69 research outputs found
Diffuse Neuroendocrine System: Structural and Functional Effects of Radiation Injury to Amine Precursor Uptake and Decarboxylation (APUD) Cells
The paper presents a review of the results obtained by the authors on the study of external (gamma) and internal (I-131) radiation effects on the functional morphology and linkage of the diffuse neuroendocrine system (DNES) and amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation (APUD) cells of the stomach and duodenum. The investigations performed enabled us to determine that the morphological changes noted in APUD cells had a dose and time dependency. The present study supports the point of view that the radiation initiates serotonin release from APUD cells, which appears to initiate the mechanism of early postirradiation dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract and the subsequent adaptive response of DNES. Analysis of our results, together with a review of the literature, indicates that APUD cells actively participate both in pathogenesis of radiation injury and development of organ and tissue radiosensitivity
Features of the brainstem and its cavities in three-year-old children
Background: Little is known about the brainstem in healthy three-year-old children; yet there is a need for further studies because children at this age are growing and developing rapidly.Objective: To study differences in the brainstem and its cavities in healthy three-year-old children, considering the sex and bilateral asymmetry.Materials and methods: We retrospectively analyzed 120 MRI scans of healthy three-year-old children (60 boys and 60 girls) to study the brainstem features. The following parameters of the brain stem structures were assessed: 1) the length of the pons (mm), 2) the height of the pons (mm), 3) the length of the medulla oblongata (mm), 4) the height of the medulla oblongata at the upper and lower borders (mm), 5) the length and height of the vermis (mm), 6) the width of the cerebellum (mm), 7) the length, width, height of the cerebellar hemispheres (mm), 8) the length and height of the third ventricle, 9) the length of the cerebral aqueduct (mm), 10) the length and height of the fourth ventricle (mm). We assessed the compliance of quantitative parameters with the normal distribution according to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion. We used Microsoft Excel 2016 tables to accumulate, correct and systemize the raw data. Statistica 10.0 software (StatSoft. Inc., USA) along with the corresponding statistical method provided the digital data. The differences were considered significant at P < .05.Results: We aimed to study sex-related differences in the basic sizes of the brainstem. The length and height of the pons, the length of the third and the fourth ventricles, and the size of the cerebellar hemispheres were greater in boys. We found a bilateral asymmetry in cerebellar hemispheres (length, width, and height).Conclusions: The changes in the complex brainstem of three-year-old children are sex-dependent and consist in active transformations of its structures
As-Grown Domain Structure in Calcium Orthovanadate Crystals
An as-grown domain structure in nominally pure and Mn-doped calcium orthovanadate (CVO) crystals was studied by several methods of domain imaging: optical microscopy, piezoelectric force microscopy, and Cherenkov-type second harmonic generation. The combination of imaging methods provided an opportunity for comprehensive study of the domain structure on the polar surface and in the bulk of the samples. It was shown that, in nominally pure CVO crystals, an irregular 3D maze of rounded domains, with charged walls, essentially tilted from the polar direction, was present. It was proposed that the domain structure was formed just below the phase transition temperature and persisted during subsequent cooling. Such behavior is due to effective bulk screening of the depolarization field and a low value of the pyroelectric field which appears during cooling. The revealed formation of triangular domains and flat fragments of domain walls in Mn-doped CVO was attributed to polarization reversal under the action of the polar component of the pyroelectric field, above the threshold value for domain switching. This fact represents the first observation of the domain switching in CVO crystals. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: This research was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant number 20-02-00588-a, and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, grant numbers 075-15-2021-677 and FEUZ-2020-0054
Gender differences in the structure of the cerebrospinal fluid system of pre-school children
Relevance Investigation of the cerebrospinal fluid system of children of different ages, especially pre-school and school periods of childhood, becomes essential, since the further development of the brain and its proper functioning depends on the way it functions. Considering the MRI indications of the elements of the cerebrospinal fluid system of children is important for the development of neurology and neurosurgery, it is necessary to consider gender differences in the brain size and structure.Objective To study the sex differences in the structure of the cerebrospinal fluid system in seven-year-old children.Material and Methods For the study, archival data on the sizes of the lateral ventricles of the brain of 120 children aged 7 (60 boys and 60 girls) were involved, in particular: 1) the length of the anterior horn; 2) the width of the anterior horn; 3) the length of the central part; 4) the width of the central part; 5) the length of the posterior horn; 6) the width of the posterior horn; 7) the length of the lower horn; 8) the anteroposterior size; 9) the distance between the anterior horns; 10) the distance between the posterior horns; 11) the length of the third ventricle; 12) the height of the third ventricle; 13) the length of the aqueduct; 14) the length of the fourth ventricle; 15) the height of the fourth ventricle. The studies were carried out using the method of magnetic resonance imaging. Quantitative indicators were assessed for compliance with the normal distribution using the KolmogorovSmirnov test. The accumulation, correction, systematization of the initial information were carried out in Microsoft Excel 2016. Statistical analysis was carried out using the Statistica 10.0 software (StatSoft Inc., USA). The results were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05.Results The data obtained in the study of the cerebrospinal fluid system in children during their pre-school period of childhood are indicators of the norm and can be used for diagnostic studies in the departments of radiation diagnostics. The bilateral asymmetry of the lateral ventricles of the brain in pre-school children, discovered during the work, is of crucial clinical significance. The morphometric indicators of the elements of the cerebrospinal fluid system should be considered by specialists in the study of brain neuroplasticity.Conclusion Analysis of the obtained in vivo encephalometric data indicates the presence of sexual variability of the brain and parameters of the structures of the cerebrospinal fluid
Two cases of hydrophobia in the Republic of Tatarstan: In vivo and postmortem laboratory diagnosis
The results of rabies in vivo and postmortem laboratory detection in two cases registered in the Republic of Tatarstan are reported: a victim bitten by a wolf in 2002 and another one bitten by a stray dog on Goa Island, India, in 2013. In the patient bitten by a wolf cornea imprints studies using the method of fluorescent antibodies (MFA) showed rabies-positive result 6 days before the patient's death. The results were confirmed by postmortem examination of different parts of the brain and salivary glands using the MFA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), optical microscopy, and bioassay methods. In the patient bitten by a stray dog the rabies virus specific antigen was detected by eye cornea studies using the MFA method and saliva studies using the ELISA. The rabies virus genome was also isolated from saliva and tear fluid using nested reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) 9 days before the patient's death. The in vivo studies results were consistent with the postmortem study of different parts of the brain using the MFA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), optical microscopy, and bioassay methods. All the infection-positive results of both in vivo and postmortem studies were consistent with the clinical studies, i.e. rabies diagnosis was confirmed. The analysis of the rabies virus gene G fragment nucleotide sequence of 238 nd length showed a slight difference between the studied isolates (2 rabies) and the RABV AY956319 (1.68%), difference by 10.5% from the Vnukovo-32 vaccine strains and by 10.9 % from the SAD B19 rabies strain, respectively (rabies viruses of 1st genotype). It was also significantly different from the lissaviruses of 2,4,5, and 6 genotypes (21.0-32.7%). The obtained results indicate phylogenetic closeness of the studied isolates (2 rabies) with the RABV AY956319 rabies virus strain belonging to the 1st genotype
Water adsorption and polar properties of self-assembled diphenylalanine nanotubes
Experimental part of this work was performed within the scope of the project CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, FCT Ref. UID/CTM/50011/2019, financed by national funds through the FCT/MCTES. Theoretical part of the work was supported by Russian Science Foundation (Grant No. 18-72-00052). S.K., P.Z. and A.K. are grateful to FCT project PTDC/CTM-CTM/31679/2017. P.Z. is grateful to FCT project PTDC/QEQ-QAN/6373/2014. S.K and A.K are grateful to joint Portugal-Turkey project (TUBITAK/0006/2014)
Влияния ингибитора синтаз оксида азота Т1023 на развитие лучевого пневмофиброза у крыс
The purpose of the work was to study the ability of the NOS inhibitor T1023 to prevent late radiation injuries. Methods: the effects of T1023 (75 mg / kg, once i.p. 30 minutes before the irradiation) on the development of post-radiation pulmonitis and pneumofibrosis in rats with thoracic exposure to g-radiation at a dose of 12.5 Gy were studied histopathologically and morphometrically. The results of the studies showed that there wasn’t a significant objective effect of T1023 on the development of early radiation-induced lung injuries (9 weeks after irradiation). But it prevented late radiation induced lung injuaries (26 weeks after irradiation) – there were a significant lesser pathomorphological manifestations of post-radiation pulmonitis, proliferation of connective tissue and the development of fibrotic changes in the lung parenchyma. At this stage, the action of T1023 clearly contributed to the preservation of the normal histostructure of the lungs, reducing by 40% the content of compaction zones in the parenchyma. The ability of the NOS inhibitor T1023 to significantly limit the development of lungs late radiation reaction confirms the promise of further development of this compound as a means for prevention radiation therapy complications.Целью работы являлось изучение способности ингибитора синтаз оксида азота Т1023 к профилактике поздних лучевых повреждений. Методы работы включали гистопатологические и морфометрические исследования влияния радиозащитного действия соединения Т1023 (75 мг/кг, однократно внутрибрюшинно за 30 мин до облучения) на развитие постлучевого пульмонита и пневмофиброза у крыс при торакальном воздействии γ-излучения в дозе 12,5 Гр. Результаты исследований показали, что радиозащитное действие соединения Т1023 не оказывало существенного объективного влияния на раннем этапе (9 недель) развития радиационно-индуцированных повреждений легких. Но на этапе полного развития лучевой реакции легких (26 недель) превентивное радиозащитное действие Т1023 сопровождалось объективно выраженным и статистически значимым ограничением патоморфологических проявлений постлучевого пульмонита, разрастания соединительной ткани и развития фиброзных изменений в паренхиме легких. На этом сроке действие Т1023 отчетливо способствовало сохранению нормальной гистоструктуры легких, снижая на 40% содержание в паренхиме зон уплотнения. Показанная в работе способность ингибитора синтаз оксида азота Т1023 существенно ограничивать развитие поздней лучевой реакции легких подтверждает перспективность дальнейшей разработки этого соединения в качестве средства профилактики осложнений лучевой терапии
Genome Characterization of a Pathogenic Porcine Rotavirus B Strain Identified in Buryat Republic, Russia in 2015
Citation: Alekseev, K.P.; Penin, A.A.; Mukhin, A.N.; Khametova, K.M.; Grebennikova, T.V.; Yuzhakov, A.G.; Moskvina, A.S.; Musienko, M.I.; Raev, S.A.; Mishin, A.M.; Kotelnikov, A.P.; Verkhovsky, O.A.; Aliper, T.I.; Nepoklonov, E.A.; Herrera-Ibata, D.M.; Shepherd, F.K.; Marthaler, D.G. Genome Characterization of a Pathogenic Porcine Rotavirus B Strain Identified in Buryat Republic, Russia in 2015. Pathogens 2018, 7, 46.An outbreak of enteric disease of unknown etiology with 60% morbidity and 8% mortality in weaning piglets occurred in November 2015 on a farm in Buryat Republic, Russia. Metagenomic sequencing revealed the presence of rotavirus B in feces from diseased piglets while no other pathogens were identified. Clinical disease was reproduced in experimentally infected piglets, yielding the 11 RVB gene segments for strain Buryat15, with an RVB genotype constellation of G12-P[4]-I13-R4-C4-M4-A8-N10-T4-E4-H7. This genotype constellation has also been identified in the United States. While the Buryat15 VP7 protein lacked unique amino acid differences in the predicted neutralizing epitopes compared to the previously published swine RVB G12 strains, this report of RVB in Russian swine increases our epidemiological knowledge on the global prevalence and genetic diversity of RVB
The study of the functional morphology of rat sarcoma M-1 after photodynamic therapy using bacteriopurpurinimide disulfide derivative (disulfide-BPI) as a photosensitizer is described. The research methods included immunohistochemistry for PCNA and CD31, evaluation of mitotic activity and apoptosis of tumor cells, as well as computer analysis of microscopic images. Photoinduced antitumor effect was shown to be due to the destruction of sarcoma M-1 vascular bed, the rapid inhibition of proliferative activity and devitalization of tumor cells by apoptosis and necrosis. It is reasonable to suppose that in the early stages after photodynamic therapy destruction of the microvasculature and photocytostatic shock of tumor cells with subsequent development of necrosis are caused by direct influence of the light flux on sensitized cellular elements in parenchyma and stroma of tumors. The efficiency of photodynamic therapy with the novel photosensitizer is determined by the sequence of destructive and inflammatory changes in tumor parenchyma and surrounding tissues, as well as repopulation potential of tumor cells survived after treatment.В работе описаны результаты изучения функциональной морфологии саркомы М-1 крыс после фотодинамической терапии с применением в качестве фотосенсибилизатора дисульфидного производного бактериопурпуринимида (дисульфид-БПИ). Методы исследования включали иммуноокрашивание на PCNA и CD31, определение митотической активности и апоптотической гибели опухолевых клеток, а также компьютерный анализ микроскопических изображений. Показано, что фотоиндуцированное противоопухолевое действие обусловлено разрушением сосудистого русла саркомы М-1, быстрым ингибированием пролиферативной активности и девитализацией опухолевых клеток путем апоптоза и некроза. Есть основания полагать, что в ранние сроки после фотодинамической терапии деструкция микроциркуляторного русла и фотоцитостатический шок опухолевых клеток с последующим развитием некроза обусловлены прямым воздействием светового потока на сенсибилизированные клеточные элементы паренхимы и стромы опухолей. Эффективность фотодинамической терапии с новым фотосенсибилизатором определяется последовательностью деструктивных и воспалительных изменений в паренхиме опухолей и окружающих тканях, а также репопуляционным потенциалом выживших после лечения опухолевых клеток
The mechanisms of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) action on malignant neoplasms attract much attention nowadays. Studies relating to the MSC effect on tumors are contradictory and indicate that MSC has both stimulating and suppressive actions on experimental neoplasms. We have shown previously that a single MSC administration to tumor-bearing animals has an oncomodulating effect on the growth of tumors. Short-term stimulation of the growth of tumor nodes initially after the MSC injection was usually followed by subsequent deceleration of their growth.
Here, we have studied the effects of allogeneic MSC on sarcoma M-1 in rats. On day 11 after the sarcoma M-1 implantation, 1.5 million MSC grown from the bone marrow cell population of Wistar rats was administered into the tail vein of outbred rats from the experimental group. On days 17 and 30 of the tumors growth, 10 rats from each group were used to study the sarcoma M-1. To analyze the MSC distribution and localization in the tumor parenchyma, on days 11 and 13, five rats in the study were intravenously infused 2 million MSC, labeled in vitro by bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). The techniques for studying of the tumor reaction on the systemic MSC transplantation included immunostaining for PCNA, BrdU and PECAM-1, in conjunction with computerized analysis of the microscopic images.
One day after transplantation, the BrdU-labeled MSC localized in the perivascular areas of angiogenesis on the periphery of tumor nodes with the diameter of more than 6 mm, containing foci of spontaneous necrosis. Sometimes, labeled cells could be seen near the vessels situated deep in the tumor parenchyma. On day 3, cells with the low-intense BrdU immunostaining were found only rarely and mostly perivascularly. These cells were visualized in the region of pericytes’ localization, and the low BrdU-immunostaining intensity of their nuclei indicated the label dilution effect.
Six days after the MSC administration, some local areas of the connective tissue enlargements on the periphery of tumor nodes were observed with a distinct vascular ingrowth into the tumor parenchyma. In the same areas, the marginal region of tumor nodes contained a considerable number of neutrophils and lymphocytes. The PCNA staining revealed foci of increased proliferative activity of tumor cells in these areas, as well as intensive proliferation of fibroblasts and vascular endothelium, which indicates the increase of angiogenesis and stroma formation. After the MSC administration the content of parenchyma with PCNA-positive nuclei significantly increased, whereas the volume fraction of the necrosis regions decreased by more than 1.5 times.
On day 30 of the sarcoma M-1 growth, tumors in the experimental group rats were surrounded by layers of connective tissue. The peritumoral area was infiltrated by numerous lymphocytes and macrophages. In the terminal period of the sarcoma growth, the most quantitative parameters for tumors in the experimental group did not significantly differ from the data obtained in the control group. Only the rate of tumor cell apoptosis in animals with transplanted MSC was statistically higher than that in control rats.
Reviewing the literature regarding the influence of MSC on the malignant growth revealed that this problem still remains quite unclear and disputable. One of the contradictions is their ability to have opposite effects on the repopulation activity of tumor cells. The complex interactions between MSC, tumor microenvironment and neoplastic cells seem to be crucial for the outcome of the oncological process development. Further detailed studies of the mechanisms of the cellular therapy using MSC on carcinogenesis are necessary to generate new insights into this area
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