374 research outputs found

    Absorption of sunlight in the atmosphere of Venus

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    The profiles of upward, downward and net solar flux on Venus were measured at altitudes from about 62 km to the surface in three spectral bands at a vertical resolution of a few hundred meters. These data measured the penetration and absorption of solar energy in Venus' lower atmosphere quantities that are essential in evaluating the role of the greenhouse mechanism in supporting Venus' remarkably high surface temperature. In addition, the data constrained the vertical structure and optical properties of the Venus clouds

    Research concerning the net flux of radiation in the atmosphere of Jupiter

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    The plan of the NFR (Net Flux of Radiation) team is for the data from the two solar channels (B and E) of NFR to be reduced with the goal of determining the solar heating rate. In order to determine the solar heating rate from the NFR measurements, effects due to the instrument's spatial and spectral response functions, to the temperature variation of the instrument (and associated drift of calibration), to the setting sun, and to the rotation of the probe (initially at a rate comparable to the NFR sampling frequency), all must be well modelled. In the past year, a forward modeling routine was created to simulate NFR data return in the B and E channels. The effects of varying parameters describing the atmospheric model (such as cloud location and thickness) and the descent profile (such as rotation rate) were investigated and an inversion routine was developed. For the forward modeling, existing radiative transfer codes were used to determine intensity fields within the Jovian atmosphere. A routine was developed to determine instantaneous instrument response by integrating the intensity field over the instrument response functions. A second routine was developed to determine the actual output of the NFR by integrating along an arbitrary descent trajectory. Near the top of the atmosphere, the upflux data alone are used to constrain the cloud structure of he atmosphere. To accomplish this, models are used to describe the variation in up flux between consecutive measurements in terms of variations of cloud opacity and variations in known parameters such as the solar zenith angle. This allows us to develop a zero-order model of cloud structure. Lower in the atmosphere, at levels where there is little or no azimuthal structure to the net flux measurements, both the up flux and net flux are used to derive layer transmission and reflection functions, which then determine layer opacity and single scattering albedo. A preliminary analysis of the data began in December 1995. In these data we could see the rapid oscillations expected at the beginning of the data due to probe rotation and the sun passing through the edge of the field of view. In addition, the time when this oscillation stopped was clearly visible. This sets the rough optical depth above the probe at this time

    Constraints on the composition of Jupiter's stratospheric aerosols from ultraviolet photometry

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    The absolute reflectivity of Jupiter has been obtained in 50 A-wide regions centering on 0.221, 0.233, 0.252, and 0.330 microns from three series of IUE satellite spectra taken in November 1979. The data indicate a strong decrease in reflectivity for latitudes greater than about 30 deg, in keeping with Voyager measurements. An additional 24 spectra were also obtained in a west-east series along the equator, as well as near 40 deg N latitude. These data favor models in which the haze particles have effective radii within a factor of 2 of 0.2 microns. Near the equator, the haze aerosols produce much less absorption than near 40 deg N; the aerosol distributions and optical properties derived are noted to be more dependent on the assumed location and reflectivity of the top of the tropospheric cloud

    The single scattering phase functions of Jupiter's clouds

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    The determination of the single scattering phase functions of Jupiter's clouds and a thin upper haze by Tomasko et al. was refined and extended to seven latitudes in blue and red light. The phase function is well-constrained by the Pioneer 10 and 11 photometric data sets. Multiple scattering models were computed to match the limb darkening at each latitude at up to 15 phase angles from 12 deg to 151 deg. Ground-based observations were used for absolute calibration and to extend the data to lower phase angles. The phase functions were parameterized using the double Henyey-Greenstein function. The three Henyey-Greenstein parameters and the single scattering albedo were determined using a non-linear least squares method for the haze and the clouds below. The phase functions derived for the northen zone and belt are remarkably similar to the phase functions of the corresponding regions in the south, with most of the differences in brightness of the northern and southern features resulting from minor differences in single scattering albedo. Analysis of the Equatorial Region is complicated by the presence of numerous small features, but the phase function required is generally similar to that seen in the more homogeneous regions. Details of the phase functions of the haze and clouds are presented, and the differences between the cloud phase functions at low and high latitudes in red and blue light are discussed

    Spectrophotometry of planets, asteroids and satellites from the international ultraviolet explorer satellite

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    A total of 14 8 hour I.U.E. observing sessions resulted in 39 spectra of 11 asteroids and 9 solar type stars as well as 57 spectra at various locations on the disk of Jupiter. The Jupiter observations include a total of 5 center to limb series of spectra at various latitudes and a North South series along the central meridian. In the range from 2000-3000 A, the planet shows a striking decrease in brightness at latitudes greater than about 30 degrees, and exhibits limb brightening at low latitudes and limb darkening at high latitudes. Preliminary results indicate that about 6 km-amagats of clean hydrogen are required above a haze of absorbing aerosols to reproduce the limb brightening observed at 2500 A in the equatorial regions. At higher latitudes, the aerosols extend to even higher levels of the atmosphere. Comparison of the Jovian data with detailed model calculations and the analyses of the asteroid spectra are still in progress with other support

    Gaussian quadrature exponential sum modeling of near infrared methane laboratory spectra obtained at temperatures from 106 to 297 K

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    Transmission measurements made on near-infrared laboratory methane spectra have previously been fit using a Malkmus band model. The laboratory spectra were obtained in three groups at temperatures averaging 112, 188, and 295 K; band model fitting was done separately for each temperature group. These band model parameters cannot be used directly in scattering atmosphere model computations, so an exponential sum model is being developed which includes pressure and temperature fitting parameters. The goal is to obtain model parameters by least square fits at 10/cm intervals from 3800 to 9100/cm. These results will be useful in the interpretation of current planetary spectra and also NIMS spectra of Jupiter anticipated from the Galileo mission

    A grid of polarization models for Rayleigh scattering planetary atmospheres

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    We investigate the intensity and polarization of reflected light from planetary atmospheres. We present a large grid of Monte Carlo simulations for planets with Rayleigh scattering atmospheres. We discuss the disk-integrated polarization for phase angles typical of extrasolar planet observations and for the limb polarization effect observable for solar system objects near opposition. The main parameters investigated are single scattering albedo, optical depth of the scattering layer, and albedo of an underlying Lambert surface for a homogeneous Rayleigh scattering atmosphere. We also investigate atmospheres with isotropic scattering and forward scattering aerosol particles, as well as models with two scattering layers. The model grid provides a tool for extracting quantitative results from polarimetric measurements of planetary atmospheres from solar system planets and extrasolar planets, in particular on the scattering properties and stratification of particles in the highest atmosphere layers. Spectropolarimetry of solar system planets offers complementary information to spectroscopy and polarization flux colors can be used for a first characterization of exoplanet atmospheres. From limb polarization measurements, one can set constraints on the polarization at large phase angles.Comment: 19 pages, 21 figures. Minor changes. Published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Study of spin-scan imaging for outer planets missions

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    The constraints that are imposed on the Outer Planet Missions (OPM) imager design are of critical importance. Imager system modeling analyses define important parameters and systematic means for trade-offs applied to specific Jupiter orbiter missions. Possible image sequence plans for Jupiter missions are discussed in detail. Considered is a series of orbits that allow repeated near encounters with three of the Jovian satellites. The data handling involved in the image processing is discussed, and it is shown that only minimal processing is required for the majority of images for a Jupiter orbiter mission

    Study of spin-scan imaging for outer planets missions: Executive summary

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    The development and characteristics of spin-scan imagers for interplanetary exploration are discussed. The spin-scan imaging photopolarimeter instruments of Pioneer 10 and 11 are described. In addition to the imaging function, the instruments are also used in a faint-light mode to take sky maps in both radiance and polarization. The performance of a visible-infrared spin-scan radiometer (VISSR), which operates in both visible and infrared wavelengths, is reported
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