64 research outputs found


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    The field-emission properties of nanocomposite films comprised of 10 -20 nm-sized nickel particles immersed in a carbon matrix were investigated. The films were deposited onto silicon substrates by means of a metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) method. The composite's structure was controlled via deposition process parameters. Experiments demonstrated that the composite films can efficiently emit electrons, yielding current densities of up to 1.5 mA/cm 2 in electric fields below 5 V/µm. Yet, good emission properties were only shown in films with low effective thickness, when nickel grains did not form a solid layer, but left a part of the substrate area exposed to the action of the electric field. This phenomenon can be naturally explained in terms of the two-barrier emission model


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    Arterial hypertension (AH) is observed in 4-8 % of pregnant women. Even light previous AH increases the risk of pregnancy and delivery complications up to twice, thereby significantly degrading the prognosis of pregnancy and childbirth. The aim of the study is to evaluate the main cardiovascular and metabolic patterns in pregnant women with AH in depends on their ethnicity. We studied the pregnancy courses in 295 pregnant women with AH. The 1st group was 138 Buryat women and the 2nd group were Russian. In all patients we evaluated hematological, biochemical and hemostatic data as soon as perform daily monitoring of blood pressure. We observed some ethnic patterns of arterial hypertension. Buryat women had dyslipidemia and elevated fibrinogen. Also these patients demonstrated elevation of the value of morning rise in diastolic blood pressure during (DBP) their pregnancies with the most significant value of variability of night DBP. We found the direct link of serum fibrinogen with night DBP в In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy


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    The article presents the methods of mathematical analysis of the impactof alcohol on pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and the state of health of newborn state. With the help of this analysis we revealed informative diagnostic features that let determine the effect of alcohol on pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and newborn state: the use of alcohol before pregnancy once per month; alcohol consumption before pregnancy 2-4 times per month; smoking during pregnancy; abortion history; anemia during pregnancy; congenital heart disease on the third ultrasound screening; abnormal birth activity; subinvolution of uterus in the postpartum period; newborn gender; gestational age; prematurity and generally heavy state of a newborn. Linear classification function can be calculated by the formula 1.2. Canonical linear discriminant function can be calculated from equation [formula 3]. Diagnostic accuracy of decision rules in the middle is quite high - 76,69 %, in the first group - 75,7 %, in the second group - 77,6 %

    Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection systems in pregnant women consuming alcohol in small and moderate doses

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    The analysis of scientific researches shows that the problem of alcohol consumption (beer, dry wine, champagne), in small doses during pregnancy has been actually disregarded for many years. So the problem has become quite urgent, especially in Russia. In order to determine the effect of alcohol on pregnancy and childbirth, women and babies were divided into three groups. Group 1 (n = 101) (control group) included women who did not use alcohol during pregnancy. Group 2 (n = 75) included drinking women whose alcohol consumption during pregnancy was less than 2 doses or 750 ml. Group 3 (n = 33) included moderately drinking women whose alcohol consumption during pregnancy ranged from 3 to 11 doses (from 750 ml to 3850 ml). The study of the lipid peroxidation-antioxidant protection system as a sensitive marker of integrated health disorders in women, consuming alcoholic beverages in a prenatal period, was conducted. It was indicated that a statistically significant decrease in overall antioxidant activity was found in the context of lipid peroxidation activation in women consuming low-alcohol drinks, which demonstrates a lack of functioning of lipid peroxidation system and oxidative stress regardless of the dose of low-alcohol drinks

    Influence of factors of solar and geomagnetic activity on development of spontaneous 82 labor activity

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    Studies of recent decades have proved the effect on the human body a number of physical factors that are caused by the influence of solar corpuscular streams that change the state of the magnetosphere. The least studied problem is the influence of heliogeophysical factors and solar activity on different periods of organism development, from conception to birth. There is no data on the influence of magnetic storms on spontaneous labor, which was the purpose of this study. Solar activity indicators are presented by the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA: www.swpc.noaa.gov). The results of correlation analysis between spontaneous labor activity of 306 pregnant women in the period of 1.01-08.02.2013 depending on solar activity (Wolf numbers), radio emission flux at the wavelength of 10.7 cm and planetary index (Ap-index) characterizing the physical state of the Earth's magneticfield are analyzed. Reliable correlation between the number of urgent delivery and the flow of radio emission at a wavelength of 10.7 cm and the Wolf numbers was not found. Increase in the activity of spontaneous labor by 2.3 times (r = 0.43; p < 0.05) was recorded three days after the magnetic storm (Ap-index = 21nTl) compared to days calm in geomagnetic terms. The data showed a significant role of dynamics of external factors in the onset of labor

    The influence of the heliogeophysical factors on the clotting of blood of pregnant women with placental insufficiency

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    Geomagnetic storms are one of the natural abiotic risk factors for human health. The response of the organism to their impact depends on the individual adaptive abilities, which were formed during the evolution, but can change in the conditions of pathological processes. Evaluation of the effect of a weak magnetic storm (G4v (22 < Ar < 39 nTl) on hemorheological parameters of blood of pregnant women with placental insufficiency compared to healthy pregnant women showed an increase in platelet count (p = 0.05), fibrinogen content (p = 0.02), thrombocyte (p = 0.03), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (p = 0.004). At the same time, a decrease in the number of red blood cells (p = 0.04), hemoglobin concentration (p = 0.001), hematocrit value (p = 0.0009) was registered. We found a strong direct correlation between subpopulations of platelets, which are characterized by different functional activity. Heterogeneity of platelets, their multidirectional correlations with indicators of blood coagulation system of healthy pregnant women can be considered as a response to the change in the disturbance of the earth's magnetic field. For pregnant women with placental disorders, the magnetic storm was associated with increased activity of the blood coagulation system and a significant increase in its components in the blood of patients. Despite the fact that changes in the blood coagulation system occur from the beginning of pregnancy and are often adaptive, in pregnant women with placental disorders, the additional impact of a weak magnetic storm can be a risk of hemostasis disorders and the development of platelet thrombosis, timely diagnosis and therapy of which is important

    Tetrahydropyrazolo[1,5-a]Pyrimidine-3-Carboxamide and N-Benzyl-6′,7′-Dihydrospiro[Piperidine-4,4′-Thieno[3,2-c]Pyran] analogues with bactericidal efficacy against Mycobacterium tuberculosis targeting MmpL3

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a major human pathogen and the causative agent for the pulmonary disease, tuberculosis (TB). Current treatment programs to combat TB are under threat due to the emergence of multi-drug and extensively-drug resistant TB. As part of our efforts towards the discovery of new anti-tubercular leads, a number of potent tetrahydropyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine-3-ca​rboxamide(THPP) and N-benzyl-6′,7′-dihydrospiro[piperidine-4,​4′-thieno[3,2-c]pyran](Spiro) analogues were recently identified against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis BCG through a high-throughput whole-cell screening campaign. Herein, we describe the attractive in vitro and in vivo anti-tubercular profiles of both lead series. The generation of M. tuberculosis spontaneous mutants and subsequent whole genome sequencing of several resistant mutants identified single mutations in the essential mmpL3 gene. This ‘genetic phenotype’ was further confirmed by a ‘chemical phenotype’, whereby M. bovis BCG treated with both the THPP and Spiro series resulted in the accumulation of trehalose monomycolate. In vivo efficacy evaluation of two optimized THPP and Spiro leads showed how the compounds were able to reduce >2 logs bacterial cfu counts in the lungs of infected mice

    НАДФН-диафоразная активность эпителия дыхательных путей при бронхиальной астме

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    The activity and topochemistry of the NADPHN-diaphorase co-localized with NO-syntase were studied for the surgical material taken after lung resection of patients suffering from bronchoal asthma. An uneveness of the morphological indicators has been determined for the respiratory tracts’ membranous wall remodelling. This uneveness has specified different intensity of the epithelium’ NADPHN-diaphorase reaction. Enzyme moderate activity in small and medium bronchi prevailed for mild persisting bronchial asthma. The both number of small and medium bronchi with the increased NO-syntase and its level grew with the disease severity. In parallel the number of the bronchi with the reduced enzyme expression increased. This is probably due to the development of irreversable obstruction signes. The high level of the enzyme was also revealed in the cells being the inflammation residents (alveolar macrophages and tissue basophile) and the cells type in the alvelotsitakh during a severe bronchial asthmaИсследована топохимия и активность НАДФН-диафоразы, солокализованной с NO-cинтaзoй в операционном материале легких больных бронхиальной астмой (БА). Установлена неравномерность морфологических признаков ремоделирования стенки дыхательных путей, определившая различную интенсивность НАДФН-диафоразной реакции эпителия. При легкой персистирующей БА преобладала умеренная активность энзима в мелких и средних бронхах. С нарастанием тяжести процесса увеличивалось как число мелких и средних бронхов с повышением NO-cинтaзы1 так и ее уровень. Параллельно происходило увеличение количества бронхов со сниженной экспрессией фермента, видимо, связанное с присоединением необратимых признаков обструкции. Высокий уровень энзима также обнаружен в клетках — резидентах воспаления — альвеолярных макрофагах и тканевых базофилах, а при тяжелой БА и в альвелоцитах 1

    p53 Amino-Terminus Region (1–125) Stabilizes and Restores Heat Denatured p53 Wild Phenotype

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    BACKGROUND:The intrinsically disordered N-ter domain (NTD) of p53 encompasses approximately hundred amino acids that contain a transactivation domain (1-73) and a proline-rich domain (64-92) and is responsible for transactivation function and apoptosis. It also possesses an auto-inhibitory function as its removal results in remarkable reduction in dissociation of p53 from DNA. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS/METHODOLOGY:In this report, we have discovered that p53-NTD spanning amino acid residues 1-125 (NTD125) interacted with WT p53 and stabilized its wild type conformation under physiological and elevated temperatures, both in vitro and in cellular systems. NTD125 prevented irreversible thermal aggregation of heat denatured p53, enhanced p21-5'-DBS binding and further restored DBS binding activity of heat-denatured p53, in vitro, in a dose-dependent manner. In vivo ELISA and immunoprecipitation analysis of NTD125-transfected cells revealed that NTD125 shifted equilibrium from p53 mutant to wild type under heat stress conditions. Further, NTD125 initiated nuclear translocation of cytoplasmic p53 in transcriptionally active state in order to activate p53 downstream genes such as p21, Bax, PUMA, Noxa and SUMO. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE:Here, we showed that a novel chaperone-like activity resides in p53-N-ter region. This study might have significance in understanding the role of p53-NTD in p53 stabilization, conformational activation and apoptosis under heat-stress conditions