139 research outputs found

    The Gravity Model Of Trade Applied To Africa

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    The gravity model states that trade between any two countries is proportional, other things equal, to the product of the two countries’ GDPs, and diminishes with the distance between the two countries. The logic is that larger economies tend to spend large amounts on imports and attract large share of other countries spending (exports) because they produce large quantity and variety of goods and services. Distance, on the other hand, tends to lessen trade between countries because of transportation costs and other intangible barriers, such as language, geography, and historic colonial relationships.  The following specific hypotheses from the gravity model of trade are tested with respect to African countries alone:  The amount of exports by one African country to another is inversely related to the distance between the two countries,  The amount of exports by one African country to another reflects the GDP of the country to whom the exports are sent, The amount of exports directly reflects a country’s own GDP, and Countries associated with the same colonial power experience greater trade.  Each of these hypotheses is tested with logarithmic forms of the variables in the hypotheses.  While the resulting logarithmic model works is statistically significant and bears the correct signs, it does not show colonial patterns to be a strong as those found in other studies that are focused on inter-continental trade relationships.  The significance of colonization in other studies may be a surrogate for the degree of development of nations.  Since trade grows less than proportionately both with respect to the GDP of the importing nation and with respect to the GDP of the exporter, this study shows a disappointing trade impact of growth in the developing world on the potential development of Africa through export growth

    A trial of intermittent preventive treatment and home-based management of malaria in a rural area of The Gambia

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    BACKGROUND: Individual malaria interventions provide only partial protection in most epidemiological situations. Thus, there is a need to investigate whether combining interventions provides added benefit in reducing mortality and morbidity from malaria. The potential benefits of combining IPT in children (IPTc) with home management of malaria (HMM) was investigated. METHODS: During the 2008 malaria transmission season, 1,277 children under five years of age resident in villages within the rural Farafenni demographic surveillance system (DSS) in North Bank Region, The Gambia were randomized to receive monthly IPTc with a single dose of sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine (SP) plus three doses of amodiaquine (AQ) or SP and AQ placebos given by village health workers (VHWs) on three occasions during the months of September, October and November, in a double-blind trial. Children in all study villages who developed an acute febrile illness suggestive of malaria were treated by VHWs who had been taught how to manage malaria with artemether-lumefantrine (Coartemâ„¢). The primary aims of the project were to determine whether IPTc added significant benefit to HMM and whether VHWs could effectively combine the delivery of both interventions. RESULTS: The incidence of clinical attacks of malaria was very low in both study groups. The incidence rate of malaria in children who received IPTc was 0.44 clinical attacks per 1,000 child months at risk while that for control children was 1.32 per 1,000 child months at risk, a protective efficacy of 66% (95% CI -23% to 96%; p = 0.35). The mean (standard deviation) haemoglobin concentration at the end of the malaria transmission season was similar in the two treatment groups: 10.2 (1.6) g/dL in the IPTc group compared to 10.3 (1.5) g/dL in the placebo group. Coverage with IPTc was high, with 94% of children receiving all three treatments during the study period. CONCLUSION: Due to the very low incidence of malaria, no firm conclusion can be drawn on the added benefit of IPTc in preventing clinical episodes of malaria among children who had access to HMM in The Gambia. However, the study showed that VHWs can successfully combine provision of HMM with provision of IPTc

    Day case complex devices: the state of the UK.

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    Objective: Complex cardiac devices including implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) devices can safely be implanted as a day case procedure as opposed to overnight stay. We assess how common day case complex device therapy is and the cost implications of more widespread adoption across the UK. Methods: A freedom of information request was sent to all centres performing complex cardiac devices across the UK to assess the adoption of this technique. Cost implications were assessed using Department of Health National Schedule of Reference Costs 2016-2017. Results: 100 UK centres were surveyed, 80% replied. Eighty per cent of UK centres already implant complex cardiac devices as a day case to some extent. 64.06% of centres have a protocol for this. 12.82% of centres do 75% as day case. There was no relationship between centre volume and the proportion of devices done as a day case as opposed to overnight stay. The cost saving of performing a complex device as a day case as opposed to overnight stay was £412 per ICD, £525 per CRT-pacemaker and £2169 per CRT-defibrillator. Conclusions: Day case complex devices are already widespread across the UK, however, there is scope for increase. An increase in proportion of day case devices could translate to £5 583 265 in savings annually for the National Health Service if all centres performed 75% of devices as a day case

    Early postnatal hypoferremia in low birthweight and preterm babies: A prospective cohort study in hospital-delivered Gambian neonates.

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    BACKGROUND: Neonates, particularly those born preterm (PTB) and with low birthweight (LBW), are especially susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections that cause an estimated 225,000 deaths annually. Iron is a vital nutrient for the most common organisms causing septicaemia. Full-term babies elicit an immediate postnatal hypoferremia assumed to have evolved as an innate defence. We tested whether PTB and LBW babies are capable of the same response. METHODS: We conducted an observational study of 152 babies who were either PTB (born ≥32 to <37 weeks gestational age) and/or LBW (<2500 g) (PTB/LBW) and 278 term, normal-weight babies (FTB/NBW). Blood was sampled from the umbilical cord vein and artery, and matched venous blood samples were taken from all neonates between 6-24 h after delivery. We measured haematological, iron and inflammatory markers. FINDINGS: In both PTB/LBW and FTB/NBW babies, serum iron decreased 3-fold within 12 h of delivery compared to umbilical blood (7·5 ± 4·5 vs 23·3 ± 7·1 ng/ml, P < 0·001, n = 425). Transferrin saturation showed a similar decline with a consequent increase in unsaturated iron-binding capacity. C-reactive protein levels increased over 10-fold (P < 0·001) and hepcidin levels doubled (P < 0·001). There was no difference in any of these responses between PTB/LBW and FTB/NBW babies. INTERPRETATION: Premature or low birthweight babies are able to mount a very rapid hypoferremia that is indistinguishable from that in normal term babies. The data suggest that this is a hepcidin-mediated response triggered by acute inflammation at birth, and likely to have evolved as an innate immune response against bacterial and fungal septicaemia. TRIAL REGISTRATION: clinicaltrials.gov (NCT03353051). Registration date: November 27, 2017. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1152353)

    Monitoring the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines into West Africa: design and implementation of a population-based surveillance system.

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    Routine use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) in developing countries is expected to lead to a significant reduction in childhood deaths. However, PCVs have been associated with replacement disease with non-vaccine serotypes. We established a population-based surveillance system to document the direct and indirect impact of PCVs on the incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) and radiological pneumonia in those aged 2 months and older in The Gambia, and to monitor changes in serotype-specific IPD. Here we describe how this surveillance system was set up and is being operated as a partnership between the Medical Research Council Unit and the Gambian Government. This surveillance system is expected to provide crucial information for immunisation policy and serves as a potential model for those introducing routine PCV vaccination in diverse settings

    Indiscriminate ingestion of entomopathogenic nematodes and their symbiotic bacteria by Aedes aegypti larvae: a novel strategy to control the vector of Chikungunya, dengue and yellow fever

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    Third and fourth instar larvae of Aedes aegypti actively ingested entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) and their symbiotic bacteria, resulting in larval mortality. All six EPN species evaluated in this study were pathogenic to Ae. aegypti but varied significantly in their virulence. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and Steinernema carpocapsae were most virulent, H. megidis and S. kraussei showed the least virulence, whereas H. downesi and S. feltiae had intermediate virulence. Larval mortality was dose dependent for all EPN species. When using a dose of 100 infective juveniles (IJs) per larva, H. bacteriophora and S. carpocapsae caused 90%-100% mortality, whereas H. downesi and S. feltiae caused only 40%-60% mortality. Even when using 200 IJs/larva, H. megidis and S. kraussei caused a maximum of 30%-40% mortality. Some of the invasive EPNs were melanized, suggesting a strong humoral defense response by the Aedes larvae. The degree of melanization was quite variable; some EPNs were totally enveloped in a melanin sheath while others were partially coated with melanin. Melanization did not stop the EPN from multiplying and killing the Aedes larvae. IJs released from infected larvae would have the potential to infect healthy mosquito larvae. Also, both bacterial supernatant and bacterial cell suspension of Xenorhabdus nematophila caused >91% larval mortality after 48 h, whereas only the bacterial cell suspension of Photorhabdus laumondii was effective against the mosquito larvae. These data provides useful information on the potential use of EPNs and/or formulated bacterial cell suspensions in the control of the important urban and container-breeding mosquito, Ae. aegypti, and are a starting point for future simulated and actual field studies

    Examining human paragonimiasis as a differential diagnosis to tuberculosis in The Gambia.

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    OBJECTIVE: Paragonimiasis is a foodborne trematode infection of the lungs caused by Paragonimus spp., presenting clinically with similar symptoms to active tuberculosis (TB). Worldwide, an estimated 20.7 million people are infected with paragonimiasis, but relatively little epidemiological data exists for Africa. Given a recently reported case, we sought to establish whether paragonimiasis should be considered as an important differential diagnosis for human TB in The Gambia, West Africa. RESULTS: We developed a novel PCR-based diagnostic test for Paragonimus species known to be found in West Africa, which we used to examine archived TB negative sputum samples from a cross-sectional study of volunteers with tuberculosis-like symptoms from communities in the Western coastal region of The Gambia. Based on a "zero patient" design for detection of rare diseases, 300 anonymised AFB smear negative sputum samples, randomly selected from 25 villages, were screened for active paragonimiasis by molecular detection of Paragonimus spp. DNA. No parasite DNA was found in any of the sputa of our patient group. Despite the recent case report, we found no evidence of active paragonimiasis infection masking as TB in the Western region of The Gambia

    Protective RNA nanovaccines against Mycobacterium avium subspecies hominissuis

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    The induction of an effective immune response is critical for the success of mRNA-based therapeutics. Here, we developed a nanoadjuvant system compromised of Quil-A and DOTAP (dioleoyl 3 trimethylammonium propane), hence named QTAP, for the efficient delivery of mRNA vaccine constructs into cells. Electron microscopy indicated that the complexation of mRNA with QTAP forms nanoparticles with an average size of 75 nm and which have ~90% encapsulation efficiency. The incorporation of pseudouridine-modified mRNA resulted in higher transfection efficiency and protein translation with low cytotoxicity than unmodified mRNA. When QTAP-mRNA or QTAP alone transfected macrophages, pro-inflammatory pathways (e.g., NLRP3, NF-kb, and MyD88) were upregulated, an indication of macrophage activation. In C57Bl/6 mice, QTAP nanovaccines encoding Ag85B and Hsp70 transcripts (QTAP-85B+H70) were able to elicit robust IgG antibody and IFN- ɣ, TNF-α, IL-2, and IL-17 cytokines responses. Following aerosol challenge with a clinical isolate of M. avium ss. hominissuis (M.ah), a significant reduction of mycobacterial counts was observed in lungs and spleens of only immunized animals at both 4- and 8-weeks post-challenge. As expected, reduced levels of M. ah were associated with diminished histological lesions and robust cell-mediated immunity. Interestingly, polyfunctional T-cells expressing IFN- ɣ, IL-2, and TNF- α were detected at 8 but not 4 weeks post-challenge. Overall, our analysis indicated that QTAP is a highly efficient transfection agent and could improve the immunogenicity of mRNA vaccines against pulmonary M. ah, an infection of significant public health importance, especially to the elderly and to those who are immune compromised

    Designing a mHealth clinical decision support system for Parkinson's disease: a theoretically grounded user needs approach.

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the established evidence and theoretical advances explaining human judgments under uncertainty, developments of mobile health (mHealth) Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) have not explicitly applied the psychology of decision making to the study of user needs. We report on a user needs approach to develop a prototype of a mHealth CDSS for Parkinson's disease (PD), which is theoretically grounded in the psychological literature about expert decision making and judgement under uncertainty. METHODS: A suite of user needs studies was conducted in 4 European countries (Greece, Italy, Slovenia, the UK) prior to the development of PD_Manager, a mHealth-based CDSS designed for Parkinson's disease, using wireless technology. Study 1 undertook Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) including elicitation of user needs, cognitive demands and perceived risks/benefits (ethical considerations) associated with the proposed CDSS, through structured interviews of prescribing clinicians (N = 47). Study 2 carried out computational modelling of prescribing clinicians' (N = 12) decision strategies based on social judgment theory. Study 3 was a vignette study of prescribing clinicians' (N = 18) willingness to change treatment based on either self-reported symptoms data, devices-generated symptoms data or combinations of both. RESULTS: Study 1 indicated that system development should move away from the traditional silos of 'motor' and 'non-motor' symptom evaluations and suggest that presenting data on symptoms according to goal-based domains would be the most beneficial approach, the most important being patients' overall Quality of Life (QoL). The computational modelling in Study 2 extrapolated different factor combinations when making judgements about different questions. Study 3 indicated that the clinicians were equally likely to change the care plan based on information about the change in the patient's condition from the patient's self-report and the wearable devices. CONCLUSIONS: Based on our approach, we could formulate the following principles of mHealth design: 1) enabling shared decision making between the clinician, patient and the carer; 2) flexibility that accounts for diagnostic and treatment variation among clinicians; 3) monitoring of information integration from multiple sources. Our approach highlighted the central importance of the patient-clinician relationship in clinical decision making and the relevance of theoretical as opposed to algorithm (technology)-based modelling of human judgment
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