49 research outputs found

    Interference Automata

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    We propose a computing model, the Two-Way Optical Interference Automata (2OIA), that makes use of the phenomenon of optical interference. We introduce this model to investigate the increase in power, in terms of language recognition, of a classical Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) when endowed with the facility of optical interference. The question is in the spirit of Two-Way Finite Automata With Quantum and Classical States (2QCFA) [A. Ambainis and J. Watrous, Two-way Finite Automata With Quantum and Classical States, Theoretical Computer Science, 287 (1), 299-311, (2002)] wherein the classical DFA is augmented with a quantum component of constant size. We test the power of 2OIA against the languages mentioned in the above paper. We give efficient 2OIA algorithms to recognize languages for which 2QCFA machines have been shown to exist, as well as languages whose status vis-a-vis 2QCFA has been posed as open questions. Finally we show the existence of a language that cannot be recognized by a 2OIA but can be recognized by an O(n3)O(n^3) space Turing machine.Comment: 19 pages. A preliminary version appears under the title "On a Model of Computation based on Optical Interference" in Proc. of the 16-th Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (AWOCA'05), pp. 249-26

    Statistical Model Checking for Cops and Robbers Game on Random Graph Models

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    Cops and robbers problem has been studied over the decades with many variants and applications in graph searching problem. In this work, we study a variant of cops and robbers problem on graphs. In this variant, there are di�erent types of cops and a minimum number of each type of cops are required to catch a robber. We studied this model over various random graph models and analyzed the properties using statistical model checking. To the best of our knowledge this variant of the cops and robber problem has not been studied yet. We have used statistical techniques to estimate the probability of robber getting caught in di�erent random graph models. We seek to compare the ease of catching robbers performing random walk on graphs, especially complex networks. In this work, we report the experiments that yields interesting empirical results. Through the experiments we have observed that it is easier to catch a robber in Barab�asi Albert model than in Erd�os-R�enyi graph model. We have also experimented with k-Regular graphs and real street networks. In our work, the model is framed as the multi-agent based system and we have implemented a statistical model checker, SMCA tool which veri�es agents based systems using statistical techniques. SMCA tool can take the model in JAVA programming language and support Probabilistic - Bounded LTL logic for property specification

    Towards Communication-Efficient Quantum Oblivious Key Distribution

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    Oblivious Transfer, a fundamental problem in the field of secure multi-party computation is defined as follows: A database DB of N bits held by Bob is queried by a user Alice who is interested in the bit DB_b in such a way that (1) Alice learns DB_b and only DB_b and (2) Bob does not learn anything about Alice's choice b. While solutions to this problem in the classical domain rely largely on unproven computational complexity theoretic assumptions, it is also known that perfect solutions that guarantee both database and user privacy are impossible in the quantum domain. Jakobi et al. [Phys. Rev. A, 83(2), 022301, Feb 2011] proposed a protocol for Oblivious Transfer using well known QKD techniques to establish an Oblivious Key to solve this problem. Their solution provided a good degree of database and user privacy (using physical principles like impossibility of perfectly distinguishing non-orthogonal quantum states and the impossibility of superluminal communication) while being loss-resistant and implementable with commercial QKD devices (due to the use of SARG04). However, their Quantum Oblivious Key Distribution (QOKD) protocol requires a communication complexity of O(N log N). Since modern databases can be extremely large, it is important to reduce this communication as much as possible. In this paper, we first suggest a modification of their protocol wherein the number of qubits that need to be exchanged is reduced to O(N). A subsequent generalization reduces the quantum communication complexity even further in such a way that only a few hundred qubits are needed to be transferred even for very large databases.Comment: 7 page

    Rare occurrence of sunfish Mola mola (Linnaeus) from the coastal waters off Visakhapatnam (Bay of Bengal)

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    The occurrence of sunfish in any sea is a rare event. It is so rare that even fishermen engaged in fishing throughout their lives find it totally strange when they come across one. On 6 May, 1986, a local fisherman reported to the Zoology Department of the Andhra University that a very strange looking fish was part of that day's catch

    Computational lower bounds using diagonalization

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