19 research outputs found

    Image of Giant in Mythology of Ob Ugrians and Zabolotny Tatars

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    The results of a comparative analysis of the images of giants in the mythological traditions of geographically close unrelated peoples — the Ob Ugrians (Khanty and Mansi) and the Zabolotny Tatars are presented in the article. It is noted that the assimilation and leveling of the features of the giants images in original cultures did not occur, despite the fact that the myths of the West Siberian peoples were subjected to processes of mutual influence. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between the external features and the origin of mythological characters (giants) with the specifics of the geoclimatic landscapes inhabited by the peoples that form the epic. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that for the first time the genesis, attributes and functions of the mythological heroes of unrelated peoples living in adjacent territories — the Ob Ugrians and the Zabolotny Tatars — are compared. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the image of a giant has significant prospects in the reconstruction of an ethnic cultural space, since, being one of the most archaic characters in myths, at the same time it remains a part of modern cultural consciousness. The author’s vision of the common and unique features of giants as distinctive characters of the Ob-Ugric and Siberian Tatar mythological systems is presented in the article. The research materials were myths and legends of the peoples of Western Siberia, records of oral stories of the indigenous inhabitants of the region, collected by the authors during field expeditions

    Female Demonic Characters in the Myths and Folklore of the Peoples of Western Siberia: Genesis, Functions, Attributes

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    The results of a comparative analysis of female demonic characters that exist in the myths and folklore of the peoples of Western Siberia are presented. It is noted that the total assimilation and leveling of the peculiarities of distinctive cultures did not occur, despite the fact that the rituals and myths of the West Siberian peoples were subjected to processes of mutual influence, flow and adaptation for centuries. The relevance of the study is due to the need to study the existing picture both in its integrity and in individual fragments. It is reported that the image of a female witch, a malicious old woman, is found in the myths and tales of most of the peoples living in Western Siberia. The article analyzes the etymology of the names and attributes of female demonic characters: Porne in Khanty mythology, Parne in Nenets mythology, Forest old woman and Albasty among Siberian Tatars, Baba Yaga among Slavs. The authors pay special attention to the commonality of mythological motifs, the similar structure of fairy tales, arising on the basis of demonic images of the feminine type. The possible relationship of these images with totemic representations, common in ancient cultures, is indicated. The question of the correlation of the folklore plot “the boy and the witch” with the ritualism of the West Siberian peoples, in particular, with the rites of birth, initiation, and fire worship, is examined. By comparing the traditions of neighboring cultures, the archetypal nature of the initiation scenario while maintaining its ethnospatial specificity is proved

    Кey trends in the financial services digital transformation in Russia and their influence on consumer experience: forecast of expertsm

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    Purpose: forecasting the key avenues for financial services digital transformation in Russia and its influence on customer experience based on expert surveys.Methods: a set of general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as marketing research methods – desk and field research. The field research included qualitative method: in-depth interviews with financial market experts. The obtained data were analyzed using content analysis and summarized. Results: the authors provided analysis of secondary data on the main global and local digitalization trends in the financial services market and conducted analytical aggregation of expert opinions on the most likely future changes in the financial services market in the process of digitalization. Analysis of the obtained data enabled to describe three avenues for financial services digital transformation – means of payments digital transformation, payments infrastructure digital transformation and customer interaction models digital transformation. The authors also presented and described the positive and negative influence of the results of digital transformation on the consumer experience.Conclusions and Relevance: the results of this study emphasize the role of financial services digital transformation in the process of new consumer experience creation. The means of payments digital transformation will ensure the total dominance of digital money within the money circulation system positively affecting consumer experience in terms of growing convenience, speed and cost-cutting. Payment infrastructure digital transformation will positively influence on consumer experience by simplifying the customer identification systems and reducing errors. Customer interaction models digital transformation will enhance the level of seamlessness leading to the full integration of financial services in the day-to-day customer activities. The results of the study can be used to develop strategies enabling to achieve the highest level of competitiveness for the financial service providers in the market

    Management of heart failure patients in Russia: perspectives and realities of the second decade of the XXI century

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    The article highlights the central components of Russian heart failure (HF) management programs in actual clinical practice. The experience of the Competence Center of Almazov National Medical Research Center, as well as opportunities and prospects for improving the monitoring of decompensated HF

    Ключевые тенденции цифровой трансформации финансовых услуг в России и их влияние на потребительский опыт: прогнозы экспертов

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    Purpose: forecasting the key avenues for financial services digital transformation in Russia and its influence on customer experience based on expert surveys.Methods: a set of general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as marketing research methods – desk and field research. The field research included qualitative method: in-depth interviews with financial market experts. The obtained data were analyzed using content analysis and summarized. Results: the authors provided analysis of secondary data on the main global and local digitalization trends in the financial services market and conducted analytical aggregation of expert opinions on the most likely future changes in the financial services market in the process of digitalization. Analysis of the obtained data enabled to describe three avenues for financial services digital transformation – means of payments digital transformation, payments infrastructure digital transformation and customer interaction models digital transformation. The authors also presented and described the positive and negative influence of the results of digital transformation on the consumer experience.Conclusions and Relevance: the results of this study emphasize the role of financial services digital transformation in the process of new consumer experience creation. The means of payments digital transformation will ensure the total dominance of digital money within the money circulation system positively affecting consumer experience in terms of growing convenience, speed and cost-cutting. Payment infrastructure digital transformation will positively influence on consumer experience by simplifying the customer identification systems and reducing errors. Customer interaction models digital transformation will enhance the level of seamlessness leading to the full integration of financial services in the day-to-day customer activities. The results of the study can be used to develop strategies enabling to achieve the highest level of competitiveness for the financial service providers in the market.Цель: прогнозирование ключевых направлений цифровой трансформации российского рынка финансовых услуг и влияния цифровой трансформации на потребительский опыт на основе оценок экспертов.Методы или методология проведения работы: совокупность общенаучных методов анализа и синтеза, а также кабинетные и полевые методы маркетинговых исследований. Полевые методы маркетинговых исследований представлены глубинными интервью с экспертами финансового рынка. Полученные данные были проанализированы с помощью контент-анализа, систематизированы и обобщены.Результаты работы. Проведен анализ вторичных данных о текущих тенденциях цифровизации рынка финансовых услуг в мире и России. Выполнен анализ первичных данных: мнений экспертов финансового рынка о наиболее вероятных изменениях на рынке финансовых услуг в контексте цифровизации. В результате систематизации и обобщения полученных данных сформулированы три направления цифровой трансформации рынка финансовых услуг до 2030 года: трансформация средств платежей, трансформация инфраструктуры и трансформация моделей взаимодействия с потребителем. В ходе анализа выделенных направлений описано положительное и отрицательное влияние цифровой трансформации на потребительский опыт финансового обслуживания в будущем.Выводы. Результаты исследования показывают особую роль цифровой трансформации финансовых услуг в формировании нового потребительского опыта. Цифровая трансформация средств платежей обеспечит абсолютное доминирование цифровых денег, что улучшит потребительский опыт в части удобства, скорости обслуживания и снижения издержек денежного обращения. Трансформация цифровых платежных решений окажет положительный эффект на потребительский опыт в части упрощения механизма идентификации пользователя и снижения вероятности ошибок транзакций. Трансформация цифровых моделей взаимодействия с потребителем обеспечит высокий уровень «бесшовности» обслуживания и приведет к полной интеграции финансового взаимодействия с повседневной жизнью потребителя. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы хозяйствующими субъектами рынка финансовых услуг при разработке стратегий развития в целях достижения высокого уровня конкурентоспособности на рынке

    Проблеми проектування фундаментів будівель та споруд, споруджуваних в умовах щільної міської забудови

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    The urgency of methodical provision of planning of foundations for buildings erected next to existing ones is сonsidered. It is based on studying the causes of extension of deformations of structures in conditions of dense city building system. Some recommendations providing safety of buildings are given.Рассмотрена актуальность создания методического обеспечения проектирования фундаментов зданий, возводимых рядом с существующими, основанная на изучении причин развития деформаций зданий и сооружений в условиях плотной городской застройки. Приведены некоторые рекомендации, обеспечивающие сохранность сооружений.Розглянута актуальність створення методичного забезпечення проектування фундаментів будівель, що зводяться поряд з тими, що існують, заснована на вивченні причин розвитку деформацій будівель і споруд в умовах щільної міської забудови. Приведені деякі рекомендації, що забезпечують збереження споруд


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    The urgency of methodical provision of planning of foundations for buildings erected next to existing ones is сonsidered. It is based on studying the causes of extension of deformations of structures in conditions of dense city building system. Some recommendations providing safety of buildings are given

    Clinical and paraclinical manifestation COVID-19 in different age children

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    COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new coronavirus first discovered in 2019. The infection has spread rapidly throughout the world and affects people of all ages. Thus, 12.7% of all SARS-CoV-2 patients are children. Purpose — to establish the clinical and paraclinical manifestations of the course of COVID-19 in children, depending on age to predict the severity of the disease’s manifestation. Materials and methods. The 60 children aged from 3 months to 17 years old with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 were examined. All patients underwent general clinical, laboratory, and instrumental examinations and received therapy according to Ukrainian National protocol. SARS-CoV-2 infection was confirmed by real-time PCR. Results. Thus, in young children COVID-19 begins acutely (90.0%) with intoxication (75.0%), fever (65.0%), nasal congestion (25.0%), rhinorrhea (20.0%), dry cough (60.0%), increased ESR and C-reactive protein (55.0%). The course of COVID-19 in children 4–6 years is accompanied by acute onset (85.71%), fever (85.71%), pharyngitis (85.71%), lymphopenia (28.56%), and no CT signs of lesions (71.43%). In children 7–12 years old, COVID-19 causes intoxication (88.89%), fever (83.33%), pharyngitis (55.56%), dry cough (77.78%), lymphocytosis (16.67%) with accelerated ESR (38.89%) and pneumonia (38.89%). The course of COVID-19 in children was older than 13 years old characterized by fever (73.33%), pharyngitis (66.67%), dry cough (73.33%), olfactory loss (20.0%), leukopenia (20.0%), ESR acceleration (20.0%), and a decrease in prothrombin (13.33%) without pulmonary lesions (73.33%). Conclusions. These data suggest that the severity and duration of clinical and laboratory manifestations of COVID-19 depend on the child’s age. The course of COVID-19 in children of all age groups is mostly of moderate severity with a favorable prognosis ((56.67%) hospitalized children did not have any complications). Only children from 7 to 12 years old need additional attention due to the severe manifestations of intoxication (88.89%) and the risk of complications with pneumonia (38.89%). The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of the participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies. No conflict of interests was declared by the authors

    Land degradation and metropolitan expansion in a peri-urban environment

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    The couple rapid urbanization and policy failure in controlling urban expansion was sometimes associated to soil and land degradation phenomena in both developing and developed countries. This work points to investigate the link between exurban development and soil/land degradation in the region of Athens (Greece) as a typical semiarid Mediterranean area experiencing a shift from a land-saving compact urban form to a dispersed, low-density urban expansion. The examined area is among the most populated areas in the Mediterranean basin showing an enormous population growth during the last 60 years. While low-density, dispersed urban settlements mainly developed over the decade (2000–2010) in the investigated area occupied mostly land classified at poor soil quality, the overall assessment of vegetation, climate and soil quality layers renders a complex picture in which exurban development consumed high-quality land that were classified as non-vulnerable to land degradation. On the contrary, compact urban settlements prevail in land with intermediate (or even high) soil quality but with inadequate climatic and vegetation conditions, which are classified as highly vulnerable to land degradation. Urban planning should integrate multi-dimensional indicators of soil, climate and vegetation quality to evaluate the environmental impact of exurban development

    Moving toward the north: A country-level classification of land sensitivity to degradation in Czech Republic

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    Land sensitivity to degradation is a spatially varying attribute of local systems that experience rapid changes in socio-ecological conditions. To answer the increasing demand of quantitative risk assessment of land degradation and desertification - taken as a final stage of land degradation - in non-affected countries, our study estimates land sensitivity to degradation in the Czech Republic at 1:10,000 scale using the Environmental Sensitive Area (ESA) framework. Czech land was classified into four sensitivity levels (‘insensitive’, ‘potentially sensitive’, ‘fragile’, and ‘critical’). ‘Fragile’ and ‘critical’ land concentrated in accessible lowlands with intensive agriculture. Climate and vegetation quality contributed the most to land sensitivity to degradation in the country. Low soil quality and land management quality were causes of land sensitivity in few, sparse agricultural districts. A comparison with Mediterranean and South-Eastern European countries indicates that land sensitivity to degradation in the Czech Republic is only slightly lower than in neighbouring, affected countries (sensu UNCCD, Annex IV), with the same acting drivers (agriculture intensification and urban sprawl). In light of climate change, national and regional policies are required to face with the increase of land sensitivity in ‘formally non-affected’ countries of Central-Eastern Europe, taking stock of the ‘Mediterranean’ experience in assessing and managing land sensitivity to degradation