24 research outputs found

    Personality traits, self-esteem and menstrual cycle as correlates of consumer impulsiveness and regret

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    The paper examines consumer impulsiveness and post-purchase dissonance among female students as well as their relationship with personality traits, self-esteem and menstrual cycle. The study involved 253 female students pursuing Bachelor's, Master's and PhD degrees at the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Technical Sciences and Faculty of Arts of the University of PriŔtina in Kosovska Mitrovica. The instruments used in the study were the impulsiveness scale, the consumer regret scale, and the self-esteem scale. The analysis indicated that these are highly reliable instruments whose items can be regarded as homogeneous and representative. The results obtained show that consumer impulsiveness among the female students is at an average level, whereas the post-purchase regret is at a lower level compared to the theoretical average. In addition, a positive correlation was found between consumer impulsiveness and neuroticism, while self-esteem has a negative correlation with consumer impulsiveness and is its significant predictor. On the other hand, there is a negative relationship between post-purchase regret and cooperativeness, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and self-esteem. Conscientiousness and self-esteem can also be identified as predictors of post-purchase regret among female students, with self-esteem having a greater independent contribution

    Remediation of arsenic contaminated water by a novel carboxymethyl cellulose bentonite adsorbent

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    Suitability of bentonite clay modified with sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (Na-CMC) for the removal of arsenic(III) ions from aqueous solution was tested in batch adsorption studies and complemented by theoretical modeling with Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isotherm models. The effects of various factors, such as the initial adsorbate concentrations, pH, and temperature of the solutions were investigated in series of experiments. FTIR analysis was used to detect functional groups typical for cellulose and bentonite. Scanning electron microscope was used to analyze the surface morphology of the composites. It was established that the removal process was fast in the beginning and adsorption equilibrium was attained in around 20 minutes with good fittings to both Langmuir and Freundlich model. Maximum adsorption capacity (Q max ) obtained from experiments was 9.4 mg/g. No influence of solution pH and temperature on the sorption was noticed. The series of conducted experiments showed that synthesized composites are suitable for the removal of arsenic from wastewaters by adsorption as efficient and low-cost technique. Ā© 2019, ALƖKI Kft., Budapest, Hungary

    Interopservacijske razlike u dijagnosticiranju azbestoze prema klasifikaciji ILO

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    Inhalation of asbestos fibres leads to asbestosis of the pleura and the lung, with possible progression to lung cancer and malignant pleural or peritoneal mesothelioma. Asbestosis remains difficult to diagnose, especially in its early stages. The most important role in its diagnosis is that of chest radiographs. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to address interobserver variations in interpreting chest radiographs in asbestos workers, which remain to be an issue, despite improvements in the International Labour Office (ILO) classification system. In our ten-year study, we investigated 318 workers occupationally exposed to asbestos, and in 210 workers with diagnosed asbestos-related changes we compared interpretations of chest radiographs according to ILO by two independent radiologists. The apparent degree of interobserver variation in classifying lung fibrosis was 26.66 % for the diameter of changes and 42.2 % for the profusion of the changes. In cases with diffuse pleural thickening, the interobserver variation using ILO procedures was 34.93 %. This investigation raises the issue of standardisation and objectivity of interpretation of asbestosis according to the ILO classification system. This study has revealed a significant disagreement in the estimated degree of pleural and parenchymal asbestos pulmonary disease. This is why we believe highresolution computed tomography (HRCT) should also be used as a part of international classification.Azbestoza je bolest koja nastaje kao posljedica inhalacije azbestnih vlakana. Zahvaća pluća i pleuru, a ponekad može dovesti do karcinoma pluća, pleure i peritoneuma. Azbestozu je teÅ”ko dijagnosticirati, osobito u početnom stadiju bolesti. U dijagnostici azbestoze presudna je radioloÅ”ka obrada. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi interopservacijske razlike u analizi radiograma prema kriterijima klasifikacije ILO kod profesjonalne azbestoze. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 318 ispitanika profesionalno izloženih azbestnim česticama. U 210 ispitanika kojima je postavljena dijagnoza azbestoze usporedili smo radioloÅ”ke nalaze analizirane od dvaju neovisnih radiologa eksperata u skladu s važećom klasifikacijom ILO. Uspoređujući rezultate analize malih zasjenjenja parenhima pluća prema njihovoj veličini, naÅ”li smo da se rezultati razlikuju u 26,66 % slučajeva, dok je prema prožetosti intersticija neslaganje bilo joÅ” učestalije, tj. zabilježeno je u 42,22 % slučajeva. U ispitanika s pleuralnim promjenama usporedili smo rezultate analize difuznih pleuralnih zadebljanja i naÅ”li neslaganje u debljini i/ili Å”irini pleuralnih zadebljanja u 34,93 % slučajeva. Uočili smo značajno neslaganje u procjeni stupnja azbestne bolesti na pleuri i na parenhimu pluća. Zbog toga smatramo da je u kvantificiranju promjena izazvanih azbestom i u procjeni stupnja tjelesnog oÅ”tećenja nužno rabiti kompjutoriziranu tomografiju visoke rezolucije kao znatno osjetljiviju i pouzdaniju slikovnu tehniku

    Uticaj organskog đubriva rosasoil na prinos i tehnoloÅ”ke karakteristike grožđa sorte rizling italijanski u fazi redovne rodnosti u vrÅ”ačkom vinogorju

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    On the basis of two-year testing of the influence of organic fertilizer Rosasoil on yield and technological characteristics of the Riesling Italian variety in full fecundity in the conditions of the vineyard district of VrÅ”ac, the following can be concluded: 1. Climate and soil are favorable for growing grapevine in the wine-producing region of VrÅ”ac. 2. Average yield of grapes varied, ranging from 4.5 kg/trunk (on control) to 5.29 kg/trunk (variant with 360 g of fertilizer per plant). 3. Average yield of grapes varied from 14.998 kg/ha (on control) to 17.622.08 kg/ha, (variant with 360 g Rosasoil per plant). 4. Average content of sugar in must varied from 16.39% (on control) to 17.9% (variant with 360 g of fertilizer/plant). 5. Average content of total acids in must varied from 7.6 g/l (variant with 300 g /l of fertilizer per plant) to 7.72 g/l (on control). On the basis of results achieved, it can be concluded that application of organic fertilizer Rosasoil was successful, so this fertilizer can be recommended both for the vineyard district of VrÅ”ac, and for application in other vineyard districts in Yugoslavia.U radu je analiziran rezultat uticaja organskog đubriva Rosasoil na prinos i tehnoloÅ”ke karakteristike grožđa sorte rizling italijanski u fazi redovne rodnosti. Rezultati su potvrdili pozitivno dejstvo đubriva na ostvareni prinos i tehnoloÅ”ke karakteristike

    Generation and management of medical waste in Serbia: A review

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    This study presents generation, quantities and medical waste (MW) management in Serbia. It represents assessment methods and total annual MW generation by categories. It was concluded that pharmaceutical (64%) and infectious (32%) MW production is the largest. According to available data, MW management in Serbia is currently at low level, except when it comes to infectious waste. Research proposed simpler treatment methods in existing autoclaves and complex methods (incineration and plasma-pyrolysis), as well as short-term and long-term solutions. Predicted MW growing amount requires existing capacity increase for processing and new solutions application. Installed autoclaves capacity could be increased by increasing working time, in order to avoid additional investment. However, treatment in autoclave is only suitable for infectious MW. For other medical waste, which main fractions are pharmaceutical and chemical waste, there is no infrastructure. As temporary solution, pharmaceutical waste is treated abroad which in longer period is not financially feasible. Considering that MW treatment in Serbia currently is based on health facilities network equipped with autoclaves, as central (CTF) and local (LTF) treatments facilities for infectious waste treatment, it is recommended additional capacity implementation for treatment of non-infectious waste to this network, with simultaneous management level optimization of whole MW

    Oxidative stress and inflammation parameters-novel biomarkers for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Objective: The pathophysiological mechanisms of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) are not well elucidated. It is assumed that oxidative stress and inflammation are the key underlying culprits for its onset and progression. To gain deeper insight into these processes, we have evaluated several oxidative stress parameters, inflammation markers [i.e., high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), serum amyloid A1 (SAA1)], soluble programmed cell death-ligand 1 (sPD-L1), and 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] in IPF patients. Patients and Methods: Biochemistry analyses were done in 30 consecutive IPF patients and 30 age and gender-matched healthy control group (CG). Results: IPF patients had significantly higher advanced oxidation protein products (p<0.001), pro-oxidant-antioxidant balance (p=0.010), total oxidative status (p<0.001), and ischemia modified albumin (p<0.001) compared to CG. Lower total antioxidant status and total sulfhydryl groups (tSGH) and significantly higher sPD-L1, hsCRP (p<0.001 for all), SAA1 proteins (p=0.014) and [25(OH)D] severe deficiency [11.0 (9.6-15.1) nmol/L] in IPF patients compared to CG were observed. Paraoxonase 1 activity and hsCRP level were lower, while tSHG and sPD-L1 were higher in IPF patients with more severe disease (i.e., II+III stage compared to I stage, p<0.05 for all). Conclusions: IPF patients are in a state of profound oxidative stress compared to healthy people. The inflammatory component of the disease was confirmed by higher hsCRP and SAA1, but lower [25(OH)D] in IPF than in healthy people. Also, higher levels of sPD-L1 in patients with IPF compared to healthy individuals suggest that sPD-L1 may have a significant role in immune response in IPF. Ā© 2022 Verduci Editore s.r.l. All rights reserved

    Subclinical hypothyroidism

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    Subklinički hipotiroidizam je asimptomatska ili simptomatska tiroidna disfunkcija, koja se karakteriÅ”e umerenim porastom nivoa TSH i normalnim nivoima perifernih tiroidnih hormona. Često se otkriva uzgredno. Etiologija subkliničkog hipotiroidizma je identična etiologiji kliničkog hipotiroidizma. Dijagnostikuje se laboratorijski, određivanjem nivoa TSH i perifernih tirodnih frakcija. S'obzirom da je od kliničkog značaja samo perzistentni subklinički hipotiroidizam, za definitivnu potvrdu je neophodno učiniti hormonsku reevaluaciju 6-12 meseci nakon incijalne. Značaj subkliničkog hipotiroidizma je prevashodno u postojanju određenih propratnih pojava, koje mogu značajno uticati na kvalitet života bolesnika (dislipidemija, kardiovaskularni i neurokognitivni poremećaji, infertilitet, poremećaj intrauterinog razvoja ploda). Upravo stoga, lečenje subkliničkog hipotiroidizma malim dozama levotiroksina treba sprovesti u slučajevima gde je korist od supstitucije daleko veća od njenih potencijalnih rizika. Ovaj revijski rad je pokuÅ”aj argumentovanog razmatranja kliničkih i terapijskih aspekata subkliničkog hipotiroidizma iz literature i naÅ”eg kliničkog iskustva.Subclinical hypothyroidism is asymptomatic or symptomatic thyroid dysfunction, presented as slightly elevated TSH level and reference range values of peripheral thyroid hormons. Its etiology is the same as the etiology of clinical hypothyroidism. By measurement of TSH serum level as well the levels of peripheral free thyroid hormone fractions, it is easy, but more frequently incidental, diagnosed. Because of clinical significance is just persistent subclinical hypothyroidism, obliged hormonal confirmation would be done 6-12 months after initial measurement. The importance of subclinical hypothyroidism lay in the co-existence of some accompanying phenomenons, which can significantly influence on the patients life quality (lipid disorders, cardiovascular and neurocognitive dysfunctions, infertility, inadequate fetal growth and deveolpment). For such reasons, it is necessary to substitute subclinical hypothyroidism with small doses of levothyroxine, where we can expect more benefit than the risk of therapy. This review article is an attempt to unite present important clinical and therapeutical aspects of subclinical hypothyroidism from reviews and our experience

    Functional Metamorphosis of New Belgrade

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    New Belgrade rose "from scratch" on a wasted empty marshland by the river Sava, just across the oldest city center. It started after World War II as an ambitious plan for a future administrative center of socialist Yugoslavia, to be later transformed into a gigantic, grey dormitory. Since 1990s, the role of New Belgrade has completely changed due to the collapse of the state economy, the reappearance of a real estate and land market, an open door policy for foreign investments and a project-oriented type of planning. This was a powerful trigger mechanism for emphasizing the latent advantages of this municipality: its unique central position, abundant space for new construction and good transport connections. The municipality became the primary destination for massive investments that dramatically altered its economic and employment function, especially the area in the vicinity of the city's core business district