42 research outputs found

    Variabilitas Genetik Antara Tanaman Induk Manggis Dan Keturunannya

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    Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai bulan Januari sampai Mei 2002 di laboratorium Biologi Molekuler dan Immunologi,Unit Penelitian Bioteknologi Perkebunan-Bogor. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui variabilitas genetikantara tanaman induk manggis dan keturunannya. Observasi dilakukan menggunakan tiga tanaman induk manggisyang berasal dari Sumatera Barat, yaitu Balai Baru (Kodya Padang), Padang Laweh dan Subarang Sukam (KabupatenSawahlunto/Sijunjung) dengan keturunannya masing-masing. Tanaman keturunan berupa bibit semaian darimasing-masing tanaman induk yang berumur 1 tahun. Analisis variabilitas genetik dilakukan melalui teknik RAPDmenggunakan lima primer terseleksi, yaitu SB-13 (AGTCAGCCAC), SB-19 (CAGCACCCAC), OPH-12(ACGCGCATGT), OPH-13 (CACGCCACAC), dan OPH-18 (GAATCGGCCA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa terdapat variasi genetik antara induk manggis dan keturunannnya yang ditunjukkan oleh ketidakmiripan antarapola pita DNA. Variasi genetik rataan dari individu turunan adalah sebesar 56,35%. Hasil penelitian ini memperkuatinformasi tentang variabilitas genetik pada manggis, dan membuka peluang perbaikan varietas melalui seleksiterhadap populasi manggis indijenus.Kata kunci: Garcinia mangostana L.; Variabilitas genetik; Tanaman induk; Turunan; RAPD.AB STRACT. Mansyah, E., M. J. Anwaruddin Syah, F. Usman, and T. Purnama. 2004. Ge netic vari abil itybetween man go steen mother plants and their off springs. The re search was con ducted on Jan u ary un til May 2002 atMo lec u lar Bi ol ogy and Im mu nol ogy Lab o ra tory of Es tate Bio tech nol ogy Ex per i men tal Unit Bogor The ob jec tive ofthis study was to de ter mine the ge netic vari abil ity be tween man go steen mother plants and their off springs. Plant ma te -ri als used were three man go steen mother plants from West Sumatera i.e. Balai Baru (in clud ing in Padang mu nic i pal -ity), Padang Laweh, and Subarang Sukam (both in clud ing in Sawahlunto/Sijunjung re gency) and their off springs. Theoff springs were one year old seed ling which was de rived from each mother plants. Ge netic vari abil ity was ob served byus ing RAPD tech nique and five se lected prim ers i.e.: SB-13 (AGTCAGCCAC), SB-19 (CAGCACCCAC), OPH-12(ACGCGCATGT), OPH-13 (CACGCCACAC), and OPH-18 (GAATCGGCCA). The re sults showed that there werege netic variabilities be tween the mother plants and their off spring as in di cated by dis sim i lar i ties of DNA band ing pat -terns. The av er age of ge netic vari abil ity for the off spring was 56.35%. This re sults would sup port the in for ma tionabout the pres ence of ge netic vari abil ity on man go steen and lead ing to va ri etal im prove ment op por tu nity throughse lec tion of in dig e nous pop u la tion

    Spring-Charged Particles Model to Improved Shape Recovery:An Application for X-Ray Spinal Segmentation

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    Deformable models are widely used in medical image segmentation methods, to find not only single but also multiple objects within an image. They have the ability to follow the contours of an object of interest, define the boundary of ROI (Region Of Interest) and improve shape recovery. However, these methods still have limitations in cases of low image quality or clutter. This paper presents a new deformable model, the Spring-Charged Particles Model (SCPM). It simulates the movement of positively charged particles connected by springs, attracted towards the contour of objects of interest which is charged negatively, according to the gradient-magnitude image. Springs prevent the particles from moving away and keep the particles at appropriate distances without reducing their flexibility. SCPM was tested on simple shape images and on frontal X-ray images of scoliosis patients. Artificial noise was added to the simple images to examine the robustness of the method. Several configurations of springs and positively charged-particles were evaluated by determining the best spinal segmentation result. The performance of SCPM was compared to the Charged Fluid Model (CFM), Active Contours, and a convolutional neural network (CNN) with U-Net architecture to measure its ability for determining the curvature of the spinal column from frontal X-Ray images. The results show that SCPM is better at segmenting the spine and determining its curvature, as indicated by the highest Area Score value of 0.837, and the lowest standard deviation value of 0.028

    Tadpole serum activity (Rana catesbeiana) in caspase-3 as a marker of the role of apoptosis and total cytotoxic T lymphocytes in albino rats' epithelial cells induced by neoplasia

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    Aim: This study was conducted to examine the tadpole's serum activity (Rana catesbeiana) in caspase-3 as a marker of the role of apoptosis and total cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) in albino rats' epithelial cells induced by neoplasia. Tadpole serumcontains thyroxine hormone that may cause the metamorphosis process and control cell proliferation. Materials and Methods: Male rats were induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz (α)anthracene (DMBA) 20 mg/rats twice every week over 5 weeks to stimulate skin neoplasia. Tadpole serum injected intracutaneously after neoplasia is known. The negative control group (C−) was not exposed to DMBA and tadpole serum, while the positive control group (C+) was exposed to DMBA. Treatment groups (T1, T2, and T3) were exposed DMBA and tadpole serum 100%, 75%, and 25%/rat/ day, respectively. Samples of skin organ were be made preparations immunohistochemistry interacted with caspase-3 and CTL antibody as the marker. Results: Based on the result, immunohistochemistry from skin neoplasia and given therapy of tadpole serum show that Treatment 1 was the highest caspase-3 and CTL expression. The result of caspase-3 expression in C−, C+, T1, T2, and T3 was 0.00c±0.000, 0.70bc±0.141, 2.00a±0.283, 1.10b±0.424, and 1.15b±0.495, respectively. The result of CTL expression in C−, C+, T1, T2, and T3 was 0.10d±0.200, 1.00c±0.230, 2.10a±0.529, 1.70ab±0.258, and 1.35bc±0.443, respectively. Conclusion: It can be concluded from the study that tadpole serum (R. catesbeiana) 100% concentration can increase caspase-3 and total CTL in albino rats' epithelial cells induced by neoplasia