33 research outputs found

    Location of the Energy Levels of the Rare-Earth Ion in BaF2 and CdF2

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    The location of the energy levels of rare-earth (RE) elements in the energy band diagram of BaF2 and CdF2 crystals is determined. The role of RE3+ and RE2+ ions in the capture of charge carriers, luminescence, and the formation of radiation defects is evaluated. It is shown that the substantial difference in the luminescence properties of BaF2:RE and CdF2:RE is associated with the location of the excited energy levels in the band diagram of the crystals

    Пятнадцатилетний опыт радикальной цистэктомии и кишечной деривации мочи

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    Objective. Examination of the results of surgical treatment and analysis of the surgical technique and perioperative parameters in a series of radical cystectomy on the basis of its own 15 years of experience in the formation of orthotopic and heterotopic urinary reservoir of the ileum segment by developed and patented techniques in different versions: open radical cystectomy, laparoscopic radical cystectomy and robotassisted radical cystectomy.Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of 310 radical cystectomy performed from 2000 to 2015, on the occasion of various pathologies of the bladder and prostate, as well as cancers of other organs (uterus, colon) with involvement in the process of bladder tumor. Plastics of the bladder was performed from the segment of the terminal ileum. Formation of orthotopic bladder was performed by the method of M.I. Vasilchenko (RF patent for invention № 2337630 “Method of orthotopic bladder plastics” by M.I. Vasilchenko). The ureters are implanted by antireflux procedure. If unable to perform orthotopic bladder plastics recovery and self-urination, patients underwent the formation of heterotopic enteral reservoir with a holding valve.Results. It assesses the functionality and viability of organic shaped orthotopic and heterotopic urinary neocystis in the early and late postoperative periods in different versions. The proposed techniques have a beneficial effect on the improvement of the functional state and stabilization of the upper urinary tract. Analysis of morbidity and mortality was determined according to the classification of surgical complications on the Clavien–Dindo. This approach allowed to identify most of the complications and prevent an underestimation of the main negative results. Estimated oncologic efficacy of minimally invasive interventions laparoscopic radical cystectomy and robot-assisted radical cystectomy not inferior open radical cystectomy.Conclusions. Formation of heterotopic and orthotopic bladder enteral neocystis (tank), on the proposed contact techniques is a viable alternative to the known intestinal plastics. The introduction of laparoscopic surgery techniques including robot-assisted laparoscopic operations to reduce the number of early and late postoperative complications. Цель исследования – изучение результатов хирургического лечения и анализ техники операций и периоперационных показателей в серии радикальной цистэктомии на основе собственного 15-летнего опыта формирования ортотопического и гетеротопического мочевого резервуара из сегмента подвздошной кишки по разработанным и запатентованным методикам в различных вариантах исполнения: открытой, лапароскопической и робот-ассистированной радикальных цистэктомий.Материалы и методы. Проведен ретроспективный анализ результатов 310 радикальных цистэктомий, выполненных в период с 2000 по 2015 г., по поводу различных патологий мочевого пузыря и предстательной железы, а также при злокачественных опухолях других органов (матки, толстого кишечника) c вовлечением в опухолевый процесс мочевого пузыря. Пластику мочевого пузыря осуществляли из сегмента терминального отдела подвздошной кишки. Формирование ортотопического мочевого пузыря выполняли по методике М.И. Васильченко (патент Российской Федерации на изобретение №2337630 «Способ ортотопической тонкокишечной пластики мочевого пузыря», автор М.И. Васильченко). Мочеточники имплантировались по антирефлюксной методике. При невозможности осуществления ортотопической пластики мочевого пузыря и восстановления самостоятельного мочеиспускания больным выполнялось формирование гетеротопического тонкокишечного резервуара с удерживающим клапаном.Результаты. Оценена функциональная и органическая состоятельность сформированного ортотопического и гетеротопического мочевого неоцистиса в ранние и отдаленные сроки после операции в различных вариантах исполнения. Предложенные методики оказывают благоприятное влияние на улучшение функционального состояния и стабилизацию верхних мочевыводящих путей. Анализ частоты развития осложнений и летальности определяли согласно классификации хирургических осложнений Clavien– Dindo. Данный подход позволил выделить большинство осложнений и предотвратить недооценку главных отрицательных результатов. Была проанализирована онкологическая эффективность малоинвазивных вмешательств – лапароскопической и роботассистированной радикальных цистэктомий, не уступающих открытой радикальной цистэктомии.Выводы. Формирование гетеротопического и ортотопического тонкокишечного мочевого неоцистиса (резервуара) по предложенным нами методикам является достойной альтернативой известным кишечным пластикам. Внедрение лапароскопических техник оперативного лечения, в том числе робот-ассистированных операций, позволяет снизить количество ранних и поздних послеоперационных осложнений.

    Feshbach resonances and mesoscopic phase separation near a quantum critical point in multiband FeAs-based superconductors

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    High Tc superconductivity in FeAs-based multilayers (pnictides), evading temperature decoherence effects in a quantum condensate, is assigned to a Feshbach resonance (called also shape resonance) in the exchange-like interband pairing. The resonance is switched on by tuning the chemical potential at an electronic topological transition (ETT) near a band edge, where the Fermi surface topology of one of the subbands changes from 1D to 2D topology. We show that the tuning is realized by changing i) the misfit strain between the superconducting planes and the spacers ii) the charge density and iii) the disorder. The system is at the verge of a catastrophe i.e. near a structural and magnetic phase transition associated with the stripes (analogous to the 1/8 stripe phase in cuprates) order to disorder phase transition. Fine tuning of both the chemical potential and the disorder pushes the critical temperature Ts of this phase transition to zero giving a quantum critical point. Here the quantum lattice and magnetic fluctuations promote the Feshbach resonance of the exchange-like anisotropic pairing. This superconducting phase that resists to the attacks of temperature is shown to be controlled by the interplay of the hopping energy between stripes and the quantum fluctuations. The superconducting gaps in the multiple Fermi surface spots reported by the recent ARPES experiment of D. V. Evtushinsky et al. arXiv:0809.4455 are shown to support the Feshbach scenario.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure

    Fifteen years of experience radical cystectomy and intestinal urinary diversion

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    Objective. Examination of the results of surgical treatment and analysis of the surgical technique and perioperative parameters in a series of radical cystectomy on the basis of its own 15 years of experience in the formation of orthotopic and heterotopic urinary reservoir of the ileum segment by developed and patented techniques in different versions: open radical cystectomy, laparoscopic radical cystectomy and robotassisted radical cystectomy.Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of 310 radical cystectomy performed from 2000 to 2015, on the occasion of various pathologies of the bladder and prostate, as well as cancers of other organs (uterus, colon) with involvement in the process of bladder tumor. Plastics of the bladder was performed from the segment of the terminal ileum. Formation of orthotopic bladder was performed by the method of M.I. Vasilchenko (RF patent for invention № 2337630 “Method of orthotopic bladder plastics” by M.I. Vasilchenko). The ureters are implanted by antireflux procedure. If unable to perform orthotopic bladder plastics recovery and self-urination, patients underwent the formation of heterotopic enteral reservoir with a holding valve.Results. It assesses the functionality and viability of organic shaped orthotopic and heterotopic urinary neocystis in the early and late postoperative periods in different versions. The proposed techniques have a beneficial effect on the improvement of the functional state and stabilization of the upper urinary tract. Analysis of morbidity and mortality was determined according to the classification of surgical complications on the Clavien–Dindo. This approach allowed to identify most of the complications and prevent an underestimation of the main negative results. Estimated oncologic efficacy of minimally invasive interventions laparoscopic radical cystectomy and robot-assisted radical cystectomy not inferior open radical cystectomy.Conclusions. Formation of heterotopic and orthotopic bladder enteral neocystis (tank), on the proposed contact techniques is a viable alternative to the known intestinal plastics. The introduction of laparoscopic surgery techniques including robot-assisted laparoscopic operations to reduce the number of early and late postoperative complications