353 research outputs found

    On the leaf morphogenesis of palaeozoic mosses of protosphagnales

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    New fossil moss collections with an excellently preserved anatomy, forming the Permian deposits of the Pechora Coal Basin, allow study leaves at different stages of development, thus revealing morphogenetic patterns of their lamina differentiation. In some respects, these patterns are different from those of modern mossesyesBelgorod State National Research Universit

    New Bryokhutuliinia species (bryophyta) with sporophytes from the upper jurassic of Transbaikalia

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    A new species of the moss genus Bryokhutuliinia, B. crassimarginata is described from the Upper Jurassic deposits from the Olov, Transbaikal Area of South Siberia. Its excellent preservation demonstra- tes that the leaves were not only complanate, but truly distichous. In addition to anatomically pre- served gametophytes, sporophytes on short lateral branches were found, although carbonized and not exhibiting structural details. Possible relationships with pleurocarpous mosses and with Fissidentaceae are discussedyesBelgorod State National Research Universit

    Areoana analysis of moss leaf cell structure of two Cyrtomnium species (Mniaceae, Bryophyta)

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    Two species of the moss genus Cyrtomnium were studied for the parameters of their leaf cells. The computer program AREOANA, specially designed for this kind of studies, allows involving large datasets in the analysis. In this study, it processed 81 leaves with altogether 140 000 cellsyesBelgorod State National Research Universit

    Влияние Лазерного Облучения на Активность Бактерий Bacillus Subtilis и Pseudomonas Fluorescens

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    The paper discusses the problem of increasing the activity of phytopathogen-antagonistic bacteria under the effect of laser irradiation. It has been shown that short-term treatment of cells of Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens with coherent light can increase bacterial growth rate and improve their fungicidal activity. It ensures high efficiency of environmentally safe measures for biological monitoring of plant diseases, which is in line with the principles of organic farming.El artículo analiza el problema de aumentar la actividad de las bacterias antagonistas de fitopatógenos bajo el efecto de la irradiación con láser. Se ha demostrado que el tratamiento a corto plazo de las células de Bacillus subtilis y Pseudomonas fluorescens con luz coherente puede aumentar la tasa de crecimiento bacteriano y mejorar su actividad fungicida. Asegura una alta eficiencia de las medidas ambientalmente seguras para el monitoreo biológico de las enfermedades de las plantas, lo cual está en línea con los principios de la agricultura orgánica.Обсуждается проблема повышения активности бактерий-антагонистов фитопатогенов под действием лазерного облучения. Показано, что кратковременная обработка когерентным светом клеток Bacillus subtilis и Pseudomonas fluorescenсs способна повысить скорость размножения бактерий и усилить их фунгицидную активность. Это обеспечивает высокую эффективность экологически безопасных мероприятий по биоконтролю болезней растений, что соответствует принципам органического земледелия

    On the leaf development in Oedipodium (Oedipodiales, Bryophyta)

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    Leaf development in Oedipodium griffithianum was studied based on herbarium and living material, using microscopic observations of plants at different stages of development and series of sections. It turned out that the apical cell may lose its bifacial structure, thus the leaves develop the bilaterally symmetric areolation pattern, similar to that seen in Oedipodium protonematayesBelgorod State National Research Universit