market, forms of development of the agrarian policy of the regional territories of the state. Being a successful model of public-private partnerships and interaction between businesses, agro-industrial innovative education economic level represents the source of competitiveness of the region increases its level of importance and implementation of global processes in the agricultural sector. The cluster campaign of agrarian policy created on the account of affirmative synergy effects of regional agglomeration, network effects, diffusion of innovations, able to act as an accelerator of socio-economic education development stagnated production processes of problem regions, prevent deprivation in rural areas. Plan for the development of agro-industrial economic cluster and the program of its implementation with the implementation of the comprehensive state support of innovative initiatives and education clustered development in regional areas. Thus, the imperative of ensuring the unity of economic space establishes the need for modernization of program target management of socio-economic development of problem regions, in rural areas the formation of cluster strategies and network models of cooperation in agro-industrial complex.
Keywords: innovation, economy, region, competition, cluster, complex, state
JEL Classifications: J43, O13, Q13, Q1
Angiogenesis factors (VEGF, Ang-1, TGF-β) influence production, development and functioning of vascular endothelium that are part of the placental barrier structure and are involved into transplacental transfer of different substances. The aim of this study was to study the relationship between VEGF, Ang-1, and TGF-β concentrations, and the levels of transplacental IgG-antibodies to the measles virus in cord blood of children born to mothers with placental insufficiency. Patients and methods: venous blood was taken from 32 women with uncomplicated pregnancies, and 34 samples from pregnant women with placental insufficiency, as well as umbilical blood of their newborns, the level of IgG-antibodies to measles and the concentration of some angiogenic factors (VEGF, Ang-1, TGF-β) examined by ELISA techniques. The following results were obtained: in a cord blood of infants seronegative for the measles virus, born to women with placental insufficiency, showed uniformly low VEGF levels, decreased Ang-1 concentration (1.6) and increased TGF-β concentration (2.7) as compared to seropositive newborns. In a similar group of children from mothers with physiological pregnancy, the level of these factors did not differ from those in newborns with protective antibodies to measles. Conclusion: in physiological pregnancy, transplacental transmission of IgG-antibodies to the measles virus is directly dependent on the presence of specific antibodies in a woman; in case of placental insufficiency, an imbalance in the system of angiogenic factors may promote disturbances of transmission mechanisms for IgG measles-specific antibodies from mother to the fetus
Purpose. The aim is to analyze the features of aortic valve allografts decellularized with trypsin solution or a combination of the sodium dodecyl sulfate/deoxycholate solution.Materials and methods. We performed histological, bacteriological and mechanical testing of graft.Results. It was found that after the removal of cellular elements with trypsin the strength of allograft significantly decreased compared with the control group and the samples exposed to detergent treatment. Histological analysis of aortic allograft specimens showed signifi cantly impaired spatial organization of the connective tissue framework of the valve after the enzymatic treatment.Conclusion. Detergent decellularization is the preferred method for obtaining cell-free aortic allografts because it can effectively remove the donor cells and maintain the microstructure and biomechanical properties of the valve graft. Цель. Анализ особенности аллографтов аортального клапана, децеллюляризованных с помощью раствора трипсина или комбинированного действия растворов додецилсульфата и дезоксихолата натрия.Материалы и методы. Проводили гистологические, бактериологические и мехнические испытания графта.Результаты. После удаления клеточных элементов трипсином достоверно снижалась прочность аллографта по сравнению с группой контроля и образцов после детергентной обработки. Гистологический анализ образцов аортальных аллографтов достоверно показал выраженное нарушение пространственной организации соединительнотканного каркаса клапана после ферментной обработки.Заключение. Детергентная децеллюляризация является предпочтительным методом получения бесклеточного аортального аллографта, т. к. позволяет эффективно удалить клетки донора и сохранить микроструктуру и биомеханические свойства графта.
Особенности клинического течения и химиотерапии туберкулеза у детей из очагов с различным спектром лекарственной чувствительности микобактерий
The objective: to characterize tuberculosis in children exposed todrug-resistant tuberculosis in St. Petersburg.Subjects and methods. 51 children exposed to tuberculosis in their families were enrolled into the study; of them, 23 children were exposed to MDR TB; 7 children were exposed to other drug resistant patterns of the disease; 21 children were exposed to drug susceptible tuberculosis.Results. In St. Petersburg in 2015-2017, MDR TB cases prevailed among adult index cases to whom children were exposed. The course of tuberculosis was the most severe in children exposed to MDR TB. Such children were treated with regimen IV with high efficacy achieved, taking into account the severity of the disease, age, concurrent disorders, and tolerability of the drugs, as well as drug resistance of the index case.Цель: дать характеристику туберкулеза у детей из очагов лекарственно-устойчивого туберкулеза в Санкт-Петербурге.Материалы и методы. В исследование включен 51 больной туберкулезом ребенок, имевший семейный контакт, в том числе с МЛУ-туберкулезом – 23 ребенка, с другими вариантами лекарственно-устойчивого туберкулеза – 7, с лекарственно-чувствительным туберкулезом – 21 ребенок.Результаты. В Санкт-Петербурге в 2015-2017 гг. среди взрослых источников заражения заболевших туберкулезом детей преобладали лица с МЛУ-ТБ. Туберкулез у детей из очагов с МЛУ-ТБ протекал наиболее тяжело. Для их лечения использовался с хорошим эффектом IV режим химиотерапии с учетом выраженности процесса, возраста, сопутствующей патологии и переносимости препаратов, а также спектра лекарственной устойчивости источника заражения
The potential to encode sex, age, and individual identity in the alarm calls of three species of Marmotinae
In addition to encoding referential information and information about the sender’s motivation, mammalian alarm calls may encode information about other attributes of the sender, providing the potential for recognition among kin, mates, and neighbors. Here, we examined 96 speckled ground squirrels (Spermophilus suslicus), 100 yellow ground squirrels (Spermophilus fulvus) and 85 yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) to determine whether their alarm calls differed between species in their ability to encode information about the caller’s sex, age, and identity. Alarm calls were elicited by approaching individually identified animals in live-traps. We assume this experimental design modeled a naturally occurring predatory event, when receivers should acquire information about attributes of a caller from a single bout of alarm calls. In each species, variation that allows identification of the caller’s identity was greater than variation allowing identification of age or sex. We discuss these results in relation to each species’ biology and sociality
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