64 research outputs found

    Distribution of poultry ectoparasites in industrial farms, farms, and private plots with different rearing technologies

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    One of the problems in growing and keeping poultry, both in industrial and farm and kitchen garden environments is ectoparasites, which are responsible for lowering the productivity of poultry and causing economic losses. The study of the prevalence and diagnosis of bird ectoparasites on poultry farms with different maintenance technologies is important for the further development of integrated methods for combating them. Our research was conducted during 2006–2017 in 16 regions of Ukraine and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. In total, 38 poultry farms specializing in egg production with poultry kept in battery cages, 18 poultry houses specializing in egg production with poultry kept on the floor and more than 150 farm and kitchen garden poultry houses for keeping chickens, turkeys, quails, guinea fowl and pigeons were examined. We found that, both with battery cages and when poultry are kept on the floor in poultry farms, the most common ectoparasites are chicken mites (Dermanyssus gallinae), which causes the disease of dermanyssiosis. It was determined that the extensivity of the invasion was, on average, from 56% to 80%. Also, in the chickens and turkeys, mallophages (Menopon gallinae, Menacanthus stramineus), which cause mallophagoses, were detected, and the extensivity of the invasion ranged from 27% to 45%. In farms and kitchen gardens where chickens, guinea fowl and quails were kept, the number of chicken mites in 1 g substrate was more than a thousand live mites, in dovecotes chicken mites were found in 50% to 100% of nests. In chickens and turkeys, besides the chicken mite, bird lice were found. In chickens, extensivity of invasion of M. gallinae, M. stramineus, Lipeurus variabilis, ranged from 15% to 22%, in turkeys, extensivity of invasion of M. gallinae and M. stramineus ranged from 16% to 25%. The scaly leg mite (Knemidocoptes mutans), which causes the disease knemidocoptiasis ("lame leg"), was detected in incubating hens over the age of two years, the extensivity of the invasion ranged from 5% to 7%. It was established that in poultry farms, both in battery cages and when the birds were kept on the floor, the main ectoparasite in chickens, guinea fowl and quail is red chicken mite (D. gallinae), and on poultry farms and kitchen gardens in addition to the chicken mite, three types of bird lice (M. gallinae, M. stramineus, L. variabilis) and K. mutans were found

    Endoparasites of rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus) in Southern Ukraine

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    One of the main tasks of ecological parasitology at the present stage is to establish patterns of spread of invasive diseases of animals in the environment through a thorough epidemiological examination, as well as to determine the main directions and factors of spread of parasites in Ukraine. Among the many pathogens, endoparasites play a major role in a number of diseases in rabbits with increased morbidity and mortality. In the body of both wild and domestic rabbits several species of parasites that form a parasitocenosis can be localized. The latter have a pathogenic effect on organs and tissues, leading to reduced weight gain, premature slaughter and even mortality. The prevalence of endoparasitoses was studied in weaned rabbits 60 days of age, 120 days of age at fattening, 180 days of age – mating age and adults of 320 days of age to determine the extensiveness and intensity of the dominant invasion. A total of 720 head was studied, 180 animals from each age group. Three species of nematodes were recorded in the rabbits: Trichostrongylus retortaeformis (Zeder, 1800), Nematodirus leporis (Ransom, 1907) and Passalurus ambiguus (Rudolphi, 1819); the cestode Taenia pisiformis (Bloch, 1780); three species of Emeria: Eimeria stiedae (Lindermann, 1865), which parasitizes in the bile ducts of the liver and gallbladder, E. magna (Perard, 1925) and E. media (Kessel, 1929) – in the epithelial cells of the intestine. The prevalence of the infestation depends on the age of the animals. According to the data obtained, eimeriosis was one of the main parasitic diseases of the rabbits. Dominant invasions of Eimeria in the intestines of 60-day-old rabbits were found in the studied animals, their extensiveness reached 19.4%, while the spread of hepatic Eimeria was registered in 13.3% of the examined rabbits. The total infestation of weaned rabbits with helminths was 22.2%, in rabbits for fattening – 26.7%, and in rabbits of mating age and adults – 20.0% and 20.6%, respectively. Global climate change will change the distribution and dynamics of soil-borne helminthiases, but host immunity may also affect host-parasite interactions. Subsequent studies will be aimed at elucidating the effect of mono and mixed invasions on the body of rabbits. Updated data on helminthiasis will expand the screening strategy to maintain rabbit health and reduce economic losses

    Contamination of animal-keeping premises with eggs of parasitic worms

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    Today, one of the important problems in the cultivation and maintenance of agricultural and domestic animals, both in industrial and private farms, is the spread of ecto- and endoparasites, which cause a significant decline in animal productivity, endanger their health and cause economic losses. The study of the level of distribution and conducting of diagnostic studies on parasitoses of animals in farms with different production orientation is an important and integral part of the overall complex of preventive and health-improving measures. The research was carried out during 2007–2017 in livestock enterprises of Kharkiv Oblast. As a part of the research work, 540 samples were collected from livestock farms, of which 180 were from the premises for keeping pigs, 100 from premises for keeping sheep, 120 from premises for keeping cattle, 80 from premises for dogs and 60 – from the surrounding territories of the livestock enterprises. We found that the objects of livestock rearing (pig complex, sheep farm, dairy farm, cynological center) in Kharkiv Oblast have a significant level of sanitary contamination with exogenous forms of helminths (21.7–45.6%) and the soil of the territories (20.0–36.6%). From samples taken from premises for pigs, eggs of four morphotypes were isolated (Ascaris suum – 5.3%, Trichuris suis – 14.6%, Oesophagostomum dentatum – 60.6%, Strongyloides ransomi – 19.4%), from premises for sheep – three morphotypes (Dicrocoelium lanceatum – 3.8%, Trichuris ovis – 29.3%, Strongylata spp. – 46.9%), from premises for cows – three morphotypes (Neoascaris vitulorum – 2.7%, Trichuris skrjabini – 12.9%, Strongylata spp. – 34.5%), premises for dogs – four morphotypes (Toxocara canis – 6.1%, Toxascaris leonina – 5.4%, Trichuris vulpis – 20.6%, Ancylostoma caninum – 17.5%). It should be noted that the places most contaminated with eggs of helminths were manure gutters (100%) and the floor of livestock buildings (50.0–86.7%). It has also been determined that, in the conditions of the cynological center, the Musca domestica was the source of environmental contamination with exogenous forms of Toxocara canis and Trichuris vulpis, and that the Muscina stabulans and Stomoxys calcitrans can be the source of spread of larvae of Ancylostoma caninum and eggs of Trichuris vulpis respectively

    Dynamical transitions in correlated driven diffusion in a periodic potential

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    The diffusion of a two-dimensional array of particles driven by a constant force in the presence of a periodic external potential exhibits a hierarchy of dynamical phase transitions when the driving force is varied. This behavior can be explained by a simple phenomenological approach which reduces the system of strongly interacting particles to weakly interacting quasi-particles (kinks). The richness of the strongly coupled system is however not lost because, contrary to a single-Brownian particle, the array shows an hysteretic behavior even at non-zero temperature. The present investigation can be viewed as a first step toward understanding nanotribology.Comment: 4 pages, 3 pictures, revtex to appear in Phys Rev. Let

    Driven Dynamics: A Probable Photodriven Frenkel-Kontorova Model

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    In this study, we examine the dynamics of a one-dimensional Frenkel-Kontorova chain consisting of nanosize clusters (the ''particles'') and photochromic molecules (the ''bonds''), and being subjected to a periodic substrate potential. Whether the whole chain should be running or be locked depends on both the frequency and the wavelength of the light (keeping the other parameters fixed), as observed through numerical simulation. In the locked state, the particles are bound at the bottom of the external potential and vibrate backwards and forwards at a constant amplitude. In the running state, the initially fed energy is transformed into directed motion as a whole. It is of interest to note that the driving energy is introduced to the system by the irradiation of light, and the driven mechanism is based on the dynamical competition between the inherent lengths of the moving object (the chain) and the supporting carrier (the isotropic surface). However, the most important is that the light-induced conformational changes of the chromophore lead to the time-and-space dependence of the rest lengths of the bonds.Comment: 4 pages,5 figure

    Антимікробні властивості генериків декаметоксину®

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    In the article presents the results of the research of antimicrobial qualities of domestic generic of decamethoxin (DCM) against museum (S. aureus ATCC 25923 E. coli M-17, E. coli ATCC 25922, P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853, E. faecalis ATCC 29212, B. subtilis ATCC 6632) and clinical strains of opportunistic microorganisms (S. aureus, S. epidermidis, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, C. albicans). The study of antimicrobial qualities were studied in two generics in comparison with patented original decamethoxin. Museum and clinical strains obtained typical biological qualities. The substances of DCM were found to have microbicidal activity according Staphylocci, Enterococci, Escherichia coli and Candidaalbicans, with moderate preference of patented substance of decamethoxin. Antiseptic remedies such as auridecsan, horosten, decasan, septefril, containing generic substance of decamethoxin® (1*), also had high cidal qualities against antibioticresistance clinical strains of Staphylococci.В статье приведены результаты исследования антимикробных свойств отечественного генерического лекарственного антисептического препарата “Декаметоксина” (ДКМ) в отношении музейных (S. aureus ATCC 25923 E. coli M-17, E. coli ATCC 25922, P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853, E. faecalis ATCC 29212, B. subtilis ATCC 6632) и клинических штаммов условно-патогенных микроорганизмов (S. aureus, S. epidermidis, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, C. albicans). Противомикробныt свойствf изучали на двух генериках в сравнении с патентированным оригинальным препаратом “Декаметоксина®”. Музейные и клинические штаммы владели типичными биологическими свойствами. Установлено, что субстанции ДКМ® микробоцидно действовали на стафилококки, энтерококки, кишечную палочку и Candida albicans с заметным преимуществом патентированного образца субстанции ДКМ®. Лекарственные антисептические препараты “Ауридексан”, “Горостен®”, “Декасан®”, “Септифрил”, которые содержат генерическую субстанцию ДКМ® (1*), также имели высокое микробоцидное влияние на антибиотикорезистентные клинические штаммы стафилококков (р<0,001–0,05).В статті наведенj результати дослідження антимікробних властивостей вітчизняного генеричного лікарського антисептичного препарату “Декаметоксин®” (ДКМ®) щодо музейних (S. aureus ATCC 25923 E. coli M-17, E. coli ATCC 25922, P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853, E. faecalis ATCC 29212, B. subtilis ATCC 6632) та клінічних штамів умовно-патогенних мікроорганізмів (S. aureus, S. epidermidis, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, C. albicans). Протимікробні властивості вивчали на двох генериках порівняно з патентованим оригінальним препаратом “Декаметоксин®”. Музейні та клінічні штами мали типові біологічні властивості. Встановлено, що субстанції ДКМ® мікробоцидно діяли на стафілококи, ентерококи, кишкову паличку та Candida albicans із помітною перевагою патентованого взірця субстанції ДКМ®. Лікарські антисептичні препарати “Аурідексан”, “Горостен®”, “Декасан®”, “Септефрил”, що містять генеричну субстанцію ДКМ® (1*), також мали високий мікробоцидний вплив на антибіотикорезистентні клінічні штами стафілококів (р<0,001–0,05).оків (р<0,001–0,05)

    Parallel updating cellular automaton models of driven diffusive Frenkel-Kontorova-type systems

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    Three cellular automaton (CA) models of increasing complexity are introduced to model driven diffusive systems related to the generalized Frenkel-Kontorova (FK) models recently proposed by Braun [Phys.Rev.E58, 1311 (1998)]. The models are defined in terms of parallel updating rules. Simulation results are presented for these models. The features are qualitatively similar to those models defined previously in terms of sequentially updating rules. Essential features of the FK model such as phase transitions, jamming due to atoms in the immobile state, and hysteresis in the relationship between the fraction of atoms in the running state and the bias field are captured. Formulating in terms of parallel updating rules has the advantage that the models can be treated analytically by following the time evolution of the occupation on every site of the lattice. Results of this analytical approach are given for the two simpler models. The steady state properties are found by studying the stable fixed points of a closed set of dynamical equations obtained within the approximation of retaining spatial correlations only upto two nearest neighboring sites. Results are found to be in good agreement with numerical data.Comment: 26 pages, 4 eps figure

    Stokes' Drift of linear Defects

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    A linear defect, viz. an elastic string, diffusing on a planar substrate traversed by a travelling wave experiences a drag known as Stokes' drift. In the limit of an infinitely long string, such a mechanism is shown to be characterized by a sharp threshold that depends on the wave parameters, the string damping constant and the substrate temperature. Moreover, the onset of the Stokes' drift is signaled by an excess diffusion of the string center of mass, while the dispersion of the drifting string around its center of mass may grow anomalous.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, to be published in Phys.Rev.

    On the driven Frenkel-Kontorova model: I. Uniform sliding states and dynamical domains of different particle densities

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    The dynamical behavior of a harmonic chain in a spatially periodic potential (Frenkel-Kontorova model, discrete sine-Gordon equation) under the influence of an external force and a velocity proportional damping is investigated. We do this at zero temperature for long chains in a regime where inertia and damping as well as the nearest-neighbor interaction and the potential are of the same order. There are two types of regular sliding states: Uniform sliding states, which are periodic solutions where all particles perform the same motion shifted in time, and nonuniform sliding states, which are quasi-periodic solutions where the system forms patterns of domains of different uniform sliding states. We discuss the properties of this kind of pattern formation and derive equations of motion for the slowly varying average particle density and velocity. To observe these dynamical domains we suggest experiments with a discrete ring of at least fifty Josephson junctions.Comment: Written in RevTeX, 9 figures in PostScrip