27 research outputs found

    Cochlear implant: indications, contraindications and complications

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    Cochlear implant (CI) is a surgically implanted electronic device that provides a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf. CI represents the current treatment for patients affected by profound sensorineu- ral hearing loss (SNHL). At first times, only deaf adults were considered to be candidates for a CI; however, with the development of technology and gained experience by pshycians, indications for cochlear implan- tation have been expanded. Today, CIs are implanted also in children and broader indications are followed. There are, however, a number of patients who are potential candidates for CI but do not completely fulfill the current indications. Residual hearing and duration of deafness represent prognostic indicators for CI per- formance; however, prelingually deafened adults and children with residual hearing are still point at issue. Anatomical variations such as cochlear malformation, ossification and chronic otitis media still represent a contraindication to CI for some surgeons. Although the technology for cochlear implant surgery is advanc- ing everyday, there may be several complications related to the device or operation and some of them can be healed only with medical therapy but some are serious enough to process to reimplantation. In this arti- cle the indications and contraindications for cochlear implant candidates and complications that may occur during or after the operation were reviewed under the light of the literature

    Recent graft materials in experimental study stage used in the treatment of nasal septum perforation: a review

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    Various conservative approaches are being used for the treatment of nasal septum perforations (NSPs); however, for permanent results, it is essential to use surgical methods. For this purpose, many various surgical methods have been tried, but a satisfactory method has not yet been determined. In order to eliminate the commonly encountered failure of surgical methods, new graft materials combined with flaps have been tried recently and successful results have been reported.In this review, we examined the scientific literature using Medline, PubMed, and Google by using the keywords "nasal septum perforation", "animal study", and "graft". According to the results obtained, we compiled graft materials that have been used in experimental stage related to this subject and reported to have achieved successful results, especially when combined with flaps. These materials seem promising for the successful closure of the hard-to-treat NSPs

    Case Report Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma with a Large Cystic Dilated Lymph Node Metastasis to the Neck Mimicking a Branchial Cleft Cyst: A Potential Pitfall

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    Lateral cervical cystic mass in a young adult very rarely could be a first sign of an occult thyroid papillary microcarcinoma metastasis. In this paper, we presented a 37-year-old male patient whose preoperative 6 cm left lateral cervical cystic mass was initially diagnosed as branchial cleft cyst, but then the postoperative histopathological examination of the mass was revealed as papillary thyroid carcinoma metastasis. Preoperative fine needle aspiration biopsy was relevant with a branchial cleft cyst. In the left thyroid lobe there were 3 solid nodules with 4, 6, and 12 mm dimensions, respectively. One of the nodules had malignant well-differentiated cells diagnosed after fine needle aspiration biopsy. After total thyroidectomy, histopathologic evaluation of biopsy material's showed papillary thyroid microcarcinomas. This case indicates that especially in a young adult lateral cervical cystic mass should be carefully considered preoperatively for the possibility of metastatic occult thyroid carcinoma, especially for papillary carcinoma in differential diagnosis, and evaluation of the thyroid gland should be taken into account

    Genetics of Nonsyndromic Congenital Hearing Loss

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    Congenital hearing impairment affects nearly 1 in every 1000 live births and is the most frequent birth defect in developed societies. Hereditary types of hearing loss account for more than 50% of all congenital sensorineural hearing loss cases and are caused by genetic mutations. HL can be either nonsyndromic, which is restricted to the inner ear, or syndromic, a part of multiple anomalies affecting the body. Nonsyndromic HL can be categorised by mode of inheritance, such as autosomal dominant (called DFNA), autosomal recessive (DFNB), mitochondrial, and X-linked (DFN). To date, 125 deafness loci have been reported in the literature: 58 DFNA loci, 63 DFNB loci, and 4 X-linked loci. Mutations in genes that control the adhesion of hair cells, intracellular transport, neurotransmitter release, ionic hemeostasis, and cytoskeleton of hair cells can lead to malfunctions of the cochlea and inner ear. In recent years, with the increase in studies about genes involved in congenital hearing loss, genetic counselling and treatment options have emerged and increased in availability. This paper presents an overview of the currently known genes associated with nonsyndromic congenital hearing loss and mutations in the inner ear

    Ossicular chain erosion in chronic otitis media patients with cholesteatoma or granulation tissue or without those: analysis of 915 cases

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    WOS: 000464861500006PubMed ID: 30759279Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the ossicular chain erosions (OCE) in chronic otitis media patients with cholesteatoma (COM-C) or without cholesteatoma (COM). Materials and methods The OCE and preoperative hearing levels of a total of 915 patients were evaluated retrospectively. Patients were divided into three groups. Of the 915 patients, 615 (67.2%) had COM, 234 (25.6%) had COM-C, and 66 (7.2%) had chronic otitis media with granulation tissue (COM-G). Results OCE was found in 291 (31.8%) of 915 patients. OCE was found in 192 (82%) of 234 patients with COM-C, 21 (31.8%) of 66 patients with COM-G, and 78 (12.7%) of 615 patients with COM. Conclusion The most commonly seen OCE was incus erosion, followed by stapes and malleus erosions. The results of this study show that there are more OCE in the COM-C group than in the COM-G and COM groups. To our knowledge, this study has the widest patient population in the literature focused on the OCE relation with COM, COM-C, and COM-G and its effect on the preoperative hearing level

    Bilateral Lower Cervical Bifurcation of the Common Carotid Artery

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    Lower cervical bifurcation of cervical common carotid artery (CCA) is a very rarely encountered anatomic variation. Knowing the normal vascular anatomy and also its anomalies is important in preventing the vascular complications. Ill-defined vascular anomalies may lead to massive hemorrhage and eventually death during head and neck surgery. Imaging of the neck by magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI), CT, or angiography is helpful for diagnosis. We present a 62-year-old male patient diagnosed with laryngeal carcinoma who had been treated. His MRI revealed bilateral low-level bifurcation of the cervical common carotid arteries as well as tumor localization and its boundaries. Total laryngectomy and right selective neck dissection was performed to the patient with the diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx. During the neck dissection, carotid bifurcation was detected in common border of Level 3 and Level 4 of the neck

    Assessment of mucosal changes associated with nasal splint in a rabbit model

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    INTRODUCTION: There is no consensus on duration of the nasal splint after nasal septum surgeries. The pressure of nasal splint on the mucosa may cause tissue necrosis and nasal septum perforation.OBJECTIVES: To investigate the histopathological changes of the nasal mucosa caused by nasal splints in a rabbit model.METHODS: No splint was used in group A. Bilateral silicone nasal splints were placed for five, ten, and 15 days in groups B, C, and D, respectively. Biopsy of the nasal mucosa was performed after removal of splint. Histopathologic evaluations were performed. The severity and depth of the inflammation were scored.RESULTS: Group A had a normal histological appearance. Comparison of the results of groups B, C, and D with group A demonstrated statistically significant differences with regards to the severity of histopathological findings. There was no statistically significant difference between groups B and C. There were statistically significant differences between the groups B and D, and also between groups C and D.CONCLUSIONS: Longer duration of nasal splint had a higher risk for septal perforation. Therefore, removal of the splint as soon as possible may be helpful for preventing potential perforations

    Tegmen Tympani Defect and Brain Herniation Secondary to Mastoid Surgery: Case Presentation

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    Brain herniation into the middle ear is very rarely seen. In addition to reasons like congenital factors, trauma, and infection, tegmen defect may develop as a result of iatrogenic events secondary to chronic otitis media surgery with or without cholesteatoma. Since it may cause life-threatening complications, patients must be evaluated and monitored for tegmen defect. In this paper, diagnosis and treatment of a brain herniation case due to iatrogenic tegmen defect were described along with relevant literature

    The effect of garlic derivatives (S-allylmercaptocysteine, diallyl disulfide, and S-allylcysteine) on gentamicin induced ototoxicity: An experimental study

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    Objectives Gentamicin is a potent aminoglycoside antibiotic. Ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity are the main side effects which restrict the use of gentamicin. Garlic with its intrinsic antioxidant activity may prove beneficial in prevention from ototoxicity. S-allylmercaptocysteine (SAMC), diallyl disulfide (DD), and S-allylcysteine (SAC) are three active compounds found in garlic. In this study, we investigated the effect of SAMC, DD, and SAC on the ototoxicity induced by gentamicin in rats, by using brainstem evoked response audiometry (BERA). Methods Thirty male Wistar rats with intact Preyer’s reflex initially weighing 220–260 g were randomly assigned to either the gentamicin injection with SAMC treatment group (Genta-w SAMC), DD treatment group (Genta-w DD), SAC treatment group (Genta-w SAC), gentamicin injection without any active compounds (AC) treatment groups (Genta-w/o AC), or control group (n=6 rats each group). Gentamicin was given 120-mg/kg body weight, intraperitoneally once daily for 25 days to subjects in all groups except the control group. SAMC 100-mg/kg, and DD 50-mg/kg body weight were given intragastrically, and SAC 250-mg/kg body weight was given intraperitoneally once daily to subjects in Genta-w SAMC, and Genta-w DD, and Genta-w SAC groups, respectively during the study. After 25 days hearing thresholds were evaluated by using BERA test. Results The mean amplitude of auditory thresholds (sensation level [SL]) measured by using BERA for the Genta-w SAMC, Genta-w DD, Genta-w SAC, Genta-w/o AC, and control groups were 22±8, 25±5, 30±9, 54±11, and 10±7 dB SL, respectively (mean±SD). The differences between every active compound group (Genta-w SAMC, Genta-w DD, and Genta-w SAC) and Genta-w/o AC were statistically significant (P<0.016). Conclusion SAMC, DD, and SAC are derivative of garlic seems to attenuate aminoglycoside-induced hearing loss. The effect of SAMC and DD seems to be more prominent than that of SAC