478 research outputs found

    Seksuaalikasvatuksen opetusmateriaalien tietolähteiden arviointi terveystiedon aineenopettajien näkökulmasta

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    Tiivistelmä. Tutkimukseni käsittelee terveystiedon aineenopettajien seksuaaliterveystietoa koskevan opetusmateriaalin lähteiden arviointia ja valintaa opettajien näkökulmasta. Innostus tutkimusaiheeseen kumpuaa kiinnostuksesta selvittää, mitä ja minkälaisia tiedonlähteitä seksuaalikasvatuksen opetusmateriaalien valinnassa suositaan. Seksuaalikasvatus peruskoulussa on kokenut suuren muutoksen pelkästään muutaman vuosikymmenen aikana, seurauksena siitä, että seksuaalisuuden tarkastelu sosiokulttuurisena ilmiönä on kokenut muutoksen. Tämän myötä myös seksuaalikasvatuksen oppimateriaalit ovat ainaisen kehittämisen kohteena. Opettajien käyttämiä lähteitä seksuaaliskasvatukselle on tarjolla lukemattomia, osa myös menneiltä ajoilta, jotka sisältävät jo vanhentunutta tietoa. Opetusmateriaalien lähteiden tutkiminen on laaja kysymys sinänsä, koska varsinaisen oppikirjan valitsemisen lisäksi opettaja itse suunnittelee myös muunlaisen oheismateriaalin käytön. Tämä tuo tutkimukseen syvyyttä, sillä opetusmateriaalien multimediaalisuus voidaan ottaa huomioon tutkimuksessa (vrt. kiinnostus pelkkään varsinaisen oppikirjan valintaan)


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    Localizing and Quantifying Carotenoids in Intact Cells and Tissues

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    Raman spectroscopy provides detailed information about the molecular structure of carotenoids. Advances in detector sensitivity and acquisition speed have driven the expansion of Raman spectroscopy from a bulk analytical tool to a powerful method for mapping carotenoid abundance in cells and tissues. In many applications, the technique is compatible with living organisms, providing highly specific molecular structure information in intact cells and tissues with subcellular spatial resolution. This leads to spatial-temporal-chemical resolution critical to understanding the complex processes in the life cycle of carotenoids and other biomolecules

    Hyperspectral microarray scanning: impact on the accuracy and reliability of gene expression data

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    BACKGROUND: Commercial microarray scanners and software cannot distinguish between spectrally overlapping emission sources, and hence cannot accurately identify or correct for emissions not originating from the labeled cDNA. We employed our hyperspectral microarray scanner coupled with multivariate data analysis algorithms that independently identify and quantitate emissions from all sources to investigate three artifacts that reduce the accuracy and reliability of microarray data: skew toward the green channel, dye separation, and variable background emissions. RESULTS: Here we demonstrate that several common microarray artifacts resulted from the presence of emission sources other than the labeled cDNA that can dramatically alter the accuracy and reliability of the array data. The microarrays utilized in this study were representative of a wide cross-section of the microarrays currently employed in genomic research. These findings reinforce the need for careful attention to detail to recognize and subsequently eliminate or quantify the presence of extraneous emissions in microarray images. CONCLUSION: Hyperspectral scanning together with multivariate analysis offers a unique and detailed understanding of the sources of microarray emissions after hybridization. This opportunity to simultaneously identify and quantitate contaminant and background emissions in microarrays markedly improves the reliability and accuracy of the data and permits a level of quality control of microarray emissions previously unachievable. Using these tools, we can not only quantify the extent and contribution of extraneous emission sources to the signal, but also determine the consequences of failing to account for them and gain the insight necessary to adjust preparation protocols to prevent such problems from occurring

    Parents' Active Role and ENgagement in The review of their Stillbirth/perinatal death 2 (PARENTS 2) study: a mixed-methods study of implementation.

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    OBJECTIVE: When a formal review of care takes places after the death of a baby, parents are largely unaware it takes place and are often not meaningfully involved in the review process. Parent engagement in the process is likely to be essential for a successful review and to improve patient safety. This study aimed to evaluate an intervention process of parental engagement in perinatal mortality review (PNMR) and to identify barriers and facilitators to its implementation. DESIGN: Mixed-methods study of parents' engagement in PNMR. SETTING: Single tertiary maternity unit in the UK. PARTICIPANTS: Bereaved parents and healthcare professionals (HCPs). INTERVENTIONS: Parent engagement in the PNMR (intervention) was based on principles derived through national consensus and qualitative research with parents, HCPs and stakeholders in the UK. OUTCOMES: Recruitment rates, bereaved parents and HCPs' perceptions. RESULTS: Eighty-one per cent of bereaved parents approached (13/16) agreed to participate in the study. Two focus groups with bereaved parents (n=11) and HCP (n=7) were carried out postimplementation to investigate their perceptions of the process.Overarching findings were improved dialogue and continuity of care with parents, and improvements in the PNMR process and patient safety. Bereaved parents agreed that engagement in the PNMR process was invaluable and helped them in their grieving. HCP perceived that parent involvement improved the review process and lessons learnt from the deaths; information to understand the impact of aspects of care on the baby's death were often only found in the parents' recollections. CONCLUSIONS: Parental engagement in the PNMR process is achievable and useful for parents and HCP alike, and critically can improve patient safety and future care for mothers and babies. To learn and prevent perinatal deaths effectively, all hospitals should give parents the option to engage with the review of their baby's death