23 research outputs found

    Perception Of Early Grade Teachers Of Madrasah Ibtadaiyah Towards Attributes Innovations Of Thematic Learning

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    Thematic learning is an integrated learning model that links or combines several subjects in one particular theme, in order to make it easier for students to see meaningful relationships, and make it easier for them to understand the material/concept as a whole. This study aims to analyze the perceptions of early grade MI teachers in Bireuen Regency towards thematic learning as an innovation based on its attributes (relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability and observability). This study used a quantitative approach and diffusion research procedures developed by Rogers. The data in this study were collected by giving questionnaires to 29 MI early grade teachers in Bireuen District. The results showed that the thematic learning innovation attributes were relatively positively perceived by MI early grade teachers. Thus thematic learning is perceived to be more profitable (relative advantage) than previous learning models, a high level of compatibility with the values ​​and norms adopted by the community, easy to implement (low level of complexity), trialability (can be tried out) and Early grade MI teachers perceive negatively the observability attribute

    Implementasi Program Pendidikan Profesi Gurur Dalam Jabatan Bidang Studi Guru Kelas SD di Era Covid-19

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    This study aims to identify the implementation of the In-service Teacher Professional Education (PPGDJ) program, especially in the field of study for elementary school teachers at Makassar State University (UNM) in the COVID-19 era. This research was carried out in April-July 2021 at the Makassar State University (UNM) Teacher Professional Education Study Program (Prodi). Subjects in this study included lecturers, civil servant teachers, and PPGDJ students for elementary school teachers. This study used a qualitative approach with case study design. Sources of data were obtained from program managers, supervisors, civil servants, PPGDJ students, elementary school teachers. The technique of collecting research data is through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis method. The results of the research. Implementation of the PPG In Position program in the field of study for elementary school teachers at UNM in the COVID-19 era was carried out well. It is proven by all stages of implementing the PPG program in the field of study for elementary school teachers at UNM that are well organized and structured. This increases the competence of teachers, both pedagogical competence, personality competence, social competence, and professional competence which gives birth to the expected professional teachers. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic which forced PPG students in the field of study for elementary class teachers to be able to master Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in line with increasing teachers' IT abilities. So that teachers feel satisfied and optimistic in providing changes in learning in schools for the better.  Keywords: Program Implementation, Teacher Education, COVID-1


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang perbandingan kepercayaan diri terhadap kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa kelas tinggi di sekolah dasar. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei. Populasi dan sampel adalah siswa kelas tinggi yang berjumlah 104 siswa di SDN Jatipadang 01 Pagi. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuesioner dengan 10 pernyataan kepercayaan diri dan 10 pernyataan kemampuan berkomunikasi. Diperoleh hasil penelitian kepercayaan diri siswa menunjukkan kriteria baik dan hasil kemampuan berkomunikasi menunjukkan kriteria baik yang artinya, rata-rata siswa kelas tinggi di SDN Jatipadang 01 Pagi memiliki kepercayaan diri dan kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik


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    This research aims to gain an in-depth understanding of the form and modulation of metaphor translation from French to Indonesian, its use in the communicative context of speech events. Furthermore, this study also looks at the relevance of the results of the translation of the form and modulation with mediation, plurilingual and pluricultural competences in the CEFR European standard language proficiency. The data sources used are the Novel Vingt-Milles Lieues Sous Les Mers by Jules Verne and its translated novel 20.000 Mil di bawah Laut by NH Dini. The data in this study is a metaphor in a broad sense. The most dominant form of metaphor translation used is reproduction. Next, there are substitutions and paraphrases. The combined form of reproduction+paraphrasing is found in the VLM metaphor translation. Equivalence of meaning is obtained by using explicit and implicit modulation, special and general meanings, and point of view. The context of speech events contributes to producing an equivalent and natural translation. The results of this translation indicate that translation activities are complex language activities and require precision and accuracy. Translating literary works requires cultural mastery and an advanced level of linguistic mastery. The competencies are described in the Petra Project terms of reference contained in the CEFR 2020 and CECRL 2018 terms of reference. Translating skills require guided practice acquired through a well-oriented education. The ability to understand metaphors and other cultures and be able to compare them by providing analogies in the local culture is a plurilingual and pluricultural competence


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    Motivation ist he power, need, enthusiasm, pressure, or psychological mechanism that drives a person or group of people. Encourages a person or group of people to achieve certain achievements according to their own desires. Concentration is the concentration of mind and focus on something. Wordwall learning media is a technology-based digital application to support learning. The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the level of motivation and concentration of students in the use of wordwall as an Indonesian language learning media. The results of this study were obtained with 55% of students very good level of concentration and motivation in the use of wordwall application. This is in line with the purpose of this study which is to increase students’ motivation and concentration in learning


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    Physical Education, Sports, and Health have a very important role to make us strong and skilledhuman beings. This study shows that education is not only about academics, but also preparesindividuals to face life's challenges. PJOK provides more than just physical health, it also develops social, emotional, and moral aspects. The BOKS program is an initiative to improve children's welfare through physical activities and nutrition education at the elementary school level. The purpose of this study was to measure the extent of student activity in BOKS Nutrition activities in PJOK subjects in elementary school lower grades. Researchers use quantitative research methods of survey type with instruments in the form of questionnaires. The population in this study was all low-grade students in elementary school with a total of 100 students. The results of this study obtained the level of student activeness with an average percentage of 64% included in the very good majority category which reflects the high involvement of students in learning. This confirms the importance of innovation in PJOK learning, including the use of interesting and effective methods, as well as continuous evaluation of their impact on the quality of learning and student activity

    Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Profesi Guru (PPG) dalam Peningkatan Kompetensi Pedagogik Pendidik PAUD

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    Kegiatan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat persepsi peserta pelaksanaan pendidikan profesi guru yang dilaksanakan bagi yang dilaksanakan pada Mapel PAUD di UHAMKA. Melalui pelaksanaan PPG yang diselengarakan bagi pendidik PAUD bertujuan dalam upaya peningkatan mutu kompetensi pedagogik dengan latar belakang aplikasi model pembelajaran yang berbeda. Melalui pendekatan kuantitatif penelitian ini mengukur persepsi peserta terhadap pelaksanaan PPG. Melalui data yang diperoleh akan didapatkan gambaran pelaksanaan PPG bagi peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik pada pendidik PAUD. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilaksanakan didapatkan data bahwa peaksanaan PPG dapat membawa dampak positif dalam peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik pendidik PAUD. Peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik yaitu dalam bentuk pengelolaan kelas, pengembangan kurikulum, penyelenggaraan pembelajaran di dalam kelas, penguasaan teori pembelajaran, menyelenggarakan penilaian dan evaluasi pembelajaran, memanfaatkan teknologi di dalam pembelajaran.Kegiatan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat persepsi peserta pelaksanaan pendidikan profesi guru yang dilaksanakan bagi yang dilaksanakan pada Mapel PAUD di UHAMKA. Melalui pelaksanaan PPG yang diselengarakan bagi pendidik PAUD bertujuan dalam upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan dan pembelajaran dengan latar belakang aplikasi model pembelajaran yang berbeda. Kegiatan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang digunakan untuk mengukur persepsi peserta terhadap pelaksanaan PPG. Melalui data yang diperoleh akan didapatkan gambaran pelaksanaan PPG bagi peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik pada pendidik PAUD. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilaksanakan didapatkan data bahwa peaksanaan PPG dapat membawa dampak positif dalam peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik pendidik PAUD. Peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik yaitu dalam bentuk pengelolaan kelas, pengembangan kurikulum, penyelenggaraan pembelajaran di dalam kelas, penguasaan teori pembelajaran, menyelenggarakan penilaian dan evaluasi pembelajaran, memanfaatkan teknologi di dalam pembelajaran

    Improving Narrative Writing Skills Through Video Media Utilization in Class V Students of Malaka Jaya Elementary School 07 Morning

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    This study aims to improve the narrative writing skills of Class V students through the use of video media. This study is action research conducted at SDN Malaka Jaya 07 Pagi East Jakarta. The subjects of the study were Class V students, amounting to 31 students. The research was divided into two cycles (after the pre-cycle), each cycle having two and three meetings. The data analysis technique was performed by using a qualitative descriptive technique. The success of this study is seen from two criteria, namely from the observation sheet after applying video utilization and from the increasing results of narrative writing skills. The study results obtained from the use of video are to make students active in finding information and making writing and skilled at developing and utilizing their own knowledge. It is hoped that the improvement in the skills to write narration will be clearly seen in the initial cycle and increase in cycle 2 (Two). This can be seen from the initial percentage. Students who are not yet skilled or not enthusiastic/interested in writing narration by 49%, then the percentage of results in the first cycle (second meeting) is 40% and at the end of the second cycle, (third meeting) students who are not interested write only 11%. Overall at the end of the second cycle all aspects and criteria for narrative writing experienced a significant increase


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    Penelitian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk menemukan karakter yang terbentuk dalam pembelajaran sentra. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kulaitatif. Pada tahap penelitian mengikuti alur penelitian maju bertahap dari Spradley. Proses pengumpulan data menggunakan pengamatan, wawancara dan analisis. Analisis data meliputi: analisis domain, taksonomi, komponen, dan tema. Hasil penelitian menunjukan: kegiatan pembelajaran BCCT membentuk delapan karakter: religius, disiplin,jujur, mandiri, kreatif, kerja keras, bersahabat, dan tanggung jawab