137 research outputs found

    Psychological profile in noise-induced hearing loss patients: a pilot study

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    Introduction. Noise-induced hearing loss is a rather prevalent condition and can be distressing for a substantial proportion of patients, although researches describing psychological characteristics in noise-induced occupational hearing loss patients are not numerous.The study aims to find the effects of occupational noise on the psychological status among noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) patients.Methods. Two groups, cross-sectional design. Study sample: 44 occupational noiseinduced male forming NIHL patients group (n = 21) and a control group (n = 23). Both groups were tested using the Russian versions of psychological questionnaires.Results. Almost one third of NIHL patients are the highly anxiety individuals as compared with the healthy participants (p < 0.01). Mixed type of response to the surrounding reality combined a high need for self-actualization with high self-control, tendency to inhibit and restrain behavioral reactions, in this case it is possible to “overlap” both neurotic and behavioral responses, which can affect the general overstrain and manifest by the somatization of the internal conflict. In general, NIHL patients use constructive cognitive, emotional and behavioral coping strategies. Patients use both constructive and tense defense mechanisms. Conclusion. It has been established that in patients with NIHL, in comparison with practically healthy persons, tension accumulates, and a tendency to psychotraumatization appears. However, it is currently difficult to determine whether NIHL is a predisposing factor for these psychological characteristics, so further research is needed to determine how significant this relationship is. Key words: noise-induced hearing loss, occupational noise, psychological profile>˂ 0.01). Mixed type of response to the surrounding reality combined a high need for self-actualization with high self-control, tendency to inhibit and restrain behavioral reactions, in this case it is possible to “overlap” both neurotic and behavioral responses, which can affect the general overstrain and manifest by the somatization of the internal conflict. In general, NIHL patients use constructive cognitive, emotional and behavioral coping strategies. Patients use both constructive and tense defense mechanisms.Conclusion. It has been established that in patients with NIHL, in comparison with practically healthy persons, tension accumulates, and a tendency to psychotraumatization appears. However, it is currently difficult to determine whether NIHL is a predisposing factor for these psychological characteristics, so further research is needed to determine how significant this relationship is

    Living conditions and reproductive installation of women living in the cities of Irkutsk region

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    According to the survey the effect of the conditions of family life on the reproductive behavior of women was studied, as well as the comparative characteristic of matrimonial and reproductive orientations of women with children and women without children (female students) living in the cities of Irkutsk region. The dependence between the housing and the material conditions of the family and the number of children ever born was determined: the average number of children born by women from families with their own housing and living separately from other relatives were higher, average number of children from women from families with rather high income was lower than from ones who considered theirfamilies to have low and extremely low income. Reproductive intentions the two-child and one-child women give birth to another baby hampers the availability of material and housing problems. The average number of children was higher in women with secondary special education, employees in private enterprises and workers in large industrial enterprises. Achieving success in family life is a factor for the well-being for the majority of women with children, and does not depend on the number of children. For the girls, along with success in family life the opportunity to "power over people" is also important. The fact of having children does not affect the formation of marital and family systems: both categories of respondents are not sufficiently developed to implement the installation of household functions of the family and the low importance of sexual relations in marriage, they are more focused on achieving social viability and prone to egalitarianism. The girls have more developed focus on the educational function of children than women. Indicators ideal medium, the expected and desired number of children in two and three-child women is higher than the ones in single-child women and girls who do not have children

    Improving the efficiency of using resource base of liquid hydrocarbons in Jurassic deposits of Western Siberia

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    Under conditions of the same type of oil deposits with hard-to-recover reserves in Jurassic terrigenous reservoirs of the West Siberian oil and gas province, a study was made about the influence of the geological structure features of objects and water flooding technologies on the response degree of production wells to water injection. Response degree of the wells was determined by analyzing the time series of production rates and injection volumes of injection wells with the calculation of inter-correlation function (ICF) values. It was believed that with ICF values in a given injection period of more than 0.5, production well responds to the injection. Factors that have a prevailing effect on water flooding success have been identified. Among them: effective oil-saturated thickness of the formation in production wells; relative amplitude of the self polarization of the formation in both production and injection wells; grittiness coefficient of the formation in injection wells; monthly volume of water injection and distance between wells. Methodological approach is proposed based on the application of the proposed empirical parameter of water flooding success, which involves the use of indirect data in conditions of limited information about the processes occurring in the formation at justification and selection of production wells for transferring them to injection during focal flooding; drilling of additional production and injection wells – compaction of the well grid; shutdown of injection and production wells; use of a transit wells stock; use of cyclic, non-stationary flooding in order to change the direction of filtration flows; determining the design of dual-purpose L-shaped wells (determining length of the horizontal part); limitation of flow rate in highly flooded wells with a high degree of interaction; determination of decompression zones (without injection of indicators), stagnant zones for drilling sidetracks, improving the location of production and injection wells, transferring wells from other horizons; choosing the purpose of the wells during implementation of the selective water flooding system in order to increase the efficiency of using the resource base of liquid hydrocarbons

    Mathematical model for the power supply system of an autonomous object with an AC power transmission over a cable rope

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    A modeling problem of the power system, which provides an AC power transmission to a submersible device over the conducting rope, was considered. The power supply system units and their parameters are described. The system multi-dimensional mathematical model in the variables state space with regard to the nonlinear characteristic of system elements is proposed

    Vibration influence on functional activity of nervous system in experimental animals

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    The production vibration is known to be a powerful stressor which may induce the complex of disorders leading to the vibration-induced disease development. Along with the appearance of the clinical syndromes the neurosis-like, the psychoemotional disorders, the ipochondric, asthenic and asthenovegetative syndromes, the diffuse disorders of the bioelectrical brain activity with the participation of the cortex of the large hemispheres as well as the stem and diencephalic brain structures were observed to occur in the patients with the vibration-induced disease. However, at present there are no clear arguments in favour that namely the exposure to vibration may promote the occurrence of the neurotic disorders, the neurosis-like disorders of psychic activity, the disadaptation signs, the emotional disorders as well as the pathological changes in the bioelectrical brain activity in exposure to vibration. This work aimed to reveal the changes in the central nervous system (CNS) based on the study results of the behavior and bioelectrical brain activity in the animals. The experimental studies were performed using the mature inbreeding rats males. The chronic experiment was performed by means of the modificated vibrostend VEDS-10a, the vibration levels taken corresponded to the exposure in reality to vibration under production conditions. The studies were performed based on 4 study series: for 15 days, one, two, and four months of exposure to vibration. The intact rats were used as the control ones. The animal behavior responses with assessing the motor activity, the orientating and learning as well as the emotional behavior components were observed in the «юрen field». Recording and processing the electroencephalographic data were performed using the electroencephalograph Neuron-spectrum 4 (Joint-Stock Company «Neurosoft», Russia). The information was processed using the standard methods of the variation statistica, statistical processing the data was performed by means of the Packet of Applied Programs EXCEL Packet Office 2003 (in OS «W1NDOWS Xp»), «Statistica for windows - Version 6». The study of the behavior activity in the animals has shown that the increase in the common motor activity, the nonspecific character, the high emotional strain of the negative character, the negative emotional state were found to occur in the rats exposed to vibration, thereto, the orientating and learning activity was at the previous level. The change in the bioelectrical brain activity was characterized by the increase in the slow-wave activity of the delta-range after one month of exposure to vibration and the latent period prolongation of the visual induced potentials (V1P) after 15 days of exposure to vibration

    The power supply system model of the process submersible device with AC power transmission over the cable-rope

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    A practical problem of power supply system modeling for the process submersible device with AC power transmission over the cable-rope was considered. The problem is highly relevant in developing and operation of submersible centrifugal pumps and submersibles. The results of modeling a symmetrical three-phase power supply system and their compliance with the real data are given at the paper. The obtained results in the mathematical and simulation models were similar

    Contribution of Hardening Mechanism to VVER-1000 RPV Welds Flux Effect

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    Systematic differences in the radiation embrittlement kinetics of steels irradiated with different fluxes requires a clear understanding and assessment of the mechanisms responsible for the flux effect. This paper presents results of research of hardening mechanism contribution to flux effect of VVER-1000 reactor pressure vessel (RPV) welds. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atom probe tomography (APT) investigations were carried out. Studies of hardening phases of RPV-steel (VVER-1000) after accelerated irradiation allowed to estimate the contribution of the hardening mechanism to flux effect. Keywords: reactor pressure vessel, hardening mechanism, flux effec

    Вплив легувальної добавки на теплофізичні та реологічні властивості полімерної композиції, що не містить галогенів, для ізоляції та оболонок кабелів

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    Introduction. The demand for halogen-free fire-resistant compositions for the manufacture of fire-retardant wires and cables is constantly growing. Problem. Therefore, the creation and further processing of these materials is an urgent problem. Goal. The aim of the article is to study the effect of the doping additive on the thermophysical and rheological properties of halogen-free compositions for power cables with voltage 1 kV with the determination of both the temperatures of phase and structural transformations of polymer compositions. Methodology. Experiments investigating the phase transformations were carried out with the help device of thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry TGA/DSC 1/1100 SF of METTLER TOLEDO company. Rheological studies of polymeric materials were conducted by using the method of capillary viscosimetry in the device IIRT–AM. Results. The influence of the doping additive on the formation of the supramolecular structure of the filled polymer compositions for cable products was determined, that resulted in the temperature increase of the decomposition beginning by 11 °С and the end of decomposition by 7 °С. Originality. The effect of a doping additive on reducing the effective melt viscosity of a polymer composition from 6·104 to 1·104 Pa·s with increasing shear rate has been shown for the first time. The shear rate of the polymer composition containing the doping additive increases from 0.5 to 20 s–1 with increasing shear stress. Practical value. The research results provide an opportunity to reasonably approach the development of effective technological processes for the manufacture of the insulation and sheaths of power cables from halogen-free polymer compositions.Попит на вогнестійкі композиції, що не містять галогенів, для виготовлення пожежобезпечних проводів та кабелів безперервно зростає. Тому розробка цих матеріалів є актуальною проблемою. Метою статті є дослідження впливу легувальної добавки на теплофізичні та реологічні властивості композицій. Теплофізичні властивості визначено з використанням приладу TGA/DSC 1/1100 SF компанії METTLER TOLEDO. Реологічні дослідження полімерних матеріалів проведено методом капілярної віскозиметрії на приладі ИИРТ-АМ. Визначено вплив легувальної добавки на формування надмолекулярної структури наповнених полімерних композицій. Встановлено зниження ефективної в’язкості розплаву полімерної композиції в 6 разів зі зростанням швидкості зсуву в 40 разів при зміненні температури від 150 до 190 °С. Швидкість зсуву полімерної композиції з легувальною добавкою зростає в 40 разів з підвищенням напруження зсуву в 9 разів. Результати досліджень дають можливість обґрунтовано підходити до розроблення ефективних технологічних процесів виготовлення ізоляції та оболонок силових кабелів