409 research outputs found

    Effect of the Canting of Local Anisotropy Axes on Ground-State Properties of a Ferrimagnetic Chain with Regularly Alternating Ising and Heisenberg Spins

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    The effect of the canting of local anisotropy axes on the ground-state phase diagram and magnetization of a ferrimagnetic chain with regularly alternating Ising and Heisenberg spins is exactly examined in an arbitrarily oriented magnetic field. It is shown that individual contributions of Ising and Heisenberg spins to the total magnetization basically depend on the spatial orientation of the magnetic field and the canting angle between two different local anisotropy axes of the Ising spins.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Pairwise thermal entanglement in Ising-XYZ diamond chain structure in an external magnetic field

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    Quantum entanglement is one of the most fascinating types of correlation that can be shared only among quantum systems. The Heisenberg chain is one of the simplest quantum chains which exhibits a reach entanglement feature, due to the Heisenberg interaction is quantum coupling in the spin system. The two particles were coupled trough XYZ coupling or simply called as two-qubit XYZ spin, which are the responsible for the emergence of thermal entanglement. These two-qubit operators are bonded to two nodal Ising spins, and this process is repeated infinitely resulting in a diamond chain structure. We will discuss two-qubit thermal entanglement effect on Ising-XYZ diamond chain structure. The concurrence could be obtained straightforwardly in terms of two-qubit density operator elements, using this result, we study the thermal entanglement, as well as the threshold temperature where entangled state vanishes. The present model displays a quite unusual concurrence behavior, such as, the boundary of two entangled regions becomes a disentangled region, this is intrinsically related to the XY-anisotropy in the Heisenberg coupling. Despite a similar property had been found for only two-qubit, here we show in the case of a diamond chain structure, which reasonably represents real materials.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Music Learning Tools for Android Devices

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    In this paper, a musical learning application for mobile devices is presented. The main objective is to design and develop an application capable of offering exercises to practice and improve a selection of music skills, to users interested in music learning and training. The selected music skills are rhythm, melodic dictation and singing. The application includes an audio signal analysis system implemented making use of the Goertzel algorithm which is employed in singing exercises to check if the user sings the right musical note. This application also includes a graphical interface to represent musical symbols. A set of tests were conducted to check the usefulness of the application as musical learning tool. A group of users with different music knowledge have tested the system and reported to have found it effective, easy and accessible.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Cultural diversity, educational achievements and school. Arguments from educational community

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    Questo studio costituisce la prima fase di un lavoro più ampio la cui i nalità è quella di contribuire al miglioramento della scuola attraverso l’identii cazione, elaborazione e dif usione di una casistica di buone pratiche scolastiche in contesti culturalmente diversi. Questa ricerca incomincia revisionando il concetto di “successi educativi” e “buone pratiche” da una doppia prospettiva: analizzando la letteratura specii ca per quanto riguarda i contributi più signii cativi degli ultimi anni sul miglioramento dell’ei cacia scolastica e, in aggiunta, analizzando le opinioni dei rappresentanti dei diversi collettivi che hanno a che fare con la materia e denominati in questo studio, “esperti” (docenti, assessori, famiglie, accademici, tecnici e agenti socioculturali). L’articolo si focalizza sulla descrizione del supporto metodologico che ci ha permesso di portare avanti questo processo di consultazione (il metodo Delphi) e sulla presentazione dei principali risultati. In dei nitiva, presentiamo i punti d’accordo e le discrepanze trovate in riferimento al concetto di “successo educativo”. Il processo Delphi sviluppato in questo lavoro è stato iterattivo e interattivo. Nel processo si è garantito l’anonimato dei partecipanti, la retro alimentazione costante e controllata e la presenza, nel risultato i nale, di tutte le opinioni individuali. Lo strumento per la raccolta d’informazione è stato il questionario. Nella prima fase di consulenza, ci sono state domande aperte che hanno permesso di fare un’analisi qualitativa delle risposte. Partendo da questa analisi abbiamo elaborato un secondo questionario di tipo scalare la cui analisi ha permesso di conoscere il grado di consenso sulle questioni sottoposte a dibattito. La ricerca del consenso e la stabilità sono stati i criteri che hanno guidato le analisi realizzate sull’informazione raccolta nelle due fasi di consultazione e anche i criteri di saturazione di questa.h is paper is the i rst stage of a broader study that intents to improve schooling ei cacy by identifying, describing and disseminating the best practices developed in Spanish schools from diverse cultural backgrounds. It reviewed two main concepts – “educational achievement” and “best school practices” – from a double perspective: i rst, analyzing the most meaningful research contributions made in this area over the last ten years; and second, taking into account the opinions of experts (teachers, educational advisors, families, students, theorists, social players…) on these subjects. h e paper had two main objectives: describing the methodological framework used in the expert consultation process (the Delphi method) and presenting the main points of consensus and discrepancy regarding the concept of “educational achievement in culturally diverse educational contexts”. h e Delphi consultation carried out was an iterative and interactive process. h e process was coni dential and special care was taken to ensure continuous feedback and representation of all individual opinions in the i nal results. Information was collected using questionnaires. In the i rst consultation round, the questionnaire included openended questions, whose responses were analyzed using a qualitative approach. A second questionnaire was designed on the basis of this information. It provided quantitative information that was useful to measure the level of agreement on the various issues discussed. h e search for consensus and stability and information saturation were the basic criteria that guided the analysis of information provided by the experts consulted