268 research outputs found

    Endogenous amyloidogenesis in long-term rat hippocampal cell cultures

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Long-term primary neuronal cultures are a useful tool for the investigation of biochemical processes associated with neuronal senescence. Improvements in available technology make it possible to observe maturation of neural cells isolated from different regions of the rodent brain over a prolonged period <it>in vitro</it>. Existing experimental evidence suggests that cellular aging occurs in mature, long-term, primary neuronal cell cultures. However, detailed studies of neuronal development <it>in vitro </it>are needed to demonstrate the validity of long-term cell culture-based models for investigation of the biochemical mechanisms of <it>in vitro </it>neuronal development and senescence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the current study, neuron-enriched hippocampal cell cultures were used to analyze the differentiation and degeneration of hippocampal neurons over a two month time period. The expression of different neuronal and astroglial biomarkers was used to determine the cytochemical characteristics of hippocampal cells in long-term cultures of varying ages. It was observed that the expression of the intermediate filament nestin was absent from cultures older than 21 days in vitro (DIV), and the expression of neuronal or astrocytic markers appeared to replace nestin. Additionally, morphological evaluations of neuronal integrity and Hoescht staining were used to assess the cellular conditions in the process of hippocampal culture development and aging. It was found that there was an increase in endogenous production of Aβ<sub>1-42 </sub>and an increase in the accumulation of Congo Red-binding amyloidal aggregates associated with the aging of neurons in primary culture. <it>In vitro </it>changes in the morphology of co-existing astrocytes and cell culture age-dependent degeneration of neurodendritic network resemble features of <it>in vivo </it>brain aging at the cellular level.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In conclusion, this study suggests that long-term primary CNS culture is a viable model for the study of basic mechanisms and effective methods to decelerate the process of neuronal senescence.</p

    Le pluralisme politique à l’épreuve de la vie privée : entre normes et pratiques

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    L’espace des relations interpersonnelles et privées, en tant qu’espace de politisation et d’expression des choix politiques, est peu connu. C’est à une meilleure connaissance du « citoyen privé » et de la « politisation intime » que cet article veut contribuer, en étudiant les ressemblances et les divergences idéologiques au sein du cercle des proches. Présentant les résultats d’une enquête quantitative et représentative de la population française inédite, « Famille, amour et politique », réalisée par le CEVIPOF, il examine la filiation, la conjugalité, et l’amitié et montre les interactions et les transactions qui opèrent entre le système des normes et le système des affects des individus. La famille apparaît plus hétérogame politiquement tandis que le couple et le cercle des amis sont plus homogames. Toutefois, c’est le niveau de politisation des individus qui est en dernière instance le plus déterminant. Une affiliation politique affirmée, et tout particulièrement à gauche, ainsi qu’un intérêt marqué pour la politique, renforcent toujours l’homogamie politique au sein du cercle des proches, dans les principes comme dans les faits. Plus largement, l’article ouvre une réflexion sur l’espace de la vie privée en tant que terrain d’expérience des conditions de la pluralité démocratique.Little is known of the role played by private interpersonal relationships in politicization and the expression of political choices. This article aims to improve our understanding of “private citizens” and “personal politicization” through a study of ideological similarities and divergences within family and friendship circles. The analysis, based on findings from an unprecedented quantitative representative French population survey by the CEVIPOF (Center for the study of French political life) entitled “Famille, amour et politique” [Family, love and politics], examines filiation, conjugality and friendship, showing the interactions and transactions that take place between the system of norms and the system of individual feelings. Families appear more heterogamous politically, while couples and friendship circles are more homogamous. However, individuals’ level of politicization is ultimately the most determinant factor. Having a strong political affiliation, particularly on the left of the political spectrum, and a strong interest in politics always strengthens intra-circle political homogamy in terms of both principles and actions. At a more general level, the article reflects on the sphere of private life as a field for the development of conditions of democratic pluralism

    Parameters of blood pressure during stress test in young elite athletes

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    It is known that in children at rest, BP values depend on height, but this aspect is not taken into account when analyzing the maximum BP during exercise.Objective: to determine the maximum value of BP in young elite athletes, depending on height and gender.Materials and methods: 2313 (age 15.5 ± 1.4 years, 45% of young men) young elite athletes, members of national teams of the Russian Federation in 40 sports, were examined. All subjects underwent bicycle ergometry according to the PWC170 protocol, blood pressure was measured manually at each stage of the load, and its maximum values were determined during the entire test.Results: The maximum BP values in boys were higher than in girls: systolic blood pressure (SBP) 195 ± 25 vs 175 ± 20 mmHg, p &lt; 0.001, diastolic blood pressure (DBP) 80 ± 11 vs 80 ± 10 mm Hg, p &lt; 0.05. A relationship was found between the maximum value of blood pressure on load and growth (r = 0.55; p &lt; 0.001). Normative tables are proposed for assessing the maximum values of SBP and load, depending on growth.Conclusion: In young elite athletes, the maximum BP value during VEM according to the PWC170 protocol depends not only on gender, but also on height. The maximum values of SBP during exercise in tall young elite athletes can reach 250 mm Hg in boys and 210 mm Hg in girls


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    Essential oils are the products of natural origin that find a wide variety of applications in various industries. The high cost, laboriousness of production and widespread use lead to the fact that they are often found falsified. The use of fake oils increases their danger to humans, and therefore the establishment of the authenticity of essential oils is of a great importance. In this review, the authors analyze the published works and normative documents on the issues of determining the authenticity and identification of falsification of the essential oils. The component composition of essential oils, its variability depending on the place of growth of the essential oil plant and the technology of oil separation are considered. The main methods of falsification of essential oils and the range of techniques used for the control of the authenticity of products are discussed. The authors analyze the literature and the regulatory framework governing the quality of essential oils, existing methods for determining their authenticity, and indicate the respective advantages and disadvantages. A particular attention is paid to the method of mass spectrometry of isotope ratios, as the most promising, due to the high accuracy and the possibility of using practically any type of oil for the research. The authors confirm the widespread use of the isotope ratio mass spectrometry method in practice with the specific examples and demonstrate the new capabilities of this method associated with the use of isotope profiling and combined isotope analysis methods, which is an indicator for any artificial processes that occur with essential oils as a result of falsification.Keywords: essential oils, component composition, falsification, authenticity, methods, chromatography, spectroscopy, isotope ratio mass spectrometryDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2019.23.4.010(Russian)I.V. Lapko1, Yu.U. B. Aksenova1, *O.V. Kuznecova2, S.V. Vasilevskij1, A.V. Aksenov1, V.F. Taranchenko1, A.M. Antohin1, A.A. Ihalajnen1 1Scientific Center «Signal», Bolshaya Olenya Street, 8, Moscow, 107014, Russsian Federation2Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academу of Sciences, Kosygina str., 19, Moscow, 119991, Russsian FederationЭфирные масла являются продуктами природного происхождения, которые находят самое разнообразное применение в различных областях промышленности. Высокая стоимость, трудоемкость производства и широкое использование приводят к тому, что в продаже наряду с качественными эфирными маслами часто встречают фальсифицированные. Применение поддельных масел повышает их опасность для человека, в связи с чем установление подлинности эфирных масел имеет большое значение. В обзоре проведен анализ опубликованных работ и нормативных документов, посвященных вопросам определения подлинности и выявления фальсификации эфирных масел. Рассмотрен компонентный состав эфирных масел, его вариабельность в зависимости от места произрастания эфиромасличного растения и технологии выделения масла. Обсуждены основные способы фальсификации эфирных масел и спектр используемых для этого приемов, необходимость применения соответствующих методов исследования, позволяющих контролировать подлинность продукции. Проведен анализ литературы и нормативной базы, регламентирующей качество эфирных масел, существующих методов определения их подлинности, указывают достоинства и недостатки. Особое внимание уделено методу масс-спектрометрии изотопных отношений, как наиболее перспективному, вследствие высокой точности и возможности применения для исследования практически любого типа масла. Приведены основные теоретические положения исследования стабильных изотопов и их фракционирования, принципиальные особенности методов измерения. Подтверждено широкое использование метода масс-спектрометрии изотопных отношений на практике конкретными примерами с демонстрацией новых возможностей данного метода, связанных с использованием изотопного профилирования и комбинированных методов изотопного анализа. Отмечена важность для определения подлинности масел информации об изотопном составе их компонентов, который является индикатором любых искусственных процессов, происходящих с эфирным маслом в результате фальсификации.Ключевые слова: эфирные масла, компонентный состав, фальсификация, подлинность, методы, хроматография, спектроскопия, изотопная масс-спектрометрияDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2019.23.4.01

    Персонифицированная ранняя диагностика и прогнозирование течения туберкулезной инфекции у детей с выделением предикторов латентной туберкулезной инфекции и туберкулеза

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    The objective: to determine predictors of the development of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and tuberculosis in children and adolescents.Subjects and methods. A study was carried out, including testing induced IFN-y and assessment of genotypes of the polymorphic variant of IFNG gene (T-1488C) among 310 children under the age of 18. They included children ill with tuberculosis, infected with tuberculous mycobacteria (MTB) and not infected with MTB.Results. It was found that the main predictors of LTBI development were biomedical factors, for LTBI progression - social factors. The marker of the high risk to develop tuberculosis (OR = 4.667, 95% CI 1.24-17.62; p = 0.008) for both primary (47.5%) and secondary (65.0%) genesis of the disease and its unfavorable course is the heterozygous IFNG genotype (T-1488C). The probable risk of tuberculosis progression in this variant is found to be at the level of 74.07% (95% CI 63.54-82.43%).At the early stage, LTBI markers were specific proteins: ESAT6, Rv2660c. The ESAT6-CFP10 hybrid protein was identified as a marker of active tuberculosis infection.Цель исследования: определение предикторов развития латентной туберкулезной инфекции (ЛТИ) и туберкулеза у детей и подростков.Материалы и методы. Проведено исследование, включающее определение индуцированного ИФН-Y и оценку генотипов полиморфного варианта гена IFNG (T-1488C) среди 310 детей в возрасте до 18 лет: с туберкулезом, инфицированных микобактериями туберкулеза (МБТ) и не инфицированных МБТ.Результат исследования. Установлено, что основными предикторами развития ЛТИ являлись медико-биологические факторы, для прогрессирования ЛТИ - социальные факторы. Маркером высокого риска развития туберкулеза (ОШ = 4,667, 95%-ный ДИ 1,24-17,62; p = 0,008) как при первичном (47,5%), так и вторичном (65,0%) по генезу варианту заболевания и его неблагоприятном течении является гетерозиготный генотип IFNG (T-1488C). Вероятный риск прогрессирования туберкулеза при данном варианте установлен на уровне 74,07% (95%-ный ДИ 63,54-82,43%).Маркерами ЛТИ на ранней стадии являлись специфические белки: ESAT6, Rv2660c. Гибридный белок ESAT6-CFP10 определен как маркер активной туберкулезной инфекции