133 research outputs found

    Black–White Latino Racial Disparities in HIV Survival, Florida, 2000–2011

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    This research aimed to estimate Black/White racial disparities in all-cause mortality risk among HIV-positive Latinos. Florida surveillance data for Latinos diagnosed with HIV (2000–2008) were merged with 2007–2011 American Community Survey data. Crude and adjusted hazard ratios (aHR) were calculated using multi-level Cox regression. Of 10,903 HIV-positive Latinos, 8.2% were Black and 91.9% White. Black Latinos were at increased mortality risk compared with White Latinos after controlling for individual and neighborhood factors (aHR 1.40, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.21–1.62). In stratified analyses, risk factors for Black Latinos included: age ¥60 years compared with ages 13–19 (aHR 4.63, 95% CI 1.32–16.13); US birth compared with foreign birth (aHR 1.56, 95% CI 1.16–2.11); diagnosis of AIDS within three months of HIV diagnosis (aHR 3.53, 95% CI 2.64–4.74); residence in the 3rd (aHR 1.82, 95% CI 1.13–2.94) and 4th highest quartiles (aHR 1.79, 95% CI 1.12–2.86) of neighborhood poverty compared with the lowest quartile; and residence in neighborhood with 25%–49% (aHR 1.59, 95% CI 1.07–2.42) and ¥50% Latinos compared with \u3c25% Latinos (aHR 1.58, 95% CI 1.03–2.42). Significant racial disparities in HIV survival exist among Latinos. Differential access to—and quality of—care and perceived/experienced racial discrimination may be possible explanations

    Neighborhood Latino ethnic density and mortality among HIV- positive Latinos by birth country/region, Florida, 2005–2008

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    OBJECTIVE: Lower mortality for Latinos has been reported in high Latino density areas. The objective was to examine the contribution of neighborhood Latino density to mortality among HIV-positive Latinos. METHODS: Florida HIV surveillance data for 2005–2008 were merged with 2007–2011 American Community Survey data using zip code tabulation areas. Hazard ratios (HR) were calculated using multi-level weighted Cox regression and adjusted for individual-level factors and neighborhood poverty. RESULTS: Of 4649 HIV-positive Latinos, 11.8% died. There was no difference in mortality risk across categories of Latino ethnic density for Latinos as a whole. There were subgroup effects wherein mortality risk differed by ethnic density category for Latinos born in some countries/regions. Residing in an area with ≥50% Latinos compared with <25% was associated with increased mortality risk for Latinos born in Puerto Rico (HR 1.67; 95% CI [1.01–2.70]). Residing in an area where Mexicans were the majority Latino group was associated with increased mortality risk for Latinos born in Mexico (HR 3.57; 95% CI [1.43–10.00]). CONCLUSIONS: The survival advantage seen among the Latino population in high Latino density areas was not seen among HIV-positive Latinos. Research is needed to determine if this may be related to stigma or another mechanism

    Individual and neighborhood predictors of mortality among HIV-positive Latinos with history of injection drug use, Florida, 2000–2011

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    BACKGROUND: The objectives are to examine disparities in all-cause mortality risk among HIV-positive Latinos with injection drug use (IDU) history, and to identify individual- and neighborhood-level predictors. METHODS: Florida surveillance data for persons diagnosed with HIV 2000–2008 were merged with 2007–2011 administrative data from the American Community Survey. Hazard ratios (HR) were calculated using multi-level weighted Cox regression adjusting for individual and neighborhood (ZCTA-level) factors. RESULTS: Of 10,989 HIV-positive Latinos, 10.3% had IDU history. Latinos with IDU history were at increased mortality risk compared with Latinos without IDU history after controlling for individual and neighborhood factors (adjusted HR [aHR] 1.61, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.43–1.80). Factors associated with mortality for those with IDU history included: being 40–59 (aHR 6.48, 95% CI 1.41–121.05) and ≥60 years (aHR 18.75, 95% CI 3.83–356.45) compared with 13–19 years of age; being diagnosed with AIDS within 3 months of HIV (aHR 2.31, 95% CI 1.87–2.86); residing in an area with ≥50% Latinos compared with <25% Latinos (aHR 1.56, 95% CI 1.19–2.04); and residing in a rural compared with an urban area at the time of diagnosis (aHR 1.73, 95% CI 1.06–2.70). Race and neighborhood poverty were not predictors among those with IDU, but were among those without. CONCLUSION: HIV-positive Latinos with IDU history are at increased mortality risk and have unique contributing factors. Tertiary prevention strategies should target those who are older, diagnosed at later stages, and those who live in predominantly Latino and rural areas

    Magnetic correlations in infinite-layer nickelates: an experimental and theoretical multi-method study

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    We report a comprehensive study of magnetic correlations in LaNiO2_{2}, a parent compound of the recently discovered family of infinite-layer (IL) nickelate superconductors, using multiple experimental and theoretical methods. Our specific heat, muon-spin rotation (μ\muSR), and magnetic susceptibility measurements on polycrystalline LaNiO2_{2} show that long-range magnetic order remains absent down to 2 K. Nevertheless, we detect residual entropy in the low-temperature specific heat, which is compatible with a model fit that includes paramagnon excitations. The μ\muSR and low-field static and dynamic magnetic susceptibility measurements indicate the presence of short-range magnetic correlations and glassy spin dynamics, which we attribute to local oxygen non-stoichiometry in the average infinite-layer crystal structure. This glassy behavior can be suppressed in strong external fields, allowing us to extract the intrinsic paramagnetic susceptibility. Remarkably, we find that the intrinsic susceptibility shows non-Curie-Weiss behavior at high temperatures, in analogy to doped cuprates that possess robust non-local spin fluctuations. The distinct temperature dependence of the intrinsic susceptibility of LaNiO2_{2} can be theoretically understood by a multi-method study of the single-band Hubbard model in which we apply complementary cutting-edge quantum many-body techniques (dynamical mean-field theory, cellular dynamical mean-field theory and the dynamical vertex approximation) to investigate the influence of both short- and long-ranged correlations. Our results suggest a profound analogy between the magnetic correlations in parent (undoped) IL nickelates and doped cuprates.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure

    Development and validation of vulnerable and enabling indices for hiv viral suppression among people with hiv enrolled in the ryan white program

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    Background: Numerous factors impact HIV care, often requiring consideration of indices to prevent collinearity when using statistical modeling. Using the Behavioral Model for Vulnerable Populations, we developed vulnerable and enabling indices for people living with HIV (PLWH). Methods: We used Ryan White Program (RWP) data and principal component analysis to develop general and gender-and racial/ethnic-specific indices. We assessed internal reliability (Cronbach’s alpha), convergent validity (correlation coefficient), and predictive utility (logistic regression) with non-viral suppression. Results: Three general factors accounting for 79.2% of indicators’ variability surfaced: mental health, drug use, and socioeconomic status (Cronbach’s alpha 0.68). Among the overall RWP population, indices showed convergent validity and predictive utility. Using gender-or racial/ethnic-specific indices did not improve psychometric performance. Discussion: General mental health, drug use, and socioeconomic indices using administrative data showed acceptable reliability, validity, and utility for non-viral suppression in an overall PLWH population and in gender-and racial/ethnic-stratified populations. These general indices may be used with similar validity and utility across gender and racial/ethnic diverse populations

    Egg Quality Assurance Programs and Egg-associated Salmonella Enteritidis Infections, United States

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    A 1% increase in eggs produced under egg quality assurance programs was associated with a 0.14% decrease in Salmonella Enteritidis incidence

    Psychologia zeznań świadków : (w ćwiczeniach)

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    Psychologia zeznań świadków i proces przesłuchania świadka stanowią główną dziedzinę psychologii sądowej. Przesłuchanie świadka to sytuacja, w której uczestniczy osoba przesłuchująca (odbierająca zeznanie) oraz osoba zeznająca (przesłuchiwana), czyli świadek. Najważniejszym celem przesłuchującego jest uzyskanie od świadka jak największej liczby informacji szczerych, rzetelnych i wiarygodnych. Świadkiem zaś może zostać każdy człowiek wezwany przez organ procesowy. Należy pamiętać, że osoba zeznająca znajduje się w określonej sytuacji, na k tórą wpływ mają nie tylko przepisy prawa, lecz także miejsce, w którym się znajduje, powaga organu procesowego czy też indywidualne właściwości psychofizyczne. Te, jak i wiele innych czynników, k sz ta łtu ją psychologiczną sytuację świadków. Znajomość tych czynników oraz próby poszukiwania odpowiedzi n a pytanie o mechanizmy i czynniki wpływające n a jakość uzyskiwanego materiału dowodowego stanowiły ważny punkt odniesienia założeń teoretycznych i badawczych niniejszego opracowania. Podręcznik przeznaczony jest dla studentów (studiów stacjonarnych i niestacjonarnych) oraz wykładowców na kierunkach, w ramach których omawiana jest problematyka funkcjonowania człowieka w roli świadka. Wprowadzenie ćwiczeniowej formy zajęć z psychologii sądowej jest niewątpliwie korzystne dla studentów, gdyż pozwala na doskonalenie warsztatu badawczego, jakim posługuje się w swej praktyce zawodowej psycholog. Autorzy podręcznika, mając świadomość, że opracowanie pomocy dydaktycznej dla pracowników i studentów jest trudne, starali się przygotować skrypt, który dla prowadzącego będzie alternatywną formą realizacji przedmiotu umożliwiającego wszechstronne omówienie problematyki zeznań świadków, przedstawienie teoretycznych i praktycznych aspektów tego zagadnienia, studentowi zaś pozwoli nauczyć się posługiwania eksperymentem do rozwiązywania różnych problemów psychologa (nie tylko sądowego) oraz zapoznać się ze sposobami konstruowania eksperymentu i stawiania hipotez. Podręcznik ten ma przede wszystkim umożliwić stu dentowi zdobycie wiedzy teoretycznej i nabycie umiejętności praktycznych niezbędnych do opiniowania w sprawach dotyczących psychologicznej wiarygodności zeznań świadków. Przedstawione w podręczniku eksperymenty, poddane weryfikacji, dotyczą problemów nawiązujących do najważniejszego kierunku prowadzonych przez psychologów sądowych poszukiwań związanych z obszarem psychologii zeznań świadków. Dobierając eksperymenty, zwracano uwagę na elementy strukturalne psychologicznej problematyki zeznań świadków, które wywodzą się z opracowanego przez J.M. Stanika (1986, s. 171) modelu zeznań świadków (zob. schemat 1). Model ten porządkuje w sposób ogólny uwarunkowania wpływające n a percepcję zdarzeń, przetwarzanie przyjętych treści, spostrzeżeń oraz na etap formowania się zeznań udzielanych przez świadków w toku przesłuchania. Dzięki takiemu podziałowi problemów, a tym samym doborowi eksperymentów, podręcznik stanowi częściowe dopełnienie bardzo czytelnie przedstawionych przez J.M. S ta nika zależności teoretycznych dotyczących problemów zeznań świadków i może być ważną pomocą dydaktyczną niezbędną w realizacji zajęć ze studentami

    Salmonella Enteritidis Infections, United States, 1985–1999

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    Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis emerged as an important illness during the 1980s. Investigations showed that consumption of undercooked eggs was the major risk factor for disease, and a variety of prevention and control efforts were initiated during the 1990s. We describe sporadic infections and outbreaks of S. Enteritidis in the United States from 1985 through 1999 and discuss prevention and control efforts. After reaching a high of 3.9 per 100,000 population in 1995, S. Enteritidis infections declined to 1.98 per 100,000 in 1999. While the total number of outbreaks decreased by half, those in the western states tripled. Outbreaks of S. Enteritidis phage type 4 infections accounted for 49% of outbreaks in 1999. Outbreak-associated deaths in health facilities decreased from 14 in 1987 to 0 in 1999. Overall, rates of sporadic S. Enteritidis infection, outbreaks, and deaths have declined dramatically. For further reductions, control measures should continue to be applied along the entire farm-to-table continuum

    Completeness and timeliness of tuberculosis notification in Taiwan

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a notifiable disease by the Communicable Disease Control Law in Taiwan. Several measures have been undertaken to improve reporting of TB but the completeness and timeliness of TB notification in Taiwan has not yet been systemically evaluated