669 research outputs found

    Controlled dephasing in single-dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometers

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    We study the Fano effect and the visibility of the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations for a mesoscopic interferometer with an embedded quantum dot in the presence of a nearby second dot. When the electron-electron interaction between the two dots is considered the nearby dot acts as a charge detector. We compute the currents through the interferometer and detector within the Keldysh formalism and the self-energy of the non-equilibrium Green functions is found up to the second order in the interaction strength. The current formula contains a correction to the Landauer-B\"{uttiker} formula. Its contribution to transport and dephasing is discussed. As the bias applied on the detector is increased, the amplitude of both the Fano resonance and Aharonov-Bohm oscillations are considerably reduced due to controlled dephasing. This result is explained by analyzing the behavior of the imaginary part of the self-energy as a function of energy and bias. We investigate as well the role of the ring-dot coupling. Our theoretical results are consistent to the experimental observation of Buks {\it et al.} [Nature {\bf 391}, 871 (1998)].Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Interplay between superconductivity and itinerant magnetism in underdoped Ba1−x_{1-x}Kx_xFe2_2As2_2 (x=x= 0.2) probed by the response to controlled point-like disorder

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    The response of superconductors to controlled introduction of point-like disorder is an important tool to probe their microscopic electronic collective behavior. In the case of iron-based superconductors (IBS), magnetic fluctuations presumably play an important role in inducing high temperature superconductivity. In some cases, these two seemingly incompatible orders coexist microscopically. Therefore, understanding how this unique coexistence state is affected by disorder can provide important information about the microscopic mechanisms involved. In one of the most studied pnictide family, hole-doped Ba1−x_{1-x}Kx_xFe2_2As2_2 (BaK122), this coexistence occurs over a wide range of doping levels, 0.16~≲x≲\lesssim x \lesssim ~0.25. We used relativistic 2.5 MeV electrons to induce vacancy-interstitial (Frenkel) pairs that act as efficient point-like scattering centers. Upon increasing dose of irradiation, the superconducting transition temperature TcT_c decreases dramatically. In the absence of nodes in the order parameter this provides a strong support for a sign-changing s±s_{\pm} pairing. Simultaneously, in the normal state, there is a strong violation of the Matthiessen's rule and a decrease (surprisingly, at the same rate as TcT_c) of the magnetic transition temperature TsmT_{sm}, which indicates the itinerant nature of the long-range magnetic order. Comparison of the hole-doped BaK122 with electron-doped Ba(Fex_xCo1−x_{1-x})2_2As2_2 (FeCo122) with similar Tsm∼T_{sm}\sim110~K, x=x=0.02, reveals significant differences in the normal states, with no apparent Matthiessen's rule violation above TsmT_{sm} on the electron-doped side. We interpret these results in terms of the distinct impact of impurity scattering on the competing itinerant antiferromagnetic and s±s_{\pm} superconducting orders

    Superconductivity and Physical Properties of CaPd2Ge2 Single Crystals

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    We present the superconducting and normal state properties of CaPd2Ge2 single crystal investigated by magnetic susceptibility \chi, isothermal magnetization M, heat capacity C_p, in-plane electrical resistivity \rho and London penetration depth \lambda versus temperature T and magnetic field H measurements. Bulk superconductivity is inferred from the \rho(T) and C_p(T) data. The \rho(T) data exhibit metallic behavior and undergoes a superconducting transition with T_c onset = 1.98 K and zero resistivity state at T_c 0 = 1.67 K. The \chi(T) reveal the onset of superconductivity at 2.0 K. For T>2.0 K, the \chi(T) and M(H) are weakly anisotropic paramagnetic with \chi_ab > \chi_c. The C_p(T) confirm the bulk superconductivity below T_c = 1.69(3) K. The superconducting state electronic heat capacity is analyzed within the framework of a single-band \alpha-model of BCS superconductivity and various normal and superconducting state parameters are estimated. Within the \alpha-model, the C_p(T) data and the ab plane \lambda(T) data consistently indicate a moderately anisotropic s-wave gap with \Delta(0)/k_B T_c ~ 1.6, somewhat smaller than the BCS value of 1.764. The relationship of the heat capacity jump at T_c and the penetration depth measurement to the anisotropy in the s-wave gap is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 2 Tables; Submitted to PR
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