13,530 research outputs found

    Analytic Relations between Localizable Entanglement and String Correlations in Spin Systems

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    We study the relation between the recently defined localizable entanglement and generalized correlations in quantum spin systems. Differently from the current belief, the localizable entanglement is always given by the average of a generalized string. Using symmetry arguments we show that in most spin 1/2 and spin 1 systems the localizable entanglement reduces to the spin-spin or string correlations, respectively. We prove that a general class of spin 1 systems, which includes the Heisenberg model, can be used as perfect quantum channel. These conclusions are obtained in analytic form and confirm some results found previously on numerical grounds.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX

    Interband polarized absorption in InP polytypic superlattices

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    Recent advances in growth techniques have allowed the fabrication of semiconductor nanostructures with mixed wurtzite/zinc-blende crystal phases. Although the optical characterization of these polytypic structures is well eported in the literature, a deeper theoretical understanding of how crystal phase mixing and quantum confinement change the output linear light polarization is still needed. In this paper, we theoretically investigate the mixing effects of wurtzite and zinc-blende phases on the interband absorption and in the degree of light polarization of an InP polytypic superlattice. We use a single 8×\times8 k\cdotp Hamiltonian that describes both crystal phases. Quantum confinement is investigated by changing the size of the polytypic unit cell. We also include the optical confinement effect due to the dielectric mismatch between the superlattice and the vaccum and we show it to be necessary to match experimental results. Our calculations for large wurtzite concentrations and small quantum confinement explain the optical trends of recent photoluminescence excitation measurements. Furthermore, we find a high sensitivity to zinc-blende concentrations in the degree of linear polarization. This sensitivity can be reduced by increasing quantum confinement. In conclusion, our theoretical analysis provides an explanation for optical trends in InP polytypic superlattices, and shows that the interplay of crystal phase mixing and quantum confinement is an area worth exploring for light polarization engineering.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures and 1 tabl

    Cerebral and cardiovascular effects of analgesic doses of ketamine during a target controlled general anesthesia: a prospective randomized study

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    Introduction: Ketamine is increasingly being used in various pain settings. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of an analgesic dose of ketamine in the bispectral index (BIS), spectral edge frequency (SEF-95), density spectral array (DSA), cerebral oximetry (rSO2) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) during general anaesthesia with a target controlled infusion. Methods: A prospective, single-blinded and randomized study on adult patients scheduled for elective spine surgery was carried out. After anaesthesia induction with propofol, remifentanil and rocuronium, when a stable BIS value (45-55) was achieved, an automatic recording of BIS, SEF-95, rSO2 and MAP values during 9 min was performed to establish patients baseline values. Subsequently, patients were randomly assigned to receive a ketamine bolus dose of 0.2 mg/kg, 0.5 mg/kg or 1 mg/kg; all variables were recorded for additional 9 min after the ketamine bolus, in the absence of any surgical stimulus. A p-value <0.05 was considered significant in the statistical analysis. Results and discussion: Thirty-nine patients were enrolled in the study. Our results show a dose-related increase of SEF-95 and BIS values. DSA demonstrate a shift in the frequency range and power distribution towards higher frequencies. Our results do not show significant differences in MAP and rSO2 values. Conclusion: When ketamine is used intraoperatively in analgesic doses, the anaesthetist should anticipate an increase in SEF-95 and BIS values which will not be associated with the level of anaesthesia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Topological flux sectors in extended U(1) gauge theory on T^4

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    We consider the 4d compact U(1) gauge theory with fundamental-adjoint action on a hypertorus. We give a full characterization of the phase diagram of this model in terms of topological flux sectors.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figures, Lattice2002(topology

    Tratamento e reciclagem de águas residuárias em sistema intensivo de produção de leite.

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    Abate humanitário de crocodilianos.

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    Para a implantação da prática de abate humanitário para os jacarés foi desenvolvida pela Gil Equipamentos e a Embrapa Pantanal, a pistola ZILKA (Fig.1). A pistola foi desenvolvida para atender uma solicitação de pesquisa da Embrapa Pantanal a durante a execução do projeto de manejo experimental do jacaré-do-pantanal, Caiman crocodilus yacare, no Pantanal Sul. A pistola causa respostas de sensibilidade nos jacarés com um rápido estado de inconsciência e a incapacidade de respostas a estímulos externos. Essa etapa é fundamental para garantir o abate dentro dos princípios humanitários, uma vez que garantirá a inconsciência dos jacarés até a sangria. A pistola ZILKA também pode ser usada para abate de outros animais criados em cativeiro (ovinos e caprinos) ou animais oriundos de manejo na natureza.bitstream/item/37477/1/CT59.pd

    Diversidade de Scarabaeoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera) coletados com armadilha de interceptação de voo no Distrito Federal.

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    Os representantes da superfamília Scarabaeoidea formam um grupo diverso de organismos que apresentam diferentes hábitos alimentares e comportamento. Esses insetos são normalmente coletados utilizando-se armadilhas de queda ou armadilha luminosa. Entretanto, o uso de armadilha de interceptação de voo pode revelar diferenças na diversidade em Scarabaeoidea, principalmente no Distrito Federal, onde o seu uso é pouco comum. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a diversidade (riqueza e abundância) de Scarabaeoidea coletados com armadilha de interceptação de voo no Distrito Federal. O estudo foi conduzido em uma área de Cerrado (cerradão) (Planaltina/DF) onde foi instalada uma armadilha de interceptação de voo, composta por uma tela de sombrite preto (1 x 2 m), esticada em posição perpendicular ao solo deixando-se um espaço de &#8776;10 cm em relação ao solo onde foram encaixadas cinco bandejas plásticas contendo água e detergente. Semanalmente, entre outubro/2013 e abril/2014, os Scarabaeoidea foram coletados e identificados em nível de gênero. Foram coletados 504 espécimes de Scarabaeoidea pertencentes a 3 famílias (Scarabaeidae, Melolonthidae e Geotrupidae) e 24 gêneros (Anomiopus, Anthicheira, Ataenius, Athyreus, Bolbapium, Canthidium, Canthon, Coprophanaeus, Deltochillum, Dendropaemon, Dichotomius, Eurysternus, Eutrichillum, Isonychus, Leucothyreus, Lobogeniates, Lyogenis, Neoathyreus, Ontherus, Oxysternon, Paranomala, Phyllophaga, Plectris e Trizogeniates). Coprophanaeus (n=85) e Oxysternon (n=80) foram os gêneros mais abundantes e juntamente com Deltochillum, Neoathyreus, Eurysternus, Eutrichillum e Dichotomius representaram 84,3% do total coletado. A família Scarabaeidae apresentou maior abundância (n=410) e riqueza (12 gêneros). A maior abundância de Scarabaeoidea foi observada entre novembro e dezembro/2013 (68,8% do total coletado). A armadilha de interceptação de voo se mostrou adequada para coleta de Scarabaeoidea revelando alta diversidade coletada