4,069 research outputs found

    Peculiarities of syntropic functional disorders of the digestive system against the ground of connective tissue dysplasia

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    A considerable occurrence of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) in childhood, their frequent combination between themselves, the risk of transformation into organic pathology together with high collagen content in the digestive organs require investigation of pathophysiological relations of the pathology with collagen dysfunction. Objective of the study is to investigate the role of collagen disorders in FGID pathophysiology and assess their effect on clinical development of irritable bowel syndrome. 63 children suffering from FGID have been examined. Irritable bowel syndrome was diagnosed as a leading functional disorder of all the children examined. Syntropic functional biliary disorders were found in (38,46±6,13) % patients. By the results of molecular-genetic examination genetic polymorphism of COL3A1 rs1800255 with prevailing the genotype G/А – 47,62 % (95 % CІ 35,04 – 60,2) was determined, that was most reliably found (р = 0,008) in children with syntropic functional biliary disorders and was associated with a wide range of comorbid pathology (р = 0,002) and pronounced dysplastic signs (р = 0,034)

    Understanding hysteresis in carbon dioxide sorption in porous metal-organic frameworks

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    Two new isostructural microporous coordination frameworks [Mn3(Hpdc)2­(pdc)2] (1) and [Mg3(Hpdc)2­(pdc)2] (2) (pdc2– = pyridine-2,4-dicarboxylate) showing primitive cubic (pcu) topology have been prepared and characterized. The pore aperture of the channels is too narrow for the efficient adsorption of N2; however, both compounds demonstrate substantially higher uptake of CO2 (119.9 mL·g–1 for 1 and 102.5 mL·g–1 for 2 at 195 K, 1 bar). Despite of their structural similarities, 2 shows a typical reversible type I isotherm for adsorption/desorption of CO2, while 1 features a two-step adsorption process with a very broad hysteresis between the adsorption and desorption curves. This behavior can be explained by a combination of density functional theory calculations, sorption, and X-ray diffraction analysis and gives insights into the further development of new sorbents showing adsorption/desorption hysteresis

    Modelling of regulatory factor and managerial impact assessment in the regional economy sectors: a case-study of the Kaliningrad region (Russia)

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    This article discusses the methodology of developing tools for assessing regulatory factors and managerial impacts on the regional economy and individual sectors and businesses. The potential of projection models is investigated, including balance models, convergence of regional and sectoral projection and compiling reliable and representative data sets capable of describing the current economic situation. An attempt was made to develop a series of models for several regional economies; to that end, the modelling of managerial and regulatory impact assessment was used in combination with the well-known value chain approach. In the interests of effective public administration, one of the requirements is to create sectoral model formats compatible with the regional projection models. Results of pilot modelling managerial and regulatory impacts on Kaliningrad region’s economies are presented through examples of agribusiness, transport, industry, tourism and recreation. Implementation of regulatory impact modelling in the framework of the suggested approach is proved for other regions. The main advantage of the developed models for the regional management is their ability to reduce uncertainty in decision-making due to obtaining estimates of the impact of the decisions on the changing situation and the conditions for the development of sectors and industries

    Crystal structures of binuclear Bi(III) chloride and bromide complexes with some cations — Alkylated pyridine derivatives

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. By a reaction of [BiX 6 ] 3– with salts of various N-alkylated pyridine derivatives in 2M HX (X = Cl, Br), (N-BzPy) 4 [Bi 2 X 10 ] complexes (X = Cl (1), Br (2), (4-MePyH) 4 [Bi 2 Cl 10 ] (3)) are obtained and structurally characterized

    Heterogeneous bromination of alkenes using Bi(III) polybromide complexes as {Br<inf>2</inf>} source

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    © 2016 The Royal Society of Chemistry.A new polybromide Bi(iii) complex (PyH)3{[Bi2Br9](Br2)} was synthesized and characterized by XRD and other methods. This compound is able to act as a selective bromination agent towards various types of substituted alkenes

    Supramolecular assemblies of triblock copolymers with hexanuclear molybdenum clusters for sensing antibiotics in aqueous solutions via energy transfer

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    The work introduces the supramolecular assembly of triblock copolymers, namely (PEO)13(PPO)30(PEO)13 (L64), (PPO) 14(PEO)24(PPO)14 (17R4), (PPO) 8(PEO)22(PPO)8 (10R5) and (PEO) 21(PPO)67(PEO)21 (P123) with novel cluster complexes [K(diglyme)(CH3CN)]2[Mo6I 14] (1) and [K2(diglyme)(CH3CN) 5][Mo6I14] (2) as a route to increase their water solubility. Dynamic light scattering and photophysical measurements reveal the decisive influence of the arrangement of PEO and PPO blocks and of their length on both colloidal and photophysical properties of these solutions. ES-MS data reveal [Mo6I14]2- clusters as the predominant form in aqueous solutions of L64 and P123. The steady state and time resolved luminescence data indicate concentration dependent sensitizing of the Mo-centered luminescence through the energy transfer from difloxacin to [Mo 6I14]2- mediated by the ion-pairing. The impact of both arrangement and length of PEO and PPO blocks in the luminescent response of [Mo6I14]2- to difloxacin is discussed. The aqueous solutions of L64 at pH 4 provide the optimal conditions for the sensing of difloxacin through the cluster luminescence. This journal is © the Partner Organisations 2014

    Профилактика рецидивирующей инфекции мочевой системы у детей с применением иммуномодуляторов микробного происхождения

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    Рецидивний перебіг інфекцій сечової системи (ІСС) є важливою проблемою у зв'язку з високою частою виникнення у дітей, зниженням ефективності антибактеріальної терапії у результаті селекції мультирезистентних уропатогенів. Очевидна необхідність пошуку нових способів профілактики ІСС для стимуляції власних імунних механізмів. Мета: оцінити ефективність застосування комплексу ліофілізованих мікроорганізмів – Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Proteus mirabilis, Kleb siella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Propionibacterium acnes для профілактики рецидивів ІСС у дітей. У дослідженні взяли участь 36 дітей віком від 7 до 15 років з неускладненим перебігом ІСС і частотою три і більше рецидивів на рік. У 25 дітей діагностовано пієлонефрит, у 11 – цистит. Встановлено, що найчастіше збудниками неускладненої ІСС у дітей були E. coli, Enterococcus, Proteus. Оцінка ефективності пероральної вакцинації через 6 міс. показала зниження частоти ІСС (до вакцинації — 2,94 (95% ДІ 1,89–3,99), після – 0,55 (95% ДІ 0,35–0,75)), а також зменшення ознак сечового синдрому. Побічних ефектів не зареєстровано.The relapsing course of urinary tract infections (UTI) is an important issue. Repeated courses of antibiotics contribute to selection of multi"resistant microorganisms. Obviously, a new way of prevention, such as vaccination, has to be introduced. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a complex of frozen lyophilized microorganisms – Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Propionibacterium acnes, for the prevention of recurrent UTI in children. The study involved 36 children aged 5 to 15 years with an uncomplicated course of UTI and a frequency of 3 or more episodes per year. Pyelonephritis was diagnosed in 25 children, cystitis in 11 children.Рецидивирующее течение инфекций мочевой системы (ИМС) является важной проблемой в связи с высокой частой встречаемости у детей, снижением эффективности антибактериальной терапии в результате селекции мультирезистентных уропатогенов. Очевидна необходимость поиска новых способов профилактики ИМС для стимуляции собственных иммунных механизмов. Цель: оценить эффективность применения комплекса лиофилизированных микроорганизмов – Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Propionibacterium acnes для профилактики рецидивов ИМП у детей. В исследовании приняли участие 36 детей в возрасте от 7 до 15 лет с неосложненным течением ИМС и частотой три и более эпизодов в год. У 25 детей диагностирован пиелонефрит, у 11 – цистит. Установлено, что наиболее часто возбудителями неосложненной ИМС у детей были E. coli, Enterococcus, Proteus. Оценка эффективности пероральной вакцинации через шесть месяцев показала снижение частоты ИМС (до вакцинации – 2,94 (95% ДІ 1,89–3,99), после – 0,55 (95% ДІ 0,35–0,75)), а также уменьшение признаков мочевого синдрома. Побочные эффекты не зарегистрированы